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Go forth and prosper — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by Ghost who has 291 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Draven Leigh

Draven could not deny the pride he felt when he noticed he was the first to arrive to Namid's call, beating even Vespertio. Tail beat against the ground for several more moments, only increasing in speed when she addressed that she was happy he had come. In fact it caused his small smile to increase to an all out beam though before he could respond with more pleasantries the male alpha arrived. The boy did not know him nearly as well as his mate but dropped his smile and gaze none the less, whining slightly and licking his nose in submission.

Two more wolves arrived in quick succession, the green eyes following them as they greeted the alpha's and took their seats. The female leaned against the male and it took only a quick few twitches of his nose to identify that she was also injured. Suddenly Draven felt guilty that he had been hogging the infirmary when he obviously was not the only wolf within the pack that needed it. Dropping his gaze away from the pair and back towards his dark paws the Lagina couldn't help but wonder just how long he would be welcome here if he kept pushing his luck.

However the boy did not have time to wallow in his misery very long before being distracted by the approach of a familiar scent. Raising his eyes hopefully his heart flip-flopped in his chest at the sight of Neha, heat rising up his neck. Well that was odd, he had seen her a dozen times before why did he suddenly have such a dry mouth? Maybe he should ask Namid if any of the herbs she gave him might cause such strange side effects.

Draven had no idea how long he had been staring until he suddenly realized she had asked him a question. Embarrassed he looked down once more, heat intensifying along his maw. His answers was a muffled, "Good, thank you." The Lagina's embarrassment continued to grow as the alpha singled him out and he had to suppress a groan. He was beyond thankful for everything she had done for him but the spotlight was not somewhere he craved to be. The heat began to fade as she continued on with more important topics and the dark tail beat against the ground at the announcement of her pregnancy. This was good news at least.

[Image: draven-greypixel01.gif]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

While waiting for the others to arrive Kajika pondered what Namid would want to meet with them about, at least until Moonshadow arrived. She greeted the alpha’s first as she should before coming to sit next to him and greeting him with a lick to the jaw which he returned with a nudge to her cheek. He did worry about her since the bear attack and the injury she’d received but it seemed to be on the mend and she’d been keeping up with her training. Kajika hoped that she knew her limits and would take it easy when she needed to. Soon enough his attention was brought to the arrival by the rest of the pack members which meant that the meeting would be starting soon of which he was grateful since he really did hate the waiting part.

Just as he had thought Namid began speaking once everyone had arrived. As spoke about the young male Kajika let his gaze drift over to him. The youngster was no longer a visitor but part of their ranks, This didn’t come as too much of a surprise. He didn’t have a problem with that as long as the young male stayed true to the pack. The next bit of news was a little bit of a surprise to Kajika though it shouldn’t have been. He agreed who heartedly with Namid about it being exciting news, though only a year ago he’d been worried about the arrival of the puppies. This year however he may be able to impart some of his knowledge on the puppies as their teacher.

(This post was last modified: Jun 17, 2016, 04:34 PM by Kajika.)
[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Grae who has 898 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall

OOC! Out of character comments here

Her alphas returned her greeting as well as her teacher. Kajika returned her greeting with a nudge to her cheek. Shortly after the dark woman arrived, Neha, Nathaniel, and Cernan all arrived and the meeting was started. Namid began by addressing the young boy Draven, and how he had joined their ranks. She was happy to see another young wolf being taken in as one of their own just as she had been. Her tail wagged as she smiled at the boy who was clearly embarrassed to be put on the spot.

Moonshadow turned her head back to the den as Namid continued to speak. Puppies! The news of puppies excited the young woman as her tail reflected. She hadn’t actually ever been around super young puppies while not being one herself, but she remembers the older wolves from her birth pack interacting with her and her siblings. She absolutely loved learning from them all and hoped to be able to do the same for the newest members of her family.

Silver eyes look over her packmates to gage their reactions about this news; well more particularly the two youngest Vuesains. She wondered how well they were going to fare now knowing they wouldn’t be the only children.

[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]
Played by AshBash who has 357 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vespertio Vuesain

Gradually the wait for the remaining members to flock toward the meeting was over and golden eyes surveyed the various faces of his growing family both blood relation and not, although a mental note was taken upon noticing the missing presence of Aleister; again. After this gathering was adjourned the agouti father would most likely seek out the rebellious son to hear what grand excuse was to be woven to make up for not arriving to a pack meeting, hopes that the boy wasn't beginning to think he was above the rules being an alpha's child and and all starting to take root.

