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Not for the faint of heart — Dead Empress Backwater 
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Played by Ghost who has 42 posts.
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Sephrina Valle

The thought that the buck may be in pain from the stringy, bloody scene in front of them caused the pup’s nose to wrinkle. She couldn’t imagine how it would feel if all the fur and skin on her ears just started falling off in strips. There was no way that it could feel good right? She was about to answer such when their uncle entered the scene.

For maybe the first time in her life the Valle girl listened to her brother and stayed put long enough to hear what Rochus had to say. Thinking it over for a long moment she murmured under her breath, ”I don’t think we have a choice.” Then, she shook off all the tension she didn’t realize that she had been holding and sidestepped, moving away from the buck and closer to her uncle.

She was visibly disappointed but answered, ”That seems fair.” And fell in line with the adult getting them out of there. Another plan foiled.

(This post was last modified: Nov 20, 2022, 07:11 PM by Sephrina.)
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