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I am the Man in the Prestige — The Wildwood 
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Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
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Jaysyek Enap Lyall
ooc; all right. -- sorry my post is blah. i cant find my muse. x|
Alphas was least expected to come to ears. A smile lit her lips, some how not being able to surpress it. A mild, elated chuckle followed, and choked fast. The idea had never struck her. If someone had said she would be an Alpha she would toppled over with shock, then rolled with laughter. Borden, noble, steadfast, strong, the list could go on fit in the place. Her, she didn't seem to compare to what the title meant. No doubt the words of the Swift River wolf came to mind, reminding her what it was to be a lead. The ash stroked female would take it as a compliment, perhaps as intended. Maybe part of this silent mutual understanding of some sorts. Borden was the leader of this escapade, and she his mate. She supposed that's what they were, sort of. Right now, she would not take huge thought into the title. It called on a more serious note, she wasn't ready for. The good spirits of her latest aquaintence was pleasant to hear behind her, and no ill feelings to this. Maybe she would come to respect her after all. The part of the odd one out, she tried not to dwell on the fact.

Steady pace she kept up behind Borden, long limbs trekking through the melting snow. She gave the siblings a look now and again. Mostly she tried to keep Bord in her vision while looking else where. She had been the mountain to long, her eyes could not help but search beyond the black trees for the little signs of life. Natures clues winter was coming to an end. This was the breath of fresh air she'd craved. The view from the mountain had worn on her long time ago. The moving landscape was a welcome change, as the freedom. He was what she was tied to now. To think last year she had set out alone, and here she was in a group of four.

Question lingered back to ears. Mostly Jayse hadn't ventured far from the mountainside, except when looking for a certain wolf. One of those times she'd met a female wolf, different then most. She didn't disclose this information, somehow like she'd broken a promise. Clearly still worrying about this. There was something about not speaking too. She couldn't get into trouble if she said nothing, and thus she didn't interupt the silence she carried. However ears perked curiously, peeking behind her, wondering what sort of adventures those two could have encountered. They surely had not been tied down to any paticular place. Then again, maybe they avoided other wolves. She was loss for the real answer, and inclined her head foreward again.

[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
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OOC: Heheh that's allright. :)

They walked, and Vlarindara made sure to bring up the tail end of the procession. She was larger than either of the two wolves leading the trek, but knew that they could handle anything coming at them from the front. She remembered little of pack life... but she knew enough that when her family always traveled long distances, they put the larger wolves in front and behind. The female wasn't...exactly sure why this was done..perhaps to protect the pups and weaker pack members from attack, or to keep the pups from running about.. Either way, she decided if they WERE to travel such a long way...she wanted to be able to watch their back and flanks. While they walked, the amber eyed female constantly slid her gaze, ears and nose around them.. scenting the surrounding area.. call it leftover..from being a lone wolf.

When Borden asked about meeting new wolves, she waited for Jaysyek to speak first, but when she hadn't, she glanced to Raigo. He had remained silent the entire trip so far and it worried her, but she couldn't see any signs of flagging from the yearling. "I've met a few...a yearling Raigo's age... a pup younger...both alone, from what I could tell...So skinny.." Her ears settled against her neck as a whine escaped her muzzle, worry etched in her features. [/i]"Other than that, a larger male.. a loner like myself at the time.. No pack wolves as far as I'm aware."[/i]

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Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

Musing about Vlarindara’s comment, he just nodded, “Oh.” A yearling, a pup, and large male... He tucked the thought away in the corners of his mind, aware to be on the lookout for not only River wolves but other loners. With spring around the corner, he was sure Relic Lore was about to look and offer its appealing beauty, offering its woodlands as a promising sanctuary for those looking for shelter. He wanted to question if Vlarindara had picked up on the male’s name, to inquire about his pelt markings, just in case he knew him, but decided against it. Other than Alexander, Borden barely knew other well-built males aside from the masked Weldering and the agouti-pelted alpha from Swift River.

