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Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
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Jaysyek Enap Lyall
She was happy to have a spare moment with her busy leader. The conversation exchanged was more casual, and breezy. Getting a chunk of guilt off her shoulders for telling him the truth. When it came to his reply, what he would do without Borden it was thrust back upon her. If someone didn't miss Borden she would be amazed, for just like Alex had said he had a magnetic personality. "Yes, I feel the same." Reply was nothing prolix, but true. Surely he was friends with everyone, if not bringing them to join the pack of the mountain like herself. She had to wonder again, others would think. When he left, when she left. Her life had never been so complicated before, and day after day another implication arose.

Poor Alexander, she wanted so much to speak to him about this matter as well. She wondered what he would truelly think of the pair as mates. If he'd be pleased or upset. If he could give them his blessing. But it had silently been agreed it was Borden's secret to tell. Borden felt strongly about that, and the fact that they would not be able to have a family of their own. Secrets, she needed to shed them. Now was not the time. A smile stretched across her face, lingering longer. She had hoped Alex would approve of her, she was trying to be a good pack member. "Thank you, that means a lot to hear." She kindly met his bright gaze. She'd never heard such a compliment, and appreciation was strong in her heart. "So, if you don't mind me asking how long have you lived on the mountain?" She'd understood from Ruiko his uncle had founded the pack, then there had been a drout. The timeframe was questionable.

(This post was last modified: Mar 13, 2011, 05:14 AM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Bryony who has 223 posts.
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Alexander Dieudonné
Alexander stretched forward, letting out a yawn as he did so, before curling back up, and tucking his paws beneath his chest. Now, he considered her question. How long had he lived on the mountain? Well, he wasn't entirely sure. <b style="color:#51b85f">"Only a few months really, but I suppose that's longer than most can boast." With a chuckle, he looked out at the wilderness below. <b style="color:#51b85f">"Before I joined Midnight Plateau, I'd always dared myself to climb it...And now, I kind of own it. It's exciting." His tail wagged, and he looked over at her, <b style="color:#51b85f">"I guess I can't really ask you the same thing, but tell me something about yourself." His eyes glinted curiously, and he looked at her intently, glad to be her distraction from the thought of possibly killing her pack mate. Of course, Alexander could only assume he was doing good... <b style="color:#51b85f">"speech."
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
It surpised her to hear he hadn't been here to long. Some how she'd pictured him here for years, but of coarse he hadn't found the mountain. So a few months could be considered a good length. Just seemed short compared to the picture she'd had in mind. But like he said how many wolves here could say they'd been for months? "I imagine not," she agreed. Everyone seemed new around here as the drout had taken it's toll. Smiling, tail brushed against the stone. Picturing the large male conquering the mountain. Now it was his. "Certainly is a beautiful thing to claim,"said, as it was the first thing she'd admire when coming to Relic Lore. The tall white capped peak looming over the terrain. Reminded her much of home.

One ear perked backwards as he inclined about her. No one had really asked about herself. Except Borden, that had been a weird turn of conversation. And there was a lot of information, a lot of past. She wanted to stick with a pleasant conversation -keep out the negatives, she tried to think of something positive, least neutral to say. "Um, well I actually lived near a mountain range, something like this but near the ocean. I miss swimming, but it is nice being so far up here, seeing everything at once."
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Bryony who has 223 posts.
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Alexander Dieudonné
omg. rambling. and not even good rambling. --;

There were times when being curious just wasn't a good thing. Trying to act, and truly be, interested was working well, but you were prodding your nose into places it didn't belong. Alexander never considered himself to be horrendously nosy. Curious, maybe, and if the knew the wolf well enough, he wouldn't feel like he was being nosy. In this case, he didn't consider himself to be nosy, but the Plateau leader tried to imagine times where he asked a question to which there simply couldn't be an answer. This was one of those times but he wouldn't know it.

<b style="color:#51b85f">"Swimming. Real swimming?" Alexander knew what he meant by 'real swimming' but it was possible that she didn't know. He didn't think to go on and perhaps explain it to her, however, so that was his only question. Real swimming was, of course, swimming in something other than a circular body of water. The ocean, perhaps, like Jayse had said. Someplace where your paws couldn't easily touch the bottom. Alexander considered that real swimming, but he'd never done it before. <b style="color:#51b85f">"speech."

Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
ooc;it was okay i got it. bout how i feel with this
He appeared genuinely intrested. Real swimming. Jayse hadn't really thought about there being different swims. She had thought swimming was swimming. The ocean was an entirely different thing. Much more alive, and unruly than any river. Had Alexander seen the ocean? "Yay I suppose," she said, face wrinkling around her eyes picturing it. "The waves are like small hills. But if you got good muscle you can roll along with them, or jump threw them, I guess I'd say. The currents kinda scary, like a changing river to suck you in. If you time it, and are mindful it's safe. I have found the pool I suppose it's not quite the same." She kindly smiled to him, the pool was lovely but it was no ocean. "Are you a good swimmer or do you not like the water?" She asked with interest. He looked like he was, but looks could be decieving. Some wolves just didn't like getting wet. Or the sand. She remembered how Dyani was always cussing the beach. He liked swimming but he said the sand rubbed him the wrong way in all the wrong places. Perhaps her smile was a bit bigger from the memory.

