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I can hear myself breathing — Fireweed Rise 
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Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<i>O.o that's how I feel Bridget. <3 this is gonna be soo confusing. -shadow/rach need to referee? xD</i>

    Let's get this thing started.

The damned himself arrived, taking refuge beside his little gang. This was the same wolf Triell had talked with, and hunted beside and he had never been intimidated by his gangly form, and spindly legs. If anything it made his tender targets in range, and much easier to grab one of those legs to topple him from his newly found thorwn. When he started pressing into Triell's personal space he did not yield, only stood undaunted by Rhysis actions. He was aware of the maigician's tricks, and he'd be damedto let the dust be thrown in his eyes. Rhysis was going to pay, and dearly for dragging everyone down to his hell.

"Jealous of what you, and yours? Don't flatter yourself. This emotion is called blatantly torqued," he snorted as if ever had envied Rhysis for anything. You wish. Triell would not trade places with the man for anything, and was quite content with his life, his place. They could have possibly forged a friendship, but they'd never quite made it there despite everything they had in common. Now they were the rivals they had always meant to be. "You should know all your mess was bound to catch up to you, and it's not my fault you forgot to tell that to you lackies or Naira what's really going on," he said putting a good note on his love's name. The skin upon his muzzle scrunched, as if daring Rhysis to bit him. One wrong move, and Triell's teeth would be sinking into his flesh.

There was someone else wrecking the party, and he would not have recongized Ice's voice not by the words or snarl that coiled round them. Indeed it was Ice, coming to the rescue. Before the Tainn knew what Ice was about to do, he saw the silver blur heading toward Rhysis. Then Athena became a white streaking toward Ice. Somwhere in the back of his mind he was aware Nina demanding peace, and another male mumbling the same damn thing. Why don't they help break things a part then? He was not thinking any more he was taking action, springing toward Jedd the moment he had decided to go for Ice. They River boys might be outnumbered, he was not about to go out without a fight. His chest rumbled the harsh curses that would never be words, and his large jaws opening to get a hold of the other's mans flesh, somewhere atop is shoulder, neck, or preferable arm.

(This post was last modified: Apr 05, 2012, 12:31 AM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
I’m assuming it’s my go? I simply don’t know anymore. I feel as if we need to draw a diagram or something for each set of moves. xD

<blockquote> Rhysis sniggered. A dark sound, something more fitting of himself. Not having to play the part of Mr.Nice Guy was doing wonders for him. He’d finally shaken off the need to be accepted by the packs, accepted that Volkan was off limits for now which was not only empowering but he felt a sense of freedom to be himself, something he had not been since coming to the land. <b>”No Triell... Jealous of the fact I have my female, I got what I wanted. Your dirty slut abandoned you. Left you for your brother. Lied to you about who she was. Left you all alone in the world. I bet that cut you deep... Being dumped by a whore.”</b> he replied with a smug expression.
Of course he had been expecting all of this to catch up on him- he was welcoming it to get it over and done with so that he might start to enjoy what he had created. He had no intention of starting the war today though, a few digs here and there, sticking up for Athena as she was too cowardly to do so herself. Trading of insults and a long walk home, it sounded like a fun afternoon.

It would have been, had another familiar face decided to grace the scene. From the corner of his eyes, Rhysis saw the large wolf, Ice, rushing towards him. His words were almost alien, he had been a softie, maybe a little thick, but not aggressive when they had met on his second birthday. Now, the large wolf was bumbling across the rise heading right towards him, with nothing but hatred in his eyes. Oh wonderful, another enemy. Though he wasn’t surprised- this wolf had been so far up the lead females arse at Swift River he might as well have mounted her; her mate wasn’t exactly doing a good enough job of it. Oh, Rhysis, what a terrible mind you have.
He didn’t have long to brace himself, but he wasn’t going to run. He lowered himself slightly, prepared to take the impact to his shoulders whilst his teeth would seek out an ear. From no where little Athena jumped at the oncoming wolf, Jedd moved next, leaping into action as they both went to attack Ice. A voice sounded, one he hadn’t expected to hear but was almost grateful for as Valiant. There was no time for anything now, Triell had just launched forwards to attack Jedd. It was utter carnage.

