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the flutterby conundrum — Willow Ridge 
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Played by Grey who has 228 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Niles Archer Lyall

Again her words graced his bat-like ears and he relished them, even more so after a light hug of her pressing him to her. His tail beat at the ground in relief though it grew still upon hearing her question the why of it all. His nose wrinkled and he slowly withdrew from her, sitting so that they were shoulder to shoulder with him angled towards her. "Isn't it s'posed to eat the rabbits and the deers?" she had asked and it made his mousy brow come down earnest thought. She even had a better question than that: "Do we eat flutterby?"

His head tilted to one side, held level once again for a few moments before he canted his head again. "Mmm..." he hummed, his lips straight across his maw for minutes until he came up with something of an intellectual reasoning. "No?" Glancing down at his paw beside hers he decided that maybe his answer would be satisfactory and grinned at her with a goofy smile. His tail had begun to move to and fro again and he gave her a rather obvious observation - "Issi nawt a fawg." - which, perhaps, by deductive reasoning meant that they didn't eat flutterbies.

"Maybe... Maybe we eat fawg?" he offered, even more resolute, slowly standing up and taking a step towards the places where the hopper had been chased off to. "Les go git it?" His tongue lolled from his mouth and his tail picked up a more enthusiastic rhythm; everything about his body language wanting his sister to join him on an escapade to catch the slimy-skinned villain and hold him accountable before their mother or father. Then, maybe, they could find out together if it was okay to sample...

[Image: grey-autumn2014sigNILES.png]
we can say goodbye, just head home, but if we're going to be alone
Chimera is currently traveling with Niles and may hop into this IC thread!
Played by Riley who has 7 posts.
Inactive Pup
Isolde Archer Lyall
hnngg /rises from the dead w terrible post

No, Niles said, an answer Isolde furrowed her brow to hear. But he grinned and his tail began to sway from side to side, crescendoing into a to and fro wag that suggested this was as right as the universe, because Issi nawt a fawg. "Oh, das right," she agreed with a somber pout, as if that had been of some news to her. Slowly her pout stretched into a grin, giggling while she shook her head and laid her paw upon her brother's shoulder as if she were clapping him on the back. "Duh! Issi not fawg and Niles not one neither." How could she forget?? This fit perfectly with her ever morphing logic.

Niles stood, on to something. Her golden eyes were round as the sun as she soaked in his revelation that maybe they were capable of eating the frog. Great scott, he was an even better scientist than her! He inched toward the horizon where just moments before Isolde had seen him pretty much break the sound barrier with how quickly and viciously he'd warned off the frog. The excitement of the mission was contagious as she too stood up and paced forward, her white toes gripping the earth readily. Her eyes slid from the horizon to meet Niles', a puppy tooth grin her nonverbal answer to his proposal. Without a warning she dug her paws into the ground and pushed off into a dopey run, strides too wide for her short-and-stout frame. "C'mon! We go!"

[Image: isolde-greypixel01.gif]