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Played by Trix who has 32 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Astra Sellix

Hunkered down by the bush, up to her elbows in the snow, Astra patiently waited for the others to catch up, so they could hear her game plan. Any suggestions they had she'd openly welcome, but it was Maksim who would have the final say, laying out the additional details. All the while, her blue tinted eyes never strayed from the tiny herd, drifting over each individual for any sign of weakness. If winter was being hard on the wolves, then their prey were suffering twice as much. The proof was right there before them. Worriedly, she glanced over at Destin as he arrived. He looked unwell. Down trodden and skinner than she would've liked. Would the large male even be fit to hunt? Either way, Astra planned on keeping a close eye on him from now on.

Pleased that Maksim had agreed the eldest buck was their best choice, her ears pricked up attentively while he addressed her and the pups at the same time. She would be more than happy to work with Quil and Cinder, using her years of hunting experience to guide them. With Anastasia accompanying them as well, the odds tilted in their favor. Two adults were better than one, decreasing the risk of an accident. When Maksim had finished with the details, she nodded in agreement. "Of course. Let's hope that everything goes smoothly today. We can't afford any mistakes." With that said, she turned to navigate through the maze of trees around the herd, where she'd emerge behind them. "Just follow my lead, you two. But don't get too close...stay clear of the hooves and antlers." Hopefully the girls would know, after seeing Astra in action, that mock charges, and short swift lunges, along with a lot of noise, would work best in scaring the animal. She wasn't sure if this was their first active role within a hunt or not, but a certain heaviness weighed upon her shoulders now. In taking them with her, Astra felt solely responsible for their safety.

Through the snow, she glided swiftly, using the trees to distort her passing figure. She had her eye on a narrow opening of wide open space not far away. That, was where she'd initiate the charge. Moving quickly, keeping tabs on the herd and the direction of the wind, it wasn't long until the last remaining trees hid her from view. Crouching near one, she waited until she saw an opening. Dashing forward, kicking up a storm of powdery white snow in her wake, she rushed towards the deer, a low growl bubbling in her chest. Ears plastered against her skull, she snapped at the hindquarters of the deer, to panic them. The bull, she noticed, was slower than the others, lagging behind as he struggled through the deep snow drifts. Perfect. Zipping around to her left, she blocked off his escape, preventing him from reuniting with the rest of his herd. She didn't get too close; she always kept moving. Darting from one side to the other, or springing out of reach when he lashed out with a deadly kick of his hooves. Her partners would have to act fast, for she was but a single wolf, up against an old, yet still formidable buck deer.

(This post was last modified: Jan 18, 2014, 04:25 AM by Maksim.)
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
Struggling to remain patient as the green-eyed Maksim explained both the positions and the plan Lachesis couldn’t stop his gaze from wavering to his blue-eyed companion. While he preferred to hunt on his own hunting with the pack offered the opportunity to grow closer with his new packmates. Since arriving in their new home the healer had kept to himself, only socializing with Anastasia, and busying himself with his preparation for winter. At least the hunt would allow his packmates to see what he could do aside from healing, and prove to them that he was a valuable member even if he wasn’t a long-term member of the pack.

Excitement bubbled up from his toes as they drummed along the dirt, his ears twitching as the dark, agouti male mentioned that he – Lachesis the spider-legged yearling – would be aiding in the take-down alongside him, Hati, and a wolf called Destin. Blinking, he turned to Anastasia with a widened gaze before returning his focus to the Alpha. Don’t screw this up, Lach, he thought to himself as quickly nosed Ana’s cheek. “Good luck,” he whispered, voice just loud enough so only she could hear, before he turned to follow Maksim and the other two wolves he had chosen for the take down.

He moved with a silence grace behind the agouti leader, pale eyes darting from the large male to the herd of mule deer in anticipation of the buck being separated. Once the prey was maneuvered away the four of them would have to act fast, bodies slinking forward with deadly precision. With winter’s frigid grip tightening food would soon become scarce; they could not risk a failed hunt. He watched the movements of Astra’s team, his heart pounding as he waited for a signal from Maksim.
(This post was last modified: Jan 09, 2014, 06:37 AM by Lachesis.)
[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Render who has 96 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Hati “Taras” Roukan

This hunt meant everything. It changed Cut Rock River into a pack rather than a number of wolves sharing a home. They had to work together and depend on each other, believing in each other's abilities to accomplish what was asked of them quickly and efficiently, without screwing it up for others who needed the food to survive. It wasn't a game, or something with which to pass the time, but was an important part of pack existence, of survival, and of proving ones self.

Hati accepted Maksim's decisions like a day old puppy, for arguing would look silly as he had no words to use. Besides, the black river wolf wasn't disappointed in his alpha's choice but rather felt excitement bubbling up to his brain. This would be the first actual hunt of his life. It made him feel inexperienced and young, even though he was the oldest wolf in the pack. Would he make a fool of himself on this day? Or could he prove to Maksim, and to himself and his pack, that he was well able to do this? Anticipation was making each second of waiting harder.

Lachesis, the healer, also looked nervous, or perhaps simply excited. With a grin Hati sent the white yearling a wink, feeling his heart lighten. He had never done that before. Today was a day of firsts.