Ice made his contact with his shoulder, knocking Rhysis and his lighter body but not enough to topple him, the ambush of two other wolves must have reduced the momentum and the idiot had shouted, ruining any chance he had of a surprise attack, maybe he was a dumb as he remembered. Springing into action, he thrust his teeth forwards, aiming to latch onto Ice’s ear as they collided almost side on. A front paw snaked forward, trying to slither around Ice’s front leg, hoping to trip him to the floor.
(This post was last modified: Apr 05, 2012, 09:21 AM by Rhysis.)
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
OKAY, one more attempt at creating a posting order! xD This order is based on Rhysis' arrival and our order of posting since:
Rhysis, Ice, Athena, Nina, Valiant, Jedd, Triell

Here's <a href='http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r47/nuclearmist/fight1.jpg' target='_blank'>a diagram (yes this is a link! :D)</a> of how I imagine the positioning. With few mentions of left/right, I did what seemed most natural, if anyone disagrees just shout and I'll re-paint! :)

you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
Never before had chaos tasted so sweet to the orderly and patient wolf.

It sang in his blood, a song of violence and blood, of red light and of madness; his entire body was aflame with the sensations, and he knew nothing but the urge to move, to sink his teeth in soft flesh and tear it from the bones. From the corner of his eye Athena came hurtling, a pale blur against the hazy world, but she might as well have been a sparrow trying to move a mountain. His superior body mass made his momentum far greater than hers, and even as her jaws snapped against his right flank and found only fur, he didn't falter; perhaps his steps had a little more purpose, a little more determination, as he kept himself from crashing sideways at her impact... but he wasn't certain. All he knew was that the enemies were closing in from every side, voices he could no longer hear or comprehend trying to instill reason in a world that listened to no order but the order of a frenzied heart. Like war drums his pulse roared in his ears, the seconds slowing - agonizing - until impact.. until he'd reach his target.. if ever, as the dark shape of Jedd closed in on his left. A harsh breath stuttered out his lungs, but he was so close to Rhysis, it was too late for everyone.

Even as Jedd slammed into his left side Ice had begun to angle away to the right, into the dark ephebe, and the impact did little but shudder through Ice and into Rhysis. The shock traveled through him, ribcage compressing momentarily as air was driven from his lungs in a grunt. Shoulders knocked against each other, a sensation like fire spreading under his skin as the taller youth staggered and Ice, caught between bewilderment and ecstasy, staggered with him. Teeth sawed against Ice's left shoulder - Jedd's, he guessed - and for a moment he wondered where Athena was, if she'd been caught between Ice's hindquarters and Rhysis', or if she'd backed off. She'd been such a frightened, cautious little animal the last time, hiding among the flowers... he banished the thoughts, casting the world in blood even as Jedd's jaws got a hold of his fur, scraping thin lines of red beneath the protective mass of hairs. Growling, Ice ducked his head, ears flat to his skull, as Rhysis' teeth sought him out. He didn't stop to think, to ponder, even to wonder at how he suddenly was buried hip-deep in hostile wolves; he just acted, pulling his head down, leaning to the right and into his enemy.

Rhysis' sharp teeth snapped around his skull, but had a hard time finding his ears, only nibbling them on occasion and drawing little blood but sharp stings, but the pale wolf wasted no time savoring the sensations of tangoing with death. Instead, he opened his powerful jaws wide and lunged for Rhysis' nearest front leg, hoping to latch his mouth around it somewhere below the elbow but above the ankle. He barely dared to breath as he slammed the jaws shut, hoping to crush bone between them even as his shoulders rolled forward, front legs going out and lowering his chest to have better balance. Rhysis' stray leg passed somewhere in the mess of it, but Ice didn't care as it knocked against him, just moved his own legs and spread his weight; hunched up the shoulder blades (and Jedd?) to keep his neck unreachable, or at the very least protected by rolls of fat and scruff. He didn't intend to be the one dying here today.
.ice aesir

♫ <a href='http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=johSrvR5j90' target='_blank'>Epic Music Mix XVI - Mark Petrie</a>
(This post was last modified: Apr 05, 2012, 02:04 PM by Ice.)
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

Adrenaline raced through the white woman veins. The thrill of the fight was finally making an appearance. All she could hear was the sound of growls and snarls, the sound of absolute chaos. There was no more polite little Athena. Instead, she ripped off her lady-like exterior and revealed to the wolves here that she was not some polite little prissy-cat, but a tough little warrior. She may be the smallest wolf here, but that did not stop her.

Her pearly-whites found purchase on Ice's right flank and like a bulldog, she did not let go. Instead, she was flung on his back and she started to claw at him with all her might, trying to rip at his skin underneath his layer of fur. A second later after Ice impacted into Rhysis, all went black for Athena. The momentum of the impact, flung her in between the two male’s hindquarters. The breath was knocked out of her and the world went black for a moment. She let go of Ice's flank and sank to the ground beneath them.

