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we stand tall — Swift River 
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Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
Skipping Rach with permission as she is on absence. Playing Elsa as still there but just not doing much, due to Snarley's departure. :) I don't think we need official rounds any more? The SR members know now (IC'ly) to be aware of the new den and to attend to it - I'd just follow Cori and Indru's instructions in your post and then fade off as you deem it necessary, the den would be a ongoing project for the pack.

Eventually the large male came over and the submissive posture of Bear made Indru relax slightly, though he couldn't help but still express his annoyance at the somewhat lacklustre submission in response to his misdeed at the start. Still, he introduced himself to Corinna and Indru let it pass for now, though kept it noted, for the sake of the meeting, presuming Corinna would punish him for his errors upon his entrance. At the mention of the news of Swift River's inevitable growth Indru was pleased that it was not unknown news to the adults—if it had been he would have worried at the lack of attention they had been paying, however. With the current cubs, though, it was easy to see confusion on their faces and a small smirk crossed Indru's in response as he made a mental note to address it more in depth later.

Your Mom and I are having a new litter of cubs, he began to explain for the sake of the pack's youth, eyes watching them curiously to see how they took the news. For him the arrival of new cubs had been a great thing mainly due to the happiness the pack shared over the news, but he wondered whether his own cubs would take it the same way, it means you'll be their older siblings—like me to Uncle Triell—and you'll be able to teach them things. At the last suggestion Indru shot a careful, yet playful, glance in Hael's direction, knowing only too clearly what he may plan to teach them. You'll have to work with the pack to keep them safe like we did for you. He finished, turning to Cori and trying to catch her eye to see if she wished to add anything he'd missed.

Once done he turned his gaze back to the pack, following Corinna's lead with the instructions but giving the pack that little more encouragement they seemed to need to get started. Marsh, Ice, Triell, Angier he started, naming quickly the four largest (and therefore likely the strongest) wolves aside from himself and indicating the den. You four could take turns starting the foundations of the den with me. Then quickly Indru turned to his three cubs, smiling excitedly at them, now your job is to keep this area clear. When the dirt piles up you try to move it as best you can and pack it around the entrance to strengthen it. Order's issued, Indru made movement towards the den to begin digging one portion of it himself, leaving a side free for another of the four wolves he named to join in, as he left it to Corinna's discretion to decide on which jobs to give to the newest members of Swift River.

Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
( PP of Elsa, since Snarley's left. :c )

you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
It seemed she hadn't quite expected him to snap at her, but also that she had enough sense to bow her head. As long as she could keep her females in line, he wouldn't be bothered - and if she one day felt like reclaiming what ground she'd lost today, well, he'd fight her when the day came, gladly. Now, though, he saw satisfied that she ducked her head and looked aside with ears flat to her head. It was enough of a submission to please him. She wasn't lowest, after all, and he'd only wanted her to know her place. Satisfied, he focused his full attention on his leaders again, amazed at how silent the entire pack was even as it was announced they'd have cubs this year. The thoughtful looks on Fenru's and Rihael's faces were priceless, and he gave a hushed bark of laughter. They'd understand, and even if they didn't understand fully this year they likely would the next. Who knows - maybe they'd be the type to break free of Swift River and go out in the world, searching for mates of their own? When that spring came for them, they'd definitely know about cubs. He smothered the grin, snapping to attention as Corinna began to issue orders, seconded by Indru, who also called him by name. He gave a curt nod. He could do that.

Without waiting for any of the others to make a move, Ice shot to his feet and bounded the short distance to where Indru and Corinna were attacking the dirt around the entrance. He wasn't certain how wide the entrance really needed to be, and he was quite afraid that if he began to dig like a madman he'd just end up tangling his paws with his leaders... But, he was loathe to just stand and stare like some idiot. And so, he cautiously began to dig at the side opposite of Indru, Corinna's pregnant form between them. Being very uneducated in how pregnancy affected the body, he wondered if she was far enough along to get tired of this work, or if she could keep up as long as the others. These thoughts went around in his head as he dug paws and claws into the earth, ripping it up and shoving it back for the cubs to do whatever they wanted with (and hopefully, Rihael wouldn't push Kisla down in it).
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Siki who has 301 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Marsh Barrew
<blockquote>It was true that the bewilderment in the expressions of Corinna's sons was amusing, though Marsh's response was to roll his eyes at their immaturity. An ear twisted back as he heard Ice's muffled laugh, and guessed that it was to the same thing. He had known 'where cubs came from' at their age. No doubt they'd learn that lesson sooner or later, though.

