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Race Against Time — Bramble Falls 
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Played by Adalae who has 75 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adonia Valde
ooc; i hope i'm not intruding on anything by RP-ing here..

Adonia was exploring the extent of the territory, wanting to get used to all the landmarks and paths. She suddenly came upon three wolves, one of which looked extremely stressed, and then jubilant. Immediately curious, she recognized two pack members among the group (one of which she hadn't particularly had the chance of getting to know), and one wolf that she had never met before. Thinking that perhaps this would be a good time to give some assistance, she approached the wolves and hoped that she was not intruding in any way.

<b>Hello</b>", she said meekly, making sure to act like the subordinate she was beneath the higher pack members. "<b>I am Adonia, a new subordinate, and I do hope that I am not barging in any way, but I was wondering if I could be any kind of help?</b>"

Adonia always wished to be helpful, and this time was no different. She just hoped that she would not be told off for it.
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Her amber eyes touched first the male wolf, Borden whom she'd become quite attached to as of late. They then roved over to the smaller female - Atiris as she'd introduced herself. This female knew quite a bit about herbs and remedies, so she could be considered trustworthy, and rather helpful..in finding the herb she needed. Vlarindara had almost relaxed, having settled back onto her haunches before the other wolf made herself known. The white females reaction was to spin around and cut loose with a deep throated growl, the plumed tail curling up over her back in a tight coil. The new wolf was smaller than she - and she was already nervous, excited... worried. Some new canine sneaking up on her set her on edge, quite frankly.

The growl turned into an open mouthed snarl, her lips curled back over her teeth, displaying her long canines - despite her recent illness. Simply because of this, her coat was matted and lacked the usual luster of a healthy animal, but it did nothing to diminish her size. Everything about the large female spoke of her fear at having been snuck up on - the stiff, splay legged stance, her ears flattened against her skull, her tail up in a position usually saved for those in a more..dominant position within a pack. Vlarindara was neither a member of a pack, let alone in a dominant position over the slinking female. Despite her polite words, she had seemed to startle the female wolf - and not in a good way.

Thankfully, she seemed rooted in place, as if she was unsure whether or not charging the wolf was a smart idea. Strange...to see one usually so meek and mild move instantly on the defensive - possibly to the offensive at the simple approach of a wolf. It..hadn't helped that she had come from the direction of her den - where she'd left Raigo. Coincidence - quite possibly.. but to a wolf already worried for the pup? Dangerous.
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Played by Adalae who has 75 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adonia Valde
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>A</font>donia's eyes flashed in alarm at the wolf's sudden change of temperament. The white wolf had suddenly gone from excited and happy to an angry, growling wolf, all in one second. The wolf was clearly bigger than Adonia was, however she noticed that the wolf seemed to be a loner and not from any other pack. Her fur was matted and unkempt, and Adonia immediately regretted offering help. Her eyes narrowed as she spoke.
<font style='margin-left:20px;'><b>"</font>I apologize for alarming you, although I wouldn't suggest attacking me would make it any better."</b> The female wolf disliked fighting, as well as getting into fights themselves, so she took the thoughtful way out of using words to calm down the female. If that did not work and the female attacked her, well... then that would be another story.<b> "I mean you no harm,"</b> the female wolf spoke softly, although not backing down. While she <i>was</i> a quiet and patient wolf, she was quite stubborn when it came to arguments and fights. This was certainly no different. <b>"If you do not wish to have any help from me, then I will be off on my own and not waste any more of your precious time. I was a loner for an extremely long time until earlier today. I know how it feels to be on your own and watching everyone else's every move and always wondering about the well being of your own kin, although I think in your state it wouldn't be a good idea to pick a fight."</b>
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>A</font>donia raised her eyes slightly, as if in challenge, and her lips curled back over her teeth slightly, although not in a way of wanting to pick a fight. She stared at the other wolf, waiting to see if she made another move.
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

Though Borden had been glad to help out, his spirit was quick to disperse for when another wolf approached – one that carried the scent of the mountain in her fur – Vlarindara greeted her with a growl, bared teeth, curled tail and all. Alexander might’ve recruited this Adonia a mere half an hour ago for all he knew if he believed her words to be true. The Beta had acknowledged the subordinate’s greeting with a polite nod, and it wasn’t long until he stepped in front of the two females, separating them from one another. He was careful to make sure he didn’t curve his body one way or another; between the one he secretly adored and a pack member, he couldn’t afford to show favoritism. To protect Vlarindara from Adonia was to show the affection he had not publicly admitted yet (and he wasn’t ready to just yet, either) and place distrust in his pack; to protect Adonia from Vlarindara was to send the white wolf a message of disdain for treating the new Plateau wolf as such.

