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Cut Rock River Pack Thread
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Played by Hero who has 204 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Bastet Akhenaten
No problem, I'm glad you joined! OMG more food! lol

Feeling the cold snow along her belly numbed that sensation of hunger though her thoughts continued to revolve around the possibility of getting something to eat, anything to get her back to her usual strong, sophisticated self. She was scrawny despite having gained a few pounds and yet she would continue to rely on the actions of her pack mates for substance if she wanted to survive this winter. There was no denying that the injury to her leg had left her useless in hunting, but Maksim had seen her capabilities and saw to it that she were comfortable as she healed. To him she owed everything, and would do anything to make sure that he was not wrong in accepting her into their pack.

When she lifted, quite slowly, to her haunches, she caught the scent of prey in the wind and searched frantically for the direction in which it came but knew it would take a while before she could muster the strength to search it out. Her prayers were answered when Athena, large and imposing, entered the scene dragging with her the kill that was left savaged in the snow. Meat clung to various spots along the hide and she was anxious to get her jaws on the rump where the most delicious and moist meat usually resided. When Athena had finally stopped and issued a welcoming bark, Bastet moved cautiously until she was situated comfortably at the deer's rump, where there still clung bits of frozen meat. She ate in silence, occasionally glancing at Athena in case the woman decided to assert her dominance and when no action came she relaxed, stating with a sigh of relief, "Thank you for sharing this food with me." she knew that with her injury she was in no position to fight Athena for a piece of the food if a challenge ever ensued, "I am Bastet, and you?" she asked with a cock of her head as cold meat slid down the base of her throat.
(This post was last modified: Jan 26, 2014, 11:57 PM by Bastet.)
Avatars by Becca! Thank you!

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is an elk carcass nearby. It looks like it froze to death. +12 Health
Played by Mimi who has 313 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maksim Baranski

Maksim trotted along, eyes drifting across his territory with a sense of purpose. There was a burning ache in his stomach, a yearning to satisfy his gnawing hunger. The agouti wolf knew he needed to find food and fast—there was no point in him growing weak. He had to defend his borders, his home, his family. Saliva pooled in his mouth at the thought of food, a reflex as the thought of blood on his tongue played on his mind. He lowered his nose, sniffing at the snow he navigated with some ease due to his long legs. He caught a scent and his salmon-hued tongue swept across his lips as he raised his crown to scent the air: elk. Better yet, dead elk.

The leader loped along, his stomach desperate to get some flesh in it to warm itself up. As soon as the carcass came into view, Maksim charged towards it. The body was pristine, not scavenged at all by the looks of things. It seemed that luck was on his side today! He threw himself at the belly of the beast, almost desperately ripping through skin and muscle. The flesh took a little work to tear away due to the way the prey had died—frozen to death, no doubt—but the wolf's teeth were sharp and excellently adapted at slicing. He was hungry and, therefore, would waste nothing. Maksim swallowed back strips of flesh and muscle, burrowing his muzzle into the now open abdomen of the elk. Blood stained the creamy fur on his face as he sought out the softer organs of the prey. Once found, he began to feast on the carcass, eager to get his fill.

He pulled away the stomach, snapped at it hungrily. Tearing it open, he set to work about swallowing it down. Nothing could be wasted. However, as soon as the organ was wolfed down, the River wolves' leader tilted his head back and howled, signalling that there was a meal here—a big one. He wouldn't eat the whole damn thing himself.

Once his howl had died out, the agouti brute returned to his position at the belly of the prey. Once again, he dove inside for another morsel, seeking out the lungs. Finally, a substansial amount of food was finding it's way into his stomach. He wasn't aware of the fact that both Bastet and Athena were so close by, on another carcass that was ripe for the picking.

(This post was last modified: Jan 27, 2014, 12:24 AM by Maksim.)

we are shining in the rising sun, as we are floating in the blue
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
I'd so rather have complete body language communication than actual talking, not sure why haha(;

As soon as Athena issued her welcoming, the dark female took advantage of her find. Athena, as well, wasted no time in digging in, settling herself towards the foreleg of the deer while Bastet tore at the hindquarters. They are in peace, no disputes arising, both happy for the meat in front of them. After a while, however, the raven colored girl spoke up, thanking her for her kindness. Swallowing the frozen chunk of meat that she was currently gnawing at, she lifted her head slightly and smiled. "We have to stick together this winter. Selfishness will be deadly," she said wisely, before going back for another mouthful. The raven female introduced herself as Bastet, nodding in acknowledgement before introducing herself as well. "Athena," she mumbled as she tore at the muscles of the deer's foreleg.

