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that girl possessed — Bramble Falls 
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Played by PuppyThief who has 157 posts.
Sanguine Cove V. Guardian
Leo Vuesain

She looked up, a glimmer of gold and blue in the darkness; It really is her! Leo just managed to confirm as much before he miss-stepped, on front paw sliding off the side of a wobbly stone making him stumble. He was forced to tear his eyes away from his sister and focus on his own feet, shuffling to regain his balance.


He finally succeeded, looking up in time to see his father embrace the dark girl. The softest hint of a smile spread on the boy’s lips, relief flooding his chest. He took care to make the rest of the way over, slowly, watching his footing, and finally came to a halt at his father’s hip, keeping back so as not to impose on the reunion.


Only when Aleister pulled back did Leo take another step forwards, eager to greet his sister for himself, only, their father’s words made him frown; She’s hurt? Looking her over with worried eyes, her brother asked softly: “Kati?”

Thoughts ”Speech”

[Image: FFeXvE1.png] [Image: LuHJBlS.png]
Played by Kai who has 160 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kateri Vuesain-Slayer
The young Vuesain-Slayer only wanted to stay in her fathers embrace. After being away for so long she missed him and the rest of her family deeply especially when she thought she'd never see any of them again. She had her face tucked into her fathers fur but she felt the pelt laid over her. It definitely helped to warm her up some but it would be a few minutes more before she stopped shivering. His words were so much a comfort to the perviously lost pup wspecially when the sound of his voice had seemed to start fading from her memory. She whimpered when he pulled away from her but she accepted it only because he wanted to know where she was hurt.

Kateri had almost forgotten about that having been so caught up in the fact that she'd been found. "Its my leg pappa," she told touching her hock eith her nose, [/b]"Mostly here I think?"[/b] She wasn't entirely sure since her whole leg hurt. Leo's voice saying her name brought her mismatched gaze to meet his with a smile. "You came too Leo? I missed you too." She certainly hadn't forgot her brothers or sister in the time she'd been gone. It pleased her very much to see her brother.

However, when she looked around she didn't see her mother, lynx, or Stella but she did see Chan gathering what looked like it might be supplies. "Where's Mamma?" She asked her father.
Played by Cade who has 878 posts.
Paradise Falls I. Leader
Chan Eastfall
Chan caught Kateri's words as she answered an unknown but easily-assumed inquiry. He set the hare skin down at their paws and nosed it open so that he could point out and explain it's contents to Aleister. He would need to know how to keep her properly medicated until she was in her mother's care.

That was when it occurred to him that @Aquene herself was not home - she wouldn't know that her daughter was safe for days, possibly a week.

"Al, give her these every two hours - they're going to help with the pain and inflammation. If she starts bleeding, use this to stopper it. Here, Kateri," a loose mixture of plant debris and berries were separated and pushed her way, "eat these, alright? They'll help you warm up and feel better."

His gaze rose up to Aleister's face alone, and his voice lowered.

"Send someone after Aquene as soon as you get to the pack, get her home as quick as they can. She's the only one who'll know how serious it is. Find out more about what happened, how long ago it happened and how much stress she's put on it, things like that. It'll help Aquene."

Thankfully, it didn't appear to be anything critical, but they certainly didn't want her losing function in her leg because it didn't heal properly.
(This post was last modified: Jan 09, 2022, 06:42 AM by Chan.)
[Image: 5BdYuOb.png]
Played by Arya who has 391 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aleister Vuesain

As the patriarch stepped back to figure out how bad Kateri was injured, she confirmed it was just her leg and pointed to where it hurt most. Aleister would need to figure out how she hurt it and how long ago for Aquene to properly diagnose and help heal her. But before he would ask any more questions, Leo hesitantly stepped forward calling out his half-sister's name. Aleister stepped aside, giving his son room in case he wanted to embrace his sister. A sad smile crossed his maw when she asked about her mother. "She went out looking for you too, just in another direction to make sure we had the best chance to find you," he answered her honestly, there was no point in lying to her. "Her, Nash and Lynx should be home soon, and you will get to see them, I promise," he reassured as he placed a kiss upon her crown.

