There she went again, wiggling like Namir had called her the prettiest girl this side of the forest or something. It was kind of contagious, though. The desert wolf wasn’t really sure she liked that, being all happy and mellow and shit, but it kinda felt nice to relax a little after that harrowing experience. It had almost fallen away to the back of her mind completely, humming quietly under her breath as her new companion explained exactly why she was out here in the first place.
“Well, there’s only one way t’get good at anythin’.” Well, she didn’t get good at thievery just by thinking about it. Or hunting. And this new fishing thing she’d been working on, she sucked the big one the first time she tried. But a hungry belly went a long way as far good motivators went, and Little Crow shook herself free of her thoughts, eyes falling on the older female as she babbled on, stroking the little bandit’s ego.
And man. That felt fuckin’ good. Buzzard was interesting to talk to, and all, but this? This was a class all its own.
“Nah, ma’am. I ain’t those things. Jes’ Lil’ Crow. Never saw a wolf drown before an’ figured I didn’ wanna start now. Y’can jes’, I dunno, owe me one, ‘er somethin’. ‘er hey, y’know a Fallen Tree Cave? ‘er a Namid? ‘er a Kageeka?”