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The Crossing — Swift River 
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Played by Kat who has 79 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Makita Kokki
Makita saw another wolf come over the peak of the hill behind the male that was about her age. Being a Kokki, brains were one of the biggest factors of the family, and picking a fight wasn't one of the many lessons she had learned from ehr Kokki family members. As the she - wolf came up to them, she did let her ears fall back more and her tail fall further down. Her ears heard the back - mouthing talk of Kenit, her new 'friend', and she let her eyes flicker up to him.

"Kenit, let's just go." she murmured, her golden eyes trying to meet his with an expression that said 'don't mess with them, they'll win'. The statement was true, as Swift River wolves were strong and mighty and they could easily get more back up. Her golden eyes fell to her delicate paws, rested in the snow. She planned to just walk away with Kenit, as she wasn't just going to leave him here to be injured and maybe even killed. Kenit was a huge wolf, and he could definitely fight and be successful, but strength came in numbers as well, which was something the Swift River wolves had.

Makita listed as the younger wolf spoke. Best be on your way or ask to join. Makita wanted to laugh at the thought of joining, but she thought of her conversation with Borden, her trustworthy friend, not long ago. She was on the verge of joining the pack, but the fact that her family needed her got the best of her. The thought of joining Swift River now, after her rude introduction with them - even though this wasn't the rudest she'd had and she did appreciate the male's understanding - , flashed across her mind. Her eyebrows furrowed and she glanced up at the female.

"I'm sorry, miss. I didn't know I was in the territory until I was interrupted," she glanced up at Kenit, who had stopped her from her romp in the snow. "I was just playing in the snow. I'll leave." she said to the she - wolf, her eyes innocent. Her eyes moved to the male's. "I'll leave, and I'll take Kenit with me." she assured him softly, though you could tell that there was curiosity in her voice, and also nervousness. Any wolf in the right mind would be nervous being surrounded by two wolves that could rip them to shreads when they wished.

OOC: When I was talking about the conversation with Borden, I'm still not sure if she's going to join Midnight Plateau so it may be in the future. Haha. And Makita can handle herself against hottie teenagers. ;)
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
*barges in* :D Kat, for your reference, we can use this posting order now, so you post after Triell/Switch each time:
Maicoh → Corinna → Triell → Makita → Indru

Scents at the borders were something that Indru was so familiar with any breach in the usual or unexpected ones were as clear as smoke from a fire leeching into the sky. It was his duty as pack leader to keep them protected, to keep his members safe, and so it was in his eyes a great dishonour and mistake for them to be crossed, especially when he knew the scent of Swift River's was so clear. He headed towards them at a run, feet pounding and kicking up snow as he ran, deep inhales as he approached giving him more information — two lone wolves had crossed them and two River wolves had gone to defend them. These particular scents were very familiar, Triell and Corinna, and the thought of any threat these strangers may pose to them caused him to only run faster and his anger to grow stronger.

Abruptly Indru burst upon the gathering of wolves like a firework, fury coating every edge of his large frame, and prowled forwards towards his pack members. Indru's fur was bristled in his anger, making him only look larger, and his nose was wrinkled as his lips were pulled back from his teeth. He could tell that no incident had happened yet, there was no scent of either of the intruders on his pack mates, but the fact that they were here at all, and that the male dared threaten them was more than enough. Once he was sure they had not been harmed Indru prowled forwards and stood protectively infront of them both, tail curled over his back dominantly and his orange eyes meeting the males (who he deemed the most threat) with ease, the growl that was escaping his throat clearer than any words would be. Leave.

(This post was last modified: Feb 20, 2011, 04:30 PM by Indru.)
Played by Katsuma who has 20 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Maicoh Niearsh

OOC: OOOoO Let the dirt flying begin! :)

Not only was the pup joined by one wolf.. but by TWO... Maicoh lifted his lips to show off his teeth as he whirled to face the male of the group.. the older male. He had taken a step in front of Makita, putting the younger female behind him and his bulk, fangs and jaws between her and the other wolves. He had no assumptions that he would beat all three wolves.. but despite his.. not so nice intentions, he had no such thoughts about letting Makita get injured for him stopping her during her play in the snow. The multi-colored tail curled up over his back as he cut loose with his own blood curdling snarl in answer to Indru's. He shifted his stance into a more balanced one, easy to move to one side or the other as his fur stuck out like a porcupines - making his already large size larger.