She recovered herself after a moment as she laid on the ground now underneath both Rhysis and Ice. Right above her then was Ice's underbelly. He had crouched down lower to then ground, but he must not have noticed Athena underneath him. She twisted herself around, so that she was one her feet again. She then launched herself at Ice's soft belly, trying to gain purchase to the soft tissue. Her claws were ready to lash out and jaws open and ready to lock on.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
As the sight before her became much more dangerous she could suppress the howl that escaped her mouth. With a regretful glance at Valiant she watched as Athena got crushed beneath the new coming male and Rhysis. With a large snarl Nina launched herself at Ice. Only hoping that she wouldn't hurt the male. A quick sharp word she decided to exchange with the male quickly. "Move!!" She yowled as she launched herself towards the fight. With a quick rear back on her hind legs she could only hope that the male moved before she quickly moved downward with all her weight on her front paws in hope of crushing Athena.

The female couldn't run away from this in honor of her pack. She wouldn't be called a coward for backing down for fighting and she was the only one here from Copper pack. Though she didn't particularly enjoy fighting she couldn't help what she was doing now. These wolves all werent exactly kind. And the River wolves would be largely outnumbered if she left. She knew later she would regret what she was doing, but she might at least be able to heal the two River wolves.

OOC: Valiant it's your turn!
(This post was last modified: Apr 05, 2012, 03:20 PM by Nina.)
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino
(Yeah darl, that was 3.30am my time, I was well and truly asleep, sorry for the wait)

<blockquote>Valiant could not suppress a laugh as the fight began, even more so when the little brown wolf attempted to use her <i>words</i> to make a wolf in the middle of a fit of bloodlust. She'd be lucky if he didn't turn and try to take out her throat in his confusion. When she tried to move on tiny Athena though, he lifted his bulky frame and padded towards her, in no particular rush, but purposefully. He liked Athena, she was quiet and thoughtful, and they had endured a journey together with Hawke. He couldn't have done it alone.

Things were quickly turning nasty, and while he felt a swelling of pride that the little white lady had thrown herself into the fray, he also knew that the best place for both the girls was out of it. He had been on the receiving end of Rhysis's bad moods on more than one occasion and had the scars to prove it, he was more than capable of looking after himself, but if needed, Valiant would step in. There was no need for the pretty little wolf to risk injury. Besides, her lead bitch would need someone this loyal and determined for if anything ever happened to his dark friend.

All of these thoughts crossed his mind in merely a few seconds as he leaned forward over the back of Nina to grasp her about the scruff of the neck unawares. He had no intentions of harming her, so just before his jaws closed about the fatty flesh he muttered under his breath <b>"Oh no you don't'</b> before attempting to drag her from the fray. He would come back for Athena if he had to, the girls could fight all they wanted once free from the thrashing forms of the large males, but he couldn't bare the thought of seeing them crushed.</blockquote>
user posted image
Played by Bridget who has 67 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Jedd Millinae
What the fuck am I doing? These words passed through Jedd's mind
as he felt Triell smack into his side. A large amount of breath escaped him.
Wheelig around, Jedd snapped at the wolf's maw before he dashed away
from the group. "This ain't my damn fight." The wolf's eyes narrowed as
he watched the carnage continue. Now rolling his pale eyes, the wolf backed away.

Whatever the full reason for this fight was, he was not apart of it. He was not going
to have his pelt ripped apart for some bullshit he never did. He turned now, watching
Valiant attempt to bring the smaller female away from the fight. This was like a dream-
it was ridiculous. What was he watching? After the battle, he most certainly would
appreciate an explanation from his leaders.
(This post was last modified: Apr 06, 2012, 08:39 PM by Jedd.)
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
sorry to keep you all waiting. it's short and sweet, and can be edited :)
    Let's get this thing started.

He hit into the large brute, and just avoided his snap of teeth to his tender muzzle. He wanted to pursue the brute for that, but imediately decided against it. If one was out of it, maybe it'd be best to leave it at that. Besides Triell kept a suspicious eye on him, aware he might try to enter the fray when the Tainn wasn't ready. He needed to think, and act carefully to get him, and Ice out of this mess. He was suddenly a lot more concerned about Ice uncertain if he was after Rhysis for Triell's sake, his own, or a mixture of the two upholding Swift River. He wasn't sure, and couldn't say. He was suddenly aware of the white leach beneath his pack mate, and was ready to pull her next off Ice. This would be fair fight, and between Ice and Rhysis. He was aware Nina trying to throw herself into the battle, but he would not know if she made it. The large brutes' scrambled, and squirmed after each other, he was trying to keep pace after Athena wondering how she was managing to stay under Ice.

