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Early Errands — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
ooc;that's good i was a little groggy when writing it lol X) really liked your post btw. bord is so sweet.

She felt like some kind of pathetic ninny. The silliness of it all. The energy she had wasted on worry. But non the less she was over joyed, with a rush of pure delight. Could she not have loved anyone better? His grin shifted to a brilliant smile, and white banner wiped out anything behind her. Taking a decent look into his own ligthened features, she was thrilled to know their hearts were on the same page.The coolness of his nose met hers, and she gave an impish grin. His deep tones struck beautiful notes in her ears, and he seemed just as amused with her as she was. A gave a short laugh, nothing as heavy as a chortle but it was rich with warmth.

Words brought comfort and a stronger realization. He was definately her remedy for all things wrong. He could set anything right. She understood, if it wasn't possible their lives would not be here. She wouldn't be complentating the idea of it. Strokes of damp kiss, made her grin slip further. The world not so close for she could be on another plane entirely. Ears drew every breath of word, and she gave an elated laugh at the phrase push. "A push hmm?" She said, narrowing her warm gaze, and giving him a firm lick on his cheek. She was proud to of him, and wanted him to know so. "And you gave me a flying leap.." Brows swayed in a humorous way, grin slick as ever. He had changed a lot in her too, a lot for the better. Her condfidence, and happiness alone were because of him.

The casual loom of the forest background played calmly in tune. Eyes were watching him with peeked interest, ears folded casually back. The sentence came forth like the sweet melody it was, striking it's tender notions against her heart. Fitted herself closer to him, staring deep into gold pools swirled with green she loved so much. "I love you, Borden Lyall." The tenor of it was spoken with true tenderness. She'd fade away without him.

Breakfast back on mind, she nodded in agreement. Triangle points sweeping foward to the direction of his snout, she casually took up a walk, following in with his motion. Hearing they could move and chat, with some luck find something to eat. Skull titled in his direction, "Care to share, these random thoughts?" Face looked softly to her mate, wishing he might share, and understanding if there were still things he wanted to keep silent. She only, desperately wanted to be the support he needed, as he was for she.
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

Another chuckle escaped from him, rather glad he had humored her with the word rather than took it with the remembrance of the incident on the mountain. She grinned and it seemed to him that life in the forest had helped her move forward. “As I love you,” he chimed. Her nod brought him to take a step and continue on his way. The curiosity he had invited was quick to catch up.

Random thoughts, according to the Lyall, consisted of everything and anything he could think of, past and present. He wasn’t sure where to begin. “Just little things,” he started. “Like how we’d manage on our own and if the territory I’ve laid out would be enough space for now… and, well, puppies and how I worried about what you’d say to the thought of them among other things. Been thinking of finding another member to round out our pack, someone to help with the pack responsibilities and make it a little easier on you and Vlar.” His path curved around two trees which looked as though they had sprouted up within a foot of one another; the space between was probably ideal when they were saplings but now their trunks were within inches of touching if they grew any larger. “I’ve also thought of Alexander,” he then confessed. “I wish I had told him we were leaving.”

The distress threatened to surface in his tone but he choked it back as he added, “I was thinking of visiting him sometime… just to check up on how the pack is faring. Maybe before our little ones arrive or when the pups have grown up a bit.” One side of his muzzle curled up into half a smile at the last part of the thought. “Maybe the former, actually, since I’ll be gone for a few days. I just feel guilty about it all.” The last few words of his sentence fluently eased the conversation into a seemingly gloomy silence and he wished he hadn’t brought it up. However, keeping his guard up around Jayse was absolutely useless when he constantly wanted to share everything he thought and felt. After all, she was basically his world now and there was no reason to hide anything from her. He glanced at her apologetically, “I don’t mean to spoil the mood. I’m probably just hungry.” He scoffed, attempting to give her a more cheerful smile.

Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
All ears she was all ready to listen away to her heart's content. When she'd first met the Lyall she had detected he carried much upon his shoulders. Now, thinking upon it all along she had honestly wanted to be that someone who could lighten it. Making him smile, laugh, and play that was part of it. He had not been ready to open up. Things were changing between them, they were different now. She could hope, he might be ready. Silently let him collect, and decide. And she smiled tenderly hearing his voice share each inner thought. They were things that had crossed her mind, and it made her feel even closer to the brown,tawny, and black marked male -to share those same worries of life.

Puppies they had spoken of, and thankfully decided on. The territory she was growing fond of, with time she had faith members would live within it,and help protect it. There were hopefuls in mind, it was to find them. Alexander, that did cause paws to slow. She lately hadn't let herself dwell on the ordeal. She wanted to put her past behind her. This small confession was understandable. Borden had been his friend, and trusted Beta. Jayse sweetly sighed. It was her turn to be the cozy comforter of reassurance and strength. "Oh Borden I know what you mean." She had wanted to do that too, leave things good between them. This, she wasn't sure what to call it, a wedge, a sliver? Whatever it was they had going wasn't pleasant. No way.

