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Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased
(Uhg, sorry about the wait, really short too -_-)

"Of course we can Karpos! Tell me, where do you wish to strike?" Silver was giving Karpos the chance to pick a striking point. It seemed as if this elder was going to need some convincing to die today. A strong elder deer, something she enjoyed, a challenge. Trying to push forward it seemed to do her a bit of good. Now close enough to launch but she needed Karp to tell her where. Of course if he wished he could try and attack. But she didn't want him getting hurt.

Glancing over to @Karpos she made sure he was doing okay. This may or may not have been his first hunt. At least big meal hunt. Not rabbits, birds, and mouse. Such things like deer, smaller wild cats, and other large sized creatures is what she called big meal hunt. Even if it was an elder and smaller from the withering winter conditions, it would still feed them both well if they could manage to catch it. So far it seemed they were doing well as a pair. Karpos had seemingly grown into his long legs making him better to run with. Besides, it seemed he had matured also making him easier to work with. Something she admired about him. After everything he'd been through he could still pull it together.

Leaning in closer it was hard not to take a bite here and now, but she wanted Karpos to be able to call the shots. Make him feel like the prince he once was.
Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer
Ditto @Silver; I've been terrible
everything that kills me makes me feel alive
<b style="font-family:georgia; color:#8182A3;">Karpos gave the situation much thought; the position of the deer was everything after all. The black prince remembered how Mercy, Sir Mapplethorpe, a few others and himself had hid in the wolf's blind spots. <b style="font-family:georgia; color:#8182A3;">"I can chase the deer at you and you can go in for the kill!" He determined after remembering that he and Mercy hadn't participated in the take down for a reason. <b style="font-family:georgia; color:#8182A3;">"Then we can eat; but I must request that I take any extras back to Hollowheart Keep." He told her in a whisper as he eyed the deer family carefully. <b style="font-family:georgia; color:#8182A3;">"We can take the old doe. I'll go try to find a place to hide. You can sneak around and then I will start it with the chase when I'm ready." He told her again in a whisper.

Karp started to sneak around to the best point he could find where he could safely separate the older doe from the rest of the family. He narrowed his eyes as his paws lightly crunched in the snow. The family seemed on edge but oblivious to the fact that there were two wolves ready to take it down. He started off with a kick and suddenly the herd started to scatter when they saw him. He dove his way and managed to separate the young doe from the rest of her herd or family. Part of him felt bad that she had to die, but the hunt was exhilarating. The hunt made him feel alive.