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Unfamiliar Territory ; ; — Cold Water Creek 
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Played by farcaller who has 17 posts.
Deep amber eyes were tracking two wolves curiously. Shinyuu knew what reaction she might cause; so when she witnessed that reaction with her eyes it came as no surprise. Still; she was somewhat cornered now; torn between her mind trying to find any way to calm the tension and her body making sure she still looks threatening. The least she could do is to get the blood off her muzzle in hope it will make her look less intimidating. The way white wolf was looking at her suggested that she had problems with her vision; so Shinyuu made a few careful steps to the creek closing carefully on the two from left side. Keeping silent and body being tense; she couldn't do anything about it much like she couldn't just lower her tail; forcing herself not to growl aggressively at the stance of others was quite a challenge on its own.

Thoughts and plans were shifting fast through her head. The younger wolf wasn't a threat she considered seriously; if it were about them two; Shinyuu could easily dominate the yearling. The older female was rather tiny and Shin was very secure that she will get out of it unscratched. But then; why did she even consider these two as a threat and a challenge to her? For what it's worth; Shinyuu just stumbled upon them; looking not in the best light.

She needed to relieve the tension somehow; for now her paws got her close to the water and she forced herself to stop staring at wolves and lowered her muzzle in the water; drinking some and cleaning her fur a bit. Her body tensing up dangerously; she could miss the moment wolves would strike at her; she was only sure they will not.

The sound of water and the smell of two anxious wolves. The world froze for the moment as she took care of her looks. She raised her snout; leaving the creek tainted with deer blood; looked at two females standing before her; troubled by her presence and apparently thinking of fighting her together. "All this violence that I feel around" she thought to herself and yawned wide. She was satiated. She didn't care about being outnumbered here and now and the longer they stood there the funnier she felt.

"I can't have two of you lurking around here. One was already enough". The younger female really tired to stand her ground; maybe she's better than Shinyuu originally thought. The wolf won this little war over herself; her body relaxed a bit and her tail lowered to mostly horizontal position; wagging a tiny bit. She tilted her head to side curiously; one ear flopping down as the studied two wolves; her expression being more sly then aggressive now.
Played by Tay who has 46 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
Zera Tainn
Sorry it's a little late! Won't happen again <3

Zera felt a growl stir in her throat. She could have very well been outnumbered if both whites decided to turn. First, she would scream. Yes, not the bravest thing in the world to do (Darrah would probably ridicule her about it later) - but when you're this close to pack borders and you're only a year old, there's really no other option. The silence was killing her, but her heart throbbed again when she felt @Nakita step up to her side. Yellow eyes darted to her icy blues with great appreciation and relief. Surely the two of them could handle one estranged wolf. The dark Tainn took a new breath and found the creek absent of other scents. With a bit more confidence, the girl lowered her hackles a hair and ended her feral snarl.

What the hell, she thought as Shinyuu's expression changed. Went from 'dangerous threat' to 'submissive pup' in just a matter of moments. When @Shinyuu turned toward the water's edge, which was also pointed at the Bend, Zera pushed forward, ready to snap. "Wait, what are you doing? Are you not going to answer me?" Panic raced through Zera's mind, ran all the way down her limbs and back up again. She kept a safe distance between herself and the white interloper. She was not about to take a chance with this kind of unpredictable behavior. Zera remained still as the woman dipped herself into the water, rinsing off the blood staining her fur. "Can you hear me? Are you deaf or something, how come you won't talk?" She could understand if Shinyuu were deaf because then she wouldn't be able to reply. But there was no excuse for not talking now, the young Tainn was on the defensive and there was nothing she wouldn't do to protect her home.

zera tainn