It didn't matter once he saw her paw, her tail, or something of her hind end he made a great effort grab for it ready to pull her away. If she struggled, or became aggressive his teeth would only dig in harder, or try for another place to pull her by. He was not going to continue to let her do any damage to Ice. If she wanted to fight it would have to be against him.

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
Sorry for the wait! Hectic weekend. <3

<blockquote>Everything was happening so fast; but he was so in tune with the world he hadn’t let things go unnoticed. Athena was somewhere beneath him, having collided between both of the males. The Little Wolf was so fearless... unlike Jedd, their latest recruit who had simply walked away saying this was not his fight? The fucking coward. If Rhysis survived his, he would be tearing the traitor limb from limb. How dare he. This might not be his fight but his leader was under attack. He would be dealt with, severely, later.

Behind Jedd Nina, the idiot that she was, came into view, trying to rear up and hurt Athena who lay beneath them at Ice’s belly. From no where Valiant had come forward to snatch her away, hopefully he had been early enough as to avoid injury to Athena.

As Ice’s head lowered, he followed with his jaws. His attempts at the ears had caused only cuts and grazes but with the wolf now lowering his head, he had a better angle. His teeth clamped downwards, snaking up from the ears where he had originally attacked towards the eyes of the male, hoping to take the entire head into his jaws- his canines tried to seek out the soft, exposed orbs, tried puncturing one of the jelly filled orbs would cause untold agony... for more then just today. During the move his front limb had been snatched into the jaws of Ice. He moved his leg backwards but there was no enough time to pull the leg completely free; Ice had managed to get a grip on his outside toe and whilst the pain was excruciating, he would not falter the assault on the beasts eyes. He took the pain in his foot, including the self inflicted pain as he tried to pull the limb free from the others teeth, and used it to channel his strength into crushing the others face.

From behind (I assume? How confusing!) Triell changed his assult from Jedd the traitor to little Athena. There was little he could do in his position to help, but a growl to Valiant escaped from his jaws as they worked on Ice’s head. <i>Athena. Help her. Now.</i> came his <i>command</i>.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
<a href='http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r47/nuclearmist/fight2-2.jpg' target='_blank'>Second diagram! Again, if something seems weird, shout and I'll re-paint :)</a>

you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
Athena's good grip on the fur of his flank nearly ripped the hairs out when his momentum clashed with her relative stillness, the skin going tender as she came away with more then just a few hairs in her mouth; blunt claws pounded harmlessly on his back, and then the queer sensation of bony Athena bruising his hip as she was flung between the large wolves erased the knowledge of her paws ever having made contact with his back. He knew he'd be hating himself tomorrow for this, but now, he was past the point where he cared. Every pain and every hurt helped fuel the fire in his blood, every memory of anguish and of love helping to keep him strong. From somewhere Nina came flying, shouting things he couldn't comprehend, and a whisper of a touch beneath him set him off. Releasing his hold on Rhysis' paw he sprang forward, head shoved down, and instead of locking around his face the black wolf's jaws closed on his scruff. Simultaneously Nina punched his left hock and his leg gave way, planting him firmly on the ground, or on Athena's open jaws for that matter. From the corner of his eye he saw one of the stranger male's disengage, the other trying to grab Nina, and Triell was somewhere too.. but Ice felt the proper fool as he strove to get back on his feet, Rhysis jaws locked around his scruff, away from the snapping jaws that sought for purchase on his belly. The curve of it made it hard to get a good grip, but the fur was shorter, and as teeth grazed at his skin he briefly leaned over on his aching left leg and kicked out with the other before shoving forward. Hopefully his hips would knock her aside and out of range again.

A growl erupted from his chest as he tried to free himself from the tangle of wolves intent on bringing him down. Seriously, what had he done to upset Nina? But, he couldn't think about that if he wanted to get out of this encounter alive. Ice planted all four paws firmly on the ground, ignoring the various bruises and cuts he had, but the weakness Nina's blow had left was harder to ignore. The nerves were still shouting, refusing to take his weight properly, and while he was convinced it'd pass in a couple of minutes, that certainty couldn't help him now. And so, he leaned more to the right as he tried to rip his head backwards, out of Rhysis' grip. It was beginning to ache something abominably, teeth having punctured the rolls of fat and drawn trickles of blood, the sharp, metallic scent stinging his nose. Prey bled; predators didn't.
.ice aesir

Please note that some things were removed from this post, though the only one they concerned was Rhysis. :)
(This post was last modified: Apr 12, 2012, 10:25 PM by Ice.)
let the stars above shine in your soul
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