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Hunt you like an animal — The Wildwood 
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Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila

No, it was not thunder. It was something more lethal than a storm, but nothing deterred the long-legged strides that the black rouge made. He ran towards the storm, his gaze focused and his stance ready to spring at the first chance. He had no idea who he was running to, or where he was running to; all he knew was that he had to run to them.

The thundering of paws drew closer. Wolves. No doubt, and their watery aroma misted with the forest made his nose wrinkle in distaste. He didn’t like that smell at all, it sent sparks to his hackle and caused them to stand on end of their own accord. Between the trees their shadows darted, he did not miss them with his keen gaze, but no matter how many figures there were, he did not stop running… and nor did they. Not until they were in full view of each other. Rhysis stopped as soon as the first wolf did, mimicking the movement as he simply rooted himself to the ground.
The terrain beneath his leather pads vanished, they drew closer together and neither stopped it would seem. Finally, his grey eyes landed on the figure of a wolf. Male, strong… something about him oozed hatred which wasn’t just from the set of his gaze or the way he stood. The hatred was skin deep, seeping out of him like an infected wound. It made Rhysis’ skin prickle with joy. For some reason, he was glad to see this wolf so irritated at his mere presence. He felt powerful, but then again, when didn’t he.

The first to arrive didn’t speak, instead he growled. Rhysis’ stifled a mocking yawn as he waited for the others to arrive. They weren’t long of course, but soon they stood face to face and he could get a good look at them all. One he recognised, yet surprisingly not from his past, well… from his past, but not long ago. The others were a blank to him. Despite having lived side by side, well, as close as you could get to Marsh’s side, he didn’t recognise them at all. His words however, we laughable. So much so, Rhysis smirked before he let out a bark of a laugh. A sound that the old Rhysis’ never let go… except when he was with Naira. This laughter wasn’t in good humour, in fact it was insulting the pathetic wolf who decided to bring a gang of friends to finish off their business from before. Pussy.

<b>”Aww… did you have to bwing your wittle friends to help you fight the Big Bad Wolf? Awww.”</b> he taunted, whilst his coral tongue snaked from his jaws to swipe across his nose. His appearance was almost bored, but his body was wound tight as a spring, ready to go… but not yet. He might have lost his mind, but he hadn’t lost all of it just yet. Instinct told him this was not a good situation, but something in him which had gone into melt down, told him that this was just awesome.

The black wolf then took a step forward, a bold move, but he lowered his head to protect a lunge at his neck. An ear he could spare… he had done already, right? Ah, that ear. He had no idea where it was, or how he had lost it, but such as his life these days. Lots of questions, and answers he didn’t give a shit about anymore.

As he had been about to take another step forward, a final scent tempted his nose away. He jerked his head so slightly to the side to get a better whiff. <i>Ice</i>. Ice? Who the fuck was Ice?! His nose wrinkled again, the scent mixed with the name made him angry. As ever, he didn’t know why, he just knew what he felt. Sure enough, another wolf joined them, stepping in front of the idiot. Aw, pity, though no doubt the big dumb idiot was thanking his lucky stars that some other idiot would stand up for him. They were all cowards really, using the strength of a “pack” to seek out one little wolf. Life must be pretty dull for them. Still, his eyes were riveted to the silvery white wolf. Trained on him like a heat seeking missile. Yes, Rhysis would like to blow him up. If only they had opposable thumbs.


There was that name again. That female and her black cub had used it before everything had gone dark. Why did it keep coming his way? Was it a name? Maybe it was a greeting or something in these parts. It certainly didn’t belong to him. Nothing belonged to him and he liked it that way, it meant he had nothing or no one to care for other than himself. Still, he’d entertain the large wolf… much as he’d hate to admit it, they did have the upper hand right now.

