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hey [lady] — Wild Cherry Orchard 
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Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased

"It's for you of course. We've missed you!" he said genuinely, tail wagging to further reinforce his claim. "Our territory isn't far from here. I was actually slacking off again, and thought the Scrap might want to join me..."[/b] he winked to the younger wolf.

It was well known Kano very rarely slacked off. He spent most of his time patroling the borders and investigating strange scents, otherwise he was stashing what food he could catch in the caches and building bonds with his pack mates. A close pack was a strong pack. He took his role very seriously.

He spotted a small rabbit a short distance away and decided this might be his chance. "Where's your present?" he asked Kashi with mock acusation, motioning his head to the small ball of fluff ignorantly grooming itself in plain sight of the predators. Sometimes he had to wonder if they were put on this earth to kill out the stupid in other species.

He hoped the younger wolf would take the bait, and he gave Anyu a meaningful stare to try and stop her from protesting. He needed a moment.

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Played by Kashikoi who has 182 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Kashikoi caught onto kano's hint as soon as he motioned with his head ever so slightly to the fluff of a rabbit. It was clear that it was meant as a distraction so he could talk to anyu alone and hopefully convince her to join the pack. "ill be right back with mom's i-i me-meen anyu's welcome gift, i uh left it over there." he ran off in the direction of the rabbit berating himself the whole way. "you idiot, you really slipped up now! Now she knows what you think of her as." he mumbled under his breath as he was a ways from them cutting himself off as he neared his prey. He lowered to his haunches as he concentrated only on the ball of fluff. He watched as the rabbit lifted its head and looked around before lowering its head again. No sooner had it lowered its head he sprinted forward quickly and bit down on it crushing it's bones with a satisfying crunch and small cry from the creature as it died. He decided to give the two time so he acted like he was still chasing it hoping to fool them.
(This post was last modified: Feb 10, 2012, 03:37 AM by Kashikoi.)
With death comes life and with life comes hope.
Played by anyu who has 66 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anyu Sol
you come to me with scars on your wrist
you tell me this will be the last night feeling like this

Anyu shook her head at Kano. This was ridiculous, them both showing up here all of a sudden, bringing her food. It wasn't right in her mind - it was relying on others to take care of herself. She was about to stop Kashi when she saw the look Kano gave her. With a frustrated look she shut her mouth.

She was determined to remain stubborn at the moment until she heard a single word from Kashi. He had managed to call her mom somehow and she was caught of guard. Mom? she thought to herself. She had never really seen herself as that, figuring that she would never have pups. For a moment she was flattered but then she began to feel guilty. Kashi was clearly attached to her. How could she leave him knowing that?

The fear of joining a pack was eating away at her mind, making her anxious and panicky. The worst thing to have right now was a panic attack, and she was suddenly worried that she might have one. That made the anxiety worse, of course, which in turn made her panic even more. She tried to focus her mind on Kano as Scrap ran off after the rabbit, but she was already having some difficulty controlling her breathing, which had begun to grow slightly more rapid as her heart rate had increased. If she had been human she probably would have been sweating or crying.

i just came to say goodbye
didn't want you to see me cry, i'm fine
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Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased

Anyu was clearly conflicted and Kano watches as she began to breath rapidly. His cousin had had similar spells as a yearling and he took a deep breath. "Hey, just breath ok? Breath with me?" He continued to breath deeply and calmly. hoping she was following his lead. He knew it wasn't the best timing to spring this on her but he had to get it out.

"I have to go away for a while. I'm going to Grizzly Hollow to ask their healer to train me up properly. We can't be without a healer if the alphas are going to have pups, I nearly lost one of my pack mates because I just don't know enough. I haven't told him yet. I don't know how. I'm not trying to pressure you, but you are amazing with him. I'm worried about him, and the rest of them too. I don't want to leave until I know he and they'll be ok... That's actually why I was tracking him down..."

He looked over to see Kashi chasing the air, the rabbit all but discarded in the snow. He couldn't help but smile, he was a good kid.

