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dark ages teen life — Secret Falls 
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Played by Nova who has 443 posts.
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Anastasia Starklen
i'm so sorry for this near-month delay! i should've told you guys to skip over me :c @Emrys

Anastasia nodded her head to Emrys as the settled down within the ravine, prepared to ambush and scare their prey and force her into the trap. Sure enough, she seemed rather oblivious to her impending doom and continued small movements, nitpicking at the ground every few inches, until Anastasia saw Mako and Jynx get themselves into position. A quick side-eye to Emrys and a moment later she was off, pushing herself forward at a speed fast enough to scare and slow enough to not fall face-forward. It had been a long time since she had hunted alongside someone but it was nice knowing that their success wasn't completely on her. At least the prey seemed somewhat startled as the drew a bit closer and its hooves scrambled to find traction before it began flying away from its predators.

i'd love more threads, so message me if you'd like one!
looking for friends, potential love interests and role-inspired threads!
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
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Emrys Myrddin
hunting dem 2/?

He'd spoken of what they would do for the hunt, ye didn't want to rush things and take the chance of losing the doe. It seemed Anastasia was of the same mind as him. This get thought would go well for all involved and the hint would he successful. A lot depended on them so they needed to work together well. He kept a watch on his mate and the younger wolf to see when they got to their places.

They were rather lucky in that the door still hadn't seemed to notice that she was being stalked by two wolves. It allowed them to creep closer to her even though they had no intention to kill her. They were the ones that would in fact be leading her to her doom. He had seen that Jynx and Mako had gotten into position and then came the look from Anastasia before she was off. He was right with her and as they came closer the doe startled and started running in the direction they wanted her to move.

(This post was last modified: Oct 02, 2018, 04:12 PM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
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Jynx Myrddin
Hunting demonstration 3 of 4

jynx myrddin

The trap was set and all she and Mako had to do was wait. Somewhere down in the Ravine, Emrys and Anastasia were working together. Two flashes of white movement signaled the beginning of the chase. And sure enough, making a beeline for the slope in the ravine, the doe was fleeing for her life.

The wolves behind her were decoys. She and Mako were the snipers, the ones that would initiate the take down. Pinning her ears back, leg muscles tensed. She had to time this just right. Holding back a breath, she waited just until the leaping form of the doe emerged over the muddy rise of the earth. In that moment, in a blur of a russet coat and parted jaws, she sprang from her hiding place on the side. She was careful in that she did not leap directly in front of the deer, which would mean a devastating blow from one of her hooves. She aimed for it's side, teeth seeking to clamp down on an exposed shoulder and weigh it down.

(This post was last modified: Oct 01, 2018, 11:43 PM by Jynx.)
Played by Kydnt who has 135 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mako Coho
Last round before fades/exits?

Mako's heart hammered in his chest in anticipation. The loud clattering noise of underbrush alerted him that things had kicked off and his pack mates had began the chase. His body thrummed with latent energy as he waited for the right time to strike out, bolstered by the knowledge that Jynx would be right there on the other side of the doe to help take it down. The thundering of hooves over the ground vibrated up his limbs, and at the last moment Mako lunged out in a synchronized strike. Jynx's weight on the doe's other side pulled it off kilter, a harried bleat barely escaping before Mako's jaws clamped over its throat, cutting the sound off at its source. 

Mako allowed the full weight of his one-hundred-and-fifty pounds to hang off the doe's neck like a dead weight. With him and Jynx combined, the doe toppled sidewards in a final, chaotic flail of limbs, already unsteady as she was on her injured leg. A stray hoof lashed out as she went down, cutting a shallow gash in Mako's chest, but the heady rush of adrenaline dulled the pain and Mako had more important matters to tend to.

Hunting dem: 3/4
(This post was last modified: Oct 12, 2018, 04:21 AM by Mako.)
Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin
Last post for Jynx. Skipping Ana with permission. Hunting demonstration 4 of 4.

 Jerking back, she let go of the doe's side, leaving in her wake two ragged puncture wounds where her teeth had once been. She allowed Mako, the larger of the two, to do the heavy work. Sure that Emrys and Anastasia would be closing in, she watched with a gleam of pride in her eye as her gray-scale student expertly clamped his jaws around the victims delicate throat. The doe tumbled, but not without leaving a mark on Mako's chest in the form of a gash. Jynx was impressed; it didn't seem to deter him in the least. But the wound may serve as an important reminder. Never get overconfident. Many a wolf had met their end from far more grizzly injuries than a simple cut.

She gave way as the deer toppled, letting out a powerful bark to guide the other half of the hunting party in, to assist in finishing the job. As soon as the rump of the doe hit the ground, the russet huntress was upon it. Like the great tactician she was, she moved in from an angle, away from the flailing hooves. She bit down hard over the hip joint, applying increasing pressure until they heard a crack. The joint fractured, the deer would be rendered somewhat defenseless as Jynx, Mako, Emrys and Anastasia mercifully squeezed the life out of her.


(This post was last modified: Oct 01, 2018, 11:42 PM by Jynx.)
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin
This will be Emrys' last post. Hunt post 3/3

The pale healer and his partner in this hunt chased the deer up out of the Ravine and into the waiting paws of Jynx and Mako. Emrys didn't take his eyes off the deer in case she caught wind of his packmates and tried to turn from danger. Then once he saw the russet coat of Jynx he knew that she and Mako would take it from there. He hung back giving a glance to Anastasia, they were there if needed but is seemed that the younger wolf had it under control. Then when he heard the russet woman's bark he gave his pale friend a nod before moving in to lend his assistance in finishing the job so they could bring the doe home to the caches.

(This post was last modified: Oct 08, 2018, 01:38 AM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Kydnt who has 135 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mako Coho
Mako sensed his packmates swarming in on the unlucky doe in his peripheral, the noises of the struggle flowing past him in a haze as his focus pinpointed down to what was right in front of him. Mako adjusted his hold and threw his weight over the topped doe and bit down harder, blood spilling warmly over his tongue as the deer put up one last flailing fight. But the wolves were simply too much for it. In a moment that somehow seemed both infinitely long and brutally fast, the deer gave one last shudder as its life gave out. Mako finally let go, his heart buzzing with accomplishment as they set about bringing home their kill.

Hunting Dem: 4/4
