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Starlight starbright — Hearthwood River 
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Played by Hero who has 120 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
Lavender Stark

She made sure the scarlet wolf was following behind her before she continued along her chosen path, her oversized paws thudding happily along the forest ground. The company was nice, for she would have either continued alone or sought out her father, who was also fond of patrolling the forest when the moon was out. She maintained a leisurely pace, for she did not want to rush their midnight walk. The night was on their side—the quicker they walked the less they would be able to enjoy.

His question caused her ears to tip in his direction. Sometimes, she mused in response, her tail swaying gently behind her, M’dad likes to be out at night, so sometimes I find him. Or I explore on my own. She shrugged. But I try not to leave Hearthwood at night. Unless I’m with someone. Because, unlike her sister, she was responsible. For the most part. She liked to venture outside pack territory during the day, without the company of a packmate. But the night still frightened her, which was another reason why she patrolled the territory by moonlight. To get over her fears. 

Played by Hex who has 95 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Reid Arwood
He easily followed behind his pale companion as she made her way in the direction she had chosen. Her pace wasn't too quick and Reid noted that she seemed to enjoy the walk. He was as well. In the day everything was bright and contrasted sharply at night everything was softer and the colors seemed more pleasant. Plus they light wasn't as hard on his eyes as the noonday sun could be, especially in the summer.

Reid didn't rush her response and simply waited for her to gather her words as the thought about the question. They had all night to talk and walk so there wasn't any real reason for them him to her hurry her reply. She responded saying that her dad liked to be out at night and that she would walk with him and other times she would walk on her own but she didn't leave the territory unless she was with someone. Other than Lach and Inna he hadn't met any of the other adult wolves in the pack. However, his discussion with the dark lady had revealed that there had been multiple litters so Reid didn't know who his companions father might be.

Who would you're dad be? He asked with an ear flicking lightly in her direction. He didn't want to make assumptions and would rather she just tell him. It's probably best that you don't leave on your own at night. He agreed. If she disappeared in the night someone might not notice until the morning or sometime later. However if you feel like exploring outside the territory when its dark I can always use a walk. Napping is a bad habit of mine so I don't need all that much sleep. The red man hadn't been napping much but he did take the occasional one here or there once he did his work for the day.
[Image: upside_down_reid_by_silversnake54-dbvgofa.png]
Played by Hero who has 120 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
Lavender Stark

The little Stark liked how everything looked different under the cover of darkness. Familiar surroundings took on a different appearance when kissed by the moonlight, and places that had once been recognizable were now foreign. But she still knew how to navigate her way through the Kingswood—that would never change. She had learned a lot by patrolling with her father, for she was confident no one knew the woods better than him.

Her lips twitched in amusement at his question, her chartreuse eyes rolling in disbelief before she responded. How did the scarlet wolf not know who her father was? They were almost identical in appearance! Lachesis, duh! She answered with a soft laugh, her peridots landing on her travelling companion for a brief moment before returning to the path before them. This wolf really was new! I’ll keep that in mind! She added with a lazy wag of her tail, a wide grin unfolding across her pale features. I like bein’ out at night, but I’m too scared to go off on my own, she admitted, her brows furrowing together. She wished she could be more confident, like her sister. Perhaps that was why she picked on Lilliana so much… jealousy was such a fickle creature.

Played by Hex who has 95 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Reid Arwood
His question received an eye roll and a laugh as she explained that Lachesis was her father. Reid proceeded to roll his own eyes at his own lack of thinking. Of course, it was the pale leader that was her father. The red man didn't have anything in particular against the other man but he felt like they hadn't gotten off to the greatest start which was his fault. Which now that he thought about it his companion did look pretty close to what Lach looked like so maybe that was why she was laughing at him.

Should have guessed. He replied lightly his own voice filled with amusement. At his offer, her tail wag began to wag as she said that she would keep it in mind and that she liked to be out at night but was too scared to go off on her own. Her brows scrunched together as she spoke about being scared and Reid chuckled. Everyone was scared of something even him.

I like the night to the sunlight can hurt my eyes. He told her as they continued to walk. Is it the darkness that scares you or is it what you might find in the darkness? The question was to get her to think about what her fear actually was. Sometimes if you tried to analyze your fear you could determine what you were really scared of and work from there.
[Image: upside_down_reid_by_silversnake54-dbvgofa.png]
Played by Hero who has 120 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
Lavender Stark

Although she was a little amused by her companion not knowing that Lachesis was her father, she couldn’t fault him. There had been five puppies running around Hearthwood, so it was difficult to keep track of them all and their parents. Especially since Risaela and Mathéo’s mother was no longer around… and Oksana’s father. The little Stark was thankful that both her parents were still around, but she still felt a little guilty. She didn’t mind sharing her parents with the others, especially the orphans, as she didn’t want anyone to be left out.