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Played by Kashikoi who has 182 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Kashi continued to feign the rabbit chase waiting for an appropriate time to return. He didnt want to look suspicious chasing the 'rabbit' for so long but he didnt want to interrupt the conversation either. From the looks of it it was pretty important. Picking up the long dead rabbit he layed down with it like he was tired and went about cleaning the dried blood from his muzzle. Feeling that he had given them enough time he picked the hare back up and walked back as slowly as he could.
With death comes life and with life comes hope.
Played by anyu who has 66 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anyu Sol
you come to me with scars on your wrist
you tell me this will be the last night feeling like this

Listening to and focusing on Kano helped and she was able to take control of her breathing again. It had been such a long time since she had last had a panic attack. They had started after the first fire and gotten worse after the second, then faded away for the most part. But she was so conflicted right now that they seemed to be making a new appearance. That was not good. What would it be like if she actually tried to join a pack.

She continued to take deep breaths for a few moments as Kano continued to speak. She listened, but what he had to say now didn't help calm her down much. She tried to hold back the panic, and so far she was succeeding. She processed what she could of Kano's little speech. “I'm sure they'd be fine...” she offered slowly, not entirely sure of what she was saying. What could possibly happen while Kano was gone? Surely they would be fine.

“I want to help, I really do,” she explained, her eyes pleading with him. “I want a family. I want to be with him,” she looked pointedly over at Kashi, who was slowly beginning to walk back towards them. “I can't help being scared after everything that's happened.” She shook her head, trying to chase away the panic that was pressing down on her, trying to increase her heart rate and deregulate her breathing.“I have to think, ok? I have to think about this...”

i just came to say goodbye
didn't want you to see me cry, i'm fine
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Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased

He nodded, knowing it was a big ask and taking deeper breaths, the last thing she wanted was for Kashi to see her worked up like this he was sure. "It 's ok, just breath...there's no rush." he said quietly and calmly smiling reassuringly, his eyes darting back to the younger wolf the closer he got.

"Good job Kashi!" he said with an encouraging smile, the younger wolf was getting better every day. Maybe he really didn't have anything to worry about...

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Played by Kashikoi who has 182 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Kashi wagged his tail as he came up to them and deposited the rabbit at anyu's feet. It made him happy that kano had told him good job. Despite his merriment he could sense an air of distress between the two. It made him feel awkward standing off to the side after he dropped the hare. "is everything alright?" he hoped that he would get the truth and not some ill concealed lie. He didnt know anything about anyu's past but if it was as bad as his it was probably causing the problem. He had been worried about joining the pack but his body driven to extremes needed help and the pack life was the way to get that help
With death comes life and with life comes hope.
Played by anyu who has 66 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anyu Sol
you come to me with scars on your wrist
you tell me this will be the last night feeling like this

Anyu forced herself to calm down when Kashi drew near. She did her best to keep her panic from showing in her eyes, with limited results. “Everything's fine, Scrap,” she said lightly, keeping the panic from her voice successfully. She tugged at Kashi's ear again playfully, clearly attached to the yearling.

“You've turned into quite the hunter,” she said happily. “Does this mean I don't have to worry about you as much anymore?” She nudged the small wolf's shoulder affectionately with her muzzle. “I'm proud of you,” she added in when she was close to his ear. For all that he was not her biological son, she was treating him as if he was hers. She really did love the little wolf.

i just came to say goodbye
didn't want you to see me cry, i'm fine
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Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased

Time was running out. He had to tell him now. "Actually Kashi, the reason I came looking for you is because I need to go away for a while... We don't have anyone who knows enough about medicine. I need to learn, and the only wolf capable of teaching me is at Grizzly Hollow. I am coming back, I'm just not sure when..." as he spoke his head dropped lower and lower, his voice laced with guilt. There had been so many strangers coming close to their borders. He shuddered to think of what could possibly happen while he was gone, but they had managed fine before he arrived, why wouldn't they do just fine while he was gone?

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