In-between the two, he glanced to Atiris as if to make sure she wouldn’t have a part in this face off or imbalance the situation by backing up their kin. He then looked to Vlarindara, his eyes meeting hers despite the sparks of anger and provoked irritation from being surprised shimmering over them. ”Shh… shh…” he feebly managed to soothe to her first. ”She’s apart of the pack, she only means well.” His expression went from shock to one that pleaded for her to understand what he was saying to her. ”She might know more about the root you need,” he stated. ”If I cannot be of help to you and Atiris, perhaps she can be… even more so.”

Making the most of what time he had before either of them could speak again, he glanced to Adonia. She had apologized and he did note that she also made an attempt to diffuse the situation. He bet her mention of Vlarindara’s physical appearance countered everything she had said before it though, for she also returned a defensive display. Her muzzle wrinkled and with the parting of her lips, she showed her teeth. Seeing her brace herself for a fight, Borden’s head raised and he waved his tail high behind him. His ears turned forward, remembering his position and his duty to keep the pack in line. The white wolf had come to him for aid and even though she had acted out of instinct, it didn’t mean Adonia had to speak back indifferently. He looked down at her. ”At ease,” he sternly stated, attempting to declare his dominance over her verbally.

Ears attempting to monitor their every shift in movement, their every breath and sound, he waited quietly. His words and warning should have been enough to bring them both down. If not, he would have to assert himself further upon them or consider more dire measures by calling for Alexander. Surely, he could put out the blazes here much quicker than Borden could…

(This post was last modified: Feb 01, 2011, 01:37 AM by Borden.)
Played by Adalae who has 75 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adonia Valde
<font style='margin-left:20px;'><b>A</b></font>donia looked from the white wolf who was showing aggression, to the calm pack member and second-in-command wolf, Borden. Not liking obeying orders for one, she almost considered continuing with her confrontation with the female. She hesitated. Was it really worth it? "No" a voice said in her head almost immediately. "This is where you should be, and where you belong. Don't screw it up just to show dominance over a loner". Once again looking towards the other wolf, Adonia relaxed her body and let her jaws close, stepping back slightly and sitting down, tail curled delicately over her front paws.
<font style='margin-left:20px;'><b>"Very well."</b></font> Adonia said, still careful to not turn her back towards the other wolf in case she attacked otherwise, although Adonia highly doubted that she would.
<font style='margin-left:20px;'><b>"And what is this about a root that you mentioned?"</b></font> Adonia asked with a slightly cold tone, although still attempting to remain friendly toward her new pack member, Borden, as well as the loner. <b>"I know some things about herbs and plants, as well as where to find them. I may be able to help you... of course, only if you wish me to.</b>
<font style='margin-left:20px;'><b>A</b></font>fter she stopped speaking, she considered the loner now in front of her. Adonia enjoyed guessing the pasts of wolves, as well as how they had gotten where they were, and their expectations and opinions about things. Adonia had a knack for interpreting body language. She had a feeling that something was wrong with either herself or kin, due to the fact that most asked about herbs or roots or certain plants if they needed them in some kind of cure to aid against an illness. What even increased her suspicions was the fact that a nervous and suspicious wolf like the one in front of her would approach a pack like the Midnight Plateau and ask for assistance in the first place. If she wasn't applying to become part of the pack, she most certainly would not even go near them, never mind approaching them and asking for help to find a plant.
(This post was last modified: Feb 02, 2011, 12:39 AM by Adonia.)
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank
The white wolf had taken a stiff step forward when Adonis mentioned her state of health, and it seemed even her fur was standing on end. She had opened her mouth as if to say something further to the wolf before Borden stepped between them. At his frst request to calm down, she tilted her head to the side and whined, instantly backing down. The female took a few steps backwards and lowered herself to the snow, tucking her tail beneath her legs. She hadn't meant to upset Borden, and still wished to avoid that outcome so she turned her head away when he mentioned the female was pack.

Had she ACTUALLY kept her head where it belonged - squarely on her shoulders, she would have noticed the smells of the two other wolves were lingering on this female. She hadn't, and that had been her folly, one that she regretted - but knew that she would have to take care of. "My apologies.. I just wish that you wouldn't sneak up on me..." Her tone was soft, contrite even, despite the somewhat condescending tone of the female in Bordens pack. Vlarindara kept her eyes averted, her large ears resting back against her neck as she was known to hold them when she was relaxed.. though there was a tension that was humming through the female - a tension that hadn't been there before.

