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I can hear myself breathing — Fireweed Rise 
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Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
if anything needs to be corrected, let me know(:

From out of nowhere, Nina the crazy bitch she was, came charging at her yelling an incoherent phrase to Ice. She managed to slam into Ice's left leg, knocking him on top of her. She was in the middle of attacking his stomach and a short yelp escaped her maw as one of his knees (I think it's his knee, if not correct me) collided into her head. Her open jaws suddenly snapped shut and her world went black again, but luckily, it was not cause she was unconscious. She managed to graze his soft underbelly before he jumped back onto his feet. He attempted to kick her, but she managed to move in time to avoid the kick in the face. Nina ended up being dragged away by Valiant before she was able to pounce on Athena. Where the hell did he come from?

She was now laying vulnerably on the ground and soon she felt the jaws of another wolf on her rump, trying to pull her away. She whipped around as Triell managed to grab part of her tail. Her teeth were snapping at his face trying to puncture his soft eyes of grab any other part of his face. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the newly accepted Poison Path wolf, Jedd retreat through the woods and a deep growl was thrown out to him before she launched herself at Triell. Two of his pack members were under attack and he had the audacity to walk away. He was a Poison Path wolf now and it was his duty to protect his pack members.

Nina was somewhere by Valiant and Athena was being dragged by Triell. Her teeth and front claws were trying to dig at his face even through he was digging deeper into her tail. Her adrenaline was running so high that she did not feel much of the pain, but by the end of this fight, she knew that she would be feeling quite terrible. Thankfully, her leader was healer, so when or if they managed to get out of this alive they would have someone to help them. She could only hope now that Valiant could come assist her in getting this leech off her tail before he did too much damage.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
Before Nina could smash her weight into tiny Athena she was brought back quickly by another wolf. WIth a quick growl she whipped around immediately after she was released. Another male, the newcomer who had stood by Rhysis had been there. This was the wolf who had muttered something about peace. With a loud snarl she snapped at the male, "Can you not get in my way, please?" She knew it was harsh to say this for she had never met the other wolf and the two had never talked. Regret was obvious in the female's gaze for snapping at the male, but at the moment she couldn't do anything about it.

Turning her back to the male she watched the scene in front of her. Ice looked trapped with Rhysis and she was tempted to make her move to help the other male, but she had to stop herself. She had already screwed up once. Triell seemed to be in combat with Athena as he clamped down on his tail. With quick speed on her side Nina rushed towards Ice and Rhysis. Out of the corner of her eye she saw the other wolf that she had met, Jedd mutter something about this not being his fight and then quickly walked away.

If he truely was friends with Rhysis she could only think of the punishment that the wolf would have later and with a wince turned back to the situation in front of her. Running behind Rhysis she snapped at his tail, only hoping that she had actually gotten hold of it before tugging. If that didn't do though, since the older female was behind him she clawed at his back only hoping that she was grazing his skin and not just his fur.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino
<blockquote>Chaos ensued.

The silvery wolf watched as the supposed pack mate retreated, a low growl issuing forth from his chest around the scruff of the smaller female. A warning that if he ever saw the wolf again, there would be more than just consequences from his pack to face. Dragging Nina further from the fray, his attention snapped back to Athena, having been caught by her tail by the other large black male. A small smirk crossed his features at her vicious attempt of an assault on the younger man, and he had a feeling the stranger was simply in a situation similar to his own, he muttered from around the fur and skin in his mouth with a chuckle <b>"Poohaps eee shud shwap ay?"</b>. However, he doubted the other wolf heard him being so preoccupied with the little white female snapping savagely at his face.

Finally releasing his grip about the brown lady's neck, he hoped she would have the common sense to keep out of it and be happy to let the pale river wolf and Rhysis fight it out, unfortunately, the brown wolf didn't nearly have as much sense as he thought she should and she threw herself back into the fight. He contemplated going after the female again but then decided Rhysis could do without a tail, Athena however would look far less attractive missing hers, and he did hate to see a pretty thing wasted. Making his way assertively towards the scuffling pair ears forward and tail high, a low growl of warning to both of them voiced itself from his mouth. It said both <i>Let her go</i> and <i>Stay out of it, you've done enough for now.</i> at the same time. There were better days and times to go starting a war, and he doubted Rhysis' tawny bitch would be happy to bring young into the world if there was constant threat of attack from her previous family. She had seemed quite attached to them and that sort of loyalty didn't simply wash off with the spring rains.</blockquote>
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Played by Bridget who has 67 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Jedd Millinae
Jedd snarled, for he could tell his two other packmates were highly
irritated with his choice. He parted his jaws, yelling among the commo-
tion: "If I had known this damn pack was formed out of cowardice
and selfishness, I would have never joined."
he spat these words
with an acidic hatred, his eyes narrowing. This was pathetic. These wolves
ran away from their old pack just to start their own? He felt himself almost
rooting for the Swift River wolves. He huffed, chest puffing out. He was
fuming. Aggravated. Ready to kill. No, he would not attack again.

