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Nasty Little Bugger — Lost Lake 
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Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

The white woman loped down from her rocky perch that she used every morning and every night to watch the sun. She had laid on her perch a little bit longer after the sun rose before heading off to do her duties. Border patrol, hunting, and a swim were on her list today and the first to get down was her morning border patrol. Ever since the whole pack was created, this was her list almost everyday. She wanted to make sure everything was in tiptop shape and that no body was slacking, even herself. She put so much hard work into these patrols that if a single stray scent even dared enter her border, she would be the first to know. However, today she would not be the first to find the unwanted guest in the area.

The she-wolf followed her trail down the mountain, surveying the surrounding area. Her triangular ears were perked up and her fiery eyes were searching for anything amiss. Every breath, she would register any scents that were not here yesterday or scents that could potentially bring in prey. In that case, she would alert Ava of the potential food that could be hunted down. The scent that wafted into her nostrils, however, was not any potential prey, but a potential threat to Naira and Rhysis. A snarl erupted from her muzzle as she stalked forwards with new-found ferocity towards the Swift River scent.

On her stampede down towards the lake, she registered two of her pack mates nearby, Treena and Kegan. She was slightly relieved that they were there, but she could rely on them completely since she did not know if they knew not to let them come near Poison Path. As she approached the little group, she soon recognized the small silver female. She was at the last Swift River pack meeting she attended. She never really talked to her, but remembered her saying her name was Finn. By the looks of it, she was beat up and thin and she started to assume she must not be in Swift River any more. However, Athena was not one to let her guard down so easily.

Tail and head up high in dominance over both her pack mates and Finn, she walked over and stood in between Treena and Kegan. Her fiery eyes were locked on the silver woman, not in aggression, but in a more stern way. She wanted to find the underlying cause of this and she wanted to do it fast. "Why are you here?" She said firmly, holding back her snarl that she wanted to release at the scent of Swift River on her coat.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Minou who has 113 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Treena Rose Hervok
Treena smelt Athena before seeing her, quite shocked. It was not fear that showed on her face, never fear. Instead her body lost tension and her tail dropped an inch or so, golden head sliding over her shoulder. She looked at the female will respect, glimpsing only at Kegan to inspect his tail. It was instinct, nothing personal. It was merely a glare from the corner of her eye, just checking. She would show as much dominance as possible, never give him a chance to over-power her, especially not in the eyes of Athena. It would be embarrassing to be disrespected so soon, the thought gave her chills. She’d never let herself be so mistreated. She wouldn’t be given that label. She’d never be a pushover. She heard his stomach, but overlooked it. She’d ask him to go hunting with her after this entire adventure blew over. Maybe offer the invite to Athena. Though she did not pose a threat towards the white wolf, the strength beneath a flawless pelt was quite clear. She’d make a good hunting partner. Obviously, the transformation from loner to pack wolf had come quicker than most. She had filled out well, muscles straining with each movement, her flourishing eyes chanting muted songs of attraction and love. She had been training, teaching her body the ways of the mountains. Her witty skills and intelligence were not to be underestimated either, for as soon as she spotted Athena she showed submission while keeping every piece of her pride and dignity. She’d never bow down, but hell, she’d display her adoration.

Welcomingly, she dared press her muzzle ever so slightly on the woman’s back. She made the gesture quick, no time to hesitate or linger. It was a moment of contact and then back again, bada-boom bada-bing, no awkward seconds between. It was merely a, “Hello, nice to see you, and don’t tear my throat out” kind of action. The little wolf had a soothing way about her, something Treena herself envied. Watching the regal white fur dance in the wind, her words following quickly after, Treena seemed to tense. She took responsibility for the entire event. The border patrol had first started out by her, and then grown. She was the one with the information, the details, and so she spoke before given anyone else the chance to respond. <b>“Finn has come for a drink of water.”</b>

<b>“She is no River wolf, nothing but a loner. I’ve asked her to leave, and was waiting to escort her out.”</b> She had things under-control. There was not much need for backup, though it was impossible to feel frustrated with the female at her side. <b>“River wolves have proven nothing but,”</b> The word was lost on her tongue, she waited a moment before raising a lip and growling with such vicious anger it was clear the experience went quite deep, <b>“distorted sickness to me.”</b>

