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lovely, dark and deep — Ghastly Woods 
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Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
<blockquote>The pain had subsided; information had been exchanged, and following those two emotionally draining factors came an understanding that would've taken months to grow without. Treena was easy to like, at least Ava thought so. There was something oddly charismatic about the enigmatic female, perhaps that the black-coated girl even envied. She seemed to easily slip between facades from a broken, lonely girl to a fierce mountain warrior, agony and wonder and jest all flipping through her bright eyes without warning. Ava did often like to think herself an able performer, to match the needs of the situation with her personality as best as she could. Yet Treena made it appear so easy, all while maintaining this undeniable charm. The moonlight caught within her marbled coat, reflecting on each individual color differently, giving her the illusion of being a spectre herself. Either way she was a strange female, beautiful, and interesting, and somewhat intimidating. She struck no fear in Ava's heart that she could not overcome, and yet her presence was transfixing all the same.

A crookedness worked its way into Treena's smile as she remarked of her experiences fighting and snapped her teeth in the air. The playfulness of the motion saturated the air and Ava could not help its affect on her. One would've never assumed with the traumatic way she had run from the mountains that she would find time to play in the night, and yet it was infectious. She could not help but rise to her four and slide her legs out a little, standing in a silly poise. No longer were they <span class='word'>fantasts</span>. Now, they would be rivals.

She lifted her head to Treena's mocking provocation and snapped, "<b>Think so?</b>" Her grin was toothy, a little snarl in the wrinkles on her maw, but there was a fiery glint in her eye that told she was not actually offended. Ava did love to play, and she played quite thoroughly. The personalities she adopted often molded into her skin and she would display them as though she meant it - only the observant could find the jest within the molten amber of her stare. Treena didn't seem stupid or easily frightened, though. She would know Ava did not mean the growl in her voice. "<b>Are you so special that you are the only mountain wolf to develop a taste for violence? I've been poisoned longer than you. And I've seen my share of teeth as well.</b>"

Which was perhaps only half true; Tisa had awoke within her something horrible yet that had been the only time she'd actually ever thrown down. The only thing to show for it was the tufty fur around her forepaw, which went often unnoticed by others. It was quite the minimal scarring. Its only effects were upon Ava. She would always remember the weeks of difficulty she had in dragging herself around, the way a lunatic had almost stolen from her her most prized possesion... The reminder lifted the fur from her hackles, bristling with the memory although she didn't let any bloodlust soak into her gums as she looked upon Treena. Instead she allowed the fire of her anger to translate into her playfulness, tail rising over her back and waving proudly while her shoulders tensed.

Treena gave her violent facade a run for its money, her butt waving high in the air while she displayed a cheeky grin from the floor of the ghastly wood. And then she would offer so kindly a lesson to the night-coated female. And while she was showing her how 'it' was done, she had to go ahead and suggest that perhaps it was intimidating. Laughter bubbled within her throat and she closed her jaws to prevent its release, bright eyes focused on Treena's scraping paws rather than her silly expression to try and recollect herself. A moment was all she needed to swallow her muffled giggle and drop down to her own chest. Her bright gaze landed upon Treena and she held her stare, eyes wide and devoid of any certain emotion while she considered her approach.

"<b>If I had been any younger you would have me quaking in my very pawsteps,</b>" she murmured, her voice hushed and seductive with a hidden power, as though she were about to unleash her fury. "<b>And now <i>I'll</i> teach <i>you</i> a lesson... don't understimate me again!</b>" Snarling her last words, she leapt forward. There wasn't a great distance between the two females, but her movement was exaggerated as if there were, body outstretched and legs flying forward as though she were flying across a great divide. Black jaws parted, a growl ringing from her throat as she dipped down and attempted to grab one of Treena's ears within her teeth. Despite the ferocity of her snarl, she would try to do nothing but nip the very edge of the soft flesh of her ear.

After a gentle tug she would throw her body away from her packmate. Gracelessly she would dance just a few feet off and fling herself to face Treena once again, chest puffed out proudly with a maniacal display of her teeth to match. Top <i>that</i>, she dared.</blockquote>
Played by Minou who has 113 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Treena Rose Hervok
<blockquote>OOC: I saved my 100th for youuuu <3 Makes up for why it's so short. </blockquote>

The eerily happy-go-lucky timber female wasn’t panting, but she never did stopped moving despite the fatigue growing inside. The tough mountain lifestyle did more than put her in good shape, each day that past she became more capable of using her naturally high endurance. She could have jumped side to side like that for the rest of eternity, feeling the rough forest soil beneath her rigid red paws, a cloud of glittering silver forming out of her curled mouth as she exhaled softly, floating back to the full moon above. It felt nice, her tight joints stretching, sparkling ivory teeth grabbing empty air. Never as an adult had she put aside all her extremely well-deserved pride and acted like a foolish child, and maybe never again would anyone actually witness the lethal woman act this way at such a time. Something about feeling less stressed had taken her to a strange state of mind, one where she wanted to mess around and enjoy life to the fullest. It was in a wolf’s nature to play around with one another, but she had always supressed the idea and focused on the real battles. Now, she was only thinking about playing around. Her paws were pressed tightly on the ground, standing firm and preparing for any response possible from the ebony wolf.