The pack was dispersing in groups to their positions of attack; Hati followed Maksim, Lachesis, and Destin into the shadows where they would wait for the deer to come to them with Astra and the others nipping at its heels. Fear chose that moment to slink into Hati's movements, leaving him stiff and uncomfortable, eye wide with insecurity. He realized that the last time he had been this close to deer they had stolen his words and his sight.

The dark subordinate cast a hesitant glance in Maksim's direction, hoping that the agouti alpha hadn't noticed his discomfort. He had to go through with this, and bring down that buck.

(This post was last modified: Jan 15, 2014, 06:13 PM by Hati.)
Played by Allie who has 81 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Quil Attaya Lyall
going to throw one up out of turn

Quil found some comfort in Destin's arrival. He'd always been a familiar face, as much so as Maksim, and she hadn't seen much of him since their move. In a way, he was a reminder of her parents, and knowing that he would be here today did well to temper her nerves and feeling of angst. With most of the pack gathered round, the girl made a sincere effort to pay attention as Maksim gave his instruction. She and Cinder were to stay with Astra, the lead female, and to separate and drive the buck to those who would be waiting to take it down. She'd never really interacted with the creamy coated female before, and while everyone's attention was on their leader, Quil took a moment to look her over. When she spoke, Quil watched her lips and took her words to heart, offering up a small, courteous, one-sided grin and a nod of understanding at her instruction to avoid the beast's hooves and antlers.

Slipping quietly through the deep snow was as challenging as ever for the leggy girl, though a couple of weeks of practice did help some. The pup made sure not to fall behind and to keep pace with the lead female, not without keeping an ever-watchful eye on Cinder as well. When the time to jet into action finally came, the instinct that was at the core of every wolf guiided the Attaya's every action. She balanced watching Astra move with focusing on the target and the task at hand. Astra moved back and forth to keep the bull on track and Quil mimicked her every move, making sure to weave in the opposite direction she moved to deter the buck from straying off course. With the wind in her fur, the scent of food poking her forward light a hot iron, the sable furred girl savored the rush of adrenaline like she'd never felt it before, and it only made her a better hunter than the inexperienced pup she'd been before.

(This post was last modified: Jan 19, 2014, 03:31 AM by Quil.)

Played by Alanna who has 82 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Destin McBain
Destin listened to Maksim, nodding as he was addressed. The plan was a good one, hopefully they would be successful. There was a sort of tension in the air, one that meant that much was dependent on this mission of theirs. Many bellies were hungry in these winter months, and even if Destin was walking slower than normal or his eyes were filled with less luster he could not let the pack down. Taking a deep breath he stood, walking behind Maksim, Taras and Lachesis as they approached the herd. His golden eyes moved back to look at the other group, one that included Astra, Quil and Cinder. Despite the troubles they had gone through back at Darkwater Rapids the pups seemed to be thriving in their own way. Destin felt a responsibility, a connection with them, that he must keep them safe no matter what the cost.

Moving his gaze back towards Maksim, Destin began to experience the familiar adrenaline rush that always came before a hunt. His body was struggling to keep up with the pounding blood through his veins and the sudden waves of energy that left him shaking. Taking another deep breath, the 4-year-old steadied himself as the small group waited for Astra and the others to complete their task. Soon enough the herd would be running towards them, and that was when the hunt truly began.
Played by Rachel who has 58 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cinder Attaya
She listened almost dully to Maksim's words -- his voice drifted in and out of her focus as her eyes drifted to the small herd. Such a time should have been exhilarating to the young girl -- her first hunt, and she was allowed to participate rather than just watch. And yet there was a nagging feeling of emptiness that clung to the pit of her stomach, whispering to her how this hunt should have occurred within her birth pack lands, under the watchful eyes of her parents.

Instead of Ava explaining what to do, it was now a pale she-wolf. Cinder recognized her only as Maksim's counter[art, and as her golden eyes studied the female as she spoke, she would steal a glance to her sister every so often, noting ever so quietly that Quil at least was not as depressed as she currently felt.

Offering only a single nod of acknowledgement, her eyes would stray back to the herd once more, keeping Astra in her peripheral. A flutter of nervousness washed over her then -- what if she got kicked in the head? What if she died? It was then that the quietest voice whisperedi n her mind.. a hiss of uncertainty and carelessness. 'No one cares if you live or die..' For a moment her eyes squeezed shut, and no sooner did they snap open then Astra and Quil had pulled away, leaping toward their target.

It was only her pride for the moment that spurned her forward. Listlessly, she would have desired nothing more than to sink down to the snow and not move. But she could not let Quil outshine her, and so the girl pushed forward now, her back paws digging to the snow and causing a small spray of the white powder from her momentum. She was a faster runner than Quil, and shortly had caught up to her sister. She weaved with them, mirroring Astra's motions after a quick moment of study. Suddenly, the thrill of the hunt pumped through her veins, and every weight she felt before pulling her further down seemed to be lifted. Her jaws snapped toward the beast in the same tactic she had been told, her lean figure weaving away from danger before it could occur.

