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along the river — Swift River 
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Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Borlla Tainn-Argyris
When had things gotten so bad in her mind? Borlla couldn't even think of it. And she didn't want to, only to discover that it had been her own doing. Her mind closed off any incriminating evidence, and she remained on the edge of the meeting, face somber, completely irascible. The old wolf Ozera arrived a moment or so after she had, and Borlla hoped Indru would just get on with it. Maybe she could get away unnoticed, due to her distance away from him, but unfortunately she was addressed. She met his eyes, a scowl deeply creasing her muzzle.

Slowly, she lifted a paw, very slowly, and rose up to all fours. Her nostrils flared, and she took a step before sitting again. "Make me." She thought, and was almost certain that he would do so, if his stupid girlfriend didn't speak up first. Borlla merely braced herself for a boring pack meeting where nothing would apply to her, and even began to close her eyes (just another layer on her horrible cake), before they slowly slid open upon hearing the word 'pups'. At first, her honey eyes slid around the group, trying to make out some other couple that this could have applied to. Borlla didn't know much about kids, but she knew that it took two to tango...

But no other two made more sense then Indru and Corinna. How dare she steal her brother from her! Borlla hadn't even gotten a chance to get rid of her and now...Now they were together and they were having puppies? Before she could stop it, a growl slid from between her teeth, and she met Corinna's eyes as the female kindly addressed her. Words began to build up in her throat, but instead were replaced with absolute sadness. But she couldn't let that out. She'd rather yell horrible words at the horrible wolf that dared to do this to her. Instead, she grimaced, and rose, turning away from the group and disappeared back into the trees. <b style="color:#32527a">"speech."

<i>Borlla goes bye-bye.</i>
Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Sarah who has 142 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ozera Ahote

Her presence was acknowledged briefly, which was more than she felt she probably deserved, showing up late. Fleetingly, she wondered what she had missed, her ears twitching thoughtfully. The air was tense, and the congregation all seemed rather preoccupied. Casting a look around, she noticed Borlla sitting quite a ways away from the group. The very sight was a sharp kick to her heart, and her mind was haunted by the echo of " I hate them. All of them." But Ozera didn't believe that. Being incapable of hate and properly understanding the difference between herself and other wolves, Ozera believed the concept of hatred to be a fabrication. There was something behind all of this.

A hesitant voice grasped at her attention, and she swiveled back to see that it was Corinna who had spoken. She had an announcement, which Ozera couldn't really say surprised her all that much, although it made her smile deeply. Puppies. The very thought of more little fuzzy Tainns bouncing around, caused her tail to assault the ground with nearly vicious excitement. Puppies! The old wolf hardly cared that they would not be her own —although that would have been nice. All puppies were good puppies. And, wait, what was this? "Ozera, Borlla, I do hope that you will help me with pup sitting once they arrive" Pup sitting? This was almost more than Ozera could handle, she nearly leaped for joy. Nearly tripping over herself to express her joy and gratitude at such an honor, Ozera's jaws parted. But the words never came out.

There was a shuffle of pawsteps, and as Ozera craned her neck to look behind her, she caught the backside of Borlla disappearing into the woods. What? Her mouth still hung open, although now it was with horrified shock instead of joy. Had Borlla just left? Why? Ozera's eyes searched the faces of those around her, looking for some explanation. But in the back of her mind lurked the same echo, growing louder and louder.

" I hate them. All of them."

"Uhmmm..." Awkward.</blockquote>

(This post was last modified: Apr 06, 2011, 02:56 AM by Ozera.)
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
Bye guys! <33 Thanks for the fun thread, Shadow will post the new deadlines etc in Corinna's post. :3

Fiery eyes watched the boy with intensity as he listened to his response, a growl quietly rolling him his throat and vibrating his ribcage as Weldering's next tale of interference with his family was explained. When his brother finished he watched him still, silent, before he ran his eyes over the black fur and calmed himself enough to nod at him in acceptance of the story. The meeting was not the time to pursue this further but Indru was certain that he would make Weldering come to regret it soon enough after and he walked towards Triell to rest his head on top of the smaller boy's and lick the top of it gently before pulling away, relieved that he was not hurt seriously or worse.