Ice still floated down the river, washing up along the riverbed rocks or onto the shore. Once in a while, he’d purposefully step on the sheets just to hear them crunch under his heavy footfall. In and out of his thoughts, his mind wandered, thinking now of what lay ahead of them, what type of den they’d find to claim as their own, and what findings the forest beyond would hold. There was no doubt it’d be lush with new life with the weeks to come, but certainly he’d have to brace himself, his pack, for whatever else came along with wealth and the want for nothing more than what they’d find.

Not minding as silence washed over them once more, he listened to the river on their right, indulging himself with the sounds of the babbling water and the occasional bustle of the wildlife surrounding them. He cleared his throat in an idle manner, finding nothing more to say. Perhaps when they’d settle down for the night they’d take up some conversation, a little something to make each other feel more at ease. When he came onto a part of the river where he could pick up the peculiar scent of a pack of wolves, he slowly curved his way back into the forest, just deep enough to ensure they wouldn’t be easily seen from the other side of the stream. Eventually, he stopped looking behind him, his mind keen on finding the perfect path through the woods.

Detours were not an option now and if either of them needed anything, to rest or investigate something, he hoped they’d speak up. If not, he’d just continue on his way, pulled by an invisible string that led him “home.”

(This post was last modified: Feb 25, 2011, 04:46 AM by Borden.)
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
ooc; hope the distance is all right.
Gray ears rested back against her skull. Listening, thoughtfully to the worries about the two younger wolves, who were loners. Sad news to think ones so young alone this time of year. She supposed if Vlar could have she would have convinced them to join her, but seeing as they weren't around it was made the news worse. "How sad," She replied quietly, lost in different trains of thought. Jayse had been a loner as a yearling, but she was lucky to have her siblings. She didn't know how they would have survived without each other. Trying to keep a positive note, maybe they would see them again. They were no longer kept to the boundries of the mountain. A gentle sigh tugged from her lungs, but went unheard with the drownings of the river. Senses open the familiar scent of the Swift River wolf made clear where they made home. It was a beautiful place, but she was not keen on trespassing and followed Borden's lead back into the edge of the forest.

Curious eyes lingered momentarily. She had not heard what became of the two brothers, and anticipated knowing some day. Hopefully thinking they'd worked something. She was loss to know, and didn't linger long on the thought. If she met another Swift River wolf she only wanted it to be on neutral grounds. Falling into travel, she did not feel insecure, only aware of her surroundings. Trying to hear the songs of the few birds, or calling of squirrels one to the other. They were in open country, and anyone else could be out and about. It was best to be alert to the happenings around her. This area she could need to be familiar with.

The afternoon soon came, the temperatue warmer with the heigth of the sun. The thick dartings of the trees provided some shade, and Jayse glanced up noting a few gray smears in the sky. It was a pleasant thing, the warm air. It wasn't quite ahypnagogic thing, like on other lone winter days. The lack of something for stomach to digest, made her queasy. Knowing they were a little further past Swift River lands she could suffice with a small snack. Borden set on making the path ahead and not looked back for a time. Navigating the brush, she darted up to his side. Managing to step in stride, duo colored eyes stared with a wary to the forest floor."Do you care if we stop in a little bit? Get a drink, and a bite?" If he had the need to continue a little further, it was no big deal to wait. It did have a destination in mind, and she didn't want an abrupt stop to ruin the deadline he might hold.

[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

She had waited patiently while they traveled, occasionally falling back and investigating a sound or two she had heard. The LAST thing they needed was a wolf to follow behind them.. Each time her white pelt disappeared, she reappeared just as quickly, once more falling into line behind Raigo. When Jaysyek asked to stop, the white female came a bit closer, resting her ears against her neck. "If you would.. like to stop a spell.. I know of a small glade south of here.. maybe a five minute walk? I've seen a small herd of deer in the glade..perhaps with the four of us.. we might manage a young doe?" Her tone was gentle, those amber eyes focused around them..rather than on either of the two wolves.. She wasn't sure how they would choose to run things.