<b>”You.”</b> he said, obviously with no real idea who he was talking to. It must have been strange, but he was completely different than before. He was thicker, not quite as gangly, but still held that lanky teenage look about him. His muscles had increased not just from living on the mountains, but from all of the travelling and hunting alone. He didn’t believe he was alone, though the ghost of his father was currently MIA, but he believed he hunted in a pair and survived thanks to the illusion of help. It was all very fucked up, in all ways.

<b>”Where was it I was supposed to have gone?”</b> he said, the smirk tickling his lips again. Why did they even care if he had been gone or not? Seriously, this was just hilarious, having goaded such emotions from a bunch of strangers. He could only assume that the wuss of a burnt wolf had told them some lies about their encounter. It didn’t matter of course, but it was just important for him to know the reason why they were so… stick in the ass up-tight.

So sorry for the delay guys! Hope you’re all still interested in a hostage. xD Also how did you want to leave the other thread Hotei? It looks like Idala is inactive but as their encounter happened before this thread, how shall we say it ended, unless you want to play it out and skip her?
(This post was last modified: Nov 12, 2012, 06:44 PM by Rhysis.)
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Siki who has 301 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Marsh Barrew
If Rhysis really is going to end up hostage, then we might all need to shunt this forward in the timeline - it'd be a pretty big deal. Ofc Cori would have the last word with what to do with him, but if Rhysis loses/doesn't run away, we'll probably be dragging him back to SR. So... consensus with shifting this forward? It could be post-Indru or around that time, or anything. The only thing this messes with, for me, is my Naira thread, but it might make things more difficult for the rest of you.

<blockquote>Even as the situation boiled down to something incredibly simple - a clash of enemies - things kept trying to make it complicated. Rhysis had always had his attitude, but the truly modest, subserviant wolf was a rarity in these parts. Swift River had done well to gather together some excellent creatures to serve one another, if a few of their number were still under his watch.

Hotei Tainn was one of these, and his actions - even as Rhysis stood there, <i>yawning</i> at them, insulting their presence with every movement - were enough to distract Marsh from the immensity that they had stumbled upon. The fact that the Tainn dared to raise his tail that high brought a fresh wave of growls from the copper wolf, his eyes flashing towards the large burned wolf as he spoke. There was something off about it, but at that moment, Marsh's depth of psychoanalysis did not go far past the fact that he was being presumptuous and insolent. He did not miss the blankness in Hotei's expression when he glanced back, as if he was surprised to see Marsh there - and then Rhysis opened his mouth and snide sounds came out, and the anger and hatred was layering upon itself faster than Marsh could control it.

The unexpected arrival of Ice may have soothed him, if marginally, had the circumstances been different. But it was too late. At least Ice had stepped in front of Hotei, but that put the Guardian in front of Marsh as well, and the last thing this situation needed was to give Rhysis more reason to spit in their faces. There was not one iota of respect for them in that dark face, not even for the notion that he could die today at their jaws, and that would not do.

Rhysis threw back some words at Ice, but Marsh had had enough. He had not chased after that scent to pursue diplomacy. Over and over he endured it, endured his packmates' love for chatter and discussion, but here, here was the time for something simpler. He had wanted Rhysis to react, to be the fool they knew he was, but words were getting in the way. Marsh didn't care what the traitor had to say with his tongue. He wanted to know what the bastard had to say with everything else - his decision to fight or flee being foremost.

His growls cut off abruptly, and he snapped his jaws together sharply, tail curling higher over his haunches as he stepped forward, fixated on Rhysis. <i>This would be resolved now.</i> But he would not give the traitor more reason to mock them - clearly he did not respect that he would outnumbered. Together, they would rip him apart, and ordinarily that would have been the only important outcome. But this... this was more. There were tensions flying about that Marsh did not care about, but they existed, and he had to show them that there was only one thing that mattered here.


He stepped past Jessie, Hotei and Ice in turn, to come face to face with Rhysis himself. It was his duty to represent Swift River, the power there, and to demonstrate exactly <i>why you do not fuck with them</i>. His ears pushed back, his teeth bared, and he openly invited assault.

