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Take Flight — Silent Moon Plateau 
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Played by Maeby who has 59 posts.
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Mahle psyxḗ

Mahle turned to admire her project, the very one she started upon her arrival. With a gasp, she found herself truly in awe. "So this is it.." Eyes sparkling, she inched toward her masterpiece. "My Medicine den!" The excitement was so overbearing she could have  fainted, in fact, it was odd she hadn't. With a smug grin, she mozied on inside.

Having spent the majority of her day completing a rather basic stock of herbs, the cream-pelted female found it only fair to take time for herself, time in which she'd spend mending a small altar together in a far corner of the small covert. Nothing fancy, perhaps a few flowers, rocks, maybe some twigs. Preferably ones her Deities liked, plenty of fresh lavender. To her surprise, it was really coming together. "Almost done.. Could use some cowbane.." Pretty plant, though lethal if you don't know what you're doing. Mahle recalled an incident within her previous home, a young pup had managed to get a hold of the flora, messy situation it was. "Mmm. Better not." stepping back from the project, she pondered over what her next activity would include.

Trotting outside once more, Mahle figured it best to report back to her princess. She hadn't seen much of Celandine as of late, it was quite peculiar really. Making a small call to her majesty, the yearling waited patiently and ready to please. Days were really looking up now, and it was all thanks to a generous white wolf she'd one day address as Queen. 'Wonder if she'll be excited to see I no longer appear half dead!'

(This post was last modified: Jun 11, 2015, 01:53 AM by Mahle.)
I'm a mountain that has been moved,
I'm a fugitive that has no legs to run.
I'm a preacher with no pulpit,
Spewing a sermon that goes on and on.
Played by Pinn who has 460 posts.
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Celandine Argyris

Every whiff of that disgusting cub scent, every glimpse of a new mother hurrying back to her children, each, and every wail from a natal den had the fallen princess wishing that she hadn't returned. The Plateau held nothing for her anymore, and yet there she was, pale paws traversing her former kingdom. Maybe it was simply habit that called her back, though the yearling was disdained by routine. It was always too easy, too safe.

When she found herself standing before Mahle's den, the yearling couldn't recall how she had gotten there. She had been near the borders, hadn't she? Her subconscious was plotting against her now too. Fantastic. A call from behind left the Argyris with little hope of avoiding the situation altogether. She was getting good at it; good at ignoring everyone, and everything. Life was somehow easier, lost in her own mind, but there was no getting out of this. She'd already been seen. Maybe it was for her own good, though Celandine could hardly see it that way. How pathetic, that the healer was now the only one left that she could trust. The Psyxe girl probably held some secret agenda as well, as ready as anyone to steal what little the princess still held; a wolf in sheep's clothing. Fortunately, Mahle's agenda didn't seem to matter anymore. If she wanted to betray her saviour than so be it. No betrayal could ever hurt as much as the one Phineas had already bestowed upon her, packaged in the most horrendous wrapping, and placed smack dab in the middle of her own god damned kingdom.

A fit of giggles erupted from her throat then. Completely unwarranted, and out of place, but there it was, echoing into her servant's face. The bubbles of laughter stopped as suddenly as they began. Still in the middle of some strange breakdown, staying rooted in her spot was all the girl could do. 

"I require something." Dry, and cracked from disuse, she let the words settle in the air. Mahle had promised to serve her, hadn't she? Wasn't that what the rabbits were for? To replace what had been taken by Celandine's little pet? She was having trouble remembering.

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[Image: YCWYGS9.png]
Played by Maeby who has 59 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mahle psyxḗ

Much like the undead in appearance, her princess finally made an approach to the den. It wouldn't take a genius to realize something was severely wrong with Celandine. Quickly raising her defenses, Mahle studied the yearling's behavior.. 'What the.. fuck?' Certain the stark yearling had gone mad, the novice healer tried nonchalantly putting distance between the two. "Celandine.. Not to be rude, but you're eyes.. They look.. hallow? Are you..." frantically running through different herbs in her head, she grew horribly displeased at the realization that no plant could fix crazy. "Are you suffering from sleep deprivation? I could get you some yarrow..." Only to make matters worse, the supposedly now-insane wolf abruptly began giggling. Why was she giggling? 'Celandine...'

