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Sink Or Swim — Copper Rock Creek 
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Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/NinaTable.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 312px; padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">It had, indeed, been Nios that she had picked up. His jerking and kicking had told her that.. When the water was blinked out of her eyes she could make out the figure of little Kashikoi and Pakuna nearby. Her pupil seemed to be standing next to her. . .doing something? And Pakuna’s mouth was moving. . .the only problem was she couldn’t hear what she was saying. Nina’s whole body ached, her leg felt like she had broken it once again, and her mind was completely numb. She had gotten Nios, but where were the rest of the pups? Her eyes scanned the denning site, wondering where they could possibly be. And she saw them, on the high rock that she used to be able to jump up onto. Her thoughts got harshly interrupted by a sharp kick to her throat.

A whine escaped her maw, but her grip on the young prince remained the same. Her was fighting with her but why? Was she hurting him? Her grip wasn’t that tight. And then she saw the slight movements of his mouth, was he saying something, or was he choking? Worry struck its chords deep within the golden brown girl’s heart. She needed to get Nios to were Vaeta and Mirren were. Her paws started mechanically moving towards where the other royalty were but it didn’t seem like the youngest of the three would stop fighting her. She couldn’t let him go though, she wouldn’t disappoint her leaders like that.

When she reached the rock, terror was easily within her. Now the water had risen to her neck and she was straining her neck upwards to keep Nios above water. Her paws arched upwards as she climbed up a few rocks, her injured leg dragging behind her and developing tiny cuts and scraps from the rocks. When she reached the top she was met with the face of Aeylen, and with high relief she put the boy in front of her, before dipping her head and making her descent down from the rock once more. Her pain level was high, but it was worth saving one of the leader’s children.

Her eyes made their way towards Kashikoi, Pakuna, and Sloane, she hadn’t even realized that he was there. Finally, it seemed, some of the panic was over, and Nina could once again hear what she was doing. She made her way towards her friends. Her path stopped when she reached Sloane, her body once again indulged in water. Her one emerald eye shined up at him, and a small, defenseless whine made its way out of her throat as she looked up at him.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/SloanTable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 255px;padding-bottom: 15px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">Everything was happening so fast, but the leaders and Nina were right in the thick of it. He kept his bulk out of the way and waited to see if one of them needed assistance rather than messing up what was turning into a well carried out rescue mission. One by one, all of the pups were rescued by their family and plopped unceremoniously on top of a large boulder that would keep them safe from the unforgiving torrent of water.Sloane breathed a sigh of relief seeing that both of the leaders and all of the pups were indeed safe.

Nina had rescued one of male pups and he had cut up a ruckus and had made nearly as much of a commotion as the raging storm that had brought all of the water with it. At first, he was unsure of why the little guy had made such a fuss until he had caught the ghost of the commanding words "Down" and "Attack!" The feisty little prince meant to take on the enemy with his own tiny paws! That little one sure had spunk! Despite the horrendous conditions, Sloane barely held in a chuckle at the boys gumption. He had heart!

When Nina finally deposited her precious cargo safely atop the boulder, she made her way to him. Her pain and her exhaustion were quite obvious. She was dragging her hind leg again and he frowned in concern. That couldn't be good. When she finally reached and looked up at him with a helpless whine, he knew that she had reached and gone beyond her limit in her valiant rescue. He moved a bit closer to offer her what body heat and comfort that he could. She seemed about to collapse herself and he wanted to be there to support her. He gave a very concerned look in Kashi's direction. He knew that the other young man was a healer as well and it was readily apparent that he would be needed.

He looked down at Nina with his amber eyes showing brightly in the darkness and gave her a smile. "Well done, Guardian!" In this case he was referring to her more as a Guardian Angel than a brawny defender. Whether they were aware of it or not, she was this entire packs Guardian Angel. She would always give a thousand percent of herself and he decided right then and there to be her own guardian as well as friend. She needed someone to look after her, since she was always looking after others.

Knight of Honor
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
The swirl of commotion could not be contained – Vaeta and Mirren were safe. Aeylen was now by his side, and Nios was clasped in Nina’s jaws. Ruiko’s gaze narrowed as he witnessed the youth land a kick to the healer’s throat, and a warning growl erupted from his muzzle – the dark boy’s temper tantrum was not welcome, especially at a time like this. After Nina placed the last of the pups upon the boulder, the tawny male’s gaze flitted from each of his members, feeling the adrenaline begin to leave him. Their den was devastated, and they would need to find a new one.. higher upon the ground. Tipping his muzzle down to plant a kiss upon his mate’s weary cheek, the regal male stalked forward, nodding to Sloane. “Take Vaeta, please,” he murmured to the male. They would need to move the pups immediately.