His posture made it clear that assistance was neither requested or wanted. Any of his three allies that tried to step close would recieve a snarl and a snap of his jaws in their direction for their trouble.

If Rhysis wanted to be such a tough guy, then let him prove it.</blockquote>
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/Jessie-Table.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top:250px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">
The tension in the air was palpable and Jessie was sure that she could taste the blood that was soon going to be spilt on her tongue. Something changed though…and to her own surprise, it seemed to be Hotei…but it wasn’t. The way he was walking…holding himself, and talking rang some kind of memory in Jessie’s head. Hadn’t it been in the woods when they were hunting. It hadn’t been with Hotei though…the hunt had been with Burn. Confusion wrapped around her brain like a thick blanket and she was soon looking over at Marsh for his instructions. It seemed many things would be interrupting the tension though, for soon Ice’s own large white form darted in between the black male and…Burn?

The words they were granted with from the black bastard sent shivers of anger through her spine. Lips pulling back and ears flattening against her head she let out a furious snarl. He had no right speaking to his pack mates like so. Her fur was now dancing, it was as if she had been struck by lightning. Her fur was standing on end, now giving her the appearance that she was truly in the Swiftpaw line. Tail lashing furiously behind her, she watched as Marsh stepped forward. When he stopped Jessie saw the challenge and she knew she couldn’t step forward. She would be snapped at. Her own emerald eyes popped back to Hotei and she approached him quietly.

When they were shoulder to shoulder, she shook slightly, unsure of how he was going to take her closeness. Never the less, she had seen the injuries he had previously and didn’t want them to keep occurring. Her muzzle pressed against his shoulder and her voice sang to him, "Please don‘t fight. Stay with me." Her emerald eyes begged him to listen, the fact that he was not himself not registering in her head. She just hoped her presence was enough to get him away from the fight so that he wouldn’t get in trouble with the pack. In silence, she gazed into his yellow eyes, searching for any clue to what he was feeling.
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by Mily who has 194 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hotei Tainn
Why...Why! Everytime I see this bastard others have to interfere! Burn snarled at Ice savagely not backing down from the white wolf. When Marsh stepped forward initiating a challenge to Rhysis Burn growled again. He almost took a step forward until the smooth sound of Jessie's voice poured into his ear. Trembling in anger Burn turned to look into her eyes. They were pleading.

"You were strong during the hunt, and capable. Now you're showing me that you are the same as the rest. Always following orders, no spine.." He growled but did not snap at her. Turning his gaze back to the two males ahead Burn sighed then sat down. He would watch them fight. Then when Rhysis eventually won Burn would finally get his chance at the idiot. He's an idiot for calling me a coward. Working with others ensures your survival. Whereas you try to fight alone and well..You are surrounded and killed. Like you could be right now my dark friend.

The dark wolfs fur continued to bristle as he watched the others and sat next to the silvery form of Jessie. However Burn began to calm down. It was better to fight in a calm manner than it was to fight blinded by rage. Giving Ice a hard stare he dared the white wolf to try and dominate him. However Burn was unsure if Ice saw his stare as most of the wolves attention was on Marsh and Rhysis.

more text

[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
[Image: hashtags-jessiehotei02.png]
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
”You,” responded the black wraith, the shadow of a ghost. You? echoed Ice's mind, thinking you know me better than that. Was mister tall-and-lanky black too good to speak the name of River wolves? The growl in his chest deepened, thick teeth bared for everyone to see - but the moment Marsh stepped forward to deal with their old nemesis himself, everything changed. Something small - subtle - a warning whirr in his head. For a split second, he thought no more than that would happen; that it was just the shock of once more being forced to realize that Marsh was more than just his officer now. Marsh was their leader, god of their lives. He wasn't sure he liked. Thought it was all. Until the next second came crashing in like a tidal wave or a mountain falling on his head. Hotei - the pitiful, scarred wolf who gave Ice mental itches - Hotei snarled viciously at him. And heck, Ice had even begun to think he was wrong about his gut feeling with this one - fat chance of returning to that place in his mind. His focused switched entirely. Marsh could deal with that black menace; Ice would deal with the other.

