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one [little] miracle — Bramble Falls 
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Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kanosak heard the yelp at the same time Kashikoi did but he kept at the deers side, the youngster still had a lot to learn if he was going to make it on his own. Anyu had hit her mark well and he smiled as the deer collapsed in a heap. He looked around for the smaller wolf and spotted him standing over a crumpled form. He nodded in ascent to Anyu, indicating she should begin to eat, he had managed a decent kill a few days ago and so the pang of hunger pains hadn't yet hit him and it was obvious his companions needed it more than he did.

He approached Kashi with his tail erect and hackles up, he didn't know this scent. He nudged the smaller brown wolf and motioned back towards the fallen deer. <b>"Go on Scrap, while it's still warm. You did good."</b> His tone was one of no compromise and he hoped the younger wolf would listen. The scent of wolf blood had him on edge as he looked the form before him. She was large for a female, but they had numbers on their side, and his pack had been giants of wolves with the exception of his mother and siblings, he knew he could handle a larger wolf if he had to.

There was a gash on her leg but the blood was already beginning to clot, it wasn't as deep as it could have been and she hadn't broken her leg. He had seen animals with their bones hanging from their skin after a nasty fall, this was nothing. She started to whimper and groan and Kano growled quietly out of instinct more than a feeling of threat. He took a step backwards out of lunging range but still close enough to retaliate if necessary, wolves could get violent after blacking out and he had no intention of letting any harm come to his companions, or losing their hard won dinner.

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Played by anyu who has 66 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anyu Sol
you come to me with scars on your wrist
you tell me this will be the last night feeling like this

As the deer collapsed in a heap at last, Anyu turned her head to look for her companions, only to find both of them distracted by the crumpled form of some creature a short distance away. She pricked her ears forward and lifted her head. Even her tail rose slightly, indicating the possibility of a threat in the same area. Though she noticed Kanosak's gesture towards her, she did not readily turn and begin eating. She would have liked to know what the strange lump on the ground was; she couldn't smell it because of the overwhelming scent of blood where she was standing.

Kashikoi was over there as well, and she realized that he must have noticed the creature first and had been drawn to it before the hunt was even over. As she watched the scene she realized that Kanosak had things under control. He reacted to the creature - un-moving as of yet - in a defensive manner, and she was sure that Kanosak would be able to handle things. Kashikoi, however, needed to eat and he might get in the way of the creature began to move and did something potentially dangerous. “Kashikoi, come here,” she called to him, using his real name for the first time. “You need to eat; Kanosak will take care of things over there.”

i just came to say goodbye
didn't want you to see me cry, i'm fine
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Played by Kashikoi who has 182 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Still worried about the one wolf kashi nods to kano as he hears the female tell him to eat. Lead by hunger and the scent of fresh meat he joined her by the kill. "i never did get your name," he said to her absentmindedly, "and aren't the bigger wolves supposed to get their pickings first?" He said this as hungry as he was because he had been punished for trying to get first grabs at the kill before. He looked thoughtfully at the deer that he had helped to take down. He was thankfull for the energy it would provide for him in the week to come.
With death comes life and with life comes hope.
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased

He overheard the scrap's question and despite his current state of alert at the passed out stranger he had to smile to himself. Those sorts of traditions were held amongst packs, not so much lone wolves and he got the feeling both he and Anyu held the youngster closer to the rank of a pup with his deminished condition than the yearling he clearly was.

There was no movement from the wolf at his feet, his growling had ceased minutes ago. She was still occasionally stirring and it appeared her breathing had changed but she still didn't get up. He began to wonder if she was faking it like some goats he had come across on human lands on his way here. Surely she knew playing dead wasn't going to save her skin in the case of hostiles? (Which of course her present company was not).

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Played by anyu who has 66 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anyu Sol
you come to me with scars on your wrist
you tell me this will be the last night feeling like this

Anyu was about to take a bite out of one of the deer's haunches when Kashi showed up. At first she didn't stop her motion to take a bite, but then he started talking and she pulled away from the warm flesh. “It's Anyu,” she responded. She hadn't realized the little Scrap hadn't heard her name when she and Kano had shared their names with each other. Was that before she had ordered the little wolf to show himself?

When he asked if the bigger wolves were supposed to eat first she had to stop a smile from spreading across her face. Even so, the corners of her mouth twitched a little in amusement. “Kashi, it's not about size,” she said, giving him a friendly smile. “It's all about rank. The higher your rank the sooner you get to eat.” In wolf packs the alphas ate first, followed by each rank and ending with the omega - the lowest of the pack. “We're lone wolves. We don't have ranks to worry about.” She gave the pup a loving nudge on the shoulder with her nose. “So eat, Scrap. It's good for you.”

i just came to say goodbye
didn't want you to see me cry, i'm fine
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Played by Aeolkis who has 7 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Dejia Kalihi
(ohmygosh. im so sorry. i have been so busy with loads of hw lately... i swear. i asked my science teacher, 'you're assigning us a paper??? but i cant finish it one period!!! you teachers should get together and- *i was gonna say plan out our work load so that we dont get everthing at once but he interupted and said*' 'oh, yea, we do! we plan it so that everything is due and you guys get overwhelmed. its so fun to watch you guys stress. although, hes very sarcastic. but still. and i really am so sorry!!!)

