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Waiting Game — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
    Why do they think I never change, they're the ones that stay the same.

His dark head bobbed, and he smirked partially at how well she took her now busy days. He assumed she must have been setting up her medical unit just in case it be needed. Least it was warmer now, and he hoped she didn't have too hard of a time getting ready. Really, he was very glad to hear she wasted no time. All the more he was glad she'd found the grove. At some point he might volunteer to help her with something. He really wanted to learn a bit more about healing. It had it's purpose, and he was hungry for knowledge, not to mention he wanted to get to know her better. She, unlike some others, seemed like she had no problem staying put in pack life despite it's busy days. He said nothing else, turning his attention to the small, white lady. He wasn't sure if he liked or not. He was very suspcious these days, all the same wanted to give her a fair chance. Stupidity wasn't exactly a virus spreading from one loner to the next. Though it sure would have made a lot more sense at times.

He swayed his weight to his back limbs, not having much else to say. Naira brought up a very good question. Why Swift River? His ears swept upward, he turned his muzzle, his eyes clearing asking why too.

She took a brief time to answer. It wasn't really much of one, more a mere statement. If one didn't know the packs, he wasn't sure how he would have picked either. There were no words ready to roll from his tongue, he had no hollow remark. Almost like a swift breeze Corinna's voice rang out, and he lowered himself for his leader. Cori had made a very good point. This time he was merely there to help welcome a new member, or chase off a pest, be it whatever Corinna said. Hanging close to Naira his honey colored eyes did not leave Athena's. The only motion was his tail beating at the short nudge of greeting. He waited like the rest of them for a good reason for her being here, and not else where.

What she offered wasn't anything spectacular, and Triell admired her for being honest. What he thought had to be. If what she said was true she could hunt to feed small mouths, or be comfortable watching them when Corinna needed a break. This year Corinna would have everything she needed, and would not question loyalty. It was most of the reasons he was not with Volkan, but standing here doing his part. His muzzle would tip in his leader's direction, wondering if she would find use for this wolf.

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

The gray furred she-wolf was not want to carp, but the simple truth was, she was tired of the day in and day out routine. She simply wanted a break, and that was all there was to it. But she took her duties seriously, and while she wanted only to snap at the lone wolf and send her fleeing, if only to prevent adding yet another strange scent to the pack's collective one, she would not. She waited, ears pointed forward, head cocked ever so slightly to capture everything the lone wolf had to say. How many exceptional hunters had she let into the pack in recent days? Far too many, it seemed. They would need to hold a pack hunt soon, to put these wolves to the test. If they failed, then that would be their judgement. It was a fair enough system, certainly more fair than Corinna and her wavering emotional state.

Stepping forward, she closed the space between them. Lowering her head, she reached for the pale wolf's muzzle. Taking the girl's nose in her mouth, she bit down firmly, though not hard enough to cause pain. Letting Athena's muzzle go, she pulled backward. Pointedly staring at the new subordinate, she spoke up, her voice slightly warmer than it had been moments ago. "Very well. Be ready to prove your skill. The pack's food stores are beginning to run low, there will be a hunt soon, and I will expect your participation." Looking away, finished with the matter at hand, Cori smiled at Triell and Naira. Tail wagging over her back ever so slightly, she nodded her affirmation at them. "Thank you for being so vigilant. Would one, or both, of you be so kind as to show her to the pack den? Don't want her getting lost when the time comes for a pack gathering." Pausing only to wait for an answer to her request, the leader took one last look around before heading off along the borderline, returning to the endless quest of securing it against all intruders.

Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

The white girl laid there on her back, waiting anxiously for the regal lady’s response. It was all down to her, whether or not she decided to let the small girl into her ranks or chase her away from the borders. The other two wolves also stayed silent as they too waited for the verdict.

Finally, it came. Athena was indeed looking forward to the scheduled hunt with her new pack. Hunting had always been one of her favorite things to do, next to watching the sunrise and sunset. Along with her hunting skills, she also knew how to fish, but decided to leave that out. During her time with Hope, she learned to fish in the nearby river that they stayed close to. She had grown to love the method almost as much as regular ground hunting, but running after her prey was more rewarding. The white girl nodded to the female, understanding the future test. Her tail wagged slightly behind her, excited to prove her worth.

As the noble woman preceded on to her other tasks of the day, she rolled back onto her belly, tail drumming loudly on the ground. She looked up at Naira and Triell with a grin on her face. She was glad that the leader had accepted her, truly she was. This pack would be only the second pack that she has lived in. Therefore, this was a good start.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
Keeping it short again.

<blockquote>Naira nodded her ascent to her leaders wishes as she watched grey form melt into the trees of their home. Turning her attention back to the smaller white wolf, she gave a sideways smile to Triell and looked to the new wolf welcomingly. <b>"Let's go shorty."</b> she teased in a friendly manner. <b>"There's still a lot to do before the sun goes down..."</b></blockquote>

(This post was last modified: Mar 22, 2012, 03:25 PM by Naira.)
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Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
    Why do they think I never change, they're the ones that stay the same.

Silent as stone he studied Corinna he may know her, but he was never aware if she would let a wolf stay, or be sending them on their way. It changed from time to time, and from wolf to wolf. It seemed Athena had said and done all the right things and was now officially a River wolf. Maybe, he could possibly warm up to her now. He did admire how she had taken everything being submissive, but not quite back down. His black banner beat quickly behind him at the thought of another hunt. It was defintely needed to restore their low caches, and see how worthy and skilled these new wolves were. He was not too doubtful, though time would tell all.

"Of coarse," he murmured to Corinna with a humble smile, and another sway of his tail. He watched Corinna take her leave hoping she might be off to rest or something. Then the white blur which was Athena caught his eye, and he turned his head to see her grinning. That in itself did him good to see, proving maybe she wasn't so bad after all. His grin was not broad, but it still existed on his face. He bumped shoulders with Naira catching her smile, and let out a high pitched woof. "Come on then," he barked, and swiftly took up the lead to the pack den.


<i>Arya you can post or archive it. I'll leave it up to you :)</i>
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]