"Shut the fuck up," he spat at Hotei, the rage he so seldom succumbed to rising in him like an inferno, an unstoppable force. He had no desire to quench it - it had been simmering underneath his skin for far too long. "You have no right to insult her, insubordinate scum." He didn't care if they looked divided. Heck, they were divided - for now. Thick teeth stood out in his white face, lips peeled back, his eyes nothing but a pale, thin arc as he stared down the scarred male. He was sitting. But who cared? Jessie was trying to soothe him - naive, stupid. Hotei had taken one step too many, and he'd pay for that now.

"Jessie, get back," he growled, hoping she'd do it; he had a feeling she might try to protest, and get in the way. In which case he'd probably just pound them both into the ground and hoped Marsh was keeping Rhysis' mouth shut, or the black devil might laugh himself to death. Even so - this could be so easily avoided. All Hotei had to do was get a better attitude or run teh fuck away. "I've had enough of your fucking bullshit, Hotei," Ice growled as that challenging stare came towards him. Fury exploded in his mind, flooded his veins with fire, and with a feral snarl Ice sprang forward; tail stiff and high, now that he was separate from Marsh, ears forward and eyes blazing. The small distance between them was closed in an instant, his white bulk pushing into Hotei's space - nearly into his body - as it began. Pausing there, he waited to see his reaction - would he step down, back off, or retaliate? Ice nearly wanted him to do the latter. He wasn't afraid to take this all the way to the end; would relish to.

( Basically he just pushed into Hotei's space saying "roll over or I'll fight you" :P )
wolf by dawnthieves.de
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Mily who has 194 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hotei Tainn
Burn stood up as Ice came forward. Though no other muscle moved in the burnt wolf. Even as Ice came closer only inches away from Burn; the dark man said nothing and did nothing else but stare at the white wolf. Not a muscle twitched in the black wolfs face. Burn kept a calm expression as he watched Ice smolder. Funny. Ice wasn't supposed to catch fire.

Go piss yourself someplace else.. Was what Burn wanted to say to the white creature as it hovered only inches away from him. However he knew that getting into a fight now was useless. Especially when Ice wouldn't learn anything from it. He was still far too ignorant of Burns life to even try to judge him."Marsh.Are you really going to let him start a fight? When we are supposed to be here for that black fool." Burn turned his head and looked at Marsh while gesturing to Rhysis. The other black wolf was the one he wanted to kill. Ice just annoyed him. Plus he was part of the pack so killing him would cause a negative effect on Burn and likely send Swift River into chaos. So that was out of the question. Perhaps Marsh would calm the idiotic potvaliancy from Ice.

Unsure that Marsh was listening Burn turned his sharp gaze back to Ice and smiled tilting his head ever so slightly downwards for submission."We can finish our little argument back at the pack right friend?." He glanced back to Rhysis with a fire in his eyes.

"He's the reason we are here correct?" He was finished with Ice, but now was not the time to challenge him. Besides Fenru was still a rank above him. If anything was going to change with Ice respecting Burn then he would have to settle it later while they weren't in front of others. Burn was fairly sure Fenru would not mind giving up his spot to him. He was his elder after all.

[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
[Image: hashtags-jessiehotei02.png]
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
A heads up that Siki and I have the fight and outcome planned out, so we're going to move away from the others to bash out the posts.
Also note there will be no hostage taking, but a drawn fight and Rhysis running away at the end.
We've consented to PPing to move things along as we know the damage we are taking and moves were are making, so please excuse the loss of any posting order for the time being; if anything needs changing let me know Siki! <333

<blockquote>He almost laughed. What a pathetic pack and that ugly, mutated black wolf was a complete and utter moron. He might have been pack less, but taking on a superior wolf? He wished he another chance at him. That wasn't to be the case however as the oldest male of the group stood forward. He said nothing. He didn’t rise to the taunting and his face and posture said it all. He wanted to fight… alone. A wolf after his own heart, kind of. Rhysis was a survivor. He didn't remember the whys or the hows, he just knew that a fight against a group of four well fed wolves, no matter how fucking moronic they were, wasn't a good situation. He might have been fearless (or so he liked to tell himself) but he wasn't as stupid as them.

