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We're off to see the Wizard... — Riddle Heights 
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Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
Athena watched Valiant start moving. A sigh escaped her white maw, glad that we're moving again. Athena didn't know how this trip was going to go with Hawke. She had a feeling that she wouldn't like her for a long time unless somehow she changed that. Her attitude bothered her and she didn't think she'd ever be able to handle it.

The thought of the wolf that Athena was going to meet entered her mind. She wondered what his plans were and if she had any use to him. She didn't have any idea of what she could do for him, but then again she doesn't know what he wanted. She escaped these thoughts and paid attention to where she was going. She made sure she wasn't too close to either Valiant or Hawke while she walked. She didn't feel like arguing, just wanted some peace. Her amber orbs spotted a <span class='word'>cordate</span> knot in a very old tree. It was rather particular and unique and she wondered if it foreshadowed her future. <i>You're thinking like a vulnerable little girl. Stop thinking like that.</i> Athena told herself and she focused herself back to following Valiant.

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