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Tease Me — Ghastly Woods 
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Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
<blockquote>Her head was beginning to feel heavy as the weight of the food dragged her towards sleep. The day was clear enough that she had no fear of sleeping in the open but knew that when she woke, the young male would be gone. <b>"Well then maybe you need to get out more."</b> she said masking an almost sad smile with a stifled yawn. She had his scent now and would always recognise when he was near, it wasn't like it was goodbye forever, but she could already feel the pull starting up again.

Something about his comment, a scent she had smelled on the male that day, suddenly jerking her awake. <b>"So that's how he got the shoulder wound..."</b> she said more to herself than anyone, a guilty smile crossing her face, and here she had been blabbing away. Not to mind. This wolf was easier to talk to, not quite such an assertive Mr Bossy Paws. Still smiling she rose to her feet, stretching as she went and this time yawning openly. <b>"This has been fun. We should do it again some time."</b> she said as an open invitation. <b>"But next time bring news."</b> she teased as she looked back to the direction she had come from.

She hadn't yet chosen an actual den site, but she was sure it wouldn't take her long to find one with so many hollow trees about. She just had to choose the right one. <b>"Goodbye Rhysis. Don't be a stranger."</b> she said with a smile as she took her leave.

<i>This could become quite interesting...</i> she thought to herself as she wandered off, scratching at trees searching for the tell tale hollow sound that would indicate a secure warm place to take a nap.</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>A yawn slipped from the males mouth whilst she had been speaking. Her comment had been humerous, in fact he hadn't heard such gest and teasing in some time. It was refreshing to hear, especially on a full belly and the creeping of sleep. He wasn't going to tell her he got out plenty, that he had gossip bleeding from his ears for she was a stranger after all. If she thought the dark stranger was bad then she would certainly dislike the real Rhysis. Yes, he might be quiet and brooding, but that was just the shell of himself and whilst he appreciated that he hadn't had to put on his Mr.Nice Guy face to converse with her, he had still held himself back in order to get what information he could and in truth, he had learnt a lot from her. She was a contact he'd had to keep.

His ear twitched as she muttered to herself, her words only confirmed that they were speaking about the same male. He wasn't pleased that he'd only left a scratch though and he was certain next time he ran into the wolf he'd attack without cause- he was a loose end which Rhysis didn't want flapping about, not when he had so much going on, he couldn't afford any mistakes with what he was trying to accomplish, not only his own pack but revenge on his sister- getting into her pack was a game of patience which he was not enjoying but he had to tread carefully, especially with strangers for now for they may well end up in the pack before him and that could prove disasterous if they knew his real intentions.

She stood and made her leave then. He didn't say goodbye, he didn't feel the need and had a niggling feeling that they would be meeting again soon- in fact he'd make an effort to hunt her down, especially if she enjoyed talking to others as she had with him, she was no doubt spilling with information he could use. She slipped into the shadows and it was only when his errie grey eyes could no longer see her that he too left the area and headed home; it was time to sleep comfortably on his bulging belly.

[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]