Instead, the wolf turned on a heel, walking away from the fight. He turned his
head back, gazing towards the fighting wolves, rolling his eyes "Good luck,
Rhysis. Athena- I'm sorry you're in this shit. You seem smarter than that.
Loyalty is one thing, but cowardice is not accepted. I know you are pissed at
me, Rhysis, but I am no traitor. You are."
With this, the gray man took
off, his blood boiling under his flesh, his eyes full of hatred. Why the fuck had
he wasted his time with these wolves?

Jedd was never to return to the Poison Pack den site afterwards.
[[[[Jedd exit.]]]]]
((Rhysis/Tyrant, it would be ok to remove him from Poison Pack :P.))
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
    Gives you hell.

It didn't take much to get the small lady's attention, but his plan had worked. She was getting out of the fight, he didn't want to see her knocked out again. If only she'd believe him he had not wanted to fight....not her. She was quick to try to dislodge him her razor canines snapping at his face. It was not her best strategy the more she snapped the more he'd raise his head, up or backward to escape. He doubted it felt good, but wasn't about to let go. All he needed was her snapping and clawing into Ice or he would have set her free. For talking he could not do much. She caught the side of his cheek, making it sting instantly. Then he growled giving a hard tug. "Quit," he mumbled through his teeth hoping she might understand he could have sat on her if he wanted too.

All the while trying to dogde Athena's lethal weapons, and hold onto her he caught the muffled words of the silver, and cinanmon man. A chuckle rumbled in his throat, he'd love to trade, but wondered why the man did. Did he know Athena or did she look pathetic? She certainly was not. Already Nina had freed herself and was making a beeline for Rhysis' tail. Triell was caught again how to convince her to just lay still and let Ice and Rhysis end it. Te large peppered man came to the rescue again, and after giving her a stare he let go rearing, half jumping back if she tried anything. He did not take his eyes off her, daring her to go after Ice and he'd be right back on her. Momentarily he heard Jedd announcing no more of his loyalty for the Poison Pack and Triell hid a grin satisfied. Least someone knew when they were being used. If only someone else could realize that.

If only Ice, and Rhysis would stop ripping on each other. He was not about to break them up, or beckon him. He continued to keep his eyes drawn on them, Athena, and Valiant in the corner of his eye. Half of him wished Naira was here, and she could have heard her sweetheart. What would the lady have done. "Loyalty..."he quietly huffed, wanting to question why they were to Rhysis, but deciding to put a sock in it. All he needed was for them to turn on him. His fight was with Rhysis not them.

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
Heads up Lightening; Rhys will actually want to kill Nina if she doesn’t back off this go around.
Oh and ignore the numbers, they’re for you Ice! <3

<blockquote>His teeth slid along the line of Ice’s neck as Nina got in the way and pushed him forwards. Honestly, that wolf was useless to everyone. Did she even know who she wanted to attack here? He actually felt pissed for Ice, for now the wolf’s scruff lie within his teeth and he was almost useless to retaliate against Rhysis’ height and good grip he had, thanks to her. Did she know nothing of honour? This had nothing to do with her at all. It made sense if Triell jumped in, it made sense that Athena threw herself into the brawl... but Nina? She had no loyalty to anyone here and all she was going to do was get herself killed. Hopefully by his jaws.

Ice had given her a good kick as he flung himself forward to get away, good. He hoped that hurt. As the skin from the skull thickened to the scruff, he grunted- he wanted to bite his face to bits. It was still better than nothing and he clamped down as hard as he could, hoping to give himself a good grip. From there, he raised a front leg, talons exposed. He forced his head down, trying to pull Ice down lower so that he might get a claw or two to his face to scratch once more towards those eyes- he wanted to blind him, and he was pretty determined to do just that. (1)

Or would have been until he felt the breath of another at his rear and heard the snap of teeth towards his tail. He snatched in the fluffy banner and tucked it beneath his body (2), of course then she wanted to scratch at his arse and having had enough, he kicked out a hind leg towards her face, her teeth catching his ankle to nick the skin (3) but a good foot in the mouth should get her to get lost, it was her one and only warning to back off for right now, he’d quite happily drop Ice and tear her to shreds instead. There was no honour in what she was doing. Ice fought for his pack, for his leader... Nina for for herself.

