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To Prove or Not To Prove — Swift River 
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Played by Siki who has 301 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Marsh Barrew
<blockquote>As Aiyana reached for him with sharp little teeth, he growled playfully and let her nip before pulling back and bopping her on the cheek. After that he would come to stand over her, protective although she was perfectly safe in this company. Of the two generations that had been borne to Swift River, she was the puppy he felt the most attached to. Perhaps it was their camaraderie in silence and understanding that made him appreciate her all the more, and her appreciate him.

Hotei arrived next, and the sight of him and his condition caused Marsh's good mood to slip slightly. What had he gotten into? He could not recall hearing a fight, nor the call to one, so that was an unpleasant mystery. Had he been making enemies or protecting the pack from existing ones? Unable to be sure one way or the other, Marsh was forced to leave the matter be. Perhaps he would just keep a closer eye on the male from here on.

Aiyana's offense when the black wolf failed to greet her, however, brought a small margin of amusement back, and he lowered his head to growl softly to her, sharing her insult. Next time, he would personally make sure that Hotei did not slight the child his life should currently revolve around.

Triell came next, his greeting earning a lick in return, and after him Ice, who made the rounds before finally coming to join Marsh, if only for a moment. That familiar, comforting sensation of being whole washed over the copper wolf as they stood abreast, but he did not stop Ice from breaking free to confront Hotei. Marsh could not hear the hushed words that the harmed wolf spoke, not that it would have mattered if he could. He trusted Ice to deal with it if anything was amiss. He wasn't really made for interrogations.

Besides, Jessie had softly reprimanded the white guardian, something which only entertained Marsh, bringing him fully back to his original spirits. It was her hunt, after all, and they were equals in rank if not in seniority. The female Third then motioned towards Aiyana after catching Triell's attention, and Marsh watched, curious to see what she planned for the young Tainn. If necessary, he would care for her himself; she was an intelligent child and had never gotten under their feet before. If the hunters did not overstretch themselves, she would be perfectly safe and far from a liability. It was a shame her siblings had not joined them, but there would be plenty more opportunities for them.

With a huff, he would incline his head towards Jessie, letting her know that he was ready when she was.</blockquote>
Played by Mily who has 194 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hotei Tainn
Lol I completely forgot to post him greeting the pups. XD Sorry!

Hotei realized his mistake just when Aiyana growled at him. Then another
wolf, Marsh also growled a bit at the dark male. Hotei quickly tipped his head
to the side trying to look a little goofy and keep everyones mood up.

"I'm so sorry! I completely forgot about you for a minute!" He threw his
left paw over his muzzle hiding his face for a moment then looked over to
Aiyana removing his paw and giving her a charming smile.
He had been too busy looking at other wolves (Jessie) than meeting all of the
packs members. Shaking his head Hotei padded closer to the girl.

"Hello beautiful miss I'm Hotei, and your name is?" He lifted his head
easily over the youths then licked her nose playfully. Hotei already made a
goof of himself and he hadn't even met all of the pack yet. Stupid...stupid me!
He smiled warmly waiting for the pup to either scold him or forgive the dark wolf.
This hunt was for her he realized. the younger wolves had to learn how
to hunt too. Hotei blamed himself for his thick headedness and stupidity.
He'd been like that all of his life and even as an adult Hotei couldn't
get even a little bit smarter?

Theme Song
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Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
keeps failing at life sorry~

you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
The black wolf didn't even get the chance to speak for himself - to explain himself - because Jessie butted in. Not now? No? He was supposed to just trust this beaten-up, strange idiot to have his back in a hunt? To not botch it because he was, if not anything else, tired? Besides, she had no right to tell him what to do or not to do. A low growl rumbled in his chest as his tail twitched up a notch or two, before he turned his head and snapped after her. "I well.. I'll tell you both later what happened." As if that was going to make it better. Still with a distant thunder rumbling in his chest, he turned his head back to Hotei. He still couldn't put his paw on what about him that irked him, but it was something, since that first meeting. It didn't take much to rub Ice up the wrong way, and once you had, it took a long time before he trusted you. Still... hadn't most of the summer passed without incident? Didn't that speak in Hotei's favor? "You'd better," he finally growled, retreating to stand beside Marsh again. The black wolf seemed all too happy to move the subject onto other things. Hiding something?

A snort of laughter escaped him as the burnt wolf forgot about Aiyana; while the black girl wasn't as demanding as Rissa could be, she clearly wasn't too happy about being forgotten. But then he tried to make up for it by coming closer... Standing beside Marsh, he stiffened, thick limbs locking in a rigid position; he didn't like having Hotei near the pups. He never liked it when he saw it, and even less when he couldn't - at least, this way, he could intervene if something happened... as if that wolf is going to chew her face off? Doubt it. With quiet intensity his silver gaze followed Hotei's every twitch. Cautiously he leaned closer to Marsh, seeking the support of his firm side beneath the copper fur - needing his warmth, his presence. Just get on with the damn hunt already...
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn
OOC: Assuming that Fenru and Triell will take care of Aiyana's travels.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/Jessie-Table.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top:250px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">
It didn’t seem as though Ice took her warning lightly, and a spark of a challenge lit up in her eyes. They were equals and she had been the one to call the hunt. What was he to growl at her on her hunt? She ignored the gesture, shooting a haughty glance at the male before turning back onto the hunt. It seemed Fenru and Triell had taken upon the task of looking after their younger sibling or niece. She knew that she would get nothing done if the four of them worked together. The tension was too thick between Ice and Hotei, she would discuss that with the lower male on a later date. In the meantime it was time for the hunt.

