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Without you there is no me. — Darkwater Rapids 
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Played by Arla who has 118 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arion Celencio
keep the idea open for the future haha ;)

A small laugh escaped him at her comment, the corners of his lips twisting upward in a rare smile. He could tell, despite the words she offered up now, she was not much of a small talker. Arion used to excel in the subject and was capable of talking someone’s ear off — at least, until he discovered his mother’s dead body. That certainly put a damper on things. This might have been the most he had spoken since that day, and it was strange. His tongue felt heavy and mouth dry, and he found it difficult finding the right thing to say. He shrugged softly, his sea-green gaze fixated on the pulsating water. “Could be worse company,” he retorted suddenly with a lazy grin as he shot her a look out of the corner of his eye.

His ear twitched as she began to speak again, fumbling over her words as she, too, struggled with he concept of small talk. Arion watched her face contort as she struggled with some sort of inner turmoil, unsure of what words to spew out into the space between them. “Maeve,” he repeated softly, his head tilting as he studied the silver girl. “Arion,” he responded quickly, tail wagging slowly behind him, “or R.” He paused a second time, his forehead smoothing as he returned his attention to the rapids. “To be honest, I don’t know a lot of the newcomers and I’ve been here since I was born.” A short laugh accompanied his words, his ears twitching uncomfortably. He was close with the trouble twins and Nalda, but aside from that he had not gotten a chance to get to know the other members of the Pines. Half of it was due to his age, while the other half was to do with his absent parents. He found it difficult and intimidating opening up to wolves who were older than him. Even the silver wolf before him, despite their closeness in age, he was still intimidated by her. 

Played by Maeby who has 110 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maeve Destine Caravello
I'm awful :(. If you wanna start wrapping this up we can :(!

"Then 'm glad 'm not alone, R." the fae smiled as her company let out a laugh. "Only met er... Iopah 'n th' leadin' male.. E-Eirian? Haven' bothered wi' th' rest of em. 'N yer not missin' out on much wi' th' other newcomers. Traveled here with em. Ain't nothin' special." she grinned, more specifically referring to Erebos. He wasn't the worst wolf the orphan had ever met, however he failed to find Celandine for her, and with that he lost quite a few points.

"Kinda bland, actually. Or er'.. Zeta ain't half bad if ye' get 'er on th' right day. Kinda obnoxious though. Can't say I fancy th' loud ones." Not that there was anything wrong with having such a positive view on life, perhaps Maeve was just too jealous to form a proper bond with the woman. "There a reason ye' stay away from 'em? Or ye' jus' prefer bein' alone?" More small talk. The colorless yearling hoped she wasn't overstepping any boundaries, however there wasn't much else to talk about. Perhaps they were both just too awkward to hold a conversation, or perhaps they were never meant to speak to each other in the first place.

[Image: 9lnGsxY.png]
[Image: RNGTjgp.gif]
Played by Arla who has 118 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arion Celencio
i'm just as awful, i'm so sorry :c i would love love an updated thread between these two after we wrap this one up? :D 

A soft smile rolled onto his lips at her comment about the newcomers. Despite the greyscale wolf being unimpressed by her traveling companions, Arion still thought he should introduce himself to them. Be all courteous and stuff. Maeve mentioned meeting his leaders, his nose twitching at their names. Just as he was about to offer his thoughts to the conversation, the girl spoke once more, going on to describe another wolf she arrived with. Another smile cracked onto his maw as she admitted she was not a fan of the loud ones; Arion couldn’t help but agree with her. Prior to his mother’s death R would have been someone that Maeve didn’t enjoy being around, for he had been quite the conversationalist. “If you meet Nalda ’n Ember they’re alright… you’d prolly get along with Nalda. She’s pretty grumpy most of the time,” he added with a lop-sided grin and a quick wink to show that he meant no harm. The silver wolf was okay; perhaps he wouldn’t mind running into her a second time.

He paused at her question, the humour fading from his face as he turned his sea-green gaze to the rushing water. Arion hadn’t really figured out how to talk about what had happened, as he did not want others to think he was seeking sympathy. “Just prefer bein’ alone sometimes,” he responded after a lengthy pause, his shoulders rolling alongside his words. “Somethin’ happened ’n I’m tryin’ to figure things out,” he added lamely, his brows knitted together as he returned his teal gaze to the silver girl. 

Played by Maeby who has 110 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maeve Destine Caravello
I would definitely love to thread them together again! Though it might have to be backdated a little? Maeve just left with Celandine and Craw, and I can't think of any reason why she'd travel back so soon Dx!

"Nalda.." The orphan repeated, grinning from ear to ear. Grumpy, eh? Well that certainly suited her fancy. Even after the abandonment of her father, the death of her mother, and losing Korrin, everyone around the fae was constantly insisting that everything was still alright. They went on their daily lives, smiling, conversing, ect. All the while trying to force Maeve to be apart of it. Celandine wouldn't of done that. Celandine would of told the girl to grow the fuck up, and honestly speaking, that's all she wanted to hear. Perhaps this Nalda would be able to fill the void temporarily. Hell, even if she couldn't, Arion wasn't the worst person she'd had the pleasure of chatting with. "Gotta try t' remember tha'."

Something Maeve had said seemingly caused the male to return to all seriousness. It was frustrating, really. However the fae couldn't really say she was the best conversationalist in the world. "Hey, I get tha'." She responded softly. It was only recently that she herself started openly seeing people again. Certain things just took time, and while the yearling couldn't quite say she knew exactly what the young male was going trough, she was certain that he'd be alright in the long run. "..So er.. Y' mind showin' me aroun'? We don' gotta go back t' th' pack, prefer t' just learn 'bout the surrounding area's anyway." Maybe a small adventure would help the boy forget about whatever it was he was worrying over.

(This post was last modified: Aug 25, 2016, 10:18 AM by Maeve.)
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[Image: RNGTjgp.gif]
Played by Arla who has 118 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arion Celencio
that or Arion could venture a little north! :3 whatever works better for you <3
sorry for the super late response -- feel free to wrap up w/ your post!

“Just look for a grumpy girl aroun’ our age, she’s hard to miss,” he added with a sharp flick of his tail. There were no hard feelings toward Nalda; in fact, he sought out her company more than anyone’s (especially lately). He was sure that the silver wolf before him and his friend would get along swimmingly.

A small smile rolled onto his maw as her tone softened as she quickly dismissed his lacklustre explanation. Arion was thankful the girl did not pry any further. He really did not want to get into the whole I found my mother dead and I have no family and my life is a mess bullshit. Especially with someone he was just starting to get along with. As if she had read his mind, Maeve took a different route wit their conversation. Instead of asking him questions he wasn’t ready to answer, the silver girl asked him to show him around. Luckily being a tour guide was something he was actually good at. R nodded softly, teal gaze still focused on his companion: “Sure!” The smudge gave another soft wag of his tail as his head fell to the side. “There’s lots o’nice hidden places nearby. An’ some spots where the rapids aren't as fast.” His smile widened as he motioned for Maeve to follow him.