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It Hurts, y'know? — Wild Cherry Orchard 
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Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
Throughout the time that she waited for Finn to answer, it seemed as though the small silver female in front of her was fading. Fading out of even the healers reach. Then the girl's answer came. Ash. . . Nina hadn't doubted that the wolf might have been his brother but had been completely distracted by the fact that Finn had been injured. Twitching her ears she watched the small female in front of her. She was obviously in pain by the way she was acting and at then moment Nina had no pain relievers on her. But the female's next words didn't shock her that much either. Y'all look alike. Nina supposed that they should look alike considering that they were siblings, or so the male said. Smiling at the female she listened as Finn continued to talk. She was used to this. . .listening to what other wolves had to say. It wasn't a shock to her but she did for once comment. 

The girl in front of her had asked her a question. One that wasn't about healing but an actual, social question. This was like a foreign language to Nina and it seemed as though she was about to cry of happiness. She didn't though. . .throughout the conversation, Nina remained completely focused on the fact that she was talking to an injured wolf. Opening her mouth to respond she said in a soft-spoken voice, "I believe I am Nina Hervok. . .his sister from what my pack mates have told me." She had never really met Ash. Though she was tempted too, she knew not to stray too far from the borders, otherwise something might happen. And she knew she had to keep her ears and eyes open for any sign of Aeylen.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Bridget who has 90 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Finn Millinae
"Oh...well, he is very nice, I must say." Finn nodded her head curtly, looking at Nina. Her stomach gripped at her; she winced and looked at her paws in frustration. Slowly bringing her head back up, an embarrassed gleam tugged at her eyes, and the silver-gray woman blinked frivolously. "Nina, I don't want to sound pathetic or nothin'...but...do you think you could get me a bite to eat?" Goodness. She wanted to jump off a cliff at her own words. Asking another wolf to hunt for her? Finn just wanted to curl in a ball; hide herself away.

No. Don't be ashamed- this is not your fault. Her mind began a war, one side perplexed while the other seemed more reasonable. Shaking her head in the slightest of ways, she forced her chocolate eyes to gaze upon the tawny woman before her. Finn's ears flattened, for she was distressed. The woman was kind enough to heal her...would she be willing to hunt for her? Even the smallest of creatures would please Finn. A rabbit, a groundhog. She just needed a full stomach.
"If a man knows anything, he ought to die with it in him."
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
The female seemed to be fond of her brother. . .where did that come from? Her brother? She liked the ring to it, but she didn't know what she was going to do about it later on. Shaking her head of the thoughts mentally she tilted her head slightly. The female seemed embarrassed as she asked her next question. Would she catch her something? Looking at the small female in front of her she could resist the nod she gave her. The girl looked starved and Nina couldn't refuse giving another wolf her help. "Yes, I can't promise you anything good, but I'll try my best. My hunting skills haven't been in tip top shape lately." The golden lady mentioned with her head to her back leg before getting up and stretching her limbs. She might as well get going now.

Nodding her head breifly to Finn she headed off into the forest her back leg dragging behind her leg behind her as she walked. After padding unevenly in silence, she heard it, the rustling. Pinning her ears on her head and sluked forward and when she sniffed the air she smiled. A bird. . .shouldn't be too hard to catch. Before she could think about what she was doing she pounced and landed right on the bird crushing its neck in her jaws. Proud of her catch with her injury she raised her head high, but the overjoy soon turned into pain when she realized she had landed on her bad leg. Shit!

Wincing in pain she tucked her leg under and belly and limped back, the small bird in her jaws. It wasn't anything big, but it was a meal and she could only hope that Finn would accept it. As she made her way back when she finally stopped and put the kill in front of Finn was when she lay down and looked at her back leg. The bump that she had discovered days before had gotten bigger and she could only scold herself in annoyance as she watched Finn.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Bridget who has 90 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Finn Millinae
She could almost feel herself shaking when Nina reappeared with a bird in her mouth. When she dropped it near her feet, Finn swooped her head downward, biting into the flesh of the avian creature and gobbling it up almost rabidly. She blinked, embarrassment inscribed across her delicate face. "Sorry....thank you..." Finn was shifty now, teetering back and forth as she spoke. Her eyes fell upon Nina's swollen leg, and she frowned, leaning forward to look at it. "Oh no... how did you do that? It's my fault, isn't it?? I'm so sorry..." Her eyes glistened with worry- Nina must be in horrific pain.

Finn dragged herself toward her, looking at the leg. Was it fractured? It looked horrible. "Sorry...sorry..." Finn whispered, continuing her gloomy frown. She needed sleep- she felt as if she was on the edge of going crazy. She wanted company, but now she regretted it. Nina probably thought she was all sorts of crazy. Great.
"If a man knows anything, he ought to die with it in him."
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
Nina lay in cumulus on the ground, watching Finn carefully. The girl almost seemed to swallow the whole thing in one bite and the thought brought a smile to her face. Her leg was killing her but she knew that soon enough she would get used to the pain and it would only be a small nagging thing. After she was done with her meal Finn looked back up at her. . .and then her eyes followed towards her leg. . .wonderful. . .now she was going to feel bad for herself. And now she was blaming herself. Blinking her eyes she watched Finn carefully.

Talking in a soft voice she said, "No it wasn't your fauly. I got into a fight awhile ago. Trust me. . .it is not your fault. But Finn what are you going to do now? " Honestly. . .Nina was hoping that Finn was looking for a pack to join. She wouldn't mind it considering the fact that she had a recent screw up which had injured some of the pride she had felt in herself. Now looking at Finn she would only hope that the girl would be okay. If she had gotten injured again she would be royally pissed. . .it wasn't right to want to kill your own sibling. It just wasn't.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Bridget who has 90 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Finn Millinae
Wrapping up time? <3

"What am I going to do now..." Finn repeated, her voice low. What was she going to do? Blinking rapidly, she tilted her head, almost tittering; her mind was stumped. Yet her body knew what it was going to do. You were going to rest, idiot. Gaze falling to the ground, Finn spoke: "I'm going to sleep." Her voice was bland as she lifted her elegant head back up to look at Nina. The woman was kind, and she would most definitely have a place within Finn's little heart. With a small, delighted smirk, she nodded her head at what she was to say.

"Thank you, Nina....for everything. When I am better, I will find you." She padded forward on her shaky legs- was she made of jello? Exhaustion pulled her down, and she would obey the calling of sleep. Reaching her head outward, she nuzzled Nina's left cheek, then dipped her head graciously. Turning slowly, the wolf began to walk off, craning her head around to dip her head once more to the tawny toned woman. With that, she was off to find a secure place to sleep...

[[Finn exit.]]
"If a man knows anything, he ought to die with it in him."