The large male's somewhat improved submission was of more interest, though it was obvious that the attempt to make amends had not gone entirely smoothly. Indru's maintained displeasure satisfied Marsh, who felt personally insulted by his inferiors' lack of dutiful submission to their leaders. The hell kind of upbringing did these layabouts have?! No matter, it was not his problem, not now. If necessary, the Second was fully prepared to give the hefty brown brute a lesson or two of his own.

The matter swiftly returned to business, and Marsh could easily recognise the call to arms. The two leaders and Ice began to clear away the dirt, the two males starting to make more serious headway, and Marsh moved towards them, ready to take up the task when one of them needed a break. He smoothly deviated from his course only to take a step in the direction of Bear, who earned a swift growl and snap to the nose before the Second moved on, content with the drive-by reminder of his place. Next time, Marsh had better see some proper respect.

Quietly he moved behind Ice, nudging the white male in the flank with his nose to let Ice know that he was on stand-by. Until he was required, he busied himself with sniffing around the fallen trunk, acquainting himself with the new location and its unique scent.</blockquote>
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

Corinna's green gaze was focused on her three cubs, trying to gauge their reaction to the news. But unfortunately, all she received was blank stares of confusion. And she was not the only one who noticed. A stifled laugh came from Ice's direction, and she spared a moment she smile at him. It was an inside joke, it seemed, that all of the adults in the gathering were privy to, while the pack's youngest members were very much unaware. Indru noted the confusion as well, and began to explain in some more detail exactly what that meant. She nodded her head in agreement, but added nothing more. There wasn't a way to explain exactly what happened, and no doubt as her cubs aged another year, they too would understand exactly what passions thrived during the warmth of spring.

Indru called over the largest wolves of the pack, and without much hesitation they moved to join their leaders at the den entrance. That left Corinna with Elsa and Bear (as they giant brute had introduced himself) and the three cubs. Stepping out of the way, having been sandwiched between Ice and Indru, she scooted out of the spot to allow another to take her spot. Looking at Elsa and Bear, she smiled. "If perhaps you could help me work on the back side of the den, making sure it's secure. The tree will help as a wall, but I'd like to avoid any holes in it." Nodding at them, she dismissed them to do their assigned work, confident that they would.

Turning her attention to her first litter, Corinna woofed, calling them to her. "Do you want to say hello to your brothers and sisters?" Settling back on her haunches, the leader balanced on one leg as she brought the other to her stomach. The faintest of kicks could be felt, but hopefully that would be enough of a lesson for them to understand where they cubs would be coming from.

Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski
Kisla was relatively quiet for the time being – her slender body still held bruises from her tumble to the water, and if she dwelled on it long enough, she could still feel as if her lungs ached from the onslaught of water they had endured. Her father’s muzzle dipped in greeting and invitation to her, and dutifully, the pallid tawny girl prowled forward to settle herself closer to her family, though her eyes were now cast out upon the other members of the pack – a few new faces she did not know, nor did she find she cared to learn. It seemed only a handful of their members ever truly stayed, and to her, they were her true pack family.

Her musings kept her from listening to the low buzz of conversation around her, but when her father’s voice arose and announced the pregnancy of their mother, Kisla finally glanced up. Her expression was blank, her eyes carefully moving to study that of her brothers. Of course, when Indru further explained what he meant, Kisla grasped the situation further.

Basically, Corinna was having new cubs, and they were going to get kicked from the den very soon.

While it seemed an unpromising thought, Kisla moved over to her mother’s request at building the new den, and silently, the girl pressed her muzzle to Corinna’s belly, her ear pressing closer to her unborn kin. “Will they be boys, or girls?” All thoughts of working at clearing away the piles of dirt vanished from the youth’s mind, and for now, she was transfixed at having another little sister.

sparking up my heart

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
    If I go crazy then will you stillcall me superman?

His primary concern became Kisla, but Marsh was on the job and Triell did not have a single doubt the Second would find her. The young lady showed up before to much worry could pass, and his eyes followed her. The flooding had taken some kind of toll on her, but the role of parent was not his. What he might offer to say in comfort, or assurance he felt he did not have to give. If she did not act any different that would have been more cause for worry.

