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Silver and Gold — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kade Attaya
<blockquote>He was strangely delighted that Chantille chose to share so much of her history with him. He agreed subjectively that a pure blooded bay wolf was hard to come by, and now that she'd explained her heritage he took note of her features. The shewolf continued on, revealing her position in her pack as a newcomer, and a warm grin would span his dark face as spoke of her pack mates' colder natures. He thought it wasn't uncommon for a newcomer to feel that way, he'd felt that way himself when he'd first come to Grizzly Hollow. But in time his own pack mates warmed up to him, and with that in mind he attempted to offer some reassurance. Quite honestly, he was tickled that she had a heart big enough to feel the lack of warmth among others.

<b>"It sounds like you come from a merciful family,"</b> he spoke, regarding the fact that she was allowed to live when, perhaps, she shouldn't have been allowed a life, as she was born to a mother who didn't top the hierarchy. <b>"Don't lose faith, Chantille. Maybe, in time, you will find that they are not as heartless as they may seem to you now."</b>

Poison Path. Well that was new, but from the scent of her he knew exactly where she belonged - at Lost Lake. This made his smile widen the slightest bit further. He knew Ava had enough heart to go around, and she'd spoken very highly of her pack. There was a temptation to ask if Chantille had met his black-furred friend, but he'd leave it be. Maybe there was more Chantille wanted to share of her life, new or old, and he would listen with open ears and an open mind.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: May 05, 2012, 05:19 AM by Kade.)
Played by Bridget who has 139 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chantille Idasis

As the sun made its appearance, Chantille was now able to observe the silver that threaded itself throughout Kade's fur. With a smile, her ears perked intently, listening to the handsome wolf's words. "Unfortunately, if I were ever to return to my pack, I would be chased off. Fair is fair, I suppose." Chocolate swirled eyes fell to the ground now, watching as a millipede crawled out from beneath a rock. Multiple legs brought the worm-like creature along as it weaved between dampened leaves. Soon, it vanished beneath a rotting log.

"I do suppose." The woman replied to Kade's second statement. Within her kind heart, she truly did hope that the wolves would warm up to her. With a keen eye, it was obvious that the three ladies in the pack were tightly knit. Perhaps she could worm her way in with a smile and charm. "I mean... I hope so. I am hoping that I made the correct choice of packs, as I do not know of any others besides Grizzly Hollow now." She watched him carefully, taking note of every facial expression and movement. As the cool air began to warm up, she could feel the sun attempting to beam through the canopy, only to be strained out by the leaves.

"My heart lies with the forest, but our pack resides within the mountains... it will be difficult for me to adjust." Chantille said this with a light titter, a small smile on her maw. Within the back of her mind, though, she was trying her very best to prepare herself for the new life she would be living. Much was to be expected from her, and she did not want to fail.

Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kade Attaya
Apologies, again, for the wait.

<blockquote>The shewolf continued to speak of her newfound home with uncertainty, and it was understandable that she felt the way she did. There was not such a thing as being 'correct' when chosing a pack, or being chosen to one, and the only course of action was to see for oneself, he believed. Doubt was a natural thing for anyone smart enough to question unfamiliar surroundings, but light, inevitably, would always come to be shed in time. It was with this inkling of wisdom that he addressed the ivory lady once more. <b>"Perhaps time will serve to dampen your worries,"</b> he offered, sure that his abstraction was hardly inspirational. <b>"As for establishing residence in the mountains, well,"</b> he paused for a moment as a genuine grin played at the corners of his dark lips, <b>"<i>you should consider yourself very lucky</i>."</b> A part of him wished to be exactly where she now called home, tucked away from the rest of the world where the range met that damn lake.

With the sun now hung high, duty was calling. He would need to patrol, enforcing the borders that separated Jaysyek and her unborn children from any danger, overt or not. For a moment he wondered where Borden might be at this time of day; he hadn't seen the brute since their encounter that fateful night not long ago, and aside from ensuring he was keeping his promise, he wondered, strangely, how he was getting along now. Additionally, the wolf planned to dedicate the day to the hunt, sure that a fresh kill thrown to the cache would do the leadess and the children well.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: May 17, 2012, 03:59 AM by Kade.)
Played by Bridget who has 139 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chantille Idasis
No prob :). I suppose we can wrap this up now!

Chantille nodded her elegant head, eyes looking toward the ground before returning to the steely gaze of Kade. She could tell he had work to do; mouths to feed....borders to protect. With the fog seeming to uplift, she flicked her tail in silent thanks. "Well, Kade, I shall leave you to your business. It was a pleasure meeting you...perhaps our paths will cross again, some day." A polite smile paved itself across her muzzle, and she dipped her head respectfully to the silver-dusted man. With that, she turned her body slowly, to return to the mountains in which she came.

Note to self: Stay away from the fog. It was different from when the clouds came down to grace the mountains with their presence- this was just eerie. It was especially so within the forest, where trees block one's line of sight. With a small shiver, Chantille padded onward, her face now becoming emotionless.

{Chantille exit}