She was scared - scared for her pup, and she'd taken more than her fair share of knocks for the boy and she had no intentions of stopping now. Vlairndara VERY carefully didn't look at the two wolves, and did her best to remain as small and unthreatening as possible. "Elecampene is the name. It's a yellow flower that looks like a daisy, but yellow.. with saw edged leaves and a thick, fuzzy stalk." The amber eyed wolf adjusted her position and abased herself, belly crawling towards the older male and let loose a small whimper escape her muzzle, lifting her nose up to lick at his jowls in submission. She then crawled over to the smaller female, Adonia and repeated the gesture - proving once and for all that she was no danger to any of them. Once she finished, she lowered herself to the snow and went belly up - the ultimate gesture of submission. Her eyes had closed, and she had gone silent, wondering what would happen.. but had left each of them with the choice to do as they saw fit.
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Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

Settling down and taking a step back before sitting quietly, Adonia spoke. Her tone was still chilled, but at least she chose words instead of actions. Borden scowled slightly as he listened to her, his tail now draped over his back. Insolent pup… his mind silently chided her, both of his golden eyes staring at her firmly. The sound of Vlarindara’s apology brought him to step back so she could answer Adonia without having to speak through his frame. He glanced to the white female quietly; seeing her ears lay back in their usual position and picking up on her tense energy made him uncurl his tail and sit back down.

Elecampene is the name. It’s a yellow flower that looks like a daisy, but yellow… with saw-edged leaves and a thick, fuzzy stalk. she explained. Borden noticed that she no longer looked at him or the other two females. His mind began spinning; he hadn’t expected his action to have so much impact. He had assumed Vlarindara would have been simply grateful that he had shielded her and that Adonia would have been more respectful. Apparently, that wasn’t the case…

The Beta eyed the subordinate one more time before returning his gaze to Vlarindara. She crawled to him and gave a small whimper. His right ear turned sideways, his face contorting in puzzlement. What was she doing? Her tongue lapped at his lower jaw and he glanced at her in shock, watching as she also licked at Adonia’s chin. Surrender… Submission… He stood up and took a step towards her, grazing his muzzle along her shoulder. The wolf before him was so… unlike the Vlarindara he knew – the spirited, proud and lively woman he had encountered in the Thicket. For a few seconds, he wondered if Adonia would interpret Vlarindara’s submissive display as a chance to prove that the wolves of the Mountain had put her in her rightful place… and, almost defensively, he took one more step forward. If Adonia – or Atiris – wanted to take advantage of her in her vulnerable position, he would see to it that they had to go through him first.

Played by Adalae who has 75 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adonia Valde
<font style='margin-left:20px;'><b>A</b></font>donia closed her eyes and listened to the wolf, making sure to get herself completely relaxed before answering. When she opened her eyes and felt the loner licking her jaws, a ripple of shock exploded through her, and right after that, a wave of regret and disappointment towards herself. What had she done? This was not like her, not at all. The female white wolf seemed extremely tense, although she had already shown her belly up in front of them. Taking a deep breath, she said,
<font style='margin-left:20px;'><b>"B</font>efore I answer about the root, I apologize for my.. inappropriate behavior."</b> Picking her words carefully, she continued, <b>It seems my... body got ahead of me and left my head behind."</b> Smiling softly, she continued, <b>And yes I have heard of elecampane, or Horse-heal as it was more commonly known as where I come from. During the winter months it was used when sickness raked through the pack."</b> Adonia put her head off to the side and closed her eyes, searching through her brain to find out where exactly this elecampane was located. <b>"You would probably be able to find it in this territory, although I didn't see it on my travels while I was coming into this territory. Perhaps it is located near a river or another source of water? An abundance of plants are found there, it wouldn't hurt to check. The plant could be anywhere."</b>
(This post was last modified: Feb 02, 2011, 12:22 PM by Adonia.)
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank
She wasn't really sure what had been the catalyst for finally reacting to the male wolf like she should have - whether it had been the sight of so many wolves, or the knowledge that he was quite simply out of her league. Vlarindara would never know, but she did know that he ranked higher than she - as did Adonia.. and the other female had seemed to want to press the advantage in rank she had to her.. which she would have fought against, but listened to. She had abased herself, knowing that not only had the Midnight Plateu pack grown in size - but she couldn't simply treat Borden as another wolf. She knew her feelings concerning the older male were muddied and confused - but she hadn't taken the time to sit down and sort through them - she'd been busy.

Raigo was her primary concern, and getting aide for his survival was foremost in her mind. She knew, or rather, had been reminded that in order to request assistance from a wolf pack - she had to act as her rank dictated. Normally prideful, the female would have gone belly up for No-one wolf.. unless it had been a member in her own pack ranking above her. This situation was slightly more... delicate in nature - a young life rode in the balance. She had been wrong to go on the offensive with Adonia, even if the female had snuck up on her. It hadn't bene until Borden's request.. no his Order to stand down that it really sunk in that he was Beta wolf of the Midnight Plateu pack... and as such, demanded more honor and respect than she'd shown him.