"There is...little worry of waste.. if we do manage something, we can drag it north of the glade - I've seen and smelled wolves passing along the deer path - doubtless the smell will bring some in..." It was a simple suggestion.. and she thought that..if they could manage to tag something like a deer.. then the other wolves could get a meal as well.. the pups she'd seen.. Angier as well - though she wasn't certain his pride would allow him a scavenged meal - but other creatures could partake.

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Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

O O C | omg, pikas. lol. Cute and annoying at the same time.

Afternoon descended upon them and while Borden had been bent on moving along until the forest gave way to a variety of sturdy, healthier trees. It wasn’t until Jayse managed to catch his attention when he slowed to a stop. She asked if it was alright to take a moment to rest. The small pika that he had caught hopping about on his ledge earlier this morning had been burnt off a long time ago and it was just now that he noticed the hollow feeling in his stomach. “Oh, yes,” he smiled to her. “Of course.”

Halting after hearing Vlarindara chime in, he gave a nod. A glade. Perfect. “Would, you like to lead the way there?” He was sure she was referring to one of the little areas somewhere near the Creek, but he had never seen anything else other than a random ermine or flock of birds there. It’d be safer if he didn’t assume. Allowing her to take charge could prove to be a time saver and it also allowed her to ‘show off’ her skills in tracking – something he had been curious to see since they met. He would also take this time to see how well they would work together, to determine how they’d manage as a pack. While Borden had been an expert in snatching weasels and squirrels from their hollows and other small rodents amidst their sprint for cover, Vlar had mentioned hunting fawns as Jayse had generously presented him with a wolverine. The way he saw the opportunity, he and Raigo could quite possibly learn something.

Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
ooc;i'm fine if you want to skip to them getting to the glade. :)
Jayse smiled in return lit with simple delight. Gray tail, conveying the slight energy she was holding. It'd be nice to actualy stretch her muscles that were growing stiff from the same motion. And she was rather interested as to what they would eat. Vlar's voice was the answer, and she cranned her head to her briefly meeting amber gaze without holding it. She mentioned a glade, and possible deer. Jayse did not see a young doe, being hardly if at all problematic for them. She was use to hunting cow elk, and young spikes. Deer were thankfully much smaller. Again the gray female lacked the knowledge of the skills of her counterparts. She would put her trust in Vlar and Borden in the judgement. Doing whatever they felt was best. She was confident they'd after all find something to eat.

Borden in agreement Jayse stood ready, eager almost to follow the white wolf, and the yearling male. With luck the deer would be out, perhaps resting this hour of day. The prospect of the hunt, their first pack hunt she mused would tell if and how well they could manage together. This day was full of surpries, and she too was curious in fact what she would learn. Already she had added to her brain, and was rather grateful Vlar had suggested the idea of deer, and if they couldn't eat it all no doubt someone else, maybe in need could. Either way it seemed likely four full stomachs would become of it.
(This post was last modified: Feb 25, 2011, 05:58 AM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

OOC: Eheheh skipping! :3

She felt an odd sense of joy at the affirmation from both of the two wolves they were following. She had ranged this far west before - only a few times in her hunts over the winter.. but she remembered these woods. The white female smiled as she glanced at Raigo and did a little two step before trotting ahead of the small pack, putting her nose to the ground and leading the way. It was odd seeing the trees shedding the snow that had accumulated on their branches, and some of the ferns and bushes doing the same - best be sure she really was going the right way..

Five minutes later, more or less, she began to slow to a much slower walk, careful to refrain from snapping branches or crunch through the snow. Her attention was almost split on the ground at her feet, and anything ahead in the clearing she knew was just a few trees from view. If there *WERE* deer in the clearing this early in the morning, they would be sure to be on the lookout - as the small glade offered little in the way of shelter. Any sound from them now would alert and startle a possible meal. Vlarindara bystepped a thinner dip in the snow - one that most assuredly held dry leaves, maybe a twig beneath it. The thicker snow muffled such things.