Leaving Mirren to Aeylen, who he imagined would want to keep close watch on the boy whose lungs had held water only moments before, Ruiko took the spitfire whelp with the temper tantrum, his gaze casting a stern look to the boy before his jaws would move to cup around the youth’s nape. Once gathered and ready, they would need to seek out new shelter.. and Nina would need to be sought to ensure she was fine.
Played by Kashikoi who has 182 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Dripping wet he dragged himself onto the small cliff that the rest of the pack stood upon. He was a bit upset, during Nina's valiant rescue he had done nothing, he was worthless, he didn't even know what the pups looked like. Frozen to the bone by the water the young timber wolf shook his fur in an effort to rid himself of the water. He didn't think he would be able to go back to his den again. He watched as the water rushed past the place he had come to call home. Gone it was all gone now without a trace, He looked up towards Ruiko in question to what would happen. "Ruiko, where will we go now? The Creek has tried to drown us but why?" He looked over to Nina who was clearly in pain. Wanting to be of some help he went over to her side to lend her a body for support and for warmth against the watery chill. He also say that Volkan wasn't with them which made him wonder if she had been lost.
With death comes life and with life comes hope.
Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/SloanTable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 255px;padding-bottom: 15px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">Unbelievabley, all of the pups were safe. The adults were frazzled and anxious, but all here, save Nina, were just fine. He looked around at each member of his adopted pack and felt the bond of family tighten. They weren't blood, but they were family and he would do whatever it took to protect and care for them.

When Ruiko indicated for him to take little Vaeta, he only hesitated long enough to be sure that Kashi was there to look after Nina. Reassured that the young man would see to her, he moved over to the rock that sported the three soggy pups. He wasn't sure how they hadn't shaken themselves right off. They had to be cold, with their fur saturated with cold water in to chilly night air. Gently, he picked up the little princess in his potentially lethal jaws. It felt strange, yet right carrying the little pup and protecting her. Perhaps one day, he'd be caring for his own. That was not in his immediate future now though. The safety of these three was.

He looked to Ruiko to answer Kashi's worried query. Indeed, what to do now. First, obviously, get to higher ground. Then surely they would regroup and figure it all out. While he waited silently with the little bundle held by the scruff of her delicate neck, he found himself holding his head at a slightly awkward angle to bring her little body closer to his chest to share his warmth with her, hoping that it would bring a measure of comfort to her. She was probably confused and frightened, yet seemed ot hang trustingly, knowing that she would be protected. That unabashed faith that pups had always amazed him. They just knew that their parents and their pack would make it all right. Thankfully there had not been a tragic end to this chaotic and devlish night. No one was lost. At least that he knew of. All of the pups were alive and would now be moved to safetly, away from the nightmarish scene that encompassed their once cozy home.

Knight of Honor
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
The pack was assembled, and Kashikoi’s question was met with a meaningful glance – a cub hung from his teeth ever so gently clasped to the boy’s nape, and so he could not answer with words. Instead, his tawny muzzle motioned further down the slope, and without waiting, the regal Leader began to maneuver his pack further down the side slopes of the mountain, where the land would rise slightly.

Every so often his gaze would drift to the churning waters, noting the rain and storm had indeed spurned this action. It was subsiding now, but that did not stop the bitter wetness that clung to the Creek wolves – their fur soaked, dripping from the raging waters that had tried to claim the lives of their young. With a grunt, the tawny male continued, knowing his family was just behind him.

Finally, finding a spot that seemed to be a safer distance from the Creek, Ruiko lowered his muzzle and unclasped his grip to his dark boy, his tongue quickly smoothing out to groom the fur of Nios’ face and nape.. pushing away any thoughts of almost losing his son. “We will dig a new den here. It is farther from the Creek waters and should not be effected as badly when a storm comes.”

His eyes worried over each of his members, and solemnly, the Leader turned, his muscles writhing beneath his damp pelt as he began to work on a new home for them.. relieved by the presence of his pack mates as they joined in as well and looked after the three cubs.