She nodded absently at his comment about the sunlight, for she had noticed the pain that was associated with staring into the bright orb in the sky. It was one of the reasons why she preferred the night, too. And because her father enjoyed the occasional night stroll… she always hoped to bump into him during one of her nocturnal excursions. His question, however, intrigued her. The little dove’s head tipped to the side, her lips tightening as she considered his question. What I might find, she responded thoughtfully after a brief pause, her tail swaying nervously behind her. The darkness is comforting, but it’s harder to see. So things might be lurkin’. She shrugged. It seemed like a reasonable explanation. 

Played by Hex who has 95 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Reid Arwood
He hadn't even met all the wolves in the pack yet so for him to know who was related to who and how was an impossible task at the moment for him. Reid could make guesses as he probably could have when trying to decide who his companions father was but why look like a fool when he didn't have to?

Looking into the sun was never fun but when you get the same stabbing sensation when you were simply looking ahead of you why bother adding to it? In winter time it was even worse with the reflecting snow and the only good thing was that the sun wasn't out as long and he could see without pain for a longer timeframe.

The red man noted the way her lips pulled and how her tail wasn't wagging as enthusiastically as before. Had he hit a sore spot with his question? Apparently not as she responded her voice contemplative. So it wasn't the darkness itself but what might be inside the darkness. She actually found the darkness nice. How intrigueing. She liked the dark but not what might be there.

If that's the case why not get stronger? He asked. You would probably feel less scared if you knew you could take on whatever might be out there. If she knew how to fight she could feel more comfortable in her abilities and how to defend herself. Those wouldn't her fear of the things in the dark dissipate? Maybe not all the way but some at least?
[Image: upside_down_reid_by_silversnake54-dbvgofa.png]
Played by Hero who has 120 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
Lavender Stark

She shrugged at his suggestion. It made sense, to get stronger. But she didn’t know if it would hep ease her fears. There would always be things lurking in the darkness, whether she got stronger or not. She had gotten good at avoiding them, for she was quick on her toes, and had no desire in confronting them. I suppose you’re right, she hummed in response, her tail swaying behind her as she glanced up at him. Perhaps she would ask her mother to spar with her… she had more history in fighting than her father did. He was a little more soft around the edges, whereas her mother was gruffer. Tougher. Her ears twitched in amusement at the thought but she remained silent as they continued walking through the trees.

Played by Hex who has 95 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Reid Arwood
She didn't seem to think that it would help if her shrug was any indication. A soft frown crossed his face. How else could he help besides what he already offered and suggested? The only other thing was to simply let time do its thing and let her grow more comfortable with the dark and what she thought might be there inside it. She hummed her agreement but Reid wasn't sure if she actually thought his idea was a good one or if she was just saying that to make him feel better.

The silence grew as they continued to walk and Reid continued to mull over thoughts and ideas trying to find the one that might help more than the rest. There was a game I used to play with my sisters. It didn't have a name but we would pick a starting point and then an end point and we would walk with our eyes closed while the others tried to distract us. The winner was the one who bumped into the least amount things. I always lost but it helped me focus my senses a bit. Have you ever played something like that before? He had described a game that he had loved and hated. Loved because he was able to tell how much he improved but hated because it really hurt his nose if he played too often.
[Image: upside_down_reid_by_silversnake54-dbvgofa.png]
Played by Hero who has 120 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
Lavender Stark

The little Stark knew eventually she would have to get stronger—it was part of growing up. She couldn’t be small and frail forever, especially if she wanted to have more night-time adventures. Even if it didn’t interest her now Lavender knew she would have to learn how to spar and build up her strength eventually. Reid seemed keen on the idea… perhaps she would seek him out for lessons…

Her ears twitched at his voice. A game. Chartreuse pools flitted over to the male as he captured her interest, her pale plume wagging softly behind him. Most of the river pups were independent; beating to the sound of their own drum. Usually she was with her twin, for despite their differences (and Lavender’s bullying) they got along the best. Théo was nice; he was more subdued in nature. Soft, quiet. Risaela was like that now, too, but she still had an adventurous streak in her and spent a lot of time outside pack territory. She didn’t mind Oksana, but she spent most of her time with her mother and Lavender worried that it had sheltered the little crow, as she didn’t seem keen on spending time with her age-mates.

No, she started as she shook her head, nothing like that. But she liked the sound of this game. Can we play it? She asked, her head tilting to the side as she flashed him a bright smile. We could try walking back to the clearing? They had already walked pretty far… it would be interesting to see if they could make it back to the clearing with minimal bruising. 

Played by Hex who has 95 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Reid Arwood
There was immediate interest when he started to talk about the game his sisters and him had played. A smile crossed his face he silently wondered just how often she actually got a chance to play? How often did anybody in this pack get a chance to play because age meant nothing when it came to having fun and the red man was almost always open to a bit of fun.

She denied having played a game like that before and went on to ask if they could play it. A blinding smile was sent his way and Reid openly laughed at her enthusiasm. She even went as far to give an endpoint. Sure we can play. He responded easily before dipping his head. You want a hint on how to get back to clearing easier or do you want to figure it out on your own? There was always some tips and tricks to any game and this one was had them too.
[Image: upside_down_reid_by_silversnake54-dbvgofa.png]