She shifted looking down the rocky drops. It would be nice when the weather was warm, and it she couldn't catch cold from the getting all wet. She doubted she'd have too many swims to worry about it. The pool was close, but up and down the mountain every day? The small fact her future was unknown. "Ready for spring?"
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Bryony who has 223 posts.
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Alexander Dieudonné
As she spoke about the way the ocean worked, he listened, almost mystified. Small hills of water coming at you? And you could go through them. It seemed almost magical. It made his paws tingle to think about it. He pictured a body of water that he could finally feel normal in, not one that he could touch the bottom of. An endless expanse of beautiful crystal water. <b style="color:#51b85f">"Oh, I love the water. But I've never really swam in anything other than the river or the pool at the Falls. I feel a little small in them." Alexander chuckled, grinning. He was large. It was something he couldn't hide, and swimming always felt odd and almost pointless.

He shuffled his paws against the chilled stone, and shivered, considering the girl's simple question about spring. Spring. There were so many things about spring that he certainly couldn't wait for. <b style="color:#51b85f">"I'm definitely looking forward to spring." There was a dreamy quality to his voice and he looked out at the trees in the distance. <b style="color:#51b85f">"speech."

Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
ooc; i so want another alex post when we get this done.
The female couldn't help but chuckle too, more or less getting the point. She not by any means large could relate. There was no pool of water in Relic Lore that compared to a stretch of ocean. The pools and rivers were nice, but small themsevles in comparison. She wished Alex could know what it was like. He would not feel out of place in the surf. "Well the ocean would even make you feel small." She replied, grinning back. Happy for this light conversation with her leader. He was definately a good natured fellow, and she welcomed this chance to get to know him better.

Silver lids brushed over her eyes, and longing sigh passed her lips. "Me too," she said feeling the signifcant change in season would brighten more than the world. It would brighten her mood. But of coarse it was with this she had to remember come spring she might not be here. The little dig hurt, she was getting along with Alexander, geniunely liked him. She did not feel Borden's leaving would be good to him. Who could blame him? She'd be upset if she were parted from him. That's why they had to go, so they could be together. The wonderful complications of life. She titled her head, unmatched eyes lingering on Alex's face. "What about spring do you like the most?"
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Bryony who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alexander Dieudonné
:D yes!
He tried to imagine himself in the water again, and saw it from such a distance that he was almost invisible in all the water. That's what an ocean was, right? Endless miles of water. It was a funny sight. <b style="color:#51b85f">"I'd drown." He laughed, tossing back his head, unable to truly believe that he'd be able to keep himself afloat if he wasn't able to touch the bottom.

Thinking more about spring, he tried to pull his mind away from it. It was still awhile away and thinking about such a wonderful season too early would make the days drag out for far too long. But it was too late. It had sucked him in. He wanted it now. Spring and all of the wonderful things that came with it. <b style="color:#51b85f">"The air, the flowers, the pups...I think that is probably the best part of Spring, but that's coming from an aging man who's never had a chance." A thin smile spread over his face, and his face felt hot, but thankfully the girl wouldn't be able to tell. <b style="color:#51b85f">"How about you?" He said quickly, glancing over at her. <b style="color:#51b85f">"speech."

Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
ooc; maybe we can have the alex/jayse/ozera thread :).
The gray wolf smiled a thougthful smile before she started laughing. Alex drown? She knew she'd had some unpleasant experiences. Pictures of dark gray, finding the surface, and coughing up bits of water entered her head. She had never been close to drowning. They had learned to only play in the water when it was calm. She had been so young, it hadn't taken much for the water to bob her down. Thinking now the ocean could toss any thing around like a ragdoll. Even Alex, but she shook her head. "Well it's nice when it's calm, or staying by the shore. The waves aren't so massive." Shoulders rose and fell, and her tail swept along the stone.

She missed those warm, lazy days. Could a wolf get cabin fever? She wasn't stuck inside, but the ever present white was putting a damper on things. The snow would start to melt and another storm would blow in. It took a lot more energy to walk threw snowbanks than in an open field. Would spring ever come?

Eyes stared off, while ears were listening to his deep toned answer. Those were much the things she liked, though she'd never been around baby puppies before. Sadly she'd missed out on seeing any born, and to take part in them growing up. Who could resist cute, small, fluffy things? A faint smile curved the corner of her lips, as she had thought about Alexander becoming a father, seeing his puppies grow. It made happy and sad all in one. Happy for him, sad thinking she may never meet those little ones. She had not caught on to the slight change from words, and replied,"The warmness is nice, and I do have to agree pups would be nice to see. I've never actually met a baby." She felt weak to admit this, but did not lose her smile.
(This post was last modified: Apr 07, 2011, 09:52 PM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Bryony who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alexander Dieudonné
^-^ Definitely.
Eventually, Alexander pulled his thoughts away from the ocean. He figured that he'd probably never actually see it, and didn't want to get too worked up about it. It was a sad thought, honestly, but he wasn't going to abandon his pack to visit the ocean. It was silly. Instead, he focused on the important, the spring. It was a more pleasant trail of conversation. The scent of the blooming flowers, and the sound of the birds. Better yet, no snow. That would have worried the gray male, who was much better at blending into the snow, but he lived on a mountain. Gray on gray.

Alexander laughed at Jayse's response, <b style="color:#51b85f">"You've never seen a pup? Well, I hope you get the chance to." The corners of his pale eyes crinkled hopefully and he smiled. <b style="color:#51b85f">"I was witness to a few births. After my parents' had me, that was it. I'm sure they found it rather unfortunate though, that I was never the father of any of those pups." It had never been like him to disappoint his mother and father. He'd exceeded their expectations in every instance except for childbearing. He was sure that this spring he would become perfect in their eyes, and they'd never know it. <b style="color:#51b85f">"speech."