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dividing soldiers from the fishermen — Swift River 
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Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

As he had hoped, the white male was not ready to contest his defeat yet and as he Indru growled again in response to the defiant call as he tail waved happily behind him. However, it was undeniable that Indru had the advantage at the moment—Ice was effectively pinned beneath him and Indru was able to shift his own weight to add more or less as he pleased, limiting the white males moment. But Indru knew he was far from out of options entirely so as he felt Ice start to shift beneath him he grinned, gaze dropping down to watch the male attempt to break free from underneath him.

Quickly and suddenly Ice swung towards him and Indru felt his balance waver for a moment in his surprise and as the subordinate continued to turn and rotate underneath him Indru shuffled along with him, make sure to shift his weight to try and drop it heavier on Ice to slow him down. Eventually though the male continued to gain ground and in the small but effective movements Ice had managed to begin to manoeuvre more of himself underneath the leader. Seeing his plan, and not wishing to be tossed from Ice when he was unprepared, Indru bunched up his hindlegs and then leapt forwards, over the top of Ice and landed on the opposite side, hoping the abrupt movement would catch him by surprise. With a growl of playful frustration at Ice managing to squirm his way free Indru spun quickly with a grin and tried to grasp Ice's scruff in his teeth, trying to catch him by surprise and keep the advantage before Ice got to his feet once more.

Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
Ice's tail was waving madly, and the excessive arcs it swung behind his hindquarters wasn't entirely out of joy - if you just did it the right way, moving your tail did wonders for your balance. As his feet shuffled across the ground it actually helped him not fall, and in the brief respite when he was more or less parallel-and-beneath Indru he marveled at the quick footwork and balance of his leader. Of course, a large portion of the latter came from the fact that he had a conveniently located subordinate to lean on, but still... Ice appreciated it. What good would a leader be if he couldn't move his paws? Might as well have a pine tree for a pack leader if that had been the case, though he guessed his fur would have been full of damnable resin from rubbing up against it. No, far better - much more pleasant - with a thickly built, heavy male that grabbed him round the chest and tried to push him into the ground.

Or leaping over his head.

It startled him enough to nearly send him faceplanting in the mud, but in the last moment he caught himself with a sliding front leg, only to nearly be bowled over by his bouncing leader. Teeth grabbed his scruff again, and with a noise that was somewhere between a startled growl and a keen, Ice planted all four feet firmly, leaning on his toes to push his blunt claws into the sloppy ground, and tried to rip away sideways. He didn't stop to feel, didn't even think; just acted, the reflex that said get the hell away kicking in. Being held by the scruff was akin to a nightmare for him, especially when he wasn't prepared and able to keep his cool. Rational thoughts weren't his forte when it happened, fear blocking out his mind. For a brief, panicked second, the only thing that existed in his world was to get away. Though, after his initial yank, scent and sound came back, overtaking the darkness of his reaction, pushing it aside. With his heart galloping somewhere in the vicinity of his throat, pulse light and fleeting under his tingling skin, Ice tried to calm his mind, stilling his movements. It's only Indru, he whispered to himself, inhaling. Exhaling. Waiting for an ultimatum, for the damnable grip to be released.
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

As he flew over the top of Ice as graceful as a mockingbird (well, it felt like it to him at least) Indru couldn't help a quick, reckless laugh as he felt his paws make impact with the ground, his weight causing his height to drop before he caught himself and rose back to his full, rather large, posture once more. He spun and found Ice still lowered to the ground, and as his quick movements managed him to grab hold of the white wolf's scruff again he growled happily in response—that small competitive streak within him resurfacing in sight of a equally sized opponent.

At first Indru took the resistance as normal, as Ice suddenly catching up and realising Indru's quick recovery and trying to escape him before he got to comfortable and they were back to where they started, but as he felt Ice try to tear his scruff from him in a move that must have surely hurt despite Indru's soft grip he realised that something was wrong. Immediately Indru's jaws opened and he let the grip he had on Ice's scruff fall from his mouth as he scooted back a few paces, giving him room. Ice? He called softly, dipping his head to try get a better look at his packmate, worry clearly lacing his voice. I'm sorry Ice—I was playing still, really. Did I grip too hard? If he could have kicked himself Indru would have, he tested his jaws' quietly, worried that he had grabbed the male too hard without realising, had him injured him? He'd never forgive himself if he had. Are you alright?

Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
Strangely enough - at least, his mind told him it was strange - the grip on his neck loosened, and Ice staggered sideways a couple of spaces. His body was rigid, tense, and for a moment longer he looked like a high-strung horse. Wild silver eyes landed on Indru, a couple of paces away, the very image of concern and confusion. The subordinate held still and silent for a moment longer, blinking his eyes, and it seemed a little of the hard edge went out of his gaze each time his eyelids opened again. A voice, matching the concern on the tawny face, and the pale wolf in question gave his head a terse shake, averting his eyes. Stupid. All of it. To allow it to rule him this way, and foul such a thing that had been glorious. Stupid, that some iron pride in his blood wanted him to keep his mouth shut, but... to not explain would be to harm his leader. He wouldn't be able to figure it out on his own.

