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What is there for me? — The Wildwood 
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Played by Bridget who has 109 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tlarx Everfall
Tlarx had seated himself directly next to Athena; their fur was touching. He continued to watch Remy, who stated she was no miss. He almost erupted in laughter, but instead did so within his mind. Not a miss? Every female was a miss, or a lady. No, no. This one was claiming she was some sort of bad-ass, it seemed. Her pale eyes were cold on Follko, and Tlarx seemed to lose interest quite quickly. With a quick shrug, he pressed himself against Athena, whispering in her ear "It seems to be gettin' kind of weird, if I'm not mistaken."

A light chuckle came from his throat, almost like a kitten's purr. Rolling his eyes playfully at his female companion, he leaned in again, a suggestion to slip off his tongue "Would you like to leave?" He brought his head back now, looking at the older wolf as Remy continued to cast her glare. This was becoming awkward and odd quite fast. Well, it always took one to ruin the party. Patiently, Tlarx waited Athena's response.
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
The bond of friendship between the two white wolves was hard to miss and Koda smiled for them. It was always nice to run into friends, especially ones that were not often seen. At the owl's completion of his question the older male moved over to investigate the large bird and finally announced himself as Follko. The older wolf seemed to be in good spirits and quite friendly. He also seemed concerned for the unnamed female's feelings of security and offered her friendship. Her response was insults and threats.

Koda's eyes darkened and his brows furrowed. Her rudeness had not been necessary, not in the least. Well this impromptu gathering was anything but <span class='word'>haimish</span> now wasn't it? He turned his gaze on the female that finally named herself as Remy. <b>"Was that truly necessary? Follko offers you kindness and you return threats."</b> he said in a hard voice. He gave others the benefit of the doubt when he first met them, reserving any judgement until he saw what they were made of. The female, <i>Remy,</i> had just fallen a peg in his eyes. Not that she would care what he thought of her. He turned back towards the older wolf and dipped his head to him, <b>"Pleased to meet you, Follko."</b> He gave him a friendly smile and a couple waves of his tail.
(This post was last modified: May 31, 2012, 07:08 PM by Koda.)

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

As the old man talked to the owl in the tree, she couldn't help but quirk an eyebrow at the scene. How odd. She never was into introducing herself to small animals, perhaps that was the thing to do now-a-days. Or it could be the old man's mind. Could be playing tricks on the poor fella. As he introduced himself, she was polite and dipped her head to him in greeting. But as he spoke to the unknown girl, she started to regret being so kind to him. He sure acted like a creep and she would have acted the same way the girl did. She was beginning to like this girl. She wasn't just all talk either, she looked like she could give that old man a whooping any day.

Tlarx murmured in her ear and she smirked, "The old man is giving me the creeps," whispering back into his ear. Koda seemed to take offense to Remy's comment and she smiled in amusement. "If you call that kindness, you must be as deranged as that old man." She said was a laugh. Tlarx suggested they leave and she honestly didn't want to be here anymore with these two guys. She didn't mind Remy, but perhaps it would be better if they meet without other company. Getting up swiftly, she turned towards Tlarx and moved towards the edge of the group away from the two other males. "Let's go, Tlarx. Nice meeting you guys." She said almost sarcastically, then looked towards Remy. "Good luck with these two." She said with a soft smile before walking away, waiting briefly for her male companion.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Bridget who has 109 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tlarx Everfall
Just gonna post to get Tlarx outta here <3

Tlarx smirked as Athena agreed to leave. He did like the elder wolf, but Athena was apparently creeped out by him. He was older, what was one to expect? Of course he'd be a bit wacky. Almost laughing, Tlarx shook his head, rising up to his large gray-white paws. After the pale woman spoke, he dipped his head to the wolves in which he met. "Lovely meeting you all." It was a simple statement, as well as a goodbye.

Turning slowly, he approached Athena, who stood waiting for him. He nuzzled her flank softly as he walked up on her right side. Nodding his head, he sniffed the wind before padding off with the Poisoned lady.
[{Tlarx exit}]
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
This whole thing was turning into such a strange situation. He found it rather ironic that the wolf that had been lurking in the shadows thought that Follko was acting creepy. It seemed that the white female agreed with her. He shook his head at their attitudes, suddenly grateful that he was a loner and not in a pack with such short sighted, judgmental wolves. He wasn't sure where Vafri stood, but he was siding with his lady friend and they seemed ready to head out together. At this point it seemed like the thing to do before someone said something that led to trouble.