Dipping her head in the snow, she covered her black nose with white - pleased that it was cold from the air around them...enough to hide the most obvious spot on her pelt. She glanced back at Borden, wagging her plumed tail just slightly, but kept her mouth firmly shut. She did, however plop her backside carefully in the snow, dipping her head and looking at him again. Raigo immediately got what she'd been telling them and stopped moving, settling into a crouch. Vlarindara hoped that the other two would get the idea and turned to slink away. Of the four of them - she was less visible on the white surface.. she wanted to scout ahead before they made plans..to see if there were any deer inhabiting the small glade.

It was easier from her perspective..because on some of their more recent hunts, Vlarindara had sent Raigo around a chosen prey animal to cut off its escape - and it was harder to conceal the movements of wolves when they were skirting the trees by a mere margin. It would be easier if they had a thicker barrier between them and the deer - concealing their movements.. which made sense to only have one wolf backtracking, rather than two..or four. The female moved close enough to the glade, her last five yards or so dropping to a crawl, each paw lifted and placed with a slow precision. Oftentimes, she froze with one leg off the ground, listening, watching... before continuing. She dipped her nose constantly in the snow to cover the thing. Finally! Close enough to see a trio of deer in the glad, pawing through the melting snow for the new grass shoots. Spring was just around the corner.. and there was the occasional early blooming flora to be had.

Verifying the three deer.. one buck and two females - one of which seemed heavy with pregnancy, but she couldn't be sure.. the other seemed younger..perhaps a little over a year. She turned, following her footsteps back to the three waiting wolves and smiled as she nodded, tapping her paw three times in the snow. Raigo sat up, looking highly interested in the idea of a hunt, but knew that this close, they would have to be as quiet as possible. She crept forward until she was almost nose to nose with the two alphas, but not quite touching. The white female spoke up, her voice a mere whisper and almost nonexistant to anyone not sitting a foot or less from her.

"Three deer.. male, two female.. ones younger..the other seems..larger. If....I may make a suggestion.. it might be best to split into two groups.. two skirt around them and break cover to startle them. The two waiting on this side will be downwind, but the two going around..will be upwind with more chance to alert the deer.. might be best - so we can chase them into one another.. The glade has no natural barriers we can use to pen them in, they might scatter out the two unprotected sides - but generally they're stupid enough to run directly away from a threat. However you two think is best. Long winded, perhaps.. but she did her best to explain what was there.. so the alphas could make the decision for their small family. She wasn't trying to imply that they were stupid or not as experienced as her.. She wasn't incredibly experienced herself when it came right down to it. She just hoped that neither would take offense to her explanations..

(This post was last modified: Feb 25, 2011, 12:48 PM by Vlarindara.)
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Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

Listening intently to the world around them Borden followed, mimicking what Vlarindara did. When she slowed, he prowled behind her and when she stepped over something in particular, he was sure to mind his footing. Though most of the time, he followed Raigo’s lead. With a darker pelt and stockier build, he was sure he could have easily sent the deer into a state of panic if they saw him lumbering about in the snow. Eventually when they began to stalk ahead to investigate the glade even further, he stayed behind, lingering still at the base of a tree.

Once the amber-eyed female had returned, she drew near, whispering a report of what she had found. Three deer. Skirt around them in two groups. A plan to make sure they’d be able to ensnare one of the hoofed creatures…

Opportunity presented itself however he saw the situation; as long as Vlarindara’s plan was carried out as intended, they would be in for a feast. Though Borden’s past experiences with taking down large prey still haunted him, he refused to be rendered useless or incapable. He was an alpha now and he was sure the wolves at his side would not turn him away or scold him for being hasty. The sooner they assigned themselves a role, the sooner they could recharge for the last half of their journey. “Alright, he stated, whispering under his breath. “Sounds good to me.”

