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Rising with the sun — Poison Path 
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Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
Sorry for the slight PP.

<blockquote>The easy option would have been to throw herself under the deers flailing hooves, at any other time. But now she had to be careful of physical injuries that may harm the jellybean sized growths in her stomach. Pushing for another small burst of speed she latched onto the deer's front leg, forcing the creature to stumble and fall. Between the momentum gained from the fall and Athena's hold on the animals neck, the tawny wolf darted forward to help deliver the final blow.

As the beast went quiet under their combined jaws, the large woman stepped forward, tearing hungrily into the still warm flesh. She hadn't eaten properly since they left the River wolves and she was grateful for the food. Not a stickler for tradition, considering it was just the two of them, she made room for the smaller wolf to join her. Victory never tasted so sweet.</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

Athena wasn't able to deliver to get a proper grip on the deer's jugular, but the incoming sight of Naira raised her hope of success. With the downward slope and the white wolf on it's back, the deer had no chance. Naira was gaining and it was a matter of time before she was in range to take the deer the rest of the way down. A swift bit to the leg and finally the deer was down. Athena managed to keep a hold on the deer's neck, but she was thrown hard against the stone ground.

Naira assisted her in silencing the animal and she waited for a moment to get her breath back. Her leader was already at the deer, but she scotched over for the little wolf to join her. Relieved they were able to do it, she dug into the fresh kill. They were both silent until the end of the meal when Athena spoke up. "Great job," she said smiling over at the tawny woman.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
I'm going to end this here unless you want to keep going. Feel free to reply and archive or reply and I'll check it and respond again. Everything is moving so fast its hard to keep up!

<blockquote>A bubble of a giggle escaped her mouth. <b>"Good job to you, I'm the one that moved too early. Everything sounds so different up here..."</b> she admitted while taking in their surroundings. It had been quite a sizeable kill and there would be plenty left over for one of their new caches. Pride swelled in her chest as she looked at what they had achieved. <b>"Just uh... Don't mention this to Rhysis. If he asks, you and Ava bought it down ok?"</b> a small sheepish grin passed her face as she continued to eat. <b>"He's so over protective he may just have kittens if he finds out. He doesn't want me taking down anything larger than a rabbit apparently. He clearly doesn't know what it takes to deliver healthy puppies."</b>

The light of laughter was dancing in her eyes. She really did love the dark male, even if he did get a little suffocating with his rules. She would always do what was right and damn the rules and the consequences. She was a member of this pack and by golly she was going to pull her increasing weight. Perhaps all the women in her family were as pig headed as she was but she only wanted to do what she thought would make her grandmother proud. Running away in the middle of the night may not have done so, but everything that had happened since she hoped would be smiled upon.</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
Alrighty, I'll just reply and archive it(: Oh, I know! It's crazy!

She laughed as her leader blamed herself. It did not really matter if she came out too early anyway. They were still able to succeed in the end and that is all that matters. "Oh, well. We still got the job done." She said with a smile. She was happy that they were able to contribute to the food caches and this would last for a while for all of them. She then continued to tell her not to tell Rhysis. She did not plan to tell him anyway, he did no need to know everything, right?

"Don't worry about it. I can be a good liar for you." She said with a grin. Anyway, if she told him, she would get in trouble too, so she was not about to go blurting out about this to him. Their secret was safe with her. Athena again laughed about her comment on the kittens. Indeed, he can be too protective, but he is just looking after her and his future children. At least he is not just letting her run around recklessly. However, she could be anyway. Today was an example.

"Want to head back?" She asked. It was starting to get darker and if they wanted to get back the deer back before it was too dark, they will have to leave now. Walking over to the deer's neck, she latched on and began to drag the deer down the side of the mountain. With the downward slope, it should not be too hard. Glancing back at Naira to see if she was coming, she continued down the mountain towards the den site. Today was a good day indeed.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||