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Played by becca who has 27 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Siv Oddrún

This time she was a bit clueless and lost. Where was the drive that surely backed up all this assured attitude she received? Siv had thought the woman might be...well, more. Not that she thought less of her for not being such. Just as no one had looked down on her or her own blood for not having ascended any thrones if the time had not yet come.

"You are...strong." She did not mean physically but let the woman think whatever she wished. "I assumed you are at top. You instruct like you are." Humor underlined her words now, content to sink back into something more warm than the cold fog around them.
speaks with a harsher nordic accent
Played by Cade who has 80 posts.
Paradise Falls III. Second
Marigold Tanga
The other skirted past her question, perhaps thinking it rhetorical. Strong, instructive, on top. Marigold blinked back at her, far more used to being told she was bossy, rude, overbearing, bullheaded. This was a compliment, one she had not been expecting. Her, an alpha. Seemed a bit preposterous, given how little she truly knew of pack life. Still this was... nice to hear, in a way.

"I'm a good guardian, I suppose," she conceded, for that was her role here. To stop the girl here and now if she proved menacing, rather than letting her get any closer to the Fall's territory deeper within Kingsfall. Not that that was appearing necessary at this point in time. There was nothing threatening about the younger woman, just... mysterious.

"So, tell me," her silver eyes settled on the other's pale blue, "what was I supposed to have found at your age?"
Played by becca who has 27 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Siv Oddrún
Her features warmed a bit further.

To be met with a fighter was as good as a leader in her eyes. Perhaps even better. It was as if the answer explained everything all at once. The woman's demeanor and her fiery ways. Indeed, Siv could see how she was a good guardian.

"Good company and good land." Her gaze was something deeper now, but warm still. As if she gazed upon a face with fondness and not a stranger.

"You need not find it at my age, but we go in search of it."

"...Have you found good company for your good land?"
speaks with a harsher nordic accent
Played by Cade who has 80 posts.
Paradise Falls III. Second
Marigold Tanga
Good company and good land. She made it sound so easy and simple, like the wind itself could whisk her away to purpose, acceptance and love. As if there were no other concerns to be had.

"They're not bad," she gave the first hints of a smile then, choosing to joke lightly rather than directly answer. After all, if she were being open and honest, it would only take a few prods to touch on something delicate. Things she preferred not to share with anyone, especially a stranger amongst forest fog. Who knew all the ways that could come back to bite her.

"You're just looking for where you belong, then?" A final place to end up? Prey seeking to be caught?

"How do you know that will happen?"
Played by becca who has 27 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Siv Oddrún
"I will know it when I feel it. It comes upon each of us in a different way, but my móðir said I will know."

A feeling deep and old within them all. If that place could not be found by her, then it might be crafted and melded around her. How could she describe a thing that had not happened yet? There would be no way.

"I hope the feeling has found you in your place."

Genuine now, a tentative wave of her tail behind her and a careful step closer. Cautious in each movement, mindful of the woman's status as guardian.
speaks with a harsher nordic accent
Played by Cade who has 80 posts.
Paradise Falls III. Second
Marigold Tanga
Apparently it was not a question of if, only when. Marigold wasn't so convinced, but she was... happy, she supposed, for this girl. It was likely nice, to have such a view of the world. She hummed softly with tepid understanding, gaze drifting briefly. They returned to movement, the other just a touch closer now, earnest interest shining in her powder-blue eyes.

Mar's ears leaned back again, just a touch, as subtle as the slight lifting of her brows. This one had a way with asking things, didn't she? She thought a moment, brief and fleeting.

"I'm here for a purpose," she answered concisely, in a tone suggesting that there was no desire to explain further. It was also a no. There were plenty feelings to be had, but that which this stranger was describing? It sounded fanciful, but even if it wasn't, Marigold was certain it was not yet what the Falls inspired in her. Perhaps that could change, though, with time. So much else already had.

"... I'm Marigold. Our pack is Paradise Falls."

If this was really all she was seeking, and she wanted to check the redwoods for it, Mar supposed that was alright. And if she did mean harm? Marigold would be ready for her, simple as that.
Played by becca who has 27 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Siv Oddrún
In that moment, Siv was innocent. Eyeslashes softly batted as if she was not made of stone and ice. The ghost before her stirred something fancy within her chest. Or perhaps it was the constant push and pull of conversation, of information.

"I am Siv Oddrún once of Fenrir's Tooth."

She had her doubts that tales of it had reached this far...but imagine! Her heart nearly seized to think of a sibling that had come to these lands before her. Maybe a mother or father. No, surely not? The land did not feel familiar as if it might live in her bones and blood.

"Does your Paradise Falls need you soon again, Marigold?"

An escort through the woods was not so terrible a thought.
speaks with a harsher nordic accent
Played by Cade who has 80 posts.
Paradise Falls III. Second
Marigold Tanga
Marigold thought of her own name as rather plain, if not too effeminate. The girl before her answered with a moniker much more intriguing, especially while spoken in that strong, rolling accent of hers. Mar started to wonder about where she was from, what it was like there. A small part even pondered whether it was a place she'd maybe like to be.

'Does your Paradise Falls need you soon again, Marigold?'

Right. She had been working, before crossing Siv's scent. Briefly her silver gaze flickered beyond her company, as though she might be able to see sign of the herd somewhere along the tree-scattered horizon. There was nothing, of course.

"I've been tracking a herd, actually," she informed, her tone a bit more convivial now, "you're welcome to join me."

Mar wasn't required to do anything, but she wanted to finish the job she had started. Two birds with one stone?
Played by becca who has 27 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Siv Oddrún
"I would like that."

Her eyes softly closed at the edges as she bared a grin. Content to have good company, to perhaps part on good terms with an established woman.

Siv felt a warmth within her that night, even after they parted ways.
speaks with a harsher nordic accent