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fifty-two ford — Lost Lake 
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Played by AshBash who has 156 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hexamora Beauvau

Quietly the pale woman waited for the two females to answer her question which of course they did, ears pricked forward to listen intently. The older of the tawny girls wasn't new to the lands so it seemed and was actually in the process of returning to the northern side of the lore. Well that took her off the list of recruitment since she had plans already in her head. The second tawny female though didn't have such plans laid out. She wasn't from around here according to her talk about always being on the move in a nonchalant tone. Here was her golden recruitment opportunity. Hexamora may not be able to convince both wolves to possibly join the pack, but there was a chance to get one to come to. Now it was her turn to answer where she was from. Time to drop the first bit of blood to chum the water. "I'm not originally from here, but currently I reside in the pack that calls this lake home. Nice little group, if I do say so myself." A faked smile breached her inky lips after making the group she had come to stay with sound appealing, tail rising behind her to give a gentle wag as if to further plead her case.

And then came the formalities of introductions, the youngest of the trio speaking up first with her name. Mojave. It was different, but then again Hexamora found little interest in how different or boring one's name was. Names were nothing but a string of letters to her. Just before the ivory woman was about to speak her own name a thought occurred to her. 'Not your true name, idiot.' Her mind bantered with a slap upside the head for being seconds away from causing some trouble by revealing her true name. "I'm Primrose." she quickly recollected herself with ease before shifting her mismatched eyes from the now named Mojave yearling to the older of the two who was yet to reveal her name. "And who might you be?" Hex asked with a slight tilt of her cream licked head. 

Played by Steph who has 279 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Kite Tainn
Kite nods to the two of them as they speak, quite interested, actually, in where they were from. Mojave, far away. Hexamora, in a pack that was located here. Which packs that? She asked with genuine interest, the scout in her quite curious. She wondered if it had been one she already knew of... or maybe if a new pack had founded in her absence. As she commented on calling this lake home, Kite mentally backpedaled and inhaled deeply through her nose. She could only smell herself, honestly, and she smelled... different. Distracted by it, Kite shakes her head and looks back to Hexamora—Primrose, as she was told—and grimaced. I'm sorry, are... are we trespassing? She looks to Mojave now, forgetting to respond to Primrose's next question in her haste to right one wrong.

If we are we—well, I don't want to speak for you Mojave—I can go, erm, at least to the borders where we can resume our conversation if you want...? How the hell did she miss the marker? Kite really was bewildered, and the Tainn felt ashamed of herself for it. Her eyes fell to Mojave, wondering her thoughts. I mean, obviously they had both missed something... somehow. Kite's brain was obviously not committed to her skull and had wandered free.
Played by Ku who has 68 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Mojave Ostrega
Much to their collective surprise, Mojave learned that they were apparently trespassing. Or they were close to it — she couldn't quite decide which. It wasn't entirely up her alley to do such a thing and rightly so, her ears folded back against her tawny head as the wolf spoke of her pack, the one that lived right along the shores of that very lake. For a moment, she chided herself inwardly; how could she have also missed that? Yet for all intensive purposes, it seemed that their greeter wasn't straight up vicious about it. That was most unexpected indeed… and she found it confusing.

"I, er, well," she started of all stilted and uncertain, "I don't have a problem with taking the conversation to the borders, if we're trespassing. I had a feeling there was a pack or two around here, but I just didn't realize where." And perhaps with good reason she had subconsciously avoided them. That conversation stopper allowed her to overlook the fact that the tawny woman between herself and Hexamora (rather, Primrose) hadn't introduced herself. This new development squashed her beamish demeanor, if only briefly. Hopefully she'd be able to save a little face, and maybe her hide as well.
Played by AshBash who has 156 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hexamora Beauvau

Avoiding the question. The unnamed she-wolf still was yet to answer who she was as she instead opted to ask about the pack and if they had managed to trespass onto their territory. Luckily for them they had not since the portion of lake they all gathered at wasn't part of the cove like inlet the pack had claimed. This was just a shore that lay adjacent, unclaimed, neutral land. A bemused chuckle escaped her lips though at the expressions that appeared on their faces when thinking they had done wrong, giving her ivory crown a shake to signify they had not trespassed over the marker. "Fallen Tree Cove. A newer pack by the smell of it. You two are in the clear though, but if you followed the lake any further to the north you may not have been so lucky." she informed them, bringing her colorless haunches into a seated position. Standing for this long was still exhausting work for the recovering she-wolf whom was barely beginning to regain the muscle loss from being so emaciated upon her arrival to the pack.  