Before their conversation could go any further, Maksim's own voice boomed through the trees. He was surprisingly close and had found another carcass to dig into. Glancing up at Bastet, "Help me drag this over to Maksim," she stated more than asked before reaching down once more to grab ahold of the corpse. If Maksim wanted a feast for the family, he sure was going to get a feast.

With their combined effort, they were able to drag the frozen deer to where Maksim was. Tail curled around her hind leg, she approached the agouti leader of the river with her ears pinned back and her back bowed. Releasing a soft whine, she reached up and licked his mighty chin with respect. Hoping he was satisfied with her find, she glanced at the bloodied elk, licking her jowls in hunger. Oh, what a feast this will be.

|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Hero who has 204 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Bastet Akhenaten
The deer carcass filled her stomach quickly but it did not subside the hunger that ebbed away at the fiber of her being, it seemed that despite how much she ate nothing made her content; she was so emaciated to the point that it seemed no food would satisfy her. Her only duty now was to eat as much as she could swallow in one sitting before she had to find something else that would start the process all over--listening to Athena's words momentarily diverted her thoughts. She produced a smile when the woman spoke of sticking together during such harsh times and silently she agreed, there was no telling how much longer they would undergo this famine and having a pack that she could consider family made her appreciative of having found Cut Rock River when she did. She needed them as much as they needed her.

No sooner did she attempt to move toward a higher point on the deer carcass did she hear the howl of Maksim in the wind. He called the rest of the pack to feast on an elk carcass he had found and instinctively her stomach lurched with anticipation of even more food. The pack had deserved it after all. Lost in her own thoughts, she realized that she had been meeting with Maksim a lot lately and was beginning to enjoy his company, it seemed that food followed him where he went and she was grateful to be in his presence. Not only did he provide food,he also made her feel safe, and his confidence showed in the way he ran his pack--she trusted that he would pull them safely through this winter, and would feed them well.

Lifting to all fours she helped the woman as much as she could with her weak leg in dragging the deer carcass over to Maksim, and when they were finally in his presence, she felt a swell of pride grow in her when she was able to prove to him that she could be of service. Though the carcass was smaller than what the tawny male had found, it would help provide some energy to so many in need. Without speaking, she lowered her body in his presence and waited for him to give her the signal to take her place beside him to feast. She respected his position as alpha and would show patience as he got his fill before she was allowed to have her own.
Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski
She emerged from the soft shadows of the trees – his song had beckoned her, and Kisla was not one to deny the River leader. The scent of blood was thick upon the air now, and while casual upon first entrance, she stiffened quickly, her bright eyes skimming the trees for sign of any other predators. Her stomach gave a jolt of need, and swiftly her creamy paws drew closer to him. It was strange how she longed to sidle up to the warmth of his side – the only wolf she was familiar with within these lands, and because of this she felt the urge to remain beside him – take in the familiarity. Yet she did not – instinct knew better than the heart’s desire when it came to a leader and his meal, and as no more than the Second within the female ranks, the tawny she-wolf stood compliantly a respectful distance back, her muzzle tipping up as the wind told her a tale of another.

Maksim’s jowls worked against the meat, the only noise within the quiet forest. Yet her eyes fell upon two others – a swarthy female she did not recognize, and the pale dove she had met upon the borders with a tragic history. A low bark ushered from her throat, indicating to the regal of the River that his subordinate’s had done well for the pack, and without confirmation from him, the Tainn lady loped forward, lifting herself to a natural dominance as she came closer to them – she had not met Astra, but she knew neither of these females held the title of regal Lady.

“I can help,” she offered simply, her gaze drifting between each. She would not feast until their leaders had their own, and the pack cubs. Only then would her rank indicate her belly could take its fill. Without another word, she bent her slender muzzle down, jaws gripping to the carcass as she assisted in dragging the feast toward their leader. Cut Rock River would feed well this day because of Athena and Bastet. As they drew closer, the she-wolf would release her grip, taking a pace away from the meat and allowing the leader to step in.
(This post was last modified: Jan 28, 2014, 02:15 PM by Kisla.)

sparking up my heart

Played by Mimi who has 313 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maksim Baranski

Maksim pulled his bloodied muzzle from the elk's belly, licking his lips several times over. He relished the flavour of the meal, as if it were his last, and his stomach screamed at him to eat his fill, to feast and to devour. His teeth found themselves prying at organs and flesh, pulling them out, disembowelling the creature who had fallen victim to the viciousness of the cold. It was best to get the tender, soft tissues out first–they were certainly the best part–before tackling muscle and meat. Even the bones would be eaten if all the pack had their share. There was marrow in the bones that would offer all the River wolves that extra little bit. Finally, Maksim tugged at the lungs with a growl, pulling them roughly from within. He wasted no time in tearing into the organs, snapping them up in an instant.