Feeling something nudge her, Dejia slowly struggled her way out of a deep sleep. It was like pushing against a really strong current that was trying to shove her back under. It took all her will to force open her eyes. Then it took a few seconds for her vision to clear. A young male was staring at her worriedly. She tried getting up, and immediately felt a sharp, agonizing pain shoot up her leg. Ouch. She heard a loud yelp and realized it was her. She tried not to wince and braced herself to glance quickly down at her leg. Despite having bitten her lip to keep her mouth shut, and small gasp of anguish escaped. She couldn't drag her eyes away from the horrible wound. Her leg her been ripped open from her ankle to her thigh from that rock, and minorly scratched in a lot of other places from when she skidded along the ground after falling. The wound was already swollen, and was still swelling too. Her fur was plastered with blood, some of it was half-dried. The whole leg was throbbing painfully, too. She looked up at the male and hoped not to see pity. She hated being seen as weak. But, she had to admit, she needed help. Badly. So she asked the wolf kindly, 'Excuse me, but do you know where I can find some help for ... this?' She pointedly looked at her injury, since any movement bigger than a blink or slight, slight head turn was a struggle.
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Jumping in since Kano was the closest to her when she woke up, sorry Kashi! Eat something!

Kano was reluctant to mention, because all he had heard were whispers from passing wolves, but he was almost certain that the Grizzly Hollow pack had the only known healer for weeks of walking, or in this strangers case, limping. He hadn't been near the pack himself, but he had heard they could be found somewhere in the Cedarwood Forest.

He still held his tail erect and his ears forward, hoping his companions would continue to eat until they were full. His grandmother had taught him a little of herbs and plants that could be used to treat swelling and open wounds but the plants here were all so different.

He looked around him and spotted something familiar poking out between the roots of a tree. He growled a warning at the strange wolf, hoping she would take it as a sign to stay put and leave the others be. With the snow covered landscape this was going to be harder than if it was spring, with telltale blosoms and denser foliage to give plants away.

As he got closer he could already tell it wasn't the plant he was seeking. A little wolfsbane root crushed up would numb her leg enough for her to handle it. He looked around again, a lone willow its branches swaying in the small breeze. Of course... It had been one of his grandmothers favourites.

It had a terribly bitter taste but it took the pain and swelling away. It was also good for stomach upset and general aches and pains. Ignoring the bitterness he ripped some low dancing branches from the tree and returned with them to the wounded wolf. "Chew." he said with little emotion. He was still unsure whether this stranger could be trusted.

(This post was last modified: Feb 02, 2012, 01:30 PM by Kanosak.)
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Played by Kashikoi who has 182 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Ooc its alright ill just go after you now
Kashi nods at anyu's responses to his numerous questions. He then bent done to tear of a bite of the deers hind leg as he began to eat. He had never had the meaty parts of a kill and it wasnt fresh what he ate in his old pack either. He wagged his tail as he enjoyed the life giving delicious meat. He continued to eat till he felt bloated and could eat no more before laying down on the cold snow. He noticed that the knjured wolf was awake and kano was assisting it.
With death comes life and with life comes hope.
Played by anyu who has 66 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anyu Sol
you come to me with scars on your wrist
you tell me this will be the last night feeling like this

Anyu began to tear at the meat of the haunch once she saw that Kashi had finally began to eat. He needed the food even more than she did, so she waited until she was sure that he was eating to begin eating herself. She was well on her way to devouring half the haunch when a loud yelp caught her attention. Mouth slightly full, she looked up to see what the commotion was all about. It seemed that the creature - clearly a wolf - had awoken. Anyu couldn't help being interested in what was going on over there. She finished chewing her mouthful, swallowed, made no attempt to lick the blood from her lips, and trotted towards Kano and the crumpled form of the stranger.

“Kano, what's going on?” she asked as she approached. Anyu wasn't in a very welcoming mood. It was clear that this wolf had been trying to interrupt their hunt and had been injured for it in some way. Clearly the female was not very intelligent. “Unless it's edible I think we should just let it be,” she said, even after Kano had offered the willow to the female. “She could have ruined the entire hunt, and it's her fault she's injured. Let her deal with it.” Not wanting to give a peroration, Anyu stopped there, but she could have kept going on for a while. There was plenty she wanted to say to this wolf.

i just came to say goodbye
didn't want you to see me cry, i'm fine
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Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased

Kano had to agree with Anyu and his stomach began to growl at the scent of all the blood. This stranger could have cost them their meal. "I hear there is a proper healer in the Cedarwood Forest. It's a long way, I suggest you stock up on willow or keep to the waterways." Even though overland would be quicker he imagined she would need to drag half a tree with her if she wanted to maintain any sort of pain relief. It would heal in time, and to be honest, the less she used it the better, but it would also get her away from their food.

Kano turned his back on the strange wolf, hoping she wouldn't be foolish enough to try and stop him from eating his fill. All the drama had only made him hungrier. He smiled at the way Kashikoi was basically burrowing his way into the fresh meat of the deer and he smiled, making way for the belly, there was nothing better than fresh organs, especially liver. He salivated at the thought before tearing his way into the stomach cavity of the fallen deer, getting coated in blood and gore in the process.

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