He shifted his weight not quite feeling his heart was in this, but he did want to be here to show his support. Intently he stared at the large brownish brute came sliding in like a great legged moose. This was likely to be the strangest sight the Tainn would see today. Who had accepted him he wondered. It seemed unlikely of both, and yet he was here so Triell wouldn't question it.

He put forth an effort to listen to news that he had expected. He smiled at the boy's reaction, thinking they would figure it out eventually. Everyone did at some point. Much like Ice he decided it was time to start his work. Since Ice and Angier were the ones digging, he sank beside Marsh, copying his own investigations until it was his turn to work.

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by - who has 26 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Bear Aleiz
Relief flooded him as the female who was in charged offered him a smile and work to do, though he hadn’t missed the displeasure on some of the males faces. Way to go Bear, piss off everyone on your first mission. He would have whined to himself at his stupidity, at his rustiness in society but at least he had come back to him in the end. Still, he had an opportunity now to redeem himself by doing a good job at helping the “rounded” lady at securing the back of the den site where she would soon give birth to her young. How exciting! He hoped he would have a part in their lives; as he had promised to Indru, he could be called upon at any time to play the role of climbing frame, prey or just the sitter.

With a nod and a nudge to the lead females cheek, alongside his own friendly smile he allowed her to speak in peace to her children as he and the female called Elsa set about moving around the back of the den which was being dug to secure it with mud, leaves and anything else they could find which was strong and suitable for the task.

It felt good to be a pack wolf right now and whilst he might have some work to do with the others here, he was just happy to have found a place to call home.

Played by Grey who has 439 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Angier Lyall
<blockquote>Heeding Indru's instruction, Angier had jumped right in, shoveling the dirt out of his and Ice's way. The scent of the new den tickled his nostrils, mingling with the aroma of the cool, moist soil that was being unearthed. He wasn't quite sure how far they needed to dig but he was sure he would continue until his forelimbs were sore and the task was ultimately completed. Trying to mind his space and keep himself from encroaching on the area the others were working on he slowly moved forward inch by inch until a hefty pile of clay had accumulated behind his wagging tail.</blockquote>

Are you watching closely?
Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Grey who has 322 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fenru Donata
<blockquote>Indru's orders flew right over his head but Fenru obeyed Corinna's call as well as soaked up Indru's explanation, breaking it down word by word. Kisla leapt up to their mother's side and quietly the boy followed. He glanced back to Rihael once he had taken a seat inches from his sister. Her question made one side of his muzzle wrinkle curiously. He had never considered <i>that</i> before. On a whim he settled that he probably wouldn't mind having another sister, someone to keep Kisla company while he and Rihael were off on their own escapades. Another brother on the other hand had him worried. Maybe they would <i>steal</i> all the attention... then he'd never be able to spend time with Mum and Dad. Not like before anyway...

He looked down to his forepaws and dug his claws idly into the dirt before checking to see how Dad and the rest of the pack were doing. He angled his muzzle downward then raised a paw to scratch at the bridge of his nose as if it would help clear the haze that started to fill his head. What did he have to teach his younger sisters (and/or brothers) as an older sibling? He wasn't as impressive as Dad or Rihael in build, or so he thought, so what use could he be in keeping them safe? Doubt, worry, distress... The flood was just the beginning of it all... a rather tumultuous introduction to {young} adulthood. His brows rose and for some time he stared into the tawny hues of Kisla's pelt, becoming lost in the pale tan and brown fibers.</blockquote>

Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
Gonna to fade this out now with a quick post.. If anyone has any last posts to make please do so by June 13th!

Not long after his words were spoken the River wolves got to work and as Indru moved to join Corinna's side digging the den Ice was the next to join them, with Marsh and the others waiting as the reserves. Soon, to Indru's slight relief due to her condition, Corinna steppe down for digging and gave one of the males Indru had directed a place to fill as Indru as Ice continued on steadily. He had intentions to make it a larger den than the previous one, which had been a bit of a squeeze at times, and as this hole was far to shallow to even be called a small den they had a fair bit of digging to do.

From the corner of his eye Indru could see as well as hear Corinna call their older cubs to them and he listened with curiosity as she began to address them. It was bound to be an intriguing time for them, they were Indru and Corinna's first litter and therefore had no older siblings to discuss it with, but Indru couldn't vision any of them taking it too badly. After all, he had no intentions of ignoring them when the new children came along. A feeling of contentment filled Indru as he watched and joined the River wolves in the building of the new den, it was a pack bonding ceremony and it only helped secure their strength and ability to move on as a pack.