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into my garden come — Wildflower Glade 
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Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
(Woo! Not gonna lie, I feel honored x3)
<blockquote>Ava wore her finest troll face, a dopey smile and an unimposing stare, while Ice had to wedge his way half-way out from under her limp body. Even with her best attempt at being dead weight he still managed to slip out from beneath her. The fact was not at all surprising, and she really could've made a better attempt at catching herself, but she somehow did not care too much about a well-poised landing. The dark-coated female accepted the tumble sans grace and let herself hit the desecrated glade with a not-so-gentle thud, falling into a motionless silence while her friend righted himself and found a comfortable position that didn't include a black-furred plus-one.

A snort accompanied her sassy eyeball-roll while she mused, "<b>Oh I certainly agree with you - maybe there's some wires crossed in there. You wouldn't have ever guessed it. But I think they're hiding amongst us. The crazy ones. We'll never know.</b>" She matched Ice's lolled tongue with a toothy grin, even though there was a little truth behind her musings. I mean, Nina was obviously a little touched for getting involved in a brawl that had literally nothing to do with her, at a time when their pack was brand new. How had she even known about them? There really wasn't a way she could have, so as it stood Ava could only figure that she joined in on the attack for literally no reason at all. And willingly throwing yourself in a fight between so many wolves and not having any reason at all for it certainly constituted <i>at least</i> a few loose marbles. And then, of course, there was Tisa, who had been waving her butt in the air looking for a playmate... and telling her to <i>shut the fuck up, bitch,</i> the next. She couldn't help the bristle of her fur at the memory. How unfortunate that blackberry roots and leaves were important in healing, for Ava had no intention to revisit the fields for quite some time. Luckily Naira had stores, and if not there was always Chantille. Wide, open fields apparently attracted the loony ones...

And speaking <i>of</i>... did this constitute a wide, open field? Perhaps not, because she'd found it while traipsing through the Thicket of Secrets, which was in no way at all wide or open or a field. This was just some lucky mishap that she'd happen to come across and ruin. Hopefully no loonies were lurking around this place... although... she turned her head to give a quizzical look toward Ice, mischief shining in her amber eyes, but stopped short upon meeting his gaze. Rather than the silly or jovial expression she was used to finding on him, her pale-coated friend wore something more observant even upside-down. It was sufficient to calm her playful thoughts. There was something tentative hanging around his silver stare so she brought her head to rest upon the ground easily, ears perked forward. Ava hung on every second of motionlessness until finally the soft request came forward.

An easy smile fell across her lips as she considered it. Did she have to run along home? Funny how when she had originally ended up in the beautiful glade she had longed for her home, and now that it was sufficiently destroyed Ava wanted to stay. Of course, the flowers really didn't have anything to do with her decision. Her pack was strong and loyal despite what they lacked in numbers. There was still a little ways to go before the newborns arrived. So much laziness in her bones had formed, and it was far more comfortable here in the fauna than it would be on the cold stone floor of her den back home. Besides, here she was in pleasant company. Side-to-side with a genuine knight it was difficult to find a reason pressing enough to get up and leave. Besides, who knew when would be the next time Ava and Ice got a chance to meet?

Though her eyelids grew heavy, her smile had revitalized. "<b>They can miss me just for tonight,</b>" she decided, allowing the mountains to crumble from her worries. They'd rise again with the sun... but that was hours from now.
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
( You and Ava deserved it. <3 )

you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
Her theory was interesting, and he found his tongue-loll morphing into a wide tongue-loll-grin. Nina was the dangerous kind of crazy, but then there existed the good kind... the kind that lay tangled in uprooted flowers and so near his own body. He winked at her before yawning, showing of all his fancy teeth. "Well, I've heard they're quite good at hiding in crowds..." he told her lazily while giving her a meaningful stare - you know, the sort that conveys a shared secret? Both Ice and Ava were mildly off their rockers, that much was obvious, but they weren't the kind that was prone to randomly rip into other wolves. They were the harmless sort of lunatics that existed in every family.. even if her fur randomly bristled. He didn't question her though. Sometimes you shivered for no reason at all, and it set your fur on edge.

Or you were thinking about encounters with murderous bitches, but hey, Ice wasn't a mind-reader.

He liked the fact that she seemed to think about his soft-spoken question, that she actually weighed her options and her own desires. If there was one thing Ice didn't want, it was for someone to do something against their own will only to please others. He doubted Ava would be the type to do it, but you never knew. He wanted with all of his heart for her to give him this token of their friendship, but he wanted it to be willingly given, and thus he tried to keep his gut from drawing into a tight knot of worry when she pondered it. With a smile she said, "They can miss me just for tonight,", and Ice felt every worry leave his body with a single breath. The tension looped out of his muscles and he gave a smile for the stars, playfully batting a paw in her direction - but, being upside down, it was sort of hard. Instead, he tilted over to lay on his side against her and tried to bury his head in her neck fur. She smelled of Rhysis, Naira, and mountains, but more importantly, she smelled of herself - her black, nameless self. It was that scent he drew deep into his lungs before pulling back and smiling at her. "I'm glad," he whispered and it was true; he was glad that they were the ones to do the missing, and not him.

Then his head laid itself down upon the grass again, and his gaze became lazy, soft. Sleep would come easy after his long track and their bout of play, and it would be welcome. Waking up next to her and perhaps setting off in the same direction would be very welcome too. A decision not formed in his waking mind happened then, and he gave her muzzle a sleepy but friendly lick before letting his eyes flutter close. Swift River was his pack and family; Ava was his friend, but just as much family. The sensation of peace that draped itself across him like a heavy, comfortable blanket told him as much.
.ice aesir

( wolfie good night? ^^ )
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
<blockquote><i>Hiding in crowds</i>, pft. Surely he did not mean Ava herself? She was just the farthest thing from crazy! Her grin grew a little cheeky around the edges, meeting his stare with a concurring tilt of her chin. Perhaps it was true that they were a little crazy themselves, but the pleasure of knowing that was Ice's alone. He was some special case, some exception, where she didn't worry at all about showing a spit of sanity. Independence to act was absolute in their case, and it was just as much tiring as it was freeing. Who else could she go so long without asking their name? Perhaps one day Swift River could pardon her pack, and it wouldn't be such an abomination to have her close friend. But despite that being the best-case scenario, there was something inherently special about their off-limits situation. If they could be regular friends, with regular visits and actual names, certainly Ava would be happy that things were going well. It just wouldn't be as fun, at all. So long as nothing dastardly had come of their super-secret-silent-shenanigans, then there was no pointing in hoping for the 'better times'.

Somewhere along the way her eyes had closed, though she wasn't exactly trying her hardest to keep them open. Ava was quite content where she was... more than quite content, even, she was <i>happy</i>. Occasions like this could not be taken for granted. After all, they lived in the wilderness and peace and calm were far and few between, even for the top predator. Gently she pushed from her elbows to cuddle closer to her pale-furred friend, accepting his snout in the fur of her neck. Thankfully it was not so windy as it was the last time, and his dark nose wasn't just a black ice-cube on the end of his muzzle. The spring night enveloped them, bidding a goodnight to them both while the gentle hush of the occasional breeze blocked the sounds of nocturnal critters. She was not perceptive of much anymore, besides the cool night air and the feeling of peace that huddled close to their bodies. It was easy to let go, just for some hours.

Tonight she'd dream of warmth.
(Wolfie goodnight <3)