You could tell Treena was growing pretty tired. Her eyes were becoming a strange shade of red, slightly closing despite her demanding will-power, which of course told them not to. She wanted to do this all night. Her black whiskers twitched, ginger touched tail slightly wagging and ears focused on Ava. They would move pretty often, just to get an even better angle on the woman’s light teasing voice. The darkness that was once so enchanting was now almost bland, tasteless now that the most emotional part of the night was past. Still, she had bonded quite well with the other female, like pack members should, and the darkness was a nice setting for roughhousing anyways. Each second that ticked by, Treena would shuffle her small amount of weight, or run a coral tongue over her drying black lips, trying not to think about Lost Lake. A drink sounded like a nice idea at that moment, but she had something to do beforehand.

That was, she wanted to take Ava down.

The marble female did not make the first move, which was quite the surprise. It was the black girl who jumped the whole two feet and released a world full of pain and agony upon Treena’s fragile form. Of course it wasn’t that bad at all, but still the wolf felt the need to make the moment as dramatic as she could fumble up, an easy five star performance. She flailed around her entire body as her ear was in the mouth of another, letting out fake whimpers of shock and fear. <i><b>“Oh please! I beg of you!” </b></i>

Two thumbs up. An award winning plea, her voice trembled in such a humorous terror, she herself found it hard not to giggle at the comment. Keeping the laughter inside, she lifted her lip carefully and slightly chewed on the fur of the enemy, because everyone knows it’s the most effective attack, known to knock Swift River wolves off their feet and run back home crying. Munching on the fur is proven to be an untouchable strategic move. Pulling back, it was a shock that Ava had actually released her hold and beamed in pride at her own swiftness. Scuffing, the older wolf was far from pleased. <b>“Don’t look so cocky. I <i>gave</i> you that one.”</b>

Denial was clear on her acting face, full bottom lip pouting as she pretended to sulk deeply in self-pity. Her body was still on a high energy rush, while her mind was slowly turning down in relaxation. Her tail fell, not between her legs in submission, but as if she truly was deeply upset. Her flame touched ears went down as well, not behind her head, but instead flat out. Her golden eyes were focused on the harsh dirty floor, refusing to even look up at Ava. Each breath she got more into character, feeling as if this was really who she was, or how she felt. Of course, it was all an act, to catch her victim off guard. It was only a matter of time before she leaned back to spring up, letting out a playful snarl. Her elegance was undeniable. Her movement was one of a cat, her spring like a hawk, her bravery a lion’s, it was only the beauty of a true wolf which proved who she was. Her paws strained out, hoping to land on top of the wolf and push her back. It was an unlikely attack, comparing they were both medium size, and Treena wasn’t known for her strength, but it didn’t have to make sense. It was a game.
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Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
( Awww <3 but "short"? please x3 I had a free moment and I didn't want to keep you waiting for years, so excuse its crappiness. Shall we wrap it up? )
The attack was successful; she had wounded her prey and danced away into the night, body swinging as she came back to face Treena with the woman's plea for mercy still ringing in her dark ears. The only obstacle she'd had to face were Treena's deadly white teeth ensnared in her fur, slobbering on the individual black hairs and trying to suck the very life force out of Ava. Well, it hadn't worked! Brilliant eyes flashing wildly, she turned her stare upon her adversary's and allowed her tongue to loll from the side of her parted jaws. Swift as deer the adrenaline ran through her veins, which made even the pitch black of the abyss that swallowed them seem like it was moving too. Still the marble-pelted woman held the main seat of her attention, wavering in place like a mirage. Tell-tale signs of fatigue snuck across Treena's form ever so secretively, from the slight tint of color in the whites of her eyes or the slight bend in her knees as she shuffled her weight from paw to paw. Of all the feelings Ava had been avoiding, tiredness had the most difficult effect to ignore. Her eyes sometimes felt stale, and sticky, as though they could barely move. Yet the blood was pumping from her heart vigorously, masking as much of it as it could. Ava wasn't done yet. She couldn't be.