His reprimand to their sister, however, drew a far from satisfying response and his eyes flashed to hers in annoyance as his fur began to bristle along his spine, she was almost of age to join the adult ranks and such behaviour was not acceptable. Before Indru could respond Cori drew his attention and sensing her nerves he leaned his weight against her side in reassurance without thought, curious eyes following her as she made moves to address the pack. At the announcement Indru's anger was gone for a moment as a wide, proud grin showed on his face instead, his tail waving behind him, as he surveyed the pack for their reactions as Cori then proceeded to request the help of Ozera and Borlla he presumed for assistance in nursing when they were born. Pups were an exciting time for all the pack and Indru had very fond memories of each of his parent's litters and his differing roles in raising them as he aged. Though as he continued to scan his eyes along the pack he noticed his sister, a look of distaste on her face before she turned tail and left. Borlla! Indru called, authority lacing his voice but she either didn't respond or didn't hear as soon she was gone and had disappeared into the trees.

An atmosphere hung in the air before, with a shake of his head, Indru reminded himself of what the announcement was and grinned again, nodding his head in pride. I'm sure all of you will do wonderful protecting them and helping them grow when they are born. Indru trusted each member of the pack like they were all his family, as that was what made a pack after all, and he glanced at them all fondly before rising to his feet and glancing back towards the trees. And now I am sorry to leave but I must go and find Borlla, though he tried to hide it annoyance was a clear undercurrent to his words, so with an apologetic smile to them all and after pressing his nose to Corinna's muzzle before licking her cheek he departed from the gathering at an ever increasing pace before he too was swallowed by the trees.

Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata
<b>OOC:</b> This will be the last round of the meeting, but there will be a pack activity soon helping to spruce up the den. It is not required, but is recommended. I'll update this post with the link once it has been made.

Gone Tomorrow

Her words were both expected and unexpected, depending on who heard them. Sage green eyes roamed about those gathered, waiting for their reactions. Triell was young, so his surprised reaction was not unexpected. Cori doubted very much that Indru had ever sat down with him and explained how he and his siblings had come to be. But, she knew Triell second best of those gathered here, and she knew that he would put his full effort into helping her raise the young. They would be his nieces and nephews after all, more members of the ever growing Tainn family.

Continuing to look about the group, she caught the inclination of Marsh's head, and she shot him a smile. "Of course, Marsh, you and Triell will be needed too," she told him, wanting to remedy her previous statement of only invitation to the female members of the pack. Of course she would need Marsh's and Triell's help as well. There was a lot to be learned in this world, and each of them brought a different background with them that would benefit the young of the pack. It would help immensely if Corinna had the loyalty of the two older wolves in the pack on her side, so she was thankful for their enthusiasm.

But then, things changed.

Corinna had expected her news to be taken in good light by everybody present. After all, they wanted what was good for the pack, right? But, it seemed that the youngest Tainn female was not a fan. Cori could only watch in disbelief as her eyes locked onto those of Borlla's, and a growl addressed her. She could not even form a reaction, could not even make herself move to discipline the yearling, so shocked was she by the behavior. Collapsing down to her rump, Cori's gray head fell, green eyes downcast, the first beginnings of tears forming along the edges. She barely heard Indru, barely felt his touch as he left her side to go search for his disagreeable sister. What had been a joyous occasion had now turned into tenterhooks and the gray she-wolf realized that once again she had torn the Tainn family apart. Just like she had cost Indru his brother Ruiko, she would now cost him his sister.

Aware that those gathered would now be looking towards her for leadership, she lifted her head meekly. "There are still things to do...before they get here," she said after a moment, trying to gather her composure. Her voice broke though, and it took a moment before she could continue. "The pack den needs to be cleaned up. I would hope that you are able to help me out. If not, I understand." Words ended, their tone indicating the finale to this fiasco of a meeting. All Cori wanted to do was go curl up in a corner and cry - she couldn't be a leader right now.