To his side, his father chuckled. An old man stepped forward for the challenge. Not the two males who looked in their prime, but the old coot. The sound was almost distorted as it left the ghosts lips- when he had been a child,his father had never laughed. Not even a mocking one at his enemies. Whenever the mirage of his father would do something out of character, the image would distort and flash back and forth. The sound was fade in and out, but his mind needed him there too much to let himself believe he was just imagining him. It wasn't an odd choice that the ghost of his father was the one leading him. Not Naira, his savoir, but his father who would no doubt bring his doom. Clearly his mind was on a suicidal path, but which mind wouldn't be after slaughtering your own flesh and blood.

<b>"Challenge accepted, Old Man."</b> he said casually, as if this was something he did every day. It wasn't of course, but he couldn't afford to let them think otherwise. He might have lost his mind, his life and memory, but those survival instincts were the only thing he had left and they were freshly polished.

He glanced carefully to his side and spotted a more open area. Sure a fight in the trees was nothing rare, but an open space, to really let lose and have more then just a clash looked so very appealing. Looking back to the male he grunted; he was marred and his steady gaze was focused. He was no newbie to a battle- perhaps he would honor the "warrior code" which had been beaten into him, and a larger playground might appeal to him. <b>"There. Let's go."</b> he said and confidently turned, not fully to expose his back and blind spot, but enough to stride with arrogance towards the clearing.

The spot was perfect; little to litter the area and at the edge seemed to be a ditch almost a barrier between them and the others, separating them from the rabble as it were. He glanced back to ensure the old timer was following and once he reached the area, he turned to face him head on as he waited for those final steps. There would be no more talking; for all of his mouthing off, Rhysis didn't like to talk much. If he could have lived his life without lies and manipulation, he most likely never would have spoken again... no doubt a blessing to any ears his voice had ever reached, but his tough guy act had to be played up- unlike the wolf in front of him, or the two back down there, he wasn't stocky and well muscled. He had speed on his side of course, but he had still not grown into his skin. His thin lanky legs made him far too tall, whilst his skinny frame, no matter how well he ate, made him look a little gaunt and weedy. He wasn't of course, he was like a flyweight boxer - no fat to be seen but boy he could pack a bunch if you were caught off guard. His only real chance right now was to rely on his lighter frame... and catching him off guard.


He lunged forwards, using the harder terrain as a springboard and propelled himself forwards towards the river wolf. He hadn't bothered to take up position, he had no time to waste and hoped to take the leader by surprise. He darted left, still facing forward but a turn of his head was given to bring his shoulder towards the face of the light coloured foe; as his weight made contact the push he was hoping for didn't happen, but with any luck there was enough of a surprise to startle him slightly. As his flesh made contact, his head dove down towards Marsh's front leg- his teeth clasping tightly just beneath the elbow joint.

It was on.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Siki who has 301 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Marsh Barrew
A'ight, hope it's okay I'm doing this 'bit' of the fight now - you're now welcome to take over and do as you please! As ever, let me know if you want anything changed <3

<blockquote>It was probably a good thing that his packmates were no longer in Marsh's field of vision, otherwise he may not have known what problem to deal with first. His temper was quickly becoming blinkered, though, and channeled entirely towards the black creature in front of him. He heard movement behind him, growls, demanding words and arrogant tones, but Marsh was only one wolf and did not have the processing power to deal with it. Depending on how thoroughly he thrashed Rhysis, he would hopefully have spare energy to beat some bloody respect into any and all of them. By then, his blood would be scorching hot, so it would be an enjoyable task.