"I've no such intentions of leaving without assuring our safe departure.... I will not allow them to lay tooth or claw on your hide." His voice was low and graveling with the force of his growl, those ice blue eyes locked on the alpha male of Swift River. The pink tongue swept out and licked over his nose before the snarl resumed, his jaw opened just enough to bare all of the white teeth to view. Despite his seeming single-minded concentration on the largest of the three wolves.. he wasn't unaware of the others that had surrounded him. If Makita was able to make tracks and escape, he would follow..only after ensuring their safety. He'd met this kind before.. and was this kind - and wouldn't hesitate to take a chunk of hide to ensure the loner would remain gone.

(This post was last modified: Feb 20, 2011, 11:22 PM by Maicoh.)
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

The subordinate was not here to play games. She did not frankly give two hoots about what these wolves were doing in Swift River territory. She barely heard the female speak, not that it mattered. The younger she-wolf was clearly an idiot. There was snow all over Relic Lore, the forest was coated with the damn stuff. There was absolutely no reason for the lone wolf to enter pack lands to play in the snow. Though she seemed to at least have enough intelligence to realize that she needed to get out of here. Cori and Triell weren't playing around; trespassing was a serious offense. When she had committed the same error, she had been marked for it for weeks. She would see to it that these two left with similar reminders.

Not that she would have to. She could smell him before she saw him, though her eyes never once left the intruders. Cori could hear his snarls, and she was thankful that she would not be on the losing end of this confrontation. He flew in like superman coming to save the day, and he wore his authority like a crown. He spoke no words, but every wolf there would know what he meant. But that didn't seem to matter. The lone male was making demands now, and the subordinate growl's heightened in disgust. He had no right to demand anything. He was on pack lands. Trespassing on pack lands. He had forfeited his rights when he took one false step across the border. As had the female.

Ready to end this so she could return home, Corinna sidestepped Indru, coming up on his left. Her growls escalated to snarls, and her green eyes targeted it on the yearling female, the one who had been caught playing in the snow. For all of their talk of Triell being a pup, the lone female barely qualified as an adult herself. Muscles tensing, fur bristling, Cori sprang forward, teeth bared. Her jump landed short intentionally, a few feet from the female, but it should have had the effect she wanted, her teeth clicking together menacingly, the metallic click barely audible over the various snarls. "Run."

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<blockquote>Ignorance could not be bliss, not in this case. A harsh growl vibrated his vocals, the fiercest the lad had ever done. Where they waiting to get chunks of themselves removed there was no dwindling chances, the female looked to her companion. Muttering about departure, hadn't Triell already told her to go. Surely she didn't need to stick around for the brute, she should be running now. She said she was going to leave, take him but Triell only bared his teeth at her remarks. He doubted either were going to leave soon. Any wolf with senses would have been long gone. The end of his tail flicked in annoyance. He was ready to rip into them, and felt likewise Cori was. Before any moves were made Triell realized right away who was coming, who was mere seconds from them. Indru, what a trio they were now. The black lad did not turn his eyes from the blue sky pools of the trespasser. The snarls that ripped from his brother certainly spoke Triell's own displeasure with this company. Would they leave now? Of coarse they did not, the brute had other plans. To ensure their safety. Triell snorted at the propistion, they could have left unharmed at any point before. Did he really think they'd go unscathed now? They were pushing little luck they had.

Cori made the first move, stepping to the spot at Indru's left, her mark on the female. The younger Tainn watched out of the corner of view when she shot toward the brindle loner, teeth snapping, while more menacing sounds ripped from her own throat. Triell knew Indru wanted to protect them, but he to would not stand behind him. He wanted nothing to happen to him either, and took place at his right shoulder. His vivid amber eyes not once leaving the face of the male, he opened his wide jaws, deep wrinkles sprouting round his nostrils. More growls rumbled in his chest, he pivoted left, then right. Hoping the brute's worry would be on the girl in the next second he leaped to his own target's left side. Teeth fully bared, he aimed for the thin patch of skin behind the elbow, trying to find the grip he needed. </blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Feb 23, 2011, 01:20 AM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Kat who has 79 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Makita Kokki
OOC: Finally! My turn! :3

Makita's eyes flickered between the two wolves in front of her, then up to Kenit's. "Come on!" she mumbled to him, her tail low and her ears laid back against her head in submission. She was intelligent, but her little romp in the snow was a dumb mistake. She had to give into submission, neither of the wolves in front of her were too giddy with her. Her eyes suddenly widened slightly as a massive male wolf appeared to stand in front of them, and Makita immediately knew who it was - their leader. The edges of his lips began to curl over, revealing massive fangs, like Kenit's. Makita lowered herself even more. As the wolf came closer, his harsh growl rang loud and clear. Leave. he growled. Makita whimpered under her beath. She was but a small yearling she - wolf, and fighting all of these with the help of only one wolf was helpless. The small she - wolf's innocent eyes stared up at Kenit, who, if the wolves decided to attack, was the only chance of survival she had.