Ice closed his eyes for a moment. No, he wasn't alright right now, but he would be soon. Really. And no, he hadn't gripped too hard. Ice was sturdy and damage tolerant, he could withstand a good beating and just shrug it off. He summoned everything he new of patience and peace, focused on breathing, exhaling all the darkness and the tension. It left his system slowly in dark waves, like thick water trickling down a rock. A sigh, and his eyes opened again, drifting to the vicinity of Indru's face. "No, it's - you couldn't know." He frowned, the words thick on his tongue. It felt like trying to speak with a piece of wood in your mouth, his tongue not wanting to yield the words he had to say. "Just.. bad experience, with being - gripped. It's.. it's alright. I just.. don't always know what's going on when it happens. Sort of like.. panic." He gave his shoulders a small shake. Stupid, stupid, stupid. "Don't worry about it," he mumbled weakly, trying to soothe whatever rift he'd caused between them now. Really, it was just... brilliant. Or not. Like oh hello, I love to play but please don't grab my scruff or I panic and try to run away? Just.. perfect. He forced out another strangled sigh, before summoning the hints of a smile and whipping his head back in Indru's direction. "Guess you won... heh."
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

Slowly, after a moment of space, Ice began to recover and while the pale male started to looked calmer Indru's concern and curiosity at what had just passed didn't waver. Yet it wasn't his place to demand and answer (and the thought of doing so as Ice's leader didn't even appear in Indru's mind) and while he wanted to know what had happened, he waited, patiently to see if the male would tell him.

After another moment Ice told him and Indru nodded in understanding as he did so—of course, he tended to forget that everyone not family by blood came from different upbringings than he did. While home in Hidden Tree had been far from gentle, with the play fighting and the not-so play fighting, any serious wounds and damage had always been unintentional and eventually forgiven. I'm sorry regardless. Truly, he offered, stepping towards Ice slowly and hoping to push his nose against the male's check in comfort. It was supposed to be a leaders job to reassure and keep everyone calm and comfortable and Indru felt awful for doing the opposite.

At Ice's joke Indru smiled lightly but his guilty quickly made it vanish and he shook his head, we'll call it a draw. After all, if Indru hadn't made such a grievous error who knows what would have happened? The competitive streak made him want to think he would of been victorious, along with his dominant side, but Indru was in no mood to quibble. D'you want me to leave you alone for a bit?

Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
Seemed that they were stuck blaming themselves, and Ice caught his lower lip between his teeth, nibbling uncertainly at it. How do you tell your leader it's not their fault they can neither read minds nor foresee every possible bad thing that you might've gone through? There just wasn't any way, and in the end Ice just gave his head a small shake, shrugging it off. Unless Indru had the memory of a gold fish, he'd know to be cautious about it in the future. To emphasize that he was over it already, Ice gave a bit of a yawn and stretch, shaking his thick neck again and padding forth a step, only to be brought up short by a nose on his cheek. Lowering his head a fraction, Ice turned to nudge the corner of his mouth. At Indru's decision of a draw, a mischievous smile flashed across Ice's face. "Naw, Indru, who could've known you were such a gentleman, both with your teeth and in sports?" He ducked his head, aimed a quick nip to his worried leader's ear, and padded off yet another step.

Leave me alone for a bit? If Ice had been truly traumatized by the thing, wouldn't that just hammer it deeper? Huh... He paused where he was though, knowing that his straying feet were about to take him out anyway. "I was planning to take another look around, y'know, a bit further out," he said slowly. "Unless you're in a hurry somewhere.. maybe you could come with me?" And, perhaps, teach him a thing or two about.. life? If you could do such a thing in words. Ice remained where he was, waiting for his leader's decision.
.ice aesir

you're welcome to do some minor PP ending of them walking way if Indru decides to come along. :] good to finally get this thread done! <3
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

Quickly, the white male seemed to recover and as he felt a nose against his jaw and then turned to meet Ice's mischievous gleam in his eye he knew all was forgiven. At the subordinate's words Indru chuckled, his muzzle curling into a toothy grin as he shrugged depreciatingly at Ice's words. Ahh, well, how do you know I'm not just a gentleman in general? To show it was meant in good humour Indru laughed quickly again, before a soft sigh escaped him and he shook himself rapidly. At least, even after the incident, they would end on good terms. He felt teeth on his ear and he flicked a suspicious glance in ice's direction, wondering if he was up to trickery and that perhaps a draw hadn't been enough after all.

Though somewhat surprised by it, Indru accepted the invitation to accompany the male with a nod, drawing himself up to his full height before stretching quickly as he rolled his shoulders. Indru always felt refreshed after a fight, but he knew it could be disastrous too if you didn't check yourself over for muscle injury just in case. Sure, I'll come, he confirmed, offering the white male a smile before he strolled past him with a grin and hurried him with a quick tug of his head. After all, who'd be a better tour guide than me?