Marsh's eyes narrowed at Rhysis as his foe spouted noise, the particular words lost to oblivious but the meaning and mockery clear. At least he wasn't backing down. Today's beatdown began with the traitor. The wolf was almost surprised when Rhysis glanced away, though he quickly realised that the traitor simply wanted more space to fight. Frightened of being so close to Marsh's backup, perhaps, or did he dislike fighting in trees? Precious. Marsh almost leaped forward to initiate combat the moment Rhysis broke eye contact, but the notion of victory while on the traitor's terms was difficult to pass up. Fine, they would do it Rhysis' way. Maybe the lesson would be easier to learn.

It was with an eager growl that Marsh padded after his foe, the heat rising in his veins and the lather dribbling from his lips as though he was about to descend on a wonderful feast. The clearing was reached, his foe turned to face him, and there were a few seconds of relative quiet as Marsh closed most of the gap. Then Rhysis closed the rest.

They exploded in furious snarls at Rhysis' jaws closed about his foreleg, and rather than spring back Marsh met it, almost pushing forward as he snapped down to bury his teeth in Rhysis' scruff, severing the thick skin and shaking his head once, twice - it forced Rhysis' grip loose, and the black wolf flashed his jaws upward towards Marsh's throat. The older wolf broke off with a rumble and tried to twitch away but Rhysis left tatty gouges in his chest.

First blood drawn from both, they sprang apart, tails rising and growls thundering as they checked to see whether the other would succumb to simple intimidation, but of course neither did. Once more Rhysis was the first to flash forward but Marsh checked it, their open jaws clashing like swords against one another, gums and lips bloodied as teeth split and punctured flesh. Marsh barreled forwards and Rhysis was forced to his back, but a hard-hitting kick to the copper wolf's belly forced him off and both were on their feet again. They drew apart for a second, just to check for early surrender on their foes' part, and, when none was forthcoming, they would crash together again with increasingly bloody mouths and fresh wounds.

Matched in brutality and conviction, the stalemate prevailed, with no obvious end in sight. But then they drew apart for another brief moment, just to check, and by happenstance Rhysis took a step back, closer to the ditch. When Marsh closed the gap again, the furious dancers shifted another foot further, Rhysis' back to the ditch, though neither wolf noticed, as yet absorbed in their mutual destruction.</blockquote>
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
Was perfectly fine! Will wrap up the fight now and have him bolt, everyone else feel free to give your responses so we can tie up the thread. <3

<blockquote>The wolf was a worthy challenge and kept Rhysis on his toes. There was no clash and chewing of limbs, but they darted back and forth, a painful dance with each new strike causing fresh wounds. Neither had sustained anything major, yet. Though there was little time to think, Rhysis knew that he could not kill the wolf. Not because they were a fair match, but because if he were to even get close, their spectators would be on him like fleas to a cat. It pissed him off, naturally. If given the chance, Marsh would finish Rhysis off and walk off into the sunset a hero, even if Rhysis could get close enough they'd steal the moment from him. There was only going to be one outcome here.

Marsh darted forward once more, taking another shot at the torn fur and flesh at his shoulder, picking over and over at the same spot, causing it to burn and scream in protest when the black wolf tried to put weight on it. It was a good thing they were so in love with the art of war, else they could both be sitting there crying over so many boo-boos. No, these two were wolves of war and the pain would not be felt until long after they had gone their own ways. It was a shame really, that it was all about to come to an end. Rhysis hadn't felt this much of a rush in a long time. Perhaps he and Marsh would meet again. Alone.

With a chunk of fur trapped in the jaws of the other male who tugged and shook his head to rip the flesh, Rhysis ducked once more and took hold of the russet chest before him, snatching the lose hanging skin before he dug his paws and claws into the solid ground and tugged, tugged with all his might, so hard he felt that the bones might slip out from the body he held onto. One step back, two... then. Shit. Where had the ground gone?!