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<blockquote>Triell gave a faint smile, glad Indru didn't press the subject. ButwWhat was it about pack meetings? Couldn't anything unexpected not happen? The young lad should have known pack meetings were breeding grounds for trouble. Or something. He was still had his head realing, puppies? Cori and Indru puppies? He would get to play with puppies? Cori wanted him to help with these puppies? He was actually happy, and excited. His heart beat a little quicker, and finally his tail moved giving an idication life was going on. Then his head titled down and he snapped out of his little moment. Borlla had not joined them, but had run away. He had a small hidden irritation with his sister. Could she never be happy for anyone, or just well happy? He tried not to roll his eyes, instead he knew Indru would take care of it, and he stayed silent.

However when his bright eyes looked to Cori he could see his sister's rejection to her had brought in the sadness. Triell was use to Borlla he hardly took anything she said or did personally. But Cori had, and with Indru giving his short goodbyes, Triell did not hesitate to step forward to his new sister. A silent look of appoligy was given, and his pink tongue lapped at her chin while his black banner brushed along. "Don't worry about her, she'll come around,"he whispered hoping to console her.

A moment the lad looked to Marsh and Ozera for help, after Cori had asked for help in cleaning up the den. Surely they would all help her with this? He respected the elder wolves much, and didn't see why not. They were mature unlike his sister, and they had seem happy for the news like any normal wolf should be. He stood up, giving a soft nudge to Cori's shoulder, "Of coarse we'll help you! I'm going to be an Uncle!" He beamed, and it was clear before they were even born he would be there them.</blockquote>
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Siki who has 301 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Marsh Barrew
<blockquote>Though content at Corinna's retroactive addition, Marsh was unsettled by the youngest female's attitude. It seemed Borlla was a worse case than Marsh had suspected. Surprised that Corinna and Indu permitted her insubordination with so light a manner - had he acted as such in his youth, he could have expected a bloody nose - and watched their leader casually lope off after her as if it were no urgent matter.

Ears flicked back in discomfort, Marsh thought that he would have taught the bint a proper lesson had he felt his authority reached as far. No doubt the Tainns thought it a family matter. If Borlla proved to be a weak link, Marsh sorely hoped that their leaders would take the appropriate course of action. As his attention turned back to Corinna, who seemed equally as surprised by Borlla's rebellion (yet not as angry as she should have been; that small act of defiance appeared to have broken her spirit quite effectively) he listened as she spoke her request, and wondered why it was not a command.

He caught Triell's glance, understood it, and nodded appropriately. Of course he would help. Though tempted to trot after Indru and make sure that Borlla was treated aptly, he knew it was not his place, and felt his presence more needed with Triell and Corinna. With a soft, disquieted grunt, the wolf pushed his haunches up and stepped closer to Triell, offering the boy an approving lick to the ear. At least one of them knew how to behave. With a nod to Corinna, for he assumed the meeting was adjourned, Marsh headed down into the den.</blockquote>
Played by Sarah who has 142 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ozera Ahote
<blockquote><ul><span style='font-size:7pt;line-height:100%'>just posting real quick here so this can be finished. sorry for the wait :c</li></ul></span>
Following Borlla and he awkward silence was Indru's departure. Pity grumbled in her stomach for both Borlla and Indru. Borlla, because she was going through a hard and confusing time in her life, and Indru... because, well, he had to <i>deal</i> with the fallout of it all. Hopefully, she would come around soon, but part of Ozera doubted it. Angsty youngsters were determined to paint everything black and gloomy and be angsty without cause. Which was stupid, but there was nothing that could be done about it. Patience and Time were the only cures.

At the hint of Corinna's voice, though, Ozera's attention flicked back to her. There had been a distinct change in her posture, a droop in her livelihood, which made Ozera's heartache. This was Corinna's first time doing <i>any</i> of this, and she didn't deserve to have it all blow up in her face. Ozera really would have liked to comfort her, but knew not how. But of course Triell knew, that little gentleman. He sidled up to Corinna full of hopeful thoughts and a comforting manner. It made her proud to see the way he was shaping up. Smiling, she stepped towards Corinna too, "<b>Triell's right. Borlla probably just has a lot on her mind.</b>" Probably? That was an understatement.