The others arrived, specifically Bastet, Athena and Kisla, dragging yet another carcass with them. Lifting his head slowly, the agouti brute watched them as they approached, presenting the deer remains. Athena crept forwards, submissive and respectful, before offering the leader a lick to his bloody chin. The Baranski raised his lip, flashing yellowed teeth briefly. The action was not of aggression, however. It was merely a display of dominance.

It seemed the females were waiting for him to take his fill and, in any other case, he'd expect such behaviour. Now, a pang of guilt shot through him and he eyed them briefly. He had already eaten quite a bit of the elk, enough to quell the hunger that chewed at his gut. “Eat,” he stated, tongue running briefly over his teeth. “Take your fill to replenish your strength–the others will come if they are hungry.” Lowering his crown once more, the River leader invited the women to dine with him. Should they decline then it was their lost; meals like this wouldn't just fall from the sky.

we are shining in the rising sun, as we are floating in the blue
Played by Alace who has 323 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Naia Aegina
OOC|| I left Naia's dominance/submission show with Athena intentionally vague, pending the conclusion of the rank challenge. ||


Traveling the southern border of Cut Rock River, Naia heard a sound that was almost too good to be true: her leader's howl, announcing a feast at the heart of the pack's territory. The goat's carcass she had stored in the cache after her hunt with Ouicksilver had long since been picked clean, and she hadn't been expecting more for quite a while. Naia had conditioned herself to ignore the grinding pain in her belly, at least until a food option presented itself. As if on cue, a vicious growl rumbled from the depths of her stomach, and it took more self control than she knew she possessed to finish out the southern border run before charging toward the communal den. Speed bolstered by curiosity, Naia wondered what sort of meal would be waiting for her when she arrived. It had to be bigger than a deer or a goat for Maksim to call out to the whole pack. Perhaps there were several carcasses. She couldn't even remember the last time she had her choice of which type of meat she wished to consume.

As she neared the heart of the territory, she saw several lupine forms gathered up in the clearing near the communal den. Approaching the group, the realization struck her that a feast like this would attract most of the pack, including the wolves Naia hadn't met yet. Fresh meat was exciting enough in and of itself, but the agouti lady was also eager to meet more of her family members; perhaps even the elusive Lead and Second Females. She greeted her family members with her usual relaxed grin. ”My deepest appreciation to whoever tracked down these carcasses,” she spoke, her honey gaze drifting to Maksim standing over the feast. She bowed deeply to her leader to signal her respect of not only his rank but his space. The last thing she wanted to do was rush at a hungry male standing over a kill; even if she was only trying to lick his chin, it was best to avoid the misunderstanding. After paying her respects to the leader, she turned to the group of females waiting nearby for their turns at the meal.

”Ubasti, I hope you're settling in well; Athena-- a pleasure,” she greeted her familiar packmates concisely, knowing that there would be time for chit-chat later once their bellies were full. She adjusted her posture appropriately as she addressed each female, well-aware that mealtime was one of those sacred pack events demanding formal shows of rank. Taking cues from the other women, Naia submitted to the dominant lady she didn't recognize, tucking her tail and pinning her ears as she introduced herself. ”I'm Naia Aegina, Miss.” The unfamilair woman was either a Lead or a Second, and to find out where she stood Naia would watch closely to see how she interacted with Maksim as she approached the carcass to eat. Formal introductions over, she settled in beside the other females to await for them to signal her when it was her turn to eat.

Played by Trix who has 32 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Astra Sellix
The days of winter had stretched on, with no end in sight. Times were hard...food was scarce, and Cut Rock River was almost filled to capacity. When would the next lone wolf come knocking at their doorstep, seeking acceptance into an already struggling pack? Quite frankly, Astra was sick of it all. Of the blistering cold, the deep trenches of snow, and the lack of food. Sure, she maintained her role as pack leader and fulfilled her duty as best as she could, but now, it was all getting a little too much. The unforgiving winter had taken a toll on her, chipping away at her persona bit by bit. She had spent the last couple of weeks alone, busying herself by marking the borders, or going off on her own in search of any signs that prey was returning. While there were plenty of new faces in the pack to meet, she did not take the time to meet up with any of them and properly introduce herself. She just had not been in the mood.