Koda grimaced at Athena as she insulted both he and Follko, before taking her leave with Tlarx. If he was a different type of wolf he may have reacted more to the sideways insult, but it truly wasn't worth it. He gave the older wolf another small smile and said, <b>"I believe that it is time to take my leave. This gathering is anything but <span class='word'>haimish</span> and more than awkward. I am sorry that we couldn't meet under better circumstances. Truly."</b> Then he gave the last female a dark look and grumbled under his breath as he turned to make his way back into the forest, away from the distrusting female.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by TABs who has 107 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Follko Theizkei
My turn? I'm confused If its not I will delete this if necessary.
How come everyone thinks he's creepy? XD
Follko sniffed at the other wolves. Couldn't anyone take a damn
joke in this place? Its notlike he COULD even romance a female
since he was in a pack anyway. Only alphas could breed. The old wolf
ignored Athena's insult since he didn't feel like argueing with so many wolves about.
At least that Koda and Tlarx guy were nice enough.
"I didn't mean to offend you Remy but I did not know your name now did I?" Follko
tipped his ears sideways in a neutral pose. He didn't want her any more angry at him.

As he watched Tlarx and Athena leave he straightened his attitude and barked
a little goodbye to the pair. They looked nice together at least that was all he could
say for them. Tlarx had a bit of his respect; perhaps if he had talked longer with him
they would have gotten along better. Athena however he did not want to ever see again.

"Sorry Koda I guess you got to see a bad first impression on my part. I hope you have
a good evening if it's all the same..." The older wolf dipped his head goodbye to the loner
and wondered if the owl would leave him soon too. At least there would still be one wolf to talk
to unless Remy decided to leave too.
Follko thought about that for a second. Does he even want to talk to a shady female like that?

“Never to suffer would never to have been blessed.”
--Edgar Allan Poe   user posted image
Played by Ver who has 80 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Remy Geddes
(uhhh I s'pose I'll make my two posts now since everyone skipped me :x)

To her surprise, Athena took her side as opposed to Tlarx's, who had been giving her an evil eye since the moment she'd stepped out of the Wildwood. She gave the female a sideways grin; how foolish of Remy to not take her quiet mannerisms for intelligence. Quite pleased soemone else found him to be the fool as she had, Remy turned on the male, leveling him with her pale gaze and stating boldly, "<b>Kindness? I find it <i>misfortunate</i> that you are so naive.</b>" Shortly after, it would seem the pair decided to break off - yet another smart move, at least on Athena's part - and the least the pale giant could do was nod to the white female on her way out while the ghost of a crooked grin tugged at her dark lips. <i>Perhaps you ought to wish </i>them<i> luck</i>... she thought as she watched their departure for a moment, and then glared at the remaining males.

Follko seemed to get a bit of her hint as he slipped into a more neutral position and apologized, though Remy had discontinued to listen to him. At that moment Koda finally decided to walk away, which Remy deemed as his first decent decision in that entire time that she had to stomach his optimistic presence. Meanwhile he, as well as the others, wasted his time with meaningless goodbyes, as though the encounter had left him with long-lasting <i>friends</i>. Foolish boy. Perhaps one day he would learn the hardships of life. Remy looked between Koda as he walked away, and Follko as he stood there still, and snapped, "<b>Save your breath.</b>" There was no chance in hell she was sticking around, as much as she wanted to still look around at the strange tree. With a disdainful snort she turned away and loped off into the deadened trees, disappearing through the skeletal wood to the peace of solitude.

(Remy out)
user posted image
Played by TABs who has 107 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Follko Theizkei
Guess I'm the last post then? Cause I was skipped before too.. Just noticed. XD

Follko watched the female leave and wondered how everyone could
possibly live their lives with such a dark cloud always over their heads.
Life was to be lived with love, kindness, and respect to all those around you
and Follko had finally figured that out too late in his six years. He hoped these wolves
would not make his mistake and learn that lesson earlier than he had.

So with a sigh the wolf was alone again, though not quite alone. The owl
had still stayed. It watched him still with its golden orbs as he glanced at it
with his orange ones. Follko lifted his head and turned his body around. He would
leave the tree and its inhabitant alone now. So the owl could get its needed rest before
it hunted when the night came. The older wolf padded with his head high back in the direction
he had come. His pack might need him soon. If he wasn't there to help them
he was sure to get an earful later.
(Exit Follko)

“Never to suffer would never to have been blessed.”
--Edgar Allan Poe   user posted image