Her tail lashed in aggravation behind her as she spoke to the three of them, "Ice, Marsh, why don‘t you go on up ahead. Track them down. Get ahead. Hotei and I will chase them to you. Understand?" Her matters of reasoning had been pretty straight forward. She was sure Marsh and Ice had hunted together before, whilst she had only practiced with Ho-well. . .Burn, once. She had also done so with Ice, but it seemed that for today, the best arrangements to be made were like so. She flicked her tail once, her shoulder blades clearly noticeable as she took on the deer trail, trusting that her pack mates would heed her orders and that in some way or another Ice would communicate the message to Marsh. Today, they would bring in food for the whole family.
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
Waiting for Fen or Tri to take care of Aiy. :]

you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
For a moment, Ice was concerned - he wasn't a complete fool, after all. He could feel the tension wiring itself tighter around them, not just sparking between him and Hotei, but it was getting to Jessie too. But wolves were animals of instinct; was he to suppress his, just for others? To sit idly by, and wait for disaster? No. He had a duty to these wolves, to keep them safe. If that meant stirring the hornet's nest a bit and not being one who pretended to get along with everyone, so be it. But, he thought sadly, they'd need something fairly balsamaceous for their relationships after this. Jessie seemed to have a soft spot for the black male - how far could he push his dislike, without them getting into a fight about it? How much was he destroying, by trying to protect? He would only twist knots in his head if he kept brooding about it. What would happen, would happen. And that wasn't the end of it.

"C'mon," he breathed to Marsh, bumping his cheek with his pale muzzle. Giving him a tender, playful nip, Ice motioned for him to follow. Tail swaying with the movement of his body as he relaxed the further he came from Hotei and Jessie, he thought that maybe he could enjoy this after all. The sun was warm on his back, working its fingers into his muscles, he had Marsh by his side, the memory of blood in his mouth: he knew the adrenaline of a hunt, but it also required focus. Spreading out with Marsh to cover more ground, but not letting him too far away, he put his nose to the ground and trotted ahead. They'd have to circle the herd to get in place, and he had no desire to startle them away - so best be on your toes.
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Siki who has 301 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Marsh Barrew
<blockquote>The tension between Ice and Hotei was one thing, but only a deaf, blind wolf would have missed Ice's hostility toward Jessie as well. What might have been ordinarily rivalry was obviously much more, and Marsh's eyes narrowed as he watched the three of them, wondering if he would need to step in. Perhaps it was good that he be made aware of who felt cold towards who now, rather than later, so that he could keep an eye on them. He trusted that Ice would not harbour ill will without good reason, but save for try to prevent him from being aggressive to Hotei, Jessie's crimes were few.

Hotei turned to greet Aiyana, which was one good thing, at least, but Marsh's good mood was quickly heading south. A softer wolf may have tried to hide his displeasure in front of a young child like Aiyana, but Marsh did not believe in sheltering. Jessie gave some brisk commands and Ice came to stand next to him, encouraging him on with a nip and gentle manner. Well, so be it. He didn't know who was to blame for the political troubles, but he didn't care; a pack with inner hostilities was a weak pack, something he knew all too well from having to endure Indru's rejection, the hot sting he felt from that. As far as he knew, though, such lack of acceptance was a treat from him alone, and their leader was not so cruel to his other members. Marsh could only hope.

Perhaps sinking his teeth into something warm and screaming would help calm him down. If the hunt didn't help to dissolve the tension, then he would deal with it himself, and then they could get the fuck over it. Grunting, he nudged Aiyana's flank gently, trusting that one of her brothers would take care of her from here, and then loped after Ice, trying to put thoughts of dissent out of his mind and replace them with one more suited to focusing on a hunt.</blockquote>
Played by Mily who has 194 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hotei Tainn
Hotei smiled sheepishly while looking back up to Jessie. Why was it he was always the root of some problem? Hotei especially hated it when he couldn't figure out how to fix a problem. How was he supposed to fix a problem with another wolfs attitude?

"I'll follow you." The dark wolf finally stood up straight now that the two meanie wolves were gone. Sometimes he just wished that no one would judge him. He did not like being the center of attention. That went the same for Burn too.

Hotei watched Aiyana and Fenru head off. He hoped they at least saw that he was a good wolf. Turning his yellow eyes back to Jessie, Hotei waited for his orders. The hunt would go well as long as he had someone to follow. Hotei wasn't the best at hunting.

