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Played by Van who has 20 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Many poisonous things seemed nice until you really sank your teeth into them. Bright red mushrooms could make you see paradise before they stopped your heart. Mountain laurel could be pretty to look at before they stole your breath. In a sense, Felyx was much like these toxic things, making himself as appealing as possible, and then...

Well. It really depended on if his target remained interesting, didn't it?

Dace seemed happy enough, which was good because Felyx was hardly even trying to trick him at this point. Using him, sure, but not for anything particularly malicious. A game was innocent in the grand scheme of things, and Dace had satisfied the buzzing energy that had been tormenting Felyx all day.

That alone was reason to try and keep him around.

"Felyx," he responded with a grin, his own tail whipping back and forth. A playmate would be so much fun to keep around - someone with energy to match Felyx's own. Cynder would hate this. "But you can call me Lyx, if you wanna."

The boy took a seat on the branch, making himself comfortable. "Do you live around here?" he questioned, having no such reservations about seeming to be too interested. It was always good to learn as much as possible about as many things as possible, wasn't it? And besides, this boy was so fun. Why wouldn't Felyx want to talk to him?
Played by Cade who has 24 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Dacian Quinlan
Felyx. A quick and playful sound, which was fitting so far. His orange eyes took on a little more light when the other reclined, an indication that he meant to stick around. At least for another little while, yeah? Dacian's shoulders rolled at the next question posed.

"I don't really live anywhere particular," was the honest truth. It had been quite a while since he had been any kind of stationary, and the last time specifically had gone sorely wrong.

"Used to live about a day north, though."

Information given with the expectation that his acquaintance's response might answer a question or two of his own. Was Felyx from around this general area too, or was this all new to him? Would the latter make Dace any more useful or interesting?
Played by Van who has 20 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Oh, wasn't this just perfect?

Felyx wanted to coil around the other boy and drag him in physically, but that would most certainly scare him away. Nowhere to call his home - supposedly all alone out here in the woods? When there were predators about? It was such a tragedy - this guy seemed so nice, aside from cheating at their little game. Like he might've had a real family at some point.

It wasn't any kind of remorse putting these thoughts in Felyx's head. No, it was something more akin to thrill. As though he was hunting down a newborn fawn with no mother in sight.

"Neither do I," he said, tail thumping on the branch as he watched the other boy. "I just got here a few days ago. My group sent my sister and me to try and find a good place to settle down." There. That was innocent enough, wasn't it?

He tilted his head, ears perked. "Did you have a pack up there?" he asked. "I wouldn't want to pick a place too close to them. That would be rude." In reality, it was just good to know where there might be other wolves. Either to recruit or sacrifice - he was sure Paeryl would be happy with either.
Played by Cade who has 24 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Dacian Quinlan
Neither do I. The answer made him happy, in a way that was actually a little messed up when he thought a touch harder about it. It wasn't supposed to be a good thing to be homeless, but Dace was very much a 'misery loves company' kind of being. It was a commonality, another chance the other kid might take to him. Of course, Felyx did smell of someone else, and the young Quinlan had never experienced good luck with trios...

A group, though? Dacian's ears pressed forward, interest now clearly piqued whether he liked it or not. All at once he had butterflies, the kind sent to flight by nervous excitement. It could be nothing, but this could also be something very good. What if they let him in, what if he got in on this pack-to-be from the ground floor? What if it ended up being somewhere he could really belong?

There were so many ways for that to go terribly wrong, though, as it always seemed to when he tried to get along. When he let himself start actually wanting. Already his stomach was in knots over fear of rejection. It didn't stop him, however. Dace's smile was back and bright as ever, long teeth showing.

"Not like they're anywhere all that great anyways," he was happily dismissive of the place he'd been born and somewhat raised.

"Last I knew, there's plenty of room 'round here for fresh faces."

Dace dared a mischievous quirk of his brows then, grin turning sharp as he added, "Especially if they're fun like you."
Played by Van who has 20 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
This was more than perfect, actually. The other boy was so quick to toss aside where he'd used to live, both confirming that he, in fact, lived with other wolves in the area, and that he no longer wanted to go back there. Felyx wondered if this was what an eagle felt before sinking its talons into a fish too close to the surface.

Of course, his intentions weren't all bad. Did he intend on using the boy? Yes. But did he want to make him suffer and struggle? Not really. It was more that he was having fun with Dace, and he would have even more fun if the other teen joined up with them. He was confident in it.

He wouldn't comment on Dace's old pack. There was no need to put them down when the other boy had already done the work for him. Instead, he focused on the second statement. There's plenty of room 'round here for fresh faces... Especially if they're fun like you.

"They're pretty fun," he acquiesced, though none of them prioritized it in the way Felyx did. A sharp grin formed on his own features, mirroring Dace's. "But I can't say they're as fun as me."

"You, though," he continued, eyes glinting a little. "You'd definitely make it a little more fun, I think. If you're lookin' for a place, that is." There. An invitation extended. Paeryl certainly wouldn't object to another follower, now, would he?