Worried, the medicine wolf was now skeptical of bringing her loony friend into the new den. She'd worked so hard on it, and in all honesty, she didn't want her princess to destroy it in the midst of her... whatever she was going through. The heiresses words cut through her like a dagger, fear intensified in the yearlings stomach, something just didn't feel right about the snowy wolf's tone. "You sound parched.. Perhaps we should find some water m'lady?" Instantly regretting making a suggestion, she allowed her tail to tuck neatly in between her hind legs. "I'd me more than happy to help you with whatever it is you might need.."

Mahle wouldn't of invited the princess over to begin with had she known she was.. working through some things. She quickly made a safety prayer to the high spirits. After overcoming such a long journey, it'd be a real pity for her friend to request something stupid. 'Please, let me be over-exaggerating. I think I'm in need of assistance.'

I'm a mountain that has been moved,
I'm a fugitive that has no legs to run.
I'm a preacher with no pulpit,
Spewing a sermon that goes on and on.
Played by Pinn who has 460 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Celandine Argyris

Concern was upon Mahle's features almost immediately, though the tawny woman seemed hesitant. Was it fear, or disgust at Celandine's inability to hold her claim that kept the medicine wolf at bay? The youth would have placed her bet on disgust, but that hardly mattered now. The healer had believed in her cause once, even used the term 'your majesty', hadn't she? The she-wolf interrupted her train of thought by spewing something about sleep deprivation. How nice it would have been, to be able to sleep her problems away, as if the future would look brighter in the morning. "I don't need yarrow." Or maybe she did. The female knew little to nothing about herbs. Just another stage in her 'training' that had been lost. 

"No water." Had she not been such a wreck, she might have been self-conscious about the rough edge in her tone, or perhaps reveled in the submissive posture Mahle took on. Power was everything, after all, and she was nothing without it. "I need.." Sighing, the pale girl dropped to her hindquarters, as if she wasn't strong enough to hold herself against the force of gravity. "I don't know. I need something, anything to make this..." She hated the next part, and hated herself even more for saying it. "Feeling go away. Please.." Celandine would not beg further. If nothing else, she had to keep some semblance of her pride in tact, though most of it was in shambles. There was nothing quite as sad, or sobering, than realizing that you've worked your entire life towards an unattainable goal.

(This post was last modified: Jun 28, 2015, 03:21 AM by Celandine.)
Have you seen my OOC preferences?
[Image: YCWYGS9.png]
Played by Maeby who has 59 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mahle psyxḗ

Was this desperation that the princess was expressing? Mahle had ever thought she'd be unfortunate enough to experience such a sight. After all, Celandine was the strongest willed wolf she'd ever encountered. To be blunt, it was a bit depressing to witness. "Celandine.." Her voice grew soft as she spoke, hoping it would somewhat soothe the snow-white beauty. "W-what feeling is it? What are your symptoms?"

If it wasn't sleep deprivation, nor dehydration, then what? The yearling gave her princess one last glance before trotting back into the comfort of her little space she'd called a den. 'Lavender, where'd I put the lavender?' carefully inspecting her little stock, the tawny medic snatched up a small bundle of the purple flower. Lavender was a known stress reliever, and stress was something Celandine had obviously been plagued with. Making her way back to the heir, Mahle gently placed the flora in front of her. "This might sound strange, but you need to ingest this.." Hopefully she was in her right mind enough to listen to the command, it really would help the situation prosper to have a bit of cooperation. "Make sure to gobble it all up, it's necessary. " she added, maintaining her lulling channel.

Though it wouldn't be the best solution Mahle'd ever came up with, the legendary magic mushroom came to mind. Though could she really give Celandine such a plant? The medic had never ingested them herself, but had heard tale's of their power. Perhaps if this was a matter of depression, she'd have to do what was necessary. 'Let's use that as a last resort.. I don't have any recollection of it's whereabouts any who. Somewhere near here I believe..'

(This post was last modified: Jun 28, 2015, 06:25 AM by Mahle.)
I'm a mountain that has been moved,
I'm a fugitive that has no legs to run.
I'm a preacher with no pulpit,
Spewing a sermon that goes on and on.