The sound of feet approaching in the snow made her squelch the instinctive reaction to right herself in the snow and confront the approaching wolf.. but she didn't.. she had put herself on her back - none of them had. Perhaps the realization of their stations... but not physically, none had put her there. She DIDN'T manage to stop the tremor of unease that went through her, or the fact that she tensed up as if in preparation to be bitten.. Instead, when she simply felt the light brush against her shoulder, she found herself to be most puzzled. He was standing close enough that she could smell his woodsy/salty scent..the scents off the mountain, but mingled with the smells he picked up while he scouted for his alpha. The female cracked an amber eyelid, watching him with something akin to shock, and confusion. He hadn't done anything but care for her and her young adopted pup, Raigo... and from the conversations they'd had his care was nothing out of the ordinary.

Her head returned to the pillow in the snow it had made when she'd first rolled over - waiting on the reaction of the other two wolves. For Raigos sake, she would abase herself as often as she had to to find that root. Though, despite all of this.. she was confused... uncertain. Knowing his position in a pack, and that he hadn't reciprocated her feelings had made the white female doubt herself.. consider withdrawing and returning to the life she and the pup had had... One of lonly travels with only each other for company. It wasn't as bad as it could be - but Raigo would be old enough to learn to hunt.. then they would have more than their fair share of food. She was looking forward to when Raigo could help her hunt - they would be able to take down the larger prey animals.. older, wiser boars... badgers, even the occasional injured deer. Prey that really was impossible for a single wolf to catch...When Adonia *apologized* Vlarindara wasn't really sure what she should do.

Taking a hint from Bordens soft touch, she rolled carefully to her stomach but stayed laying in the snow. The mention of water made her heart fly - she could look near the banks.. but WHERE to look for the root..She lifted her head slightly, high enough off the snow not to be soaking in it, but not high enough to be a challenge to the three wolves, nor did she make eye contact. In fact, Vlarindara very carefully kept her eyes averted from the three wolves, the wolves who ranked above her and held Raigos chances in their paws. "My thanks, pack member.." A tentative glance at Borden as she lifted her head and slowly got to her feet before taking a few steps backwards. Even though she had been on her feet, she was crouched as low to the ground as she could get. As she continued to back away, she returned to looking at the snow before she felt she was far enough away to straighten back to her full height... though her plumed tail was still held tightly beneath her legs.

Only after she was away from the three pack members did she lift her head up and look at Borden, those amber eyes speaking volumes - but not void of her defiance, her pride. "Your company...Beta of Midnight Plateu... would be an honor..should you have no other duties.." She gave him a last, longing look before turning and bounding over the snows, the white flag of her tail returning to its usual position over her back before she arced towards the river. Raigo was depending on her.. and she couldn't let him down.
(This post was last modified: Feb 02, 2011, 08:43 PM by Vlarindara.)
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Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

Only when Adonia seemed to relax did Borden lift his expectations for the worse. She offered Vlarindara more information about the flower, the root, the cure. In this territory… Near the river… The white wolf at his feet rolled back over and thanked her before stepping backwards. When she was a good distance away from him, he watched as she straightened. She stated that his companionship would be an honor. He glanced at her longingly as he nodded, accepting. Her addressing him as Beta sat uneasily on his mind, but he whisked it away.

After his vow to take care of both Vlarindara and Raigo, of course he was going to along with her. Even if he didn’t know much about plants, of course, he was going to be as helpful as he could be. He couldn’t just let her go when she had specifically come to the Mountain for help…

Taking a few minutes to address both Atiris and Adonia, he glanced to them solemnly. ”Your help is much appreciated,” he stated. ”Thank you for offering any information you have on this plant. I’ll see to it that your deeds do not go unrewarded.” He made to turn around and follow Vlarindara, but before he taking his first steps to depart Bramble Falls, he drew closer to Adonia to have one last word. ”You will learn to trust this pack, pup,” he growled under his breath. “And, to treat it and others with respect; she might have not been one of us but there was no need to seem apathetic after she simply snarled at you. Atiris and I had the situation under control, provoking Vlarindara further should not have been your first choice of reaction.” He continued after taking a moment to realign his thoughts, ”Somewhere out there, a yearling’s life is in jeopardy, so if you’ll excuse me… I trust that you’ll keep the territory well-guarded while Vlarindara and I look for the elecampane.” He raised his brows as though to make certain that she understood then walked away.

His feet made a set of tracks along Vlarindara’s, striding over to her with an air of significance. Raigo had never left his mind and as the afternoon sun burned behind a thin cover of winter clouds, starting to descend from its high point in the sky, he knew time was beginning to become very precious. ”Let’s go, Vlar,” he quietly said, looking to her. Daring to reach out to her, he edged closer and nuzzled the bridge of his nose to her neck. ”We could do without them...”