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voices in my head — Kettle Pot Pond 
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Played by Molo who has 135 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Arguing had never really been her strong suit, anyway. A part of the ghost wondered if the kid really wouldn’t care what she’d done, if indeed she knew the extent of it. Maybe one day they’d find out, but today would not be that day. For, if there was one thing Colette had been good at, it was playing roles. Being whatever she had needed to be, doing what she needed to do, to fit in. To make others think she was on their side, that she had acquiesced to their beliefs or demands when in actuality she was just biding her time.

That was exactly the strategy to employ here, too. Let the kid think she had won. Let her walk away at the end of this, thinking she’d done some good. After that, Colette would be free, to continue down whatever path she chose. It would be a win for both of them.

With a bit of effort, the ghost shuffled to position herself on her belly, so she wasn’t completely exposed and vulnerable. Her tired limbs ached though, and she didn’t feel like moving beyond that. She also couldn’t hold back a soft, disdainful snort as Reika spoke something about redemption instead of forgiveness. ”The hell’s the difference? Cause, way I see it, that’s off the table for me, too.” Perhaps she could perform redemptive acts, like trying to help the kid, but it would never outweigh all of the bad.

But then the kid spoke something else. It went in line with the ghost’s thoughts, and it was something she gently shook her head in response to. ”How ‘bout hope you don’t ever feel this way, period?” she grunted. ”Cause if you keep on the path you’re on.. I don’t think you have to worry, about that. You’re.. a good kid.”

Colette hadn’t lost sight of that, at least. And if this was to be the arrangement for a while, she could at least try to steer the kid right, and make the best of it. Then, a wry smile. ”Now, where’s my damn rabbit?”
Played by Kai who has 58 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Reika Archer
Reika knew it was too soon to claim victory in this argument but she was starting to think she might win the woman over. She was doing her best to convince her to accept the help that was being offered. It was difficult but the Archer yearling was putting her paw down in the matter.

What she'd realized through all of this was that the pale woman felt she didn't deserve to live. It was sad really and maybe in time Reika could help her to find a different path in life than seeking the slow painful death of starvation. The girl just couldn't let that happen.

In a moments thought Reika felt that at this time in the woman's life she may not be able to forgive herself. There was another path she could take and that was the one to redemption. She thought that maybe in time it could either lead her to a place of forgiveness or she would at least not be in the place she currently was. Either way the Archer would have felt that she'd really been able to help the woman.

It seemed however that the stranger was still skeptical. She asked what the difference was. Reika sat down in the snow in front of the woman who she felt might just be as stubborn as she was. "You seek redemption through pence for your bad deeds. In other words you do good things to make up for the bad," she explained, "I don't think either one is off the table for you. Your outlook on life is just really bleak right now." She was convinced that was the problem. Getting her a little food and then once she felt better she might feel differently. At least Reika hoped so.

There were plenty of things in life that were out if their control, she knew that well. She also knew that their choices defined them. It seemed she might have someone who wanted her to be able to make the right choices so she never ended up in the place the wan was. "I suppose it depends on what life throws at me that will determine that. But thanks I think I had a good foundation." Her parents she felt had taught her well and prepared her to go out on her own.

The corner of her lip lifted in a crooked smile when the woman spoke of her rabbit. "That's that then. I'm Reika by the way. I'll have our rabbit in no time and don't think you can slink off while I'm not looking."
Played by Molo who has 135 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Apparently, according to young miss goody-good, there was a difference between forgiveness and redemption. And the latter, she explained, meant you were supposed to ‘make up’ for all of the bad deeds by doing good things. It was close enough to what Colette had thought originally, and enough to make her scoff in dismissal of the idea.

”Oh, please. Couldn’t do enough good deeds in ten lifetimes to make up for the bad I’ve done. Like I said - I’m damned.” The ghost shrugged a little at that. It was a condition and sentence she had accepted long ago, even before the whole bad-eye and scarred face thing. There was no light left, and no hope for her.

The kid, though, she was a different story. She was young, kind. Had a good foundation, even, as the kid professed herself. There wasn’t any way Colette could free herself from the evil she had done, but for as long as this was going to be a thing, the ghost also did not intend to let anything corrupt her apparent caregiver. ”Good foundation helps. Don’t forget it, and I’m sure you won’t be steered wrong, stubborn as you are.”

There was both a note of irritation and admiration there, in that comment. Even more so when Reika decided to play along, claiming she’d have a rabbit before too long, but throwing one jest out there, herself. Again, Colette scoffed, but this time it was more good-natured.

”Name’s Ghost, and I wouldn’t dream of it. I’ll be waitin’ for ya down by the water. Y’know, to get that drink you’ve been keepin’ me from, this whole time.” With that, she flashed a crooked smile, and with a soft grunt managed to push herself to her feet, to begin heading towards the pond.