"<b>Of course you did,</b>" Ava snipped back, her comment sassy but meaningless much like Treena's arrogant assertion. Contrasting her commentary was her act of subdued sadness, but the black-coated female knew better than to fall for that. It was old news, not new tricks, and Ava would know; she <i>loved</i> that move. This was not the first wolf she'd played games with, but Ava did her best not to allow the subject back into her mindset. Ice was doing his duty in Swift River; they needed time apart. Treena was an agreeable substitude; just as much fun and with even more flaming spunk. Instead of falling prey to the woman's trap, Ava instead scooched a little further backwards, shuffling one paw at a time to be as silent as possible while Treena moped and stared at the ground. Her amber eyes were ablaze, focused entirely on the Poisoned girl while anticipating her coming attack. Her heart beat hard in her chest, every second taking longer than the last. Waiting was the hardest part. It was easier when hunting real prey, for it was the most integral part. Here, it just seemed like a waste of her energy. The muscles beneath her pelt grew tense - <i>what was taking so l-</i>

Treena pounced suddenly, her body outstretching in the air and her tensed forelegs coming straight for Ava. Gaze narrowing she stood still, holding her breath as she braced for the impact. There was time to run, but she wouldn't do it. Instead she allowed the other female's mass to hit her, and while she bent her knees and brought herself down as well the force was enough to knock the wind right from her gut. It was painful, both the action of hitting the ground and losing the air in her lungs, but Ava would only make it worse. Instead of stopping and allowing herself to be forced entirely under the Guardian-to-be's body, she would push back, turning her body over so that the air-born Treena would succumb to <i>her</i> imposed strength and will, and in turn the roles would reverse: Treena would find herself on the ground, and Ava would be flying downward toward her.

And if she succeeded in turning herself over, Ava would allow her dead weight to fall entirely over Treena's body and nothing more would be done. The tire that she saw in her pack mate was beginning to effect her as well. Though Ava swore she was not finished, the black female reasoned in her mind that there was time for a moment's rest, even if that rest came heaving heavy breaths while flopped all over her friend. There would be time to pick herself back up and go at it, but for now the plush fur that coated Treena was just <i>oh so</i> enticing to take a quick breather.
(This post was last modified: Jun 30, 2012, 03:22 AM by Ava.)
Played by Minou who has 113 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Treena Rose Hervok
OOC: Sorry it took so long. Archive?

Treena was flipped over, but she had no fight left. Instead, a large toothy yawn made her eyes clench shut tightly. It wasn’t long before she accepted the fatigue filling her body, letting it knock down all her walls. It came on so suddenly, her eye-lids refusing to pull up even a little. The full moon above her head was covered over by a single silver cloud, the bright stars twinkling beside it. If her eye-lids would have lifted, she would have been memorized by the magic of it all. At that moment though, all she could see was darkness. She doubted any predators would find the pair here, along criss-crossed branches and a secure base of wild plants. No creature of real danger would venture this deep, especially at night. It was a fine place to sleep, as creepy as it seemed. Her eye-lids fluttered, and she looked at Ava with barley no emotion at all. It wasn’t that she had something to hide, or wanted to be secretive. She just couldn’t get her mouth to form a smile, or her golden eyes to be more than blood-shot and narrowed. Her entire body loosened, jaw relaxing, only her chest rising and falling with each slow and steady breath. <b>“I think it’s time for bed.”</b>

She would have thought of something more intelligent and clever had she any will-power left. It was just she couldn’t concentrate long enough to figure out a better way to put things. Her brain didn’t want to work. Instead, her fragile mouth opened ever so slightly and she let the words flow without worrying. They were mixed together and jumbled, barley a whisper. It was like a sleepover, when everyone had finally lost all energy and passed out. There wasn’t anything left to say. Everyone would topple over and let dreams invade. There was no explaining, just thoughtless rest. That was what Treena needed most right now, and she would receive it after a couple moments. It had been a long day, and Ava’s company had been special. Now curled up in the greens of the forest, the female was warm and cozy. She looked like a kid, wrapped up in a ball, warming her muzzle with her flame coloured tail. It was a soothing night, not too uncomfortably hot and not too chillingly cold. It was a perfect mix, a soft and gentle breeze fluffing out her unique fur.

Her pelt didn’t mix well with the night, but she wasn’t a sore thumb. She’d match well in autumn, when the leaves were brown and red, scattered among the ground like a painting. Her figure would drift like a shadow through the forest, a perfect predator. In the mountains, everything was open. There was nowhere to hide, you could see mountain over mountain of the same grey and white. A wolf was easily spotted, and easily taken care of. She wasn’t thinking of very much at that moment, she just let the darkness surround her and that was where her thoughts ended. She was running over the mountains, tongue lolling, and the pack members at her side. It was nice to imagine, especially here where things were so unnerving. Closing her eyes she was back at home among her family, being free and happy.
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