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i hear overtones — Sanguine Cove 
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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 379 posts.
Woya Macieo
Woya listened as the ebb of the conversation landed with Aquene once more, the woman expressing her fondness of close ties. She thought it interesting what they had in common, for it sounded apparent that the other wolf was not estranged or lost, simply distanced. It was the same for her - she could travel her way back to her parents if she wanted to, had the means and the knowledge and would likely discover what had become of Hudson along the way. Still, it wasn't an option, not one she could currently consider. Not realistic, as the young mother had said.

She went on to mention another pack, and Woya allowed her attention to be carried to this other topic, not wishing to dwell on the ways she was subtly forced to choose between family.

"That's wonderful," she voiced with a smile and wag of her tail, though it was jealousy that she truly felt, wishing that relationship could have been between her pack and Aleister's instead of these strangers. Just another regret she could do nothing but try to mitigate for going forward.

"Aleister's mom would be so proud of him, of all of this," she went on, a single paw scuffing at the ground, "thanks for being a part of it. For having his back through everything."
[Image: X2QzmxY.png]
Played by Tasha who has 363 posts.
Sanguine Cove III. Shaman
Aquene Slayer

She wanted to have a nice and well-rounded connection with all of the packs in the area. She wanted Kateri and all of the other pups to know their family, which very much clearly included the Macieo brood. She wanted them to have a wonderful inter-pack connection just like she’d had with her cousins via her Aunt Lilya and Uncle Lachesis.

She smiled softly as the woman went on. Aleister’s mom. She really didn’t know that much about the former matriarch, other than the fact that she was loved. “It’s my honor to be a part of it. I’ve seen this pack grow so much over the past year, and grow closer. They’re my family, even if it isn’t by blood.” And she meant that wholly. She couldn’t imagine her life without the wolves of the Cove. Aleister had given her a home and a daughter, Nash had given her love, Chan with unquestionable loyalty despite a wandering heart and Moonshadow a mother’s love that she thought she had lost forever. She owed these wolves her life.

Aquene Slayer
[Image: jNJyCis.png]
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 379 posts.
Woya Macieo
My honor, the other woman expressed, encouraging Woya's sheepish smile. They were family. She was thankful things had worked out so well for her cousin, truly. Still, it was difficult not to continue to contrast with what the Chasm lost inside her head.

She'd taken up enough of Aquene's time.

"I'll let you go, yeah? See ya around, 'Ne," she spoke through a flash of a toothy grin, tail wagging at her wolfish heels as she backed up and moved to take her leave.
[Image: X2QzmxY.png]