Knowing, rather than hoping that the plan would work, he gazed to the trio. “Jayse, Vlar… circle about the glade? Raigo and I will stay here ready to take down whichever of the three you manage to separate from the group?” A part of him didn’t want to be the wolf that would deliver the fatal wound to the kill; he was afraid the shard of pride that he worked so hard to even out would rise up and destroy all that he had done to become who he was today. However there was no other option for him to choose, it was either to ‘saddle up’ or instill a sense of doubt in those he endeared. A single nod to the pack before him signaled that he was ready.

Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
Bringing up the rear, she did likewise to creep when the time came, shrinking low to the earth, mindful of each paw's embrace upon the snow. Vlar did not need to convey she was scouting ahead, Jayse understood when she covered her nose and took off further in slow movements. Familiar with the concept she remained behind with Borden and Raigo, composing different clicks of the area that popped out to her in her mind. It appeared to be long waiting, only daring to breath and let her heart do it's pumping before Vlar returned with news of three deer. Stating her strategy, it was a common hunting theme. It was who would be herding, and who would be catching that would need to be decided.

The decision rested on Borden's shoulders, and Jayse eyes were upon him watching...listening when he replied the plan sounded right. He chose to stay with Raigo, and the two females would go on the outskirts, scaring the deer to the males. That sat well with her, she could be sneeky, and herder all in one day. Briefly she gave a slow nod in agreement. Upon his signal she then looked to Vlar, then shuffled her eyes to the right of the perimeter. She was stating she planned to take that direction, and felt no ned to speak it.

Hoping everyone was prepared, she gave one last look to Borden and Raigo and started to slither along the edge of the woods. Invisible instincts set in, one must not be heard, seen, or even a whispered breath of scent. Eyes drew foreward, ever watching the little movements that could be significant. All the while she tried to decide on the direction of breeze, and placement of her underfoot. Keeping body through the tanglemnts of the higher banks of snow, andcover of brush. The gray and white coat blended in, like shadows and light. Little by little she crawled in precious movements past the location of the deer.

The deer were alert, one keeping watch while two pawed at the snow. Each taking turns, their large ears and eyes rotating round the circle. Unaware to realize what they were looking for was there. Coarse Jayse found a mound of snow, using it as hiding spot. Ears brushed back against her head, eyes were the only visible thing. Studying them, the pregnant female was the closest one to Jayse, then the buck and the intented prey closer to Vlar's side. Quickly she looked for Vlar's pure white pelt. Now Jayse figured she could be the first to startle the deer, that way if any misguided direction Vlar could easily correct it. When she spotted her in waiting, the grayer wolf let one ear rise forward in signal. Ready or not here she goes.

In the next second Jayse stalked forward, in stretched crouch, slinking first slowly from her hiding behind the deer. It only took ten more seconds for the buck, who had been lookoutto stare in fear, catching her scent. He bleated out a warning. The females heads shot up, and their feet unbailed beneath them. Immediately long limbs bounded through the deep snow, ushering a harsh bark to encourage them straight, and onward. In long strides she gained on them swiftly, and zoned in on the small does left flank. No nips were made yet, she only ran to the side of her making sure to keep her from darting off to the left. The buck was the first to seperate, a young one not keen on being caught. The pregnant female meandered, leery of Jayse but wanting to stay with the younger doe. Jayse was mindful of the one she wanted, and counted on Vlar's help in steering it toward Borden and Raigo.

ooc; hope this is allright. felt like it'd keep it going. :) if there is something you'd like me to change let me know.the picture i got is O=glade V=Vlar J=Jayse B=Borden.
*****J |
V*O* |
....again let me know if you want me to change or something doesn't make sense. won't bother me.

(This post was last modified: Feb 25, 2011, 10:50 PM by Jaysyek.)
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