[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
<a href='http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r47/nuclearmist/fight3.jpg' target='_blank'>Diagram!</a>
Tyrant, let me know if anything in this post is wonky format-wise. :)

you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
From the corner of his eye he saw Triell drag Athena away by the tail, but he didn't have the time to stop and wince at the imagining. The other female broke free from the unknown male as Rhysis began to increase the pressure on his neck. It seemed his young opponent just wasn't interested in letting go, despite Ice's thrashing. It was frustrating, humiliating, but most of all, panic-inducing. The knowledge that Nina was somewhere and he couldn't see her didn't help either, for she might attack him at any time again and he'd have no ability to see it. A frustrated growl escaped his jaws as he rocked back on his heels, bracing against Rhysis. Unless the black male rose up to push all of his weight down on Ice's head, his neck was no match against the River male's braced bulk. Still, he grunted with the effort as his head came lower than he would've liked all the same, adrenaline causing his front legs to quiver. Damn it all. Damn. It. All.

It was at that point that Rhysis began to flail about with one of his paws, bringing it dangerously close to Ice's head. A deep, threatening growl rolled through him. Wolf claws might be useless at scratching, but he didn't want one in his eye anyway. And so, he let his eyelids fall down, offering what shielding they could. The blunt but cracked tips of the claws poked his cheek, the side of his muzzle, snagging on the thin skin just below the eye. Frustrated and furious, Ice bellowed and turned his head to the right, straining against the teeth that were sunk into his scruff. Sometimes attack is the best defense, and if he pushed his head closer to Rhysis' front legs, he'd have a harder time getting his paws up to Ice's face, or so he hoped.

With a savagery born from frustration at the situation, at the grip he was in and the aching of his bruised muscles and the blood trickling from his neck, Ice began to snap wildly towards Rhysis' upper front legs while he tried to swing his hips around to the left, to get them more head-on if possible. Hind paws scrabbled against the trampled grass as he tried to brace himself to the best of his ability, the left one quivering slightly and sending him spikes of painful warnings, pushing his head as close to that black chest as he could, seeking to find purchase for his hungry teeth.
.ice aesir
(This post was last modified: Apr 13, 2012, 01:35 PM by Ice.)
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

The grip of Triell's teeth was no lighting up, so she tried to get at him harder. The base of her tail was throbbing, but she was not about to get give up if she had too. She was not about to go sit this out if everyone was going to attack Rhysis. He was her new leader and as his second, she had to try to protect him. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw that he had the upper hand on Ice, by the looks of it, but she could not exactly see all of the fight. However, she did notice Nina in the fray, trying to get at her black leader's tail. A menacing growl escaped her jaws as she stopped tearing at Triell for a moment. Oh, no you don't.

With the deep growl from Valiant, Triell finally let go of her tail. She whipped the rest of her body away from him as he leaped backwards. If he planned to come back for her, she would see it this time, but she was more focused on the crazy brown female. She was not about to let her rip at Rhysis's tail. As Nina tried snatching at his tail, Rhysis smartly tucked it away from her reach, but she doubted she would stop there. That is where Athena was going to come in.

Racing past Triell and away from Valiant, she bee-lined for the brown bitch looking to slam into the side of her. The white lady had enough sense now to not get in the middle of the two males fight, but she was not going to let Nina snap at his hindquarters. Her stature was low, hoping that she would be able to knock the slightly bigger wolf off her feet while her teeth were searching for any part of her back leg or back to grab onto.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
Too much was going on for the Hervok to understand but she was smart enough to hear the warning coming from Rhysis, and she knew that he knew too. It wasn't her fight and she should just leave. When she was about to make her exit she felt a small bump on her side and her back part of her body slide to the side slightly. Turning her head to look at Athena the female's eyes became blank and her mood suddenly became numb. <i>Girl, get out of here.</i> Backing up she ran for the woods away from the fighting. She hoped the two River wolves caught scent of what pack she was from so she mightg be able to help them.

With a quick howl to the other wolves she hoped that Ice and Triell got the message. With a small nod towards Valiant she fled into the forest away from the fighting wolves, she need not be here anymore, it wasn't her fight and there was no point in getting Creek pack into a war they didn't need. Ruiko and Aeylen wouldn't appreciate that. With a small shake of her head she went back towards Copper Rock Creek territory, it would be awhile before she got back.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino
Blurgh sorry for the shortness.

<blockquote>It was almost a relief to see the small brown female flee with Athena on her tail. It seemed even the white lady had the sense not to get between the two larger males. At least it was a fair fight now. He heard the dark male mutter something about loyalty and a small chuckle escaped his mouth. <b>"The only loyalty anyone need worry about is loyalty to themselves. After all, you're the only one that has to live with yourself forever."</b> He said to nobody in particular but turning to keep half an eye on Athena and the other on the fight between Rhysis and the other silvery male.

He wasn't too worried about the other dark wolf. He seemed as intent on keeping out of it as he was. The scars from the tawny bitch Naira still stood out clearly on his flank and he didn't care to be adding more to them just yet.</blockquote>
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