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Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
I suck, as does this post.

    If I go crazy then will you stillcall me superman?

Triell hung close to Aiyana, but had his eyes on Fenru trying to decide if the boy was ready for this. He made sure to peer down to his niece when she answered. Triell reminded himself he needed to stop treating her as a pup, but he hated to see her grow up so fast. Triell nodded his hea to Jesse, taking up to look after the Tainn children. He would actually enjoy watching today instead of participating. There was something between Ice and Hotei Triell could taste, and fill upon his back that made his hair want to rise. He was not sure what it was all about,but Jessie worked it out, and the Tainn gave Ice a quiet glance. There was no trouble, or signs from Marsh and Triell tried to remain relaxed. Something need to be made right for his silver friend, and perhaps they would discuss it later. Hotei was his brother, but a stranger none the less.

Jessie was quite ready to get this over with, and Triell hung back, even if he had heard her instructions. He had ideas of his own for Fenru and Aiyana. When the others headed out he watched them leave, feeling Marsh would keep them from tearing into each other. He was quick to glance to Fenru and Aiyana who were quite almost his younger siblings. "Alright you two, should we accompany them a bit closer? Or should we get something of our own?"He wanted to live the decision to them. He really wished that Fenru would participate with Marsh and Ice, he wanted that to be his idea. Aiyana he was sure would like to see, she should soon began to go on small hunts of her own.

(This post was last modified: Nov 24, 2012, 05:10 PM by Triell.)
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are you with me through it all?
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Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/Jessie-Table.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top:250px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">

It seemed some things finally started going the right way. Ice and Marsh went their own way while Hotei and Jessie came in behind them, with the pup and two Tainns taking up the rear. Ever since Indru had left them it had left a bitter mark on her heart, leaving her in a place of sadness and confusion. A hunt was something that would hopefully take the happenings off of her mind instead of her having to think of the large male repeatedly. Her small legs pushed forward her tracking skills taking her whole mind of focus. She knew that soon she would have to give her friend his own set of directions…though she was sure that he would be able to take care of himself. With a short snort she quietly spoke to Hotei, "When I bark we have to chase the deer towards Ice and Marsh‘s location. Nip them…do whatever, but try to slow them down, hon."

Her voice traveled quickly before her nose was back near the ground again, her paws moving rapidly over the land she knew so well. Time passed quickly, and she trusted within herself that the two older males had found their spots…and just as soon as that mindset sank in, a small herd of deer came into view. It seemed that a few had slimmed down, with a few yearlings hovering around the adults. Her eyes zoomed in instantly on the yearlings. Each one should be easy enough for Jessie and Hotei to take down along with Marsh and Ice…and she had a hard time deciding. The two yearlings or one adult? Her eyes quickly flashed back to the two younger deer. She touched Hotei’s shoulder lightly, her gaze set on the two yearlings near them her ears pricking forward. Hoping he got the message, her paws started moving almost before her bark echoed throughout the forest.

Thundering hooves were highly audible in the silence that had once reigned over them. Her emerald eyes catching flashes of white and gray here and there. She immediately went over to one of the yearlings, nipping and snarling, driving it towards where she was sure she had seen one of her superiors. She honestly didn’t care who it was, though she might have preferred Ice though…considering she had much more comfortable hunt with him. It didn’t matter though…all she needed was for one of them to take down the yearling while she exhausted…hoping that the two caught on and Hotei was doing his job.

[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by Mily who has 194 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hotei Tainn
I'll edit it this is wrong. Just tell me k?

Tipping his head forward and padding along side Jessie, Hotei listened to her plan as she spoke. Then he concentrated on his pack mates movements around him as they traveled quickly finding a deer herd.

Eyes flitting to Ice and Marsh a head Hotei watched where they were headed then flicked his yellow gaze back to Jessie watching for her orders. Though he was rested after running back from the border earlier that day he still felt the sting of a few of the cuts in his fur. He hoped they would be able to finish the hunt with precision and quickly so that he didn't faulter due to tiredness. That would be so embarrassing if he tripped right in the middle of a hunt.

Her silent orders caught his eye and grunting in approval Hotei waited for her signal watching the two fawns hungrily.


The black wolfs legs shot out from under him hurtling the wolf forward with pure strength not speed. Watching Jessie head after the first fawn Hotei zeroed in on the second fawn and watched it flee in fear. Excited, Hotei chased nipping at the fawns heels as he pelted along after it. The burnt wolfs chest heaved taking in large gulps of air to help power his muscles as he ran along.

Hoping that one of his pack mates was close Hotei tried his best to slow up the fawn. A lucky grab with his pearly white daggers found the fawns back leg breaking in his jaws. Sweet blood stuck to his black coat like moose shining up his fur.

The fawn, hobbling on three legs now at a slower pace was an easy target for one of his pack mates. Looking behind him Hotei yipped for the pups. This would be great practice for them, and if they couldn't quite kill it Marsh, Triell, Ice, or himself would be right behind them ready to take the fawn."Speech."

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