The idea had little time to develop further, though, as Namid began with a clearing of her throat and opening the meeting with an introduction to their latest member to join the fold. A look of embarrassment from being singled out not overlooked by the regal male. His wife continued on to drop a bigger piece of news for those below to digest. Informing them of her latest physical development and the prospect that there will be pups to care for later down the road. It was with this piece of information that a grin broke out across Vesper's face, pride swelling the confines of his chest that now began to puff out a bit. It was a rocky journey with the first litter, but they had all survived and the father had little doubts the next litter will follow closely in their footsteps.

Especially with more wolves this year to be hands-on with their rearing this go around including older siblings. Of course there would be that hole where Anthem left his mark, but that didn't stop Vesper from noticing the leaps and bounds Kajika had been making to mirror the great guardian as well as his healing companion Moonshadow whom was learning fast from her teacher despite recovering from her injury. He knew the pups would be in great hands, both last year and the developing ones now in Namid's womb.

Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 71 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nathaniel ColdHeart

Nathaniel didn't have to wonder long after Cernan's whereabouts, and while he was happy to see that the kid was alright, a little piece of him was disappointed that now he did not have an excuse to leave. Oh well. The would-be-guardian's eyes lifted to Namid as her voice commanded the air, politely listening to whatever this was all about.

She introduced Draven, the new boy who very much did not look like he enjoyed the spotlight. The kid was the same age as their own, making it a bit odd for him to have joined them alone. Whatever his story was, Nathaniel didn't think on it long. It wasn't really any of his business, much less his concern. The only youths he actually cared about were the princess and her guardian brother, and he doubted (more so hoped) no more would imprint themselves upon him in the same way.

Next to come was news that Namid was, once more, pregnant. A frown threatened to press down the corners of Nathaniel's mouth, but he was successful in maintaining a outwardly neutral reaction. The fact of what was growing within her had become evident through her scent already, but that was bad enough to have to catch in her scent every time they crossed paths. To hear it aloud just hurt his ears, and his paws itched to go back to his duties so that he could pretend it wasn't so.

Played by Mai who has 201 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Neha Vuesain

Her dark lips curled in a soft, friendly smile. Draven still seemed rather shy, if the tone of his voice was any clue. Earthen eyes lingered over his youthful frame a moment longer, as if to reassure herself that he was indeed, healing well. She opened her mouth to speak, but the familiar presence of her larger, tawny colored brother silenced any words forming on her tongue. Cernan was always welcomed in sharing her space, regardless of what she was doing at the time, or whom she might be with. As he took a seat next to her, she offered her littermate a silent, affectionate greeting by shifting ever so slightly, to press the weight of her shoulder against his. 

Should Aleister ever show his face again, the youngest Vuesain would be met with anything but a warm reception. Oh, would she ever have words for him! A proper introduction between herself, Cernan and Draven could come later. Right now her mother was speaking, signaling the official start of the meeting. While boisterous and energetic, Neha was not so impulsive as to draw away the focus from where it should be. Pack meetings were always important, and she understood that. Namid started off by introducing Draven to the rest of the pack, putting the shy boy in the spotlight. While the black lad only seemed to remain quiet and humble, she on the other hand, offered him a warm nod of encouragement. It may have been fate that brought him here, beyond his control, but now he was just as much a Cove wolf as any of them.

Her heart lurched in her throat excitedly, once Namid spoke again of the new lives growing in her belly. Her ears flattened and then raised back up again. She was not upset by the news, having known for sometime now, when her parents pulled her and Cernan aside. It was just...she still could not quite comprehend how tiny little wolves were growing in her momma, when she wasn't even showing any physical sign of her pregnancy yet. The idea of having more brothers and sisters excited her. She could pass on her growing knowledge to them, show them the wonders of the world. What the future may hold was uncertain, but Neha hoped to be there to guide them. The only crinkle in all this was that the sister to be would be absent for the birth of her younger siblings, and the following months of their lives. Yet, the Lake Princess had her own path laid out before her, and she would not stray from it.
Neha can often be found close to Aleister's side and therefore may appear in any of his threads.
Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain
Unless your character has questions, feel free to make this next post your exit!

Namid did note the embarrassment that hung in Draven’s posture, but she didn’t regret her actions. They would all have to get to know him at some point, she might as well help the process along. As her gaze scanned the wolves before them, she was pleased to see that they seemed to share the same excitement that their alphas did about the announcement. Mismatched gaze slid to her husband, taking notice of the small puff in his chest and she held back a laugh. Always the prideful one he was, but she loved him for it. What was there to not be proud of anyhow? They had wonderful children, a group of wonderful pack members, and a new brood on the way. Life seemed to be going rather well for them.