But, Makita's pleads to leave - even though she didn't need him to leave, their conversation was just unfinished - were helpless, as the stocky wolf curled his lips up, revealing huge fangs that were capable of killing without a doubt, and she saw his claws flex and his muscles bunch. "Kenit, let it go. We passed on their land." she mumbled to him as he took a step in front of her, crouching in a protective stance over her. It made her feel a ton safer with Kenit protecting her, but it also made her want to drag him by his tail out of the territory. They needed to get out, or else they were asking for trouble. The massive wolf let out a deep, terrifying snarl from within his throat. Makita watched him, thinking to herself 'please don't ask for trouble'. Next, the answer to her pleads of leaving came. I have no such intentions of leaving without assuring our safe departure.... I will not allow them to lay a tooth or claw on your hide. The words made Makita feel even safer, but there was still that gut wrentching feeling of fear churning inside her guts. But, the words meant that he didn't plan on leaving without her either, which made her intentions of leaving without him sound stupid and rude. Makita was anything but rude.

The she - wolf began to stir. She side stepped to Indru, revealing sharp fangs as well. 'Don't let her hurt me,' Makita thought nervously, glancing up at Kenit. Fear surged through her as the female's eyes went mad, glaring furiously at the innocent female that had said nothing but that she would leave, just not without Kenit. The she - wolf's lips curled up into a snarl and the yearling watched her muscles bunch. 'Oh no.' she thought in panic. The she - wolf was about to attack. Makita lowered her tail and her ears as the she - wolf threw herself at her, snapping her ferocious jaws. The clicking of her teeth sent chills down Makita's spine, and the she - wolf's voice rung through the air. Run. Makita let a fearful yip escape her, glancing up at Kenit. "I - I can't!" she whimpered. "I have to go with Kenit!" she sounded like a helpless pup, but she still pretty much was. A yearling could barely pass for an adult, and with Makita's size as well.. she didn't stand a chance against these wolves. She had submitted already, what more did it take?!

Makita cowered backwards, her eyes flickering to the wolf who was about her age. He was acting more ferocious than her. How horrible. The male's eyes watched the two wolves with anger, just like the rest. 'There is no peace in this world anymore, is there?' Makita thought helplessly. The wolf's eyes moved away from her and to Kenit, who seemed to be stirring up the most trouble as he showed he would not back down. Makita lowered her head, her eyes moving back up to the female that stood before her, jaws wide open revealing teeth. As Makita glanced around the three wolves that stood before her, she winced. There were SO MANY TEETH. So many claws. So many sharp features of the wolves that could easily pierce into her. But, they didn't go for the innocent she - wolf. Instead, the two wolves glared at Kenit. The wolf that was her age had a look in his eyes, sort of like he wanted to show he was big and capable of hurting and being ferociously fierce. He bunched his muscles and threw himself at Kenit. "No!" Makita yelped, trying to toss herself forward and in front of Kenit. Makita was a big girl too. She did NOT want to fight these wolves, but the least she could do is protect Kenit from a wolf that was younger than her - not smaller, though. She lowered herself, though, standing at Kenit's paws. Maybe she did look like a wimp, but surrounded by three massive wolves compared to her, she was doing pretty good.
(This post was last modified: Feb 21, 2011, 01:19 AM by Makita.)
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

The males arrogant words almost made Indru scoff in laughter but instead he snarled once more, a smirk coming to his muzzle, you'll leave my land when I say so, stray. He watched him step in front of the female and Indru almost laughed again at him taking the high ground when it was they who were at fault. The wolves were either too stupid to notice pack boundaries or too arrogant to care and Indru was of mind to think it was a mixture of them both and was keen to make sure they would not make the error again. From the corner of his eye he saw Corinna's movement towards the female and stepped forwards himself to block her from the tawny male's reach, his eyes never leaving him as he watched for any retaliation he aimed her way.