Next words were said with true grace, and intelligence. She pondered them a second, then returned him a warm look. The picture of pups popping in the moment, and dissapearing the next. She had no doubt he should return, least try to speak to Alexander. Maybe he would understand, and if not, let it be the end. The only part that had her wary was the fact he would be gone, and quite a distance.

Coarse she fumbled for the right words, wanting to be clear in her sayings. It became awefully quiet for a moment. The air was too still, and he seemed to think he'd done wrong or something. "Awe sweetheart no worries. I think you should talk to Alexander. I think he was upset because he had no clue you were leaving. And I do think it would be better if you explained. Least I'd hope. As for when you should go, well I'd think the sooner the better." An encouraging smile lit her gray features, a soft warmth in gold and blue eyes.
(This post was last modified: Mar 09, 2011, 05:17 AM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

O O C | My muse… D: It has been stolen by Merlinnnn. /armflail. Next post will be betterrr.

Only when Jayse reassured him did he lovingly caress her temple with his nose. It seemed she always knew exactly what to say. “We shall see,” he nodded. “He didn’t seem too pleased when we announced we were going, but we’ll see. It might be better to just leave it alone; if we’re meant to cross paths again, that’s fine, and it not, then… so be it.” He returned his gaze forward, not surprised to see what looked like the ruins of what was once a great hideaway just within sight. Instinctively he lowered his nose to the ground, not even minding when the occasional stray pine needle poked at him.

His eyes trailed along the ground before looking to her and raising his head. The plume at his back smoothly swung about, giving away his frame of mind, his eagerness to hunt. “Shall we?”

Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
ooc; *pats* you can start the hunt. :D

It was ultimately his choice. Personally she did not want to see Alexander again fearing the worst. She could see everyone blaming her for it, like she needed to hear it. Definately would put her in an angry mood. She liked the fact it was behind them, and how Bord put it into terms. If they saw each other they saw each other, if not what would it matter? They were here to have their own life, and she wouldn't take that back for anything. Gave an puckish grin at his touch. "I suppose," She agreed, letting a sigh empty from her ribs.

Ready to let her mind not think she mustered strength on tuning into the forest. Creak of the trees vibrated against the light tease of wind. Their steps muffled by dead needles. Unmatching eyes glimsped over the trail, first she noticed the different spreading of timbers, and then dismantled hideaway. Following his example, she put her nose closer to the forest floor. Straying from the path he made, and zig-zagging back again. The glance of his head rising brought her own cran upward. "Lets." Giving him a broad smile, white banner held high behind her. She was ready to get breakfast.

(This post was last modified: Mar 09, 2011, 05:16 AM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

Sauntering along the thinly spread snow and patches of forest floor, Borden investigated the area and weaved loosely around the trees, sifting through the wide assortment of scents the little area harbored. Squirrel, crow, fox… he began to list. Buck… wolf… rabb—RABBIT! The instant the word was formed in the forefront of his mind, it seemed as if he had actually shouted it out loud upon fully realizing the creature’s presence, for a snowshoe hare immediately emerged from its hiding place one step ahead of him. It fled across the snow and the hefty male darted after it with a bark in hopes that he wouldn’t leave Jayse too far behind.

Each step, each forward leap, each stride brought him steadily closer until he nudged the creature to the side, sending it teetering from the set path it was set on traveling. A snarl erupted from his throat, renewing the panic that had taken hold of the creature. His jowls snapped as he nearly lost his footing on a thick pile of damp leaves. So… close. The hare gained a bit of space between his pursuer, but the two feet of distance wasn’t enough to make Borden give up the chase. If there was one thing he was going to do today, was going to catch it… for her. In his four short years of learning how to hunt, he had yet to successfully capture a hare. Not only would the achievement be something he could use to remind him he was fully capable of the feat, but perhaps it would impress the lady who held his heart.

Encroaching into a small gathering of assorted shrubs, he stumbled face first into a thick cover of bare twigs and freshly grown leaves. When his head emerged from the brush, heavily panting through his nose, he brandished in his jowls the lifeless body of his prey. His tail thrashed about behind him as he turned around. A low growl, an unmistakable fanfaronade of satisfaction, rumbled from his chest.

Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
ooc;sorry for the wait & blahness

Trailng in hopes of finding her own something, she briskly trotted in no paticular pattern. Only keeping the black and tawny hide of Bord in sight. There was a lot of scents whisking this way and that, she had a hard time picking one to zone in on. Nostrils tried to sort from new to old, and mouth moistenened at the few prospects. A deep bark, brought her head up with a snap. Borden found something. Paws dug into the moist ground, white tail straight out behind her.