Mismatched pools then shifted to settle once more on the unnamed agouti woman. Hopefully now that her questions were answered she would finally answer the one Primrose had been asking. "Now I don't believe I have caught your name yet?" A single brow rising upon her facial features curiously while awaiting to finally hear the name she had gone by since birth. Flicking her tail behind it thumped lightly over the snow covered ground, tossing the looser layer of powder to spew in the direction her tail swung. "You two wouldn't be looking for a place to rest by chance, would you?" She blurted out shortly after, hoping to gain a bit more of the mindsets the two women were in. If there was no thought of joining up with a pack somewhere then the ivory female would drop all thoughts of recruiting the two she-wolves. What a waste of time it would be to encourage them to join up with Fallen Tree Cove if they had no intentions of joining any pack. There would go her chance at keeping that damned agouti patriarch off her back.

Played by Steph who has 279 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Kite Tainn
Evidently they were not trespassing. This relieved Kite. She supposed the other must have phrased her initial words wrong... and she noted that she herself had not been the only one to misinterpret Hexamora's words. Mojave seemed as confused as she did for a moment, but Primrose was swift in amending the words. The pack was further away, but the Lake was a part of it. Kite nodding, clarifying she understood now. Fallen Tree Cove... definitely a pack she had not heard of, that was for sure. Primrose thought it was new herself, which meant that if she did not know for certain perhaps she was new, too. Who leads it? I haven't heard of it. Then again I hardly knew all too much to begin with. When I was around I lived at the Woodlands. Nina led around then. She was certain Nina still led, but on the off chance something had occurred in her absence, did not want to give any misinformation.

Primrose was quick to realize her own error, and Kite blanched. Truth be told, she hadn't even realized. The fact that she thought she had been trespassing really overwhelmed much of everything and when she realized they hadn't been trespassing, the relief of it transcended even the fact that she had neglected to inform the two of them her name. Ah, erm, sorry. Didn't even realize, I got so caught up... ah, my name's Kite. The agouti woman smiles warmly to the two, Pleased to meet you both. Kite sat on her haunches and a hind-leg moved to scratch the back of her ear. Primrose spoke again and Kite paused midscratch, listening.

The itch was far from gone, but she put her leg down. Nails didn't help. For the night? She queries, seeking clarification as to what Primrose meant. Kite knew sleeping in a pack territory with the protection of pack was safer than anything else; but she had Mirren, and did not want to impose... still, if Mirren wanted to, who was she to say no? Her eyes slide to Mojave, wondering what she would think, too.
Played by Ku who has 68 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Mojave Ostrega
Fallen Tree Cove. The name had quite an allure to it, Mojave had to admit that much to herself. The name itself only helped to conjure up some mental imagery where they lived within a huge hollowed tree; where the wolves there were masters in dendrochronology and spent their days studying what the rings meant. Perhaps their own history was encoded within. But as it were, her little thoughts were minuscule to the knowledge that Kite seemingly possessed of it; her queries piqued Mojave's interest considerably. A newer pack, but yet one that had been around long enough for other creatures to be aware of. Suddenly, she felt so very out of place.

So she stayed quiet, because at the tail end of that query was the same thing that she could not help but wonder. Somewhere pleasant to stay for the night would have been nice, but she was not unopposed to burrowing down in the snow either. With her youth lending a modicum of naivety, she did not consider that this proposition was just that — a proposition — and that this pack and its Cove were in search of able bodies to bolster their ranks and numbers. Her gaze shifted between the two older females and only then did she realize that her out of placement was in fact true; Mojave had never reclined to her haunches. But she idled, not entirely willing to settle yet, as though somehow settling would seal in some imaginary fate to something she didn't want.
Played by AshBash who has 156 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hexamora Beauvau

Geeze what was this twenty questions? This female just kept throwing question after question at her about the pack. If she kept it up there was no doubt that she would end up knowing just as much about the pack as Hex didn't without having to be an actual member. With eyes at odds with each other still trained on the unnamed female the pearly white woman waited until no more words fell from the blackness of her lips to answer the questions take came puking out from behind them. Finally the flow of words were corked and a name was given. Kite. Plain and simple and boring. 'Figures.' Hex snorted in the safety of her mind. Her face was different story as a small smile fake to its core rested on her own lips, nodding her head in Kite's direction. "Likewise. Our leaders name is Vespertio Vuesain and I can't say I've heard of any woodlands pack in my travels around here." That much was true. She had ventured in that direction roughly, but no scent of a pack ever crossed her nose. 

Shifting her gaze to rest momentarily on Mojave to see if she had any input a following silence was all it took to figure out she had nothing else to say so once again Kite was holding the spotlight. 'For the night?' she inquired upon the white woman's offer of finding a place to rest. 'No forever you idjit.' Her conscious barked in a snarky tone. A shake of her head was the first part of her answer. "I was meaning more so as in are you two looking for a pack to settle with. There's no denying the scent of loner on your pelts so I figured you two may be looking for a place to stay this time of year." Blah blah blah blah blah was all the Beavau woman heard coming out of her own mouth. She couldn't wait to get this over with now and be on her way. The fun with these wolves was quickly waning. She had a nice meal to get back to. 

