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A copper for your thoughts? — Copper Rock Creek 
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Played by Silvia who has 94 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Florence Flint Fortibus
For a brief moment, Florence felt the glee of winning a game. For whatever reason, beating this woman felt like a small triumph in and of itself. Florence was good with riddles, for the most part. But he quickly reigned it in, staring over at the woman with a slight smile on his face. "Does that not mean I am given your name, now that I have won the game of riddles?" He had no idea of her hidden intentions, of wanting his skull that lay beneath his flesh and fur. A simple push, she was thinking and he would slowly die from the cold but he had no idea what plans lay in that twisted mind of hers. Not that he ever wanted to know what was playing games in her mind. All he wanted to know was her name, now that he had won it from her. And that he did not have to worry over givin her a free meal. Once this meeting was over, they would hopefully never meet again. The posse corneas of the skull, the way she caressed it and kept it close...Florence nearly shuddered again at the thought. For a moment, he considered telling her the answer to the riddle but decided against it. It would be his little bit of pay back to her, for making his skin crawl and his fur shake. Which reminded him that he had taken a dip into the river earlier...his fur was still wet and a wing had begun to pick up slightly as they stood there, staring at each other and waiting. "speech"
Played by AshBash who has 156 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hexamora Beauvau
We can go ahead and archive this after you post an exit. :)

Her plans were brushed aside as Florence's voice pushed through them, forcing the ivory woman to once more deal with the reality surrounding her and the fate she was forced to face. She had lost the bet and now must pay the price, letting silence continue to blanket them before clearing her throat while her paw stopped stroking the skull. "Primrose. My name is Primrose." A small smile crept onto the black lining of her lips, deciding to take the loop hole of the bet. Primrose was the name she had given the pipsqueak pup that belonged to that fruity smelling pack that reeked on his fur back when there had been a hoard of wolves around a fallen bison carcass. Her carcass the gods had blessed her with, not them. She had agreed to give her name, but there was no rule saying she couldn't give him her alias name. There was always a way around things and Hexamora was an expert at finding them.

Now that the fun and games were over the woman instantly became bored of this man's presence, rising to her feet with an obnoxiously loud sigh to voice her current mood. "Well since there is no fun to be had with you anymore today I guess I should allow you to return to your duties." Her bi-colored eyes motioned towards the collection of herbs and flowers at his feet before her head dipped down to claim her precious, body turning with a flick of her snowy tail. Today there was nothing left to pry out of him entertainment wise, but tomorrow and the next day were a different story. The Beauvau woman would see him again and planned to have some fun with him whether he liked it or not, but for now she was intent on finding a place to claim as her base camp. Without a word she trudged forward to disappear into the surrounding brush, leaving nothing but her scent trail behind.


Played by Staff who has 4,814 posts.
A lynx has left behind the remains of a deer. +5 Health