Chan was quickly next to them, depositing the contents of the hare at his paws. Nodding at his words, Aleister made sure to commit his instructions to memory for their trip back. Realizing then Chan was going to still continue on to the Backwater, alone. Mismatched gazes met then as Chan whispered to him further instructions. He was thankful for the man's wisdom on healing and knowing what to look for with situations like these. Nodding again in understanding, "Will you be okay continuing on alone?" He asked softly, the winter weather was volatile and unpredictable, but it was Chan's choice if he wanted to continue on to their friend's territory. At least he knew he would be able to rest and recover there before returning.

Returning his gaze over to Kateri, "Let's get you home."

[Image: lMaXPz.png]
Played by PuppyThief who has 157 posts.
Sanguine Cove V. Guardian
Leo Vuesain

Leo’s eyes were aglow with worry as his sister pointed out her injury, his heart heavy at the though of what she might have been through all alone. Only when her attention turned to him, did the boy force a small smile, answering softly: “Missed you too Kat.” He moved to touch his muzzle gently against her head, briefly, his own version of a loving embrace.


Then he stepped back again, allowing their father to close in and continue his examination and explain about the other search parties. Chan, meanwhile, had acted the healer, making good use of his supplies. Leo listened closely to the instructions as well, wanting to help in anyway possible, though a frown creased his brow at the same time, growing deep as the adults stepped aside to continue their talk in hushed voices. The Eastfall would not be coming back to the mountain with them, that much was clear; But why? They’d found Kateri, they needed to get her home!


As he watched the grownups - waiting as patiently as he could for them to inform the kids what was going on – Leo moved in to try and help warm his sister. Then Aleister finally addressed them, and his ears perked up, gaze flicking from his father to Chan. He didn’t know what exactly had been said between the two men, though they didn’t seem upset. Finally settling his attention on the paler of the two, Leo pushed himself to ask: “Where are you going?” Curiosity and concern mixed in his voice, brow still knitted tight; Shouldn’t we stay together?

Thoughts ”Speech”

[Image: FFeXvE1.png] [Image: LuHJBlS.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
Fresh tracks show an injured deer has recently passed by. Hunt opportunity! +10 Health
Played by Kai who has 160 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kateri Vuesain-Slayer
When she showed her father where her leg hurt mist she hadn't wanted to touch it. Even that had hurt when she'd first realized it was hurt so she'd kept from doing that. She was careful while her leg was examined but her attention was drawn away by her brother. She was very glad to see Leo has come with her father and Chan. When he came and touched his muzzle to her head her eyes closed for a moment. She thought she'd never see him again. Tears fell down her cheeks at the thought and how happy she was to be with her family again. Her father then explained about her mother, Nash, and Lynx. That they'd gone another direction to look for her and that she'd see them when she got home. She smiled at her father when he promised that she'd see them again, "Do you think Mamma will be angry with me?" She asked since it had been on her mind the whole time she'd been missing.

Chan came then with a bundle that he dropped next to her in the snow. The smell from it told her it was Hare. It wasn't food though it was something else. The leader seemed to be speaking very fast as he explained some things to her father about what was held by the fur. The next thing she knew he was telling her to eat something. "Will this make me not be hungry?" She asked before doing as Chan said and ate the plants and berries. A disgusted look passed across her face as she chewed and swallowed. She spoke again, "Thank you Chan." She wasn't sure how to thank him for trying to make her feel better and for coming to find her.

The men were talking quietly which Kateri knew meant she shouldn't listen but she heard her mothers name. Something seemed off as she watched their faces. Her father knew something she realized when he asked Chan if he'd be okay going on alone. "He can't go," she told her father her tone was nearly panicked, "He'll get lost too. You can't let him go by himself. We can't go without him."
Played by Cade who has 878 posts.
Paradise Falls I. Leader
Chan Eastfall
Will it help the hunger, she asked. Chan hoped so, but having been cold, hungry and on his own before, he knew she would likely not be appeased until she had meat in her belly. Thankfully, she hadn't been gone long enough for them to worry about starvation of any kind - it would be uncomfortable, but she would be alright.

Aleister asked if he'd be alright, a courtesy he expected, but the curiosity was echoed by his children. Kateri spoke up with particular alarm, stealing all of Chan's attention.