<b>“I wish hell upon the ginger male who took advantage of my strength. I was a struggling loner, and he an experienced pack-wolf. A true River wolf, with plenty of battle scars and teeth like knives. He found sweet pleasure in the torture, and I tried to fight back. It was useless, I realised that half-way through. He didn’t speak, just growled and fought. He was a monster, the creature mothers tell their cubs to avoid, and run from. I would not break. Instead I preserved my own life and ran.”</b>

<b>“The pack that made him must be tinted with evil, or mentally ill. No man should ever get his pride from murder.” </b> Hopefully that was enough information for Finn. Her hatred for Swift River came with good cause.
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Played by Bridget who has 90 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Finn Millinae
Finn was unmoved by the appearance of Athena. Having grown used to the sharp glares of the other the wolves, she lowered her head slowly as the pale woman approached. She had been in Swift River once, as well. What was her name? Finn stood for a moment, rounded ears perked forth as she thought back to the pack meeting. She and the lady were appointed to scout for prey. Athena. That was it. Not too hard to remember. Blinking and shifting her body to face Treena, the silver woman listened as she spoke.

Her head shook "Sorry to hear that." She said quietly, light brown eyes locking onto Treena's. "I really was not taking my part in Swift River. I failed to participate in activities; stay around the den-site. Corinna was not pleased and asked me to leave. I figured I'd be better off alone, anyways." With these words, the western female snorted, head shaking once more. There was no possible way that she was to asperse her words with these words. Whatever they wanted to hear, she'd tell them. Although she was no longer a member of the River, these wolves treated her like she was. It was royally pissing her off.

There was no way she was to step paw into their beloved territory. Why the hell were they acting like sticks were up their asses? Yes, a half-starved wolf with injuries is most certainly going to screw around with a healthy pack.
(This post was last modified: Jun 03, 2012, 04:14 AM by Finn.)
"If a man knows anything, he ought to die with it in him."
Played by Minou who has 113 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Treena Rose Hervok
The she-wolf did feel emotional listening to Finn speak of Swift River, but not enough to show it. Sitting proudly the way she was, her eyes barley returned to normal size, she showed nothing but disgust. Her nose wrinkled, claws kneaded the solid ground with miniature knives. An over-dramatic and exasperated sigh left her well-formed mouth, patience wearing thin. She even went as far as to step forward and slightly nudge the wolf with her muzzle, like a bug thudding against your side, it wasn’t to cause pain. It was to cause annoyance. <b>“It has been fun meeting you Finn, but we are all very busy at the moment.”</b>

Her voice trailed off. The words, ‘get the fuck out’ barley touching her lips. <b>“I hope you find a pack, and keep yourself well-fed, but time is just wasting away now. There are better things we all could be doing.”</b> Her posture went from elegant she-wolf, to bossy she-wolf in a blink of the eye. Turning on the dominance like a switch, tail lifting up and shoulders pushing back to reveal a stern chest. Giving Kegan a small smirk, she past him on her way. She took border patrolling seriously, letting her guard drop and inviting a conversation with the rouge would only show weakness.

She didn’t want loners coming to Lost Lake for a tea party.

If word got around Poison Path was not strict enough at their borders, River wolves would jump at the chance. Imagining Marsh standing across Lost Lake with others of his breed, fangs bared and fur bristling to take on the females of Poison Path. Treena would not be to blame for just an event, things had gone too far already.

She did not have a death wish.

Finn was not a long-lost friend. She was a potential threat no matter how sickly. Any physical contact directed at one of her fellow pack-mates could cause injury, and injuries were a serious problem up in the mountains. <b>“I wish you luck on your journey, and maybe we will meet again. Until then, I must ask you to leave.”</b>

OOC: Thought I'd end this thread, it's been sitting collecting dust. Sorry to post out of order. Reply if you want, by tonight I'll archive it and we can all get our LPs.
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