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leg of lamb — Blackberry Fields 
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Played by Ku who has 45 posts.
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Damascus Lael
<blockquote><font style='margin-left:20px;'>Ah, so he wasn't alone. That was interesting, but perhaps not too surprising. Then again, Damascus had no idea how old his younger brother truly was; time and age were strange things. Younger by seconds, minutes, hours, days, years, what difference did it make if they were brothers by blood through and through? Then again, they were both rattling around like ghosts in a land gone dry, so perhaps there was a madness that they shared which made them all brothers and sisters under the same sun. But Damascus did not put a whole large amount into his own philosophies and theories, at least not in the company of others. It would have been rude to go off thinking at a time like that.</font>

<font style='margin-left:20px;'><b>"I haven't given up so easily. Lands like this just don't go dry without reason. Things here are -- or were -- bountiful. Even the destitute would see this even if they were blind."</b> But his desire to hang around was waning, this much was true. There was still the Great Something to be had, wasn't there? And yet for a split second, Damascus wasn't so sure that even it existed. But that was a fouler demon at play, the one that screeched for water to wet his drying throat. <b>"I suspect that it is why others remain,"</b> he said with a shrug, then rising up to his feet slowly in a stretch.</font></blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Dec 10, 2010, 12:03 AM by Damascus.)
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
“It’s why Kinis and I are still here,” he returned after listening to the male’s reasons. It was strange that they mirrored each other’s hopes and thoughts, and yet Ruiko had not been able to say it in front of a wolf he did not know. Stepping to the role of single guardian and leader had twisted his initial reactions to others, but in the end he remained the same stony presence he had always been.

“Perhaps,” he offered, though he was uncertain why others did stay. In truth, he was even unsure of how many others were still in the lands of Relic Lore. Traveling to resources was in the nature of the wolf, and yet Ruiko and Kinis remained defiantly within their lands, even if it could possibly mark their graves. Relic Lore was home, and while they had already lost Hidden Tree, Ruiko would be damned if he lost Swift River as well.
Played by Ku who has 45 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Damascus Lael
<blockquote><font style='margin-left:20px;'>In the end it was always unknown why anyone stayed around for anything. It was unknown why they often chose to wander as opposed to picking a spot and always defending it as their own. And then opposites were unknown too. But they all had a reason for something, even if they weren't necessarily the best ones. Damascus knew that much, because he couldn't quite explain what it was that had made him leave his own home, a home that hadn't been too much unlike where he was now. The world was a <span class='word'>creolized</span> melding pot, a conglomeration of criss-crossed trees and earthly desires and pleasures.</font>

<font style='margin-left:20px;'><b>"Do you anticipate the return of your family and friends to your pack?"</b> he queried then, curious if even that notion was something that kept his companion and his brother to the place. Home was still home, no matter how far away they had ever gone. And they often had many homes in their lifespans. Damascus had either way. There was the birth home and the first place from travel home, and it went on from there. He remembered them all and where they had been. <b>"Or will you attempt to rebuild it from those who remain like you?"</b> This was more a question of necessity than anything, but it was more selfish than Damascus had wanted it to be.</font>

<font style='margin-left:20px;'>Water or not, winter was still breathing on them.</font></blockquote>
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
There was a small moment of pause as both parties seemed to ponder over the recent events that had happened to such a bountiful land. Ruiko felt the absence of his family as if it were a sharp pang to his heart, but such things were not mentioned to strangers.. especially if he did not speak of them to his younger brother. Damascus’ question stirred his gaze up before the male gave a small shrug of his broad shoulders. “I expect if the water returns, Indru will eventually bring them all home unless they find something amazing out there.” There was a small pause as a sardonic snort escaped his nostrils. “Swift River will be rebuilt of those who remain. Though I hate to say that if the water doesn’t come back, then I will be leading the pack away as well.” What else, in the end, could he do?

The questions seemed more intrusive than Ruiko had expected, unless the stranger had an ulterior motive to why he wanted to know these details. Focusing his eyes upon the male, Ruiko regarded Damascus with an intent glance that was stoical and yet demanding all at once. A stare, his brother had once said, that belonged only to him among the Tainn family. “And your plans?”
Played by Ku who has 45 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Damascus Lael
<blockquote><font style='margin-left:20px;'>So it seemed like it would be a bit of both, in the end. If the water came back, then Ruiko expected his family. If they didn't come back, well, there wasn't anything some wayward strangers in need of a home couldn't fix. Either way he wasn't about to totally go off to fairer lands, at least not until everything was proven to be a total loss right where they were. Damascus could admire that. He could empathize with it to a degree, anyway. But then the tables were turned and the question was extended to him. What exactly would he do?</font>

<font style='margin-left:20px;'><b>"Hard to say. I wouldn't mind finding somewhere to settle down for the winter. I know that's just around the corner nowadays, if it won't be upon us soon."</b> He rolled his furry, dark-haired shoulders in a shrug. <b>"My plans have always been the same from the start, though. I'm looking for somewhere with meaning, somewhere I can call home to plant my own roots."</b> Maybe a place where he would one day extend a branch of his family tree. He smiled thinly at River's leader, not quite perturbed by his gaze.</font>

<font style='margin-left:20px;'>But Ruiko was quite right to think that there was a bit of an ulterior motive at hand. <b>"It might be bold of me, but given our current situations, perhaps I could join you? The more eyes and ears about, the more likely the chances of us coming across some water, wouldn't you think?"</b> He wasn't a greedy fellow at least, but he was reaching out to someone he didn't know so well. This had yet to really backfire on him, but there was a first time for everything. Damascus had been turned away before, but the stakes were much more dire this go around.</font></blockquote>
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
It was a strange situation for the tawny Tainn to be in. Growing up, Ruiko was used to a pack that had encased only his siblings, parents, and his uncles or aunts. Every so often Rihael would allow a lone wolf to join their ranks, but it seemed a fruitless notion, for the wolf would simply disappear after using their resources once the seasons were in their favour once more. Even when Indru had led them to Swift River and their numbers and dwindled greatly Ruiko had still been against the idea of a lone wolf – he had barely even conversed with them, feeling it a great waste of time.

Now here he was, waiting with stoical impatience in need of the wolf before him to request to become a member of Swift River and strengthen the only two wolves that remained. It was uncharacteristic. It was desperate. And yet, given their situation, it was entirely natural. Ruiko Tainn was a proud creature – any who knew him or talked with him could see that, and so when Damascus questioned the possibilities of a new home, the hefty male felt himself relax. Swift River could continue a strong legacy if he could find enough loyalists. “I couldn’t agree more,” the regal finally stated in return with a gentle flick of his tail. It was as much insight to the male’s relief that Damascus would gain, but it was more than enough. With a nod of his muzzle in the direction he had initially travelled, Ruiko Tainn began to lead the male to his new home.. and what would hopefully be a safe haven now that they were growing once more.