"Hey hey hey," he tried to soothe, "I'm okay, Kat. I'm you dad's scout, okay? You know what that means? I've been all over, farther than you can even see from the mountain, and I did it all alone. Sun or snow, I don't get lost. I promise."

He felt comfortable making the vow - there was virtually no way for him to get so turned around from here to the Backwater that he would lose the towering mountain range. Of course, swearing nothing else would get the better of him? That he couldn't do, and hoped she wouldn't ask.

His mismatched gaze lifted to regard Leo next, voice equally gentle.

"We still need to reach out to them. They could know something about your mother, or Nori."
[Image: 5BdYuOb.png]
Played by PuppyThief who has 157 posts.
Sanguine Cove V. Guardian
Leo Vuesain

The glint of tears in Kateri’s eyes made her brother’s heart clench, as did her question. He wanted to reassure her, but wasn’t sure what to say, or if she’d even believe his word. Aquene had always cared warmly for all four Cove pups, but at the end of it she was Kateri’s mother, not his, and surely she would know her better. In the end, Leo left the question for his father to answer, certain that he would know much better, how to comfort her.


Soon enough, the focus was all on Chan, as Kateri too expressed worry at him going off on his own – be it in a much more intense manner. The scout rushed to reassure her, his clear confidence very convincing, at least to Leo. He still didn’t feel good about it though, agreeing with his sister that they should all stay together, just to be safe. We found her! Now we need to get her home!


But he didn’t say it out loud, knowing that in the end it would be the adults’ decision to make, and they knew better. So, when Chan looked to him, the boy met his gaze with serious eyes, ready to admit difference. However, he had not expected a proper explanation, and certainly not that explanation! Mom...! In all his worry for Kateri and subsequent relief at finding her alive, he had entirely repressed the fact that she was not the only wolf missing from the Cove.


Leo looked from Chan to his father and then Kateri, mind whirring as he considered for a moment, before looking back to the scout. “You’re right Chan,” He began, forcing himself to look into the older wolf’s eyes as he spoke; “I didn’t think…” Trailing off for a moment, he glanced over at his sister, feeling a fresh rush of affection and that desire to comfort her in any way he could. “Maybe…” He swallowed, steeling himself and then turned back to Chan; “Maybe I could go with you? If we’re two, we’re less likely to get lost!” The last bit was added for Kateri’s benefit, he trusted a seasoned traveler like Chan could find his way just fine, but hopefully this could help ease her mind. And the truth was, he really wanted to go, their search wasn’t over.


Looking to his father, a brief doubt entered Leo’s mind as he asked: “Unless you need my help?” Kateri was injured after all, and after climbing down the icy slopes, the boy knew how treacherous the climb would be. If Aleister wanted his help, he would go without question, but if the father was confident in taking his daughter back alone, Leo wanted to continue searching; I’m tired of just waiting around…!

Thoughts ”Speech”

[Image: FFeXvE1.png] [Image: LuHJBlS.png]
Played by Arya who has 391 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aleister Vuesain

"She's only worried about you," he reassured her, though knowing that Aquene may be a little upset with the girl, but the worry and relief when she is home will precede the anger. He was sure neither of them would leave their daughter's side for a while and the patriarch would be more watchful over his other litter to make sure they stayed home as well. As Aleister didn't want to ever feel this fear and terror ever again.

As much as he wanted to speak quietly with Chan, his children seemed to pick up on everything as Kateri grew panicked with the mention of Chan moving on without the rest of them. Aleister opened his maw to try to comfort his child, but Chan was quick to reassure her much better than he may have. Al hoped it was enough to calm the concerned girl, but even Leo was upset to know Chan would be leaving them.

What his scout said was true, they could know something or may have seen something that could lead to them finding Kip or Nori. Aleister watched as Leo sorted through his thoughts as his matching mismatched gaze looked to him last. The Vuesain paused before answering his son as he contemplated his decision. It was tough to let another one of his children out of his, but he didn't trust anyone better than Chan to keep one of his children safe on a scouting trip. "Chan needs your help more. Make sure you both get back safe to the Cove," he answered, giving his son a mission to complete.

After giving his son further farewells and gentle reminders to listen to Chan every moment of their journey, the Vuesain would collect Kateri and begin their slow journey back to the Cove where she belonged.

aleister's exit unless stopped
[Image: lMaXPz.png]