For the moment, Cinder Attaya felt alive once more.
like a black widow, baby
Played by Mimi who has 313 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maksim Baranski
you guys are great <3!
two more rounds and we can wrap this up.
@Astra @Hati @Lachesis @Destin @Quil

There was nothing the group of males could do but wait. Maksim's gaze did not leave the chaser's forms as they slipped stealthily along, hidden behind trees to cover their positions. Astra, Quil, Cinder and Anastasia disappear for a moment and the leader inhaled deeply. Suddenly, Astra burst forward from her hiding place and the others followed suit, their growls a signal that their side of the task had begun. They wove amidst the startled herd, making swift progress towards the chosen buck, their target for today's kill. Astra leapt in front of the buck, blocking off his exit. The deer kicked out with his sharp hooves yet he never found his target, the wolves simply to fast for him. Maksim's attention was captured by the Attaya girls as they danced around the buck and, for the first time in a long time, he noted that they moved with energy—they moved with life in their veins.

The buck was slowly but surely being herded towards Maksim and the other's position, desperate to stand his ground. A sharp bark came from Anastasia and the agouti leader took that as the cue that the rest of the hunting party was needed in taking down the beast. “Let's go,” he barely managed to order before he took off in a flurry of snow. Adrenaline coursed through his entire being as he thundered towards the buck, ready to taste the metallic rush of blood against his tongue and teeth. He cleared the space between himself and the deer, his powerful jaws parting as saliva pooled in his mouth. The Baranski snapped and snarled, the buck unable to focus on one wolf. As soon as the deer turned his attention away from the River wolves' leader, the brute darted forward and clamped his jaws into the side of creature's neck.

Warmth flooded his mouth and animal instinct kicked in. He shook his head wildly, powerful muscles on his neck working hard to try and throw the beast off balance. Hopefully the others had taken his strike as a sign to make their own moves. He couldn't do this alone.

(This post was last modified: Jan 18, 2014, 04:05 AM by Maksim.)

we are shining in the rising sun, as we are floating in the blue
Played by Trix who has 32 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Astra Sellix

Astra could only afford the briefest of glances out of the corner of her eye to check on the Attaya girls. They were right there with her, bursting with energy and corralling the great beast towards the males lying in wait. Good...they were performing splendidly, moving with more life than she had ever seen before. It was a promising sight, invigorating. Perhaps one of the girls would aspire to be an experienced hunter one day. With a sharp bark, she conveyed her encouragement to the pair, urging them onwards to keep going. With the mule deer's escape route blocked, he had nowhere else to go other than straight into danger. Which is exactly what he did.

Bringing up the rear, the pale female watched with anticipation as Maksim made the first strike, barreling towards his target, lunging to clasp his jaws around the frightened animals neck. Time to move in, to end this battle and grant their prey a swift death. Everyone was suffering in this brutal winter...prey and wolves alike. No need for any additional torture. The bucks legs flailed, sharp hooves cutting at air as he reared, desperate to free himself from the vice like grip upon his throat. Astra needed no more cue than that. Maksim may have been burly and strong, but he was just a single wolf against a much larger deer. Without help, he soon would be overwhelmed.

Snow flied into the air as Astra charged, slender legs pumping hard as she rushed to the Baranski's aid. Her lips peeled back, displaying a row of knife like teeth while a snarl burst forth. Bravely, she aimed for the shoulder of the creature. If she could just snap a vital tendon or perhaps shred through the muscle, her prey would be rendered helpless. Her jaws snapped, paws dancing to avoid the kick of a hoof. When she saw an opening, she took her chance. She leapt up, gripping the fragile flesh of the shoulder. Her teeth sunk in deep, where the warmth of blood seeped into her mouth. It was only a matter of time now.

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
Water is beginning to freeze and some fish are trapped. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
He focused on controlling his breathing while he watched Astra lead her group toward the herd. Their movements were nearly synchronized as they moved with precision, closing the distance between themselves and the deer. His gaze occasionally flickered over the agouti form of their leader, his thin legs quivering in anticipation as he awaited the signal from the larger male. The sharp, demanding bark of his blue-eyed companion caused the youth’s head to snap around. This was it. Just as the thought entered his mind Maksim’s hushed voice broke the silence before he darted forward. Without hesitation the teenager lunged ahead, his long legs propelling him toward the group as he quickly caught up to the green-eyed Alpha. While he had been busying proving himself as a worthy healer for the pack, XIX also wanted to show them that he was a valuable hunter – and this was the opportunity to do so.

With his pale gaze focused on the large body of Maksim the yearling stepped to the side as the leader launched the first attack, his jaws lunging for the warmth of the deer’s neck. Returning his attention to the buck the yearling darted forward, allowing his teeth to graze its soft underbelly. After a brief retreat, Lachesis jumped ahead once more, his jaws aiming for the buck’s flank in order to pull it toward the ground. Once his teeth met the buck he locked his jaws in place as his willowy legs bounced his slender body around in order to avoid its sharp hooves. His head continued to snap back as he tugged on the deer while his claws dug into the snow in order to get a better grip.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you