He had no time to react, his footing went, his mind had been too focused on tugging at Marsh's chest he didn't noticed when the ground behind him slipped away. There was nothing he could do, but hold tight to the chunk of flesh he had- but it was to no avail, the ditch was too steep, the ground too icy from the cold winter nights and he fell.


As his skull hit the bottom of the ditch, he of course ensured that he hit it as hard as he could, his entire weight seeming to fall upon his head as it met a ton of rock and debris that lie at the bottom. He didn't see his life flash before his eyes, just a bright white light followed by a pain so fierce he felt he might cry out with the pain. He wasn't down long, just enough to absorb the heavy impact, blink repeatedly as he tried to remember what the hell he was supposed to be doing and turn his head up to meet Marsh looking down on him.

Shit. He remembered what he was supposed to be doing.

He rolled to his belly, quickly as his head would allow, and tried to push himself up. It was a task, that was for sure, as his body screamed in protest to lay the fuck back down and stay there. His head was the worst, the point where it had made contact felt almost shattered, it felt as if someone was drilling into this head with a power tool, back and forth, in and out. His vision was blurry, when it wasn't blurry he saw white spots and the world was spinning. There was no way in hell he could carry on this fight. His body could take the strain, but he needed to see and thick clearly, not stand there wobbling like washing in the wind.

Angry at his mistake, angry at the world, he had to run. He felt such a coward, but he would be back and when he found Marsh again, this would end differently.

He pulled himself out from the ditch, the side away from Marsh and the mutts known as the River wolves, hauled his weight up as quickly as his body would allow until his paws met solid land. He wasted no time in trashy comebacks, simply turned, gave Marsh a narrowed glare and then ran as fast as he could. He didn't think Marsh could give chase, his chest was pretty torn up, wounds here and there; he probably looked no better. It was a miracle in itself that he was able to run with the state of his shoulder and flank; it was amazing what adrenaline could do. All he had to worry about was getting enough distance between himself and the river wolves and with a head start like this, he could only hope his luck would hold out as he vanished into the forest.

- Exit-
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
( This takes place at the same time as the Rhysis/Marsh fight. )

There was no way in fucking hell that Ice would let Hotei get away with this. He felt the anger surge through him like a tidal wave, the lightning flash of a thought across the dark canvas of his mind - is this what Marsh feels about words? - as Hotei sought to remedy it all with words.

Ice wasn't even listening.

Trapped in the fire of feral instinct, he had only waited for a physical cue: for Hotei to fall down begging for mercy at the hands of his superior, a whimpering bundle of black fur beneath Ice's wrath. It didn't happen, and beyond that obvious truth Ice didn't give a damn. Callous, arrogant, the scarred male looked aside - looked at Marsh of all wolves, saying something Ice didn't register. The Guardian only allowed him to get that sentence out about halfway anyway, before a snarl ripped through his chest and out through his mouth, into the world. Rhysis led Marsh aside but Ice didn't care: Marsh could take care of himself. He wasn't worried. The scope of the world narrowed to the scarred idiot in front of him, and with his lips peeled back to bare all his fangs, Ice struck, without hesitation and mercy. The fur on his neck and back stood out, its thickness making him seem even larger; poised steadily on sturdy legs, Ice brought his head down, hard, his open jaws seeking to latch onto Hotei's muzzle even as he flung out his right front leg, to wrap it across his black neck or back and push him down into the dirt, where he belonged. Hotei had pushed Ice's patience too far, and today he'd pay for it - should he get a grip on the black male's muzzle, he would bite down to the point where he could hold his jaws without crushing the bones. Hotei was, after all, pack, and if he was to learn his lesson he had to survive being taught.
wolf by dawnthieves.de
(This post was last modified: Dec 29, 2012, 12:18 PM by Ice.)
let the stars above shine in your soul