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Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
    my weakness is that i care to much.

No words were said. No action taking as his anger rolled off of him in thick waves before she approached him. She could not know how he felt. Her life was not his. He had had no caretakers but Vlar, then eventually Borden, unlike her who had been taken in by her mother's pack to assure her first year of life she grew up strong. She had left with two siblings easily taking care of each other. When it came down to it all they had both known loss, abondenment, and pain. The last months it had only been Elettra, him, and her banding together though it all. He had been quite strong through it all, especially for oe so young, and she was not suprised his pillar of strength had to break. Hers long had crumbled before she built it up again, making it stronger.

He accepted her touch, and moisture was evident against his golden eyes. Her own throat grew so tight, wanting to comfort the boy beneath the brown extetior, and feeling her own heart break in a new place she might cry too. She had moved away from him to succumb from the temptation. "I know Raigo," she offered with a soft smile, eyes shining with hints of her own tears. She knew how sorry he was, what had not been meant. What a pure heart he owned, and how sad to see it hurt. All the more why she loathed Vlar, and had a hard time forgiving and trusting Borden. There was too much that could not be forgotten, and what had been taken could not be given back. Everyone's suffering, it put a thought for her to be more careful of her choices for the pack as a whole.

When the young Akreon stepped closer, she waited for him to meet her unsure what else he may say. He offered a warm lick in which she decided he must not hate her for what she had done. Ears were tipped in his direction, and she nodded knowing she would have let him go all along. She brushed her nose atop his the nape of his neck to assure him of her words to come. "I understand, take all the time you need." It would be her turn to draw back, meeting his eyes with an earnest gaze, "Just don't get your hopes to high, okay?" She smiled once more, strong attachement for the boy pulling her heartstrings because if he did not return it would be another scar the same as if a shiv had carved a part of her away. She kept face, trying to keep faith no matter what he would come back again.

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Played by Shadow who has 123 posts.
No Rank
Raigo Akreon

Raigo waited for his leader's response, not daring to breathe in case she decided to take out on him what he had let slip. But she merely accepted his anger and received his affection with a positive response. The feeling of her nose on his neck was comforting, more so than he had imagined and for the first time, he felt truly grateful for having a doyenne who he could trust so completely. Grinning, Raigo took a step backwards from her as she began to leave. Nodding his head, his golden eyes looked out, away from the comforting border that was his home. He took her cautionary words seriously, and as he looked at her, he made sure she knew. Dipping his head respectfully, the golden boy turned tail and headed in the opposite direction of his leader. He was stepping out of his comfort zone, but he knew this was a step that he was going to have to take before he could fully resume his position as second in the pack he loved so much.

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