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wild rumpus — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Grey who has 322 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fenru Donata
<blockquote>The base of the peculiar tree with a bunch of drooping branches for its pinnacle stood ahead of them and Fen was quick to check and double-check that the tree was the right one that served as a sort of invisible fence post. <b>"Good,"</b> he uttered before turning around to face the ivory girl. She had pointed with her nose the way she had come, so why wouldn't she be able to find her way back home if she knew which direction to go? It didn't make sense to him.

He was about ready to say something like 'off you go' or 'see you later' when she randomly brought up a familiar name. <b>"How... How do you know my uncle?"</b> he questioned with the tilt of his head, absolutely interested her all of a sudden. <b>"And, why?"</b> As far as Fenru was concerned, a number of wolves would know about his father and uncle, but <i>her</i>? Something rather odd must have happened for them to meet.</blockquote>

Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Switch who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arlette Dieudonné Lyall
    i wanna wake up kicking, and screaming. i wanna know that my heart's still beating. i'm bleeding..

White brow creased above her green yellow eyes, and she stared back into his. He seemed happy to get rid of her, and she likewise was ready to go home. She really wanted to ask about that, but decided she had made him not only lose his catch, but had shoved him into a very cold snowbank. Oh well. She tried not to let it bother her, she just wasn't use to having someone irritated with her.

She eyed her escape route, but before she left she was eager to here if Ruiko was here or else where. The boy seemed very thrown off by her question. "I met him a couple months ago when I was hunting for a rabbit. He's the first river wolf I've met, and he said he was going to start a pack of his own. I, just kinda wondered if he had," she said, swirling her words around between pauses. She couldn't tell if this news upset him, or not. He wasn't quite readable since she didn't know him like she would Hocus, or Trisden. He hadn't exactly been "happy" for her to know if he ever showed that single emotion. "He's um friends with my mom, and I thought he was nice." She added, her brow raised quizzically at his own bewilderment.

[Image: oaktreebend.png]
Played by Grey who has 322 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fenru Donata
<blockquote>The boy wrinkled his nose quietly, listening attentively as she revealed that she had known about his uncle's new pack. Then about how her mother and Uncle Ruiko were friends. <i>Hmm.</i><b>"Wellllll,"</b> he dragged the last word out, hesitant for a second to extend his congeniality to her. <b>"I guesssss... I guess that could make us friends of some sort then? If... If your mom and my uncle are friends?"</b>

It felt weird. After having known Kisla as the only female his age, acquainting himself with this girl was just something else. It shouldn't have felt odd but it did. But, if Swift River and Copper Rock Creek were allies in a sense then why not Swift River and... Grizzly Hollow? Having her shove him face first into the snow would have to be pardoned then if she agreed he guessed he wouldn't have to be so standoffish around her. <b>"I'm... Fenru,"</b> he then proffered. Then, as if he had forgotten to answer her question, he stated, <b>"And, my uncle did establish his pack. Somewhere far north o' here."</b></blockquote>

Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Switch who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arlette Dieudonné Lyall
    i wanna wake up kicking, and screaming. i wanna know that my heart's still beating. i'm bleeding.

His assumption threw her for a loop. Friends? Because of what she said now they were friends. She felt slightly chided by this. She didn't believe that was the proper way to go about friendship. She had liked Ruiko before she known he was friends with her mom. I don't know. I....." She what? Didn't think she could call him that. From her first impression of him she was inclined to not meet up with him again. She was quite aware the circumstances they had met, and he was not her brother Hocus. But even Theo had been nice despite trying to best her at times. This boy he didn't seem to take any of her sincerely.

Her ears significantly drooped, and she frowned. I mean we don't have to be friends. You don' have ta like me." Her tail attempted to wag, but it merely twitched. He offered his name, and she offered a wary smile. I'm Arlette, but everyone calls me Lettie." Cranium titled, and her tail wagged at the knowledge of Ruiko. He was up north, and she recalled how he had asked her if she'd been there. She wondered if his family missed him, and where preciously his new home was. She was lost how to ask, or console these things. She merely nodded to acknowledge this information, processing it for later. "Best be goin' Fenru, sorry." A frown was still evident, but she stepped around him, starting to head for home. If she got lost, it wouldn't be any worse than bumping into him.

[Image: oaktreebend.png]
Played by Grey who has 322 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fenru Donata
<i>Derp. Didn't even think the thread had come this far until I reread all of it. :s Shall we... wrap up?</i>

<blockquote>The girl seemed to stumble over her words but Fenru's mouth lifted up slightly in an attempt to smile. It was almost as if he could try harder to make the conversation between them less... awkward. <i>"I mean we don't have to be friends. You don' have ta like me,"</i> she finally said. Fenru's nose wrinkled briefly. <b>"Oh,"</b> he sounded, but he was quick to recover from her downfall of a statement. <i>"Nice to meet you, Lettie."</i> he had wanted to say. She interjected that she had to be on her way and the boy simply nodded. <b>"'Kay,"</b> he called after her. <b>"Well... bye!"</b> He stared after her until her fur blended in with the snow that remained on the forest floor and he was no longer able to pick her out. Out of habit he placed his nose to where she had stood only moments before. Her scent was earthy, not unlike the scent of cedar bark and pine cones and the damp earth that laid undisturbed underneath a bed of dead evergreen needles, but definitely distinguishable among the aroma of his family and the territory the Tainn's called home. He would have to commit the strange perfume to memory he decided with a tilt of his head and a throaty snort. Perhaps one day they'd run into one another again and this day would simply be a memory of how Fenru Tainn had once tried and failed to grasp the concept of a "crush."</blockquote>

Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)