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Feel so alive — Iridescent Lagoon 
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Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
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Thanatos Rua
Thanatos watched as Silver rolled into the water away from him. He jumped into the water, standing in a spot so his fur would still get soaked by the cold water but he was still able to stand. He walked over to her, the moon reflecting off of the water where she stood, making her coat appear to shine. He smirked and splashed her with water before running to shore.

He shook the water from his pelt to dry himself off a bit before running along the shore line. He stopped for a moment and looked back to see if Silver would follow him.
Played by Hope who has 110 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Silver Wintercoat
Silver watched him leave after splashing her, and get out. She followed him a ways in the water swimming like a fish itself. She had learning how to swim rather good when Firefox had insisted she learn so she could think like a fish. Finally, she climbed out and continued to follow him, her feet still light and making no noise, still reminding herself of a ghost.

Silver followed him, her pelt drying in the cold wind. She ran faster know because of how little snow there was,if any, and she was able to stay with him when she caught up to him.
"If I had to chose between you and me, well it depends on my reason."
Grizzly Hollow
Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
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Thanatos Rua
Thanatos ran beside Silver, loving every second of it. He looked back at her and smiled as he tried to tackle her into the shallow water. He laughed and smiled, realizing he was acting like a pup. He didn't care, he was enjoying this time alone with Silver.

Thanatos splashed her with water and looked into her eyes. He licked her cheek and nipped her neck again, her scent drawing him closer to her.
Played by Hope who has 110 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Silver Wintercoat
Silver fell into the shallow water, and stood up shaking her fur. Silver padded forward and after he got close she was about to splash him, but he made a move first. She sprinted away through the water and then leaped at him making a small wave and splashing him. She was aware of the way she was acting, yet she couldn't stop.

Teasing him by not staying in one spot she leaped up onto a log that rested beside the water. Using it as a lunching board she ran forward and leaped of hoping to land on him as she plunged into the water. The silent night was filled with her laughter as she played in the water. She stopped and ran to shore padding closer to him as she went by. Then, she stood on the shore staring at him.
"If I had to chose between you and me, well it depends on my reason."
Grizzly Hollow
Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Thanatos Rua
Silver refused to stay in one spot as he tried to splash her. She leaped towards him, making a small wave and splashing him. She launched herself towards him, tackling him as they fell into the water. He laughed as they ran to the shore. Thanatos shook his body, getting the water off of his fur.

He looked over at Silver and saw her staring at him. He walked up to her and began licking her fur, drying it for her.
Played by Hope who has 110 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Silver Wintercoat
SIlver enjoyed herself with him. Making every moment count she was willing to do anything for him. She felt him drying her fur, and as she did she placed her head on his back. She stood there for a while letting herself get dry before she walked away from him and sat down staring at the sky.

The stars seemed to be playing with the moon and keeping it compainy. She always had stories in her mind about the stars, that her fox mother had told her. One she remembered greatly was the one with the moon. It said that the moon was a very strong spirit and that the stairs kept it compainy after it was banished into the sky. There was more, but she barely remembered, and she new it was said so she didn't like to think about it. What ever it was she remembered it had reminded Silver of herself. She listened as she thought she heard Thanatos come up beside her.
"If I had to chose between you and me, well it depends on my reason."
Grizzly Hollow
Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Thanatos Rua
Silver placed her head on his back as he dried her fur. Once he finished, she walked away and sat down, looking up at the sky. He padded over to her and sat next to her, looking up at the moon and stars as well. <b>"I vaguely remember a story my mother told me about the moon when I was a pup. She said the moon was once a wolf much larger than you and I, with a pelt as black as night and eyes the color of ice. Her name was Selene and she had a mate by the name of Annin who had been chosen for her by her parents who were only interested in power."</b>

He paused for a moment and smiled at Silver as he continued. <b>"Selene did not love the wolf she had been paired with, but she did meet a male named Helios. Appearance wise they were complete opposites. His fur was white as snow and his eyes like fire. Selene soon fell in love with Helios, but Annin found out as became very jealous and banished the pair into the sky. He forced them to stay on opposite ends of the sky, living as the moon and sun, forever chasing each other in hopes of being reunited with their lost love."</b> He looked back at Silver, unsure why he just told that story. It ended on a horrible note.
Played by Hope who has 110 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Silver Wintercoat
Silver lowered her head and looked at him as he finished. She had not heard the story before and she cocked her head at him. She licked his muzzle and looked back up at the moon. As the story flashed into her mind, she remembered the story she was told.<b>"My mother said that there is many stories of the moon, and the sun. One was that the moon was once a wolf, that had been outcast as a wolf, and in its depression moved into the sky. When it saw how buetiful it was up there it tolk pity on the other wolves like it. Shinning light on them in the dark, and comforting them,"</b> she looked up at the moon with a longingly look, wondering about it.

<b>"that story I think is actually the only thing that kept me going, after nowing about my abondoment. I had felt like I was outcast, more of because of my deformant,"</b> Silver said. She looked down at her left paw, her splayed paw that made her have such and akward gait. She lifted it and pawed the ground with it, feeling how strong it had gotten over the years. Now she cherished the paw, because of how strong it was. It was what she used to kill and take down many things, bigger than her or smaller. She looked back up at him, her head tipped down at the water. She peaked at her reflection noticing, how well Thanatos blended in with the night, and also her glemmering pelt that made her look like she was glowing with the moon.
"If I had to chose between you and me, well it depends on my reason."
Grizzly Hollow
Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Thanatos Rua
Thanatos listened to Silvers story. She looked up at the moon, as if she wished she were up there. Thanatos heard her mention her deformant but had never noticed it before. <b>"There is nothing wrong with you dear. You are perfect just as you are."</b> He licked her muzzle and looked down at the reflections in the water. He seemed to disappear against the darkness but Silver shone almost as bright as the moon.

He looked up at her and smiled. <b>"I think I have another story."</b> This one he made up on the spot, thinking only of his love for Silver. <b>"Before there was a moon, there was only Hati who ruled the sky with his brother Skoll. Now these two brothers were just like Selene and Helios, completely different in appearance. Skoll had already found a mate for himself and the two of them lit up the sky during the day but Hati was left alone, his dark pelt covering the night sky, until one day, Hati met Luna. She was the most beautiful wolf he had ever seen. Her pelt was silver and it seemed to shine and give off it's own light as it drew others to her. Her eyes were stunning. A beautiful teal blue. She was everything Hati could have hoped for. He fell in love with her and she lit up his world as she herself became the moon in the sky. Now other wolves look up to the sky and they can admire her beauty, just as Hati does every moment he's with her."</b>
Played by Hope who has 110 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Silver Wintercoat
OOC: there i go bringing in the science lol

Silver was tickled by his story, yet not totaly grasping it tell she looked down at the reflection of her and him in the water. She moved closer to him, and she gripped the ground tight with her claws. She was deterimined to make sure she didn't leave his side, unless for good reason. They where like molecuels chemically combined together. Silver stood quietly at his side, wondering if she should at least get some sleep. She wasn't tired, but she knew she had ben up for at least most of the day and night.

The silver ghost turned her head to the night wolf, her eyes glowing with love. The night wolf next to the ghost a contrast to her pelt. Silver was sucked back down to earth knowing what she had just seen was them, but in the reflection. She watched in the water as the ghost faded, as Silver pawed the water making it ripple and covering her image. She hoped he had not noticed what she had did, and stood up and liked his muzzle before twirling around to walk again beside the lake. She just couldn't stay in on spot, her mucles wanting to spring and jump.
"If I had to chose between you and me, well it depends on my reason."
Grizzly Hollow