Played by Steph who has 279 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Kite Tainn
Kite figured out just how new Hexamora was by her statement alone. From Kite's obtained knowledge of the Woodlands, it was one of the older packs by now. How many years it was around for she wasn't sure. But by Kite's standard it was a pack known by others that knew their way around. It was an assumption of course, but one she stood by. Kite could have went on, but felt Hexamora was more interested in other things and so went with that. Her eyes remained on the pale Primrose, noting the silence Mojave had kept. Kite's itch was becoming near unbearable, and her own mind was running with too many different thoughts for her to stay much longer.

As Primrose clarified, Kite frowned. I'm not. I promised to return to the Woodlands with my mate, Mirren... Kite pauses, and thinks to extend an offer. If your pack is new, perhaps it seeks allies? If you'd like, I can suggest such an alliance with my leader and return to you in a week with an answer. After Primrose's kindness, Kite thought her pack might reflect a similar disposition. The Woodlands could always use kind allies. Kite remembered the Woodlands to be strong and with plenty of members, so at the time she thought the suggestion one that would merit the both of them. Of course, the Woodlands would always be a strong pack; this, Kite would make sure of. Her eyes fell apologetically to Mojave; but perhaps the tawny Mojave would wish to join Primrose?
Played by Ku who has 68 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Mojave Ostrega
And now the real intent of their happenstance meeting was beginning to make itself apparent. She shifted awkwardly, only out of the fact that she had missed the bright red bulletpoint in the syllabus of things. If anything, Hexamora was direct in her intentions and in turn, Mojave found herself balking at the idea of settling somewhere so soon. And before she knew it, Kite was declining the offer because she had somewhere else to be. That was a seemingly common reoccurring theme, Mojave realized; everyone had somewhere else to be. Someone else to be with. And though her isolation was largely self-imposed, she found herself readily attaching to the last things she heard.

"As much as I'd like to, I've got places to be, and places to see myself," though in reality, she didn't have anywhere to be at all. "Perhaps if things don't work out, I'll seek you out?" She felt like it was the least she could offer to the lightly-colored wolf of the Cove, though she hadn't the faintest idea of how it would be received, let alone an acceptable response. Still, the tawny Ostrega could not help but offer a thin smile and hoped that if things went south from their denial that she could at least count on Kite not to leave her behind and at the sharp teeth. They weren't encroaching on borders, but they were still close enough to warrant being driven away and this Mojave knew all to well.
Played by AshBash who has 156 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hexamora Beauvau

For a moment the points of her small rounded ears folded back to press into the dulled fur at the base of her skull, quickly pinning forward again as if to erase the hesitation the subtle gesture in-sued. Allies? Now Hexamora was not a woman who liked to dilly-daddle in pack politics, but since she couldn't recruit members, what would be the next best thing other than recruiting allies to the pack. Of course it could interfere with any plans she may have in the future running solo, but if it did anything to lessen the harsh gaze that tawny man sheered her pelt with she would take it. Clearing her throat a bit the fluff of her tail gave a small wag at the idea as if she was pleased by the suggestion before thoughts were turned into words. "I can't speak on behalf of the leader since its his pack, but I think that would be splendid. Surely he will be pleased to hear of a possible alliance. If your leaders find it suitable." She tagged the last bit on for good measure. Having no word on who these Woodland wolves could be(even though she had met a member once upon a time by the name of Iopah) she didn't know what kind of a mindset or game plan they had going on. If they even wanted an alliance with a pack of the mountain. 

The sound of Mojave's voice soon resonated in her ear drums as she chipped in her two cents after what seemed like eons ago since she last spoke. With little surprise the other tawny woman alas was also heading elsewhere. Well this was a near complete waste of her time. A small nod of her head in understanding following her words before meeting her gaze briefly. "If you do return just give a call out for me or Vespertio. I'll make sure he knows of both your speak of alliance.." Her mismatched gaze swept over into Kite's direction for a brief moment before swinging back to Mojave. "and the possibility of you joining up with us if you do return to the lake." Another small wag of her tail followed suit before her ivory frame lurched forward in preparation to change directions, ready to head back for the cache and snag a meal while nobody was looking. "I've best be off to attend to my duties and I wouldn't want to keep you two from those waiting. Farewell." was her meager goodbye, waiting only a few minutes in case anyone had one last word to throw in before sauntering off into the surrounding woods. There was bound to be a fat hare waiting for her somewhere to chomp down on.
