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Life ain't all black and white — Sanguine Cove 
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Played by Grae who has 106 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Matos Eastfall-Slayer
The pair of girls looked almost exactly like his sisters and it was almost scary. Though since they weren't his littermates surely they wouldn't cause him a headache? So when the pair offered to be friends he excitedly nodded his head. "Yas! Friends!" He barked joining in with the birds above them. Though he wasn't focused on them at all, only on his new found friends! Surely he had made friends before either of his sisters. However, unlike them he wouldn't rub it in their faces. He would simply want to share the exciting news with them! Maybe they could make friends too. His excitement calmed down a bit as he stood there looking at his new friends. What did friends do? "Wat we do now?" He asked cocking his head slightly. Maybe they knew what friends did.
Played by Kai who has 21 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Feyre Vuesain
Meeting another pup that wasn't her siblings was an exciting thing for Feyre. She liked spending time with her siblings of course but they sometimes were only so much fun. She looked at Di as she repeated the boys name which she felt her sister had gotten it spot on. An approving smile crossed her maw but what was even better was that her sister agreed they should be friends with this boy amd ye agreed too. "Yay, friends now," she confirmed.

Fey chose to ignore the stupid birds that seemed untent on ruining this moment. It was a very special moment because Matos would be the very first friend they ever made. He however brought up an excellent question bringing the little blackbird to thinking really hard about this. It was then the birds broke through her thoughts. That was when she had it. "Find quiet place," she said glancing up at the birds so the other two pups would understand what she meant. Her talking wasn't the beat just yet.
Played by Flywolf who has 76 posts.
Inactive IX. Subordinate
Diantha Vuesain
Last round?

It was exciting to meet a new friend, and great that Di got to share this moment with her sister. This Matos boy looked like Fey too. Di thought it was funny; maybe he would act like Fey too! She wasn't sure she wanted two of her sister, but Matos seemed fun enough. He asked a very good question, and before Di could answer Fey had suggested finding a quiet place. The agouti girl glanced up at the shrieking birds and made a face. "Yes," she said firmly. "Quiet place."

She looked to Matos, nodded once, and then flounced off to find a nice place for the three of them to play, fully expecting both of her darker companions to follow.

Played by Grae who has 106 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Matos Eastfall-Slayer
That works for me! <3

The three children's thoughts were all interrupted by the screeching birds. Both of his new found friends agreed with one another about finding a quieter place. His own gaze returned to the treetops, seeing more birds than branches. His own dark audits fell against his head in an attempt to block out the noise. Looking about to his newfound friends, "I know a place! Follow me!" he called out before bounding away. Oversized puppy paws bounded away in the direction of the lake. The lakeshore had no trees so that would mean there was no way for the magpies to follow them. Then they could play worry free!
Played by Kai who has 21 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Feyre Vuesain
The birds only seemed to get louder by the minute so when the question of what to do came up she was eager. A quieter place to play and get to know their new friend was something that couldn't be passed up. She'd suggested it before Di had the chance to suggest something else. The other two agreed and the Matos boy knew a place that they could go. Feyre didn't have to be asked twice. She eagerly followed her look-a-like through the forest of the cove to the place that he knew.

(This post was last modified: Nov 15, 2022, 02:57 AM by Feyre.)