Darting behind, the white fluff zoomed and Borden followed. She only managed to keep up while he pursued after the hare. The further they ran, the faster she pushed herself. She could not close the gap, and had faith Borden would be successfull. They ended up in a closement of shrubs, Bord took a short tumble right into the thin things. What looked like diving after the litte fiend. Earching to a halt, eyes closed against the scene of the crash, thinking ouch! Afraid of hurt pride, and bodily harm, in a second she bounded quick -closing the distance. Fully concerned about him, duo-colored eyes tried to sort out the parts of him she could see.

"Bord?" The worried question came. Exerted masked popped up from the bush, looking perfectly fine, and breakfast in his teeth. He looked the part of a victor in an epic battle, and chuckle erupted like a merry tune. He had given quite a chase, and she smiled proudly in his direction. "What a catch love. You okay, though?" Brows narrowed against her eyes, a sideways smile of uncertainty curving one side of her face. She looked from his eyes, to his cream chest, and to the large hare, to his eyes once more.
(This post was last modified: Mar 10, 2011, 03:39 PM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

O O C | not a prob’… been quite preoccupied with stupid, worrisome things lately.

He grinned and trotted over to her, placing the hare at her feet before reassuring her, “I’m fine… I’m fine.” His eyes went to her as he took a deep breath, releasing it quietly before taking a step back and nudging his catch toward her with his nose, “For you.” The black-tipped bottlebrush that was now a waving banner of triumph wagged to and fro. He sat down and looked to the trees around them, proud that he was able to pinpoint exactly where the wayward chase had led them. Somewhere east of here a spindly tree with a crooked trunk marked the edge of their territory.

A pleased smile graced the dark features of his face. “Eat,” he gently persuaded. “I’ll… find something in a bit.” He trusted she would enjoy the meal, perhaps even request another something to satisfy her hunger. Surely she would need whatever energy she could muster up in the weeks to come.

Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
.ooc;no good :| hope goes smoother. ready to wrap up when you are.

It took little to convince her he was fine, but was nice to hear all the same. The first time in their relationship Jayse did not deny hi, giving something to her. Another change in the dynamics, and something she would have to accept- being taken care of.The hare she could accept without question or argument."Thank you Bord.", she affecionately swiped his cheek with a wet kiss. Deeply appreciating him, and feeling that way to lucky to have him cloud. Studied his silent watching, wondering what he was thinking, all the while wishing she had his mapping skills.

The word eat brought corner's of her lips upward remembering past, moments. He was all the more persuading, she did not try to resist. Like always, it was better to give in. Dropping nape, teeth started delicately stripping hair from meat. It was the best thing she'd eaten, only because he had caught it special for her. He wanted to to eat and so she would.White maw became painted with crimson as she gobled up every piece. It satisfied her appetite, and she cleaned the remains from jowls. "That was the best breakfast I ever had," Hoping to satisfy him by eating it throughly, she stood and brushed along side of him. Giving him a playful bump with her shoulder she asked,"Shall we mark our borders now, find you something decent? After all I was going to get you something to eat." Eyes held his with a soft look, and she ran her muzzle against his throat. Stretching her legs out, she skipped three paces east. White banner fluffed out high behind her, and she rolled her head in a playful matter. Ready? Asked silently with her gaze.
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

Borden watched as she tore into her meal, glad to watch contentment show itself on her face and in her posture. She nudged his shoulder and brushed up against the underside of his neck. His eyes, which had been trained on the stillness of the trees and ever vigilant of the slightest movement he could spot, blinked and soften upon her contact. “Hmm?” he sounded; his ears repositioned themselves as he acknowledged her voice. The ivory lady pranced away and he stood up, “Oh, yes. Of course.”

Once he had stretched out his hind legs behind him for a few seconds each, he caught up to her. Her unvoiced question and the enthusiastic gleam in her eyes brought him wordlessly forward. For a few moments, he ambled along as he happily led her through the trees. “This way then,” he lilted. “Think I know exactly where we could start and make our way around.” While the telltale landmark he sought after was merely a moment away, he took the time it took to get there stealing glances at Jayse, even mischievously grinning every so often. The early morning sun was absolutely rejuvenating.

Whether it was the sun filtering down through the trees or the glow that she had taken up from the prospect of exploring their new home and sharing a part of his duties, he wasn’t quite sure. But, something about his mate had him absolutely entwined in her spirit and everything else that embodied her. Even on an empty stomach, he was effortlessly swept away by her zeal, her liveliness. She willed him to move onward, to carry himself proudly as her companion and extend every sense of delight he had, anything to make sure she thoroughly enjoyed the day. Through the forest, he took her, alternately leading and following as he dug at the forest floor wherever she chose to add her mark to the borders he had already set in place.


(This post was last modified: Mar 11, 2011, 08:40 PM by Borden.)