“The next important topic is of a journey to rendezvous with our allies down the mountain in Grizzly Hollow. Vespertio, Neha, Cernan, Aleister, and myself will be gone for approximately five days for this, and in that time Nathaniel will be in charge,” her mismatched gaze slid to him and a warm, encouraging smile lifting the corners of her maw. “You all already know your duties well, and I suspect everything will be just fine in our absence. Do try not to run the poor man ragged if you do have any questions for him. And, as a precaution, if anyone should come to the borders asking for either Vespertio or myself call for Nathaniel but do not lead on that we are not within the territory. If you have any questions feel free to ask now, but if not you are free to return to your day. Thank you,” the pale queen finished with a thankful dip of her crown. Then she straightened and prepared for any questions that might be had.

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Played by Ghost who has 291 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Draven Leigh

The news that half the pack would make a trip down to another pack; their allies Grizzly Hollows was surprising and...concerning. In his limited experience of pack affairs visits to allies didn't exactly seem to speak of friendship and often ended badly. Then again, that was when Gent had been in charge of the meetings. Somehow everything the man touched ended in conflict and separation and ruin. Perhaps this visit would be different, maybe friendly visits were what allies were supposed to have.

Still the boy had to convince himself that this was true and he looked to the friend at his side with worry written across his face. Neha would be okay wouldn't she? Of course she will he scolded himself, Namid would never let her get hurt. Pulling his gaze away from her it settled instead on the dark form of Nathaniel, the man who would be in charge in the leaders absence. Draven knew nothing of him but supposed if the alphas trusted him then the man must be up for the job, at least until they got back.

The Lagina pup waited for the end of the meeting before nodding his respects to Vesper and Namid and smiling shyly towards Neha. Doing his best to stand smoothly he tried to ignore the pain in his leg and the way to wobbled as he applied pressure. Controlling his limp as much as he could until he was out of eyesight the boy made his way slowly back towards the infirmary so he could nap. Even such a short distance was exhausting.


[Image: draven-greypixel01.gif]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

There was some excitement that ran through Kajika at the thought of being able to pass down some of the knowledge he had to the newest litter of Fallen Tree Cove. For a moment his thoughts flitted the all of the things that he wanted to teach them. It would be the first litter that he would really be able to have a hand in teaching and looking after and it was very new to him but he was determined to do the best that he could. After all he thought that he had been doing a good job with Moonshadow so far and there had been others that he had given lessons too. He knew that he had to the patience to lead the little ones through any mistakes and questions they might have.

The next announcement that Namid had was that she and her family would be heading to Grizzly Hollow for a visit. This pleased Kajika especially for Namid if Veho was still in the area. He hadn’t spoken to the medicine wolf in some time but he was glad that his alpha finally knew about her brother. Nathaniel would be in charge and though he didn’t know the man well he was Anthem’s brother so Kajika felt they were in good hands. It would also give him a chance to concentrate on Moonshadow’s lessons.

When the meeting seemed to be at an end Kajika stepped forward to where his alphas were positioned, “Have a safe trip,” he stated before offering a respectful nod. He then took his leave to continue with his day and the things that he needed to get done before nightfall.

(This post was last modified: Aug 01, 2016, 03:16 AM by Kajika.)
[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by AshBash who has 357 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vespertio Vuesain

Like a well oiled machine Namid breezed through the meeting, saving the biggest piece of information for last. Their family trip down the mountainside to visit not only an allied pack tucked in the cedar forest, but extended family as well and honestly Vespertio was nervous about the trip although he wouldn't convey such feelings to his mate. He had full trust that Nathaniel could rule effortlessly in his absence despite never leaving the comfort of his home for longer than a day or two, but it was the whole getting her brother's approval that had the man buckling at the knees and a whirlwind of different scenarios filling his mind.

Gradually the meeting began to approach it's ending point as each point of interested that needed to be discussed with the pack was touched upon by his wife whom commanded the spotlight so gracefully, not a single hiccup breaching her speech. It was actually quite nice for the tawny man to be able to hang back and let her deliver the information to each of their subordinates and family, a glint of admiration filling the molten gold gaze that now settled upon the silvered face of his wife and partner until Kajika stepped forward to offer a blessing upon their travels earning a nod and silent thank you in the form of a smile. Now all that remained was to answer any questions his pack mates may have after receiving this update.

Exit if nobody comes forth with questions.