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A Familiar Face — Fireweed Rise 
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Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
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Nina Hervok
ooc: Alright after I reply you can reply or archieve, whatever you want! <3 Sorry it's so short.

Nodding her head with a small smile on her face she got up. She was glad to hear that Naira was having a good life and that she was happy where she was. This was good, for if she ever got in trouble Nina didn't know where she would be and she knew that she would help the large female in front of her if ever need be. Smiling at Naira once again she didn't know how to express how thankful she was in words. "Thank you, Naira, for anything. If you ever need anything call me. You know where I am located. Hell, send a messanger if necessary, word travels around here fast."

And with that message Nina licked Naira's cheek in thanks before standing up, tucking her leg near her belly, and starting her way towards her home, her family, and her future. She knew that was where she belonged. . .she only hoped she would live long enough so that Aeylen or Ruiko wouldn't murder her. . .it was going to be an interesting few weeks.
(This post was last modified: May 19, 2012, 11:33 PM by Nina.)
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.