Then, suddenly, he saw the rush of black fur shoot past him that he knew was Triell heading for the male himself and watched the boy aim his teeth at the shoulder. Immediately Indru rushed forward himself to stand defensively next to Triell, a sharp, angry bark bursting from his vocals as a threat to the male that his brother had attacked. Teeth gleamed briefly before he lunged forwards aiming to wound the male's neck or shoulder as he tore at his skin, hoping that if Triell's attack missed at least his might leave a mark to remember them by. Indru had no intention of letting them trot harmlessly from his land like they had done no wrong, especially not when it had been instructed, their pack was strong and did not need to listen to the demands of lone wolves.

Played by Katsuma who has 20 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Maicoh Niearsh

OOC: Okay guys.. I've never really done more than 1-1... so you'll have to tell me if I powerplay.. I'd be glad to edit posts! :)

The false lunge at Makita brought an answering one from Maicoh as he shifted his weight to his hind quarters and jumped over Makita. He landed once more between her and the other wolves, snapping his jaws at the female in warning, his own warning to Makita came in a growl. "Get going, girl!" The yearlings attack came in from the left, and the large male began to move right to avoid it - only to find the yearling already there. He certainly had a speed advantage over his own, but as he'd been moving to the right, the young wolfs attack landed him a bite on the thick scruff of fur around his shoulders. Instead of turning to bite the yearling as he intended, the larger male rushed forward, snapping at his left shoulder. Pivoting with the yearling attached to his fur would be rather... hard, but he chanced it and threw all of his weight into turning left to face this new threat, jaws open to meet the other males.

With any luck, and a small miracle, the grip the yearling had would be ripped away, and he would have enough momentum from his effort to pull away to face Indru in time. If not, then Indru might find a chance at the thick fur around the wolfs shoulders and throat. If the yearling *COULDN'T* be dislodged, then he would move as fast and the other male would find purchase in his left shoulder. If the yearling he had sought to keep safe stayed...then he would simply leave her - she was worth a few holes in his hide if he could turn her to his way of thinking.. but not worth his death. There were other young yearlings who were... just as gullible..

Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

They didn't get it. That much was blatantly clear. They continued to put up a front, as if somehow the Swift River wolves owed them safe passage through what was claimed territory. The yearling that Cori now confronted was nothing if not stupid. She professed that she could not leave, not without her counterpart. Which would be a mistake. The subordinate didn't have to look to see that Indru and Triell would handle things. Indru had just gotten into a fight with Ruiko and come out of it doing just fine, and both of the Tainn brothers were more intelligent and better fighters than this trespassing scum. But they just didn't understand. Despite Corinna's teeth glinting menacingly, literally inches from the other female's face, she refused to move. She was whimpering, not exactly doing anything productive for her case.

Her sudden leap did absolutely nothing, her male companion jumping in front of her and better available to the attacks of Indru and Triell. Cori took advantage of the male's distraction, and maneuvered around him. The lone she-wolf had lowered herself, and the subordinate took advantage of her opponents lowered position. Lunging, this time she was not so nice. Her teeth were bared, but she made no attempt to bite the other female, but instead met her shoulder to shoulder. The impact should have been forceful enough to at least roll the other she-wolf off of her feet; Corinna's superior size and weight should have seen to that. Her own preparedness for the impact caused her to land solidly on her feet, but she didn't waste a moment, and was quick to turn her head to watch for any counterattack if there was one coming. If there was, the next move would not be so kind, the lone wolf would feel Cori's teeth, a permanent reminder of her own stupidity and absentmindedness.

(This post was last modified: Feb 22, 2011, 10:07 PM by Corinna.)
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<blockquote>ooc; i hope i understood everything correctly if not feel free to explain what i got wrong. :) short post short

The female did not get in Triell's way, nor did her yelp detour him. Sharp teeth met flesh and he latched onto it with powerful jaws. Biting down as hard on the piece of skin he could muster, adrenaline pumped like a drug through his veins. He'd never felt the rush, and already felt stronger, and slightly light headed. He heard Indru's rushed bark, and saw the blur of his brother launching simultaneously on the larger trespasser. The motion of the brute tugged, trying to rid of the young lad's bite bracing for Indru's move. Of coarse the young Tainn was quite out weighed but Triell held tight, not pulling, only gripping while he staggered with the brute's force. It was not until he thought Indru had grip did he release his first mark.

He leapt backwards away from the two. Black head shot round looking for Cori, and he saw her making an attempt at the young female. A grin marked his lips, but it was no time to stand like a statue watching. Pivoting he placed himself back behind Indru's flank. Light snort pressed through his nares, wanting to be rid of the brutes scent. Yet, his eyes studied the motion, trying to keep out of his brother's way, and yet be ready to pounce on the male once more.</blockquote>
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]