Today, that would change, as a howl filled the air, beckoning the pack wolves forth. Their fortunes for today at least, had taken a change for the better. A feast was to be had. Her nose confirmed it, as the scent of freshly spilled blood and stale death floated on the wind. Meandering along the path of the river, in search of a cold drink to settle the ache in her belly, Astra's spirits lifted ever so slightly at the promise of a fulfilling meal. She was sick of fasting or relying on the meager leftovers within the caches. Shaking a dusting of snow free from her butterscotch pelt, she took off to the location of the den. A delightful sight greeted her stormy blue eyes. Not one, but two deer carcasses. One of which looked to have been minimally fed on, the other perfectly preserved by the cold. Gathered around them, was Maksim and four other females, none of which she knew.

These hard times had made everyone a little more irritable than usual lately, and Astra was no exception. Added to the fact that it was the time of year when wolf hormones were at their peak (which increased aggression) didn't help matters either. Without hesitation, she strode forward, shoulders back, head held high, tail raised to let everybody know who she was around here. She directed her eyes to each female, daring them to meet her gaze and challenge her for her rightful place at the dinner table. Approaching Maksim with a gentle wag of her tail, she offered a gentle lick beneath his chin, whining softly. It was a show of her pleasure to see him, and a much gesture of his much deserved respect. To the others, she only allowed a low grumble to vibrate in her throat, while her ears flattened. Not a threat, but a firm reminder of her ranking. Placing a dominant paw upon the shoulder of the animal, she reached into the open chest cavity, teeth clamping down onto the meat surrounding the ribcage. Red blood dotted her muzzle as she feasted, allowing the ache in her belly to settle. With a yank, she pulled the heart free, guarding it possessively under her legs. It was not for her, but for the pups, who she had since taking a liking to. Hopefully they would show up. "It seems that we have gotten somewhat of a reprieve today. But it won't last." She glanced to each of the females. "I apologize for not meeting you sooner. I am Astra Sellix...I lead beside Maksim."

(This post was last modified: Jan 30, 2014, 07:35 PM by Astra.)
Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski
DRAMAS. Sorry to cut posting order, but turning this to a rank challenge. I assume to be more fast-paced about it and not hold everyone up, posting order can be scrambled.

Trix.. sorry Kisla is a douche. <3

Kisla was entirely subservient to Maksim –he had taken her in during the worst time of her life and had been her shoulder to lean on, even if she did not like to do so. Her own guilt stirred when the regal noted they should take their fill – perhaps not even realizing she had not done anything to aid the two she-wolves in their catch. She would let him know of their great deed so they could gain the acknowledgement, and yet for now, there was one thing on her mind alone: food.

Her stomach almost twisted painfully in reminder to how empty it was, and with a rumble, she pressed forward, her eyes connecting to the three she-wolves, that, as her rank entitled, she would be eating before them. This was signified with a lift in her stance and her tail, and yet this posture would not remain for long.

Faltering then as another swept up to them, Kisla’s eyes fell upon a cream-furred beauty. She moved with a grace that the Tainn herself could only hope to achieve, and given her stance, the tawny Second knew she was in the presence of her Leader, after weeks of being within the pack ranks. She accepted this as the regal prowled forward, even felt a pang of jealousy as she moved to Maksim’s side – his mate.

And yet, she did not greet him as such. There was no fondness in her eyes as they swept over him – not the way her own peridot gaze had begun to look upon him, spare for friendship. Their greeting was not intimate, and without another thought to it, the she-wolf brushed past the others to take claim on her meal.

And so the Tainn she-wolf stood dumbfounded for moments, watching the scene unravel as if she was no more than an outsider looking in. It was then, at that moment, she knew the she-wolf would not be given her respect. As the female lumbered a greeting to them, it was then that the Tainn felt herself stiffen, moving forward now to stand out amongst the offers. The blades of her long fur stood on end then, her hackles bristling as she tipped her muzzle up in a rebellious display of dominance. Her tail arced then, waving like a proud banner as she danced a step closer, her gaze locking with her opponent as she maintained the unspoken challenge. If @Astra wanted her respect, she would need to prove she was worth it.. and if she didn’t, Kisla would be stripping her of her title.
(This post was last modified: Jan 31, 